You're still the one

Tony S
You're still the one

It's time to discuss what's hotter, soap fans! The heat from the 57 candles on DAYS' birthday cake or Eric and Nicole's steamy shoot for Bella!? It'll take two Two Scoopers to sort this debate and celebrate everything Salem in this week's smoldering, anniversary-sized adventure!

So, I have great news and not-so-great news. Let's start with the latter. I baked a birthday cake for DAYS, but Stefan happened by and started to snack on it. I tried to patch it back together, but as it turns out, 57 candles produce a lot of heat and wax. It's a bit of a mess, not unlike Stefan, but I digress.

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The great news, though!? It's hard to have a bad day when your favorite show turns 57! It's even harder to have a bad day when your favorite show turns 57 AND one of your favorite people joins you to celebrate. With that, Laurisa and I came up with 57 Reason to Love DAYS! So, grab a glass of something fun and fizzy, and join us as we randomly gush about life in Salem. We love it because...

We are here all day for Chanel's reactions each time she hears about a piece of Salem's history.

DAYS has the best promos in the business! The weekly ones are sure to get any fan excited for Mondays, and the seasonal ones leave us jaw-dropped and guessing for months.

A harmonica-playing private detective with an eyepatch and a sugary sweet, dedicated doctor will always be cooler than their kids. Sorry, not sorry, Steph, Tripp, and Joey. Though they likely know that and agree. "Stayla" is just timeless and epically cool.

Anna's ability to sniff out a scheme in time to still make her early dinner reservations is amazing on all levels.

Chad's laughing again! We love this. (And we'll love seeing the brilliant Billy Flynn get all the accolades next year during award season).

Greg Vaughan's ridiculous ability to conjure up a magic sparkle just when Eric looks at Nicole. Swoon. Just swoon.

Core families create Salem's foundations, but outsiders are welcome, too! Kate, Nicole, and a staggering list of others will forever leave their mark on our fair hamlet.

Paulina and Abe. Paulina and Stephanie. Paulina and Leo. Okay. Paulina and everything!

The writers do their best to celebrate the rich history of the show, be it big storylines (hello again, Rene DuMonde and powerful prisms), more subtle shout-outs like a "Jeannie" fashion line by Theresa Donovan, or honoring beloved characters like Marcus Hunter by bringing on his daughter to deliver the next generation of drama. In fact, sometimes the writers love DAYS so much, they can't contain it to one hour a weekday and make streaming specials to keep the party going.

Roman and Kate prove there's a reason why we call things "classic."

We could probably make a list of 57 reasons why Abe is so awesome, and it would begin and end with James Reynolds.

Kids we thought were forgotten get mentions again! Hey there, Cassie and Sydney.

The show not only keeps longstanding traditions alive, like the Horton tree-trimming and reading the Christmas Story, but it keeps things current by introducing new celebrations like Juneteenth.

While pillars of the community like the Hortons get recognition with a town square named after them, the pariahs of Salem get tributes, too. The portrait of Stefano is as beloved as the plaque in the square. In fact, you haven't made it in the underworld until you've chatted with the Pheonix's likeness at least once.

Gwen might be a mess of a broken "Dad" mug, but Emily O'Brien is an overflowing cup of awesomeness.

DAYS' dialogue is razor sharp. The show has some of the snarkiest and sassiest one-liners ever. If you don't believe us, go on -- ask Victor.

Chloe has got custody of the Salem brain and is giving Kayla a run for her money in the "Best Truth-You-Need-To-Hear Conversations." The Chloemeister is also the "G.O.A.T." when it comes to best friends filled with tough love and compassion.

Though he might not be spotlighted as much as we'd like, having Shawn-Douglas in town makes us happy. Now, if he could get both of his sisters to visit soon, that would be icing on the cake.

DAYS dares to embrace its weird and wild, be it Satan, resurrections, or simply a patriotic donkey. As a result, things in Salem don't always have to make sense. Sometimes they just are. DAYS is not a documentary. Don't expect real-world rules to be applied or followed. Just go with the flow and have fun, even with the ridonkulous.

To see what comes first -- the end of the Internet or the end of Brandon Barash's charm pool.

Sonny's exasperated expressions at Alex, and Brady's side-eye toward Kristen are all. Of. Us.

Doug and Julie. Simply Doug and Julie. He will always put a smile on your face, and Julie will always be a fierce ride-or-die warrior. Just stay on her good side. It's safer there.

We love strong, smart, stoic Doc, but Marlena can make us laugh like nobody else can when Deidre Hall gets to flex her comedic chops. Our leading lady rocks.

The cast and crew love the show! You can tell by their inspired performances and online outpouring of affection for what they do. And they also love their fans! Events like "Day of DAYS" is one giant group hug.

Kate's epic, ageless style. Will anyone ever be as cool as Kate? No. The answer is no.

We champion Belle being on-screen because we are still trying to unravel the mystery of how the marvelous Martha Madison becomes even more fabulous each time she appears.

Jack and Xander are unlikely "best mates," but we love their bond, nonetheless.

From TIME magazine covers to cameos on Friends during its heydays, DAYS was there. That's epic. And while print media and sitcoms come and go, DAYS is still standing strong and streaming into the future. Yep, epic!

DAYS bevy of baddies is the best! From Orpheus to Jan Spears, Salem's rogues' gallery never runs dry of evildoers and drama.

Also, Heather Lindell's complete commitment to Jan's special blend of crazy is brilliant.

Wendy is making a move to get a seat at the table next to Paulina, Kate, Chanel, and Gabi in the "Women Who Made Their Future Happen Club."

DAYS takes risks with storylines! Love it or loathe it, things like Abigail's death or the threesome between Allie, Chanel, and Alex got people talking.

From newborns to 90-plus-year-olds, DAYS does multigenerational storytelling fantastically.

Even with limited budgets, the crew does an amazing job with set designs. Just look at Sloan's new super cool apartment!

We can't wait to see what's next for Nancy and Craig: The Best Buddies Tour. How did Nancy's date with Mike go!? Has Craig found love again? A holiday catch-up in New York would be nice -- just saying.

Pizza parties with the Johnsons are the best. Everyone gets their own pie, and that's how it should be!

E.J.'s charming affection for Susan is always a sweet reminder the Tin Man does have a heart.

Beyond Salem established a really cool way to catch up with characters who aren't on the mothership and establish new ones. Why, hello again, Paul! Nice to re-meet you as an adult, Andrew Donovan. And the pleasure is ours, Wendy Shin! And so on.

Be it Justin and Adrienne or Justin and Bonnie, we get the chemistry, charm, and combined talents of Wally Kurth and Judi Evans, and that magic is worth the price of admission alone.

Rafe and Gabi are sibling goals. Theirs is a perfect blend of family loyalty, tough love, vulnerability with one another, and good-natured ribbing. Rafe's also the holder of the family recipes, and we'd never skip a meal he's cooking up.

Drama is the daytime jam, but DAYS does comedy delightfully well.

Sure, some switcheroos might seem shocking, but the show sticks with actors they love, and we love them for that! From Josh Taylor to Tamara Braun to Robert Scott Wilson (and many more), Team DAYS isn't afraid to recast a role with a former castmate.

In fact, while Alex is still questionable, there's no question on how much we admire that Robert Scott Wilson is giving his all to the role! Going from a redeemed serial killer turned half of a supercouple to a silver-tongued, silver-spooned heir is a hard sell, and Robert is selling it.

Also, hello, Chris Kositchek and the Body Connection! Not an '80s band, but just as rad and retro. Bonus points that Chris finally found his "happily ever after" with Savannah. Well played, Team DAYS!

Tony DiMera is one amusing gent! From his snicker and grin to his flair for fashion to his elegant, sometimes confusingly over-sophisticated way of putting things, he marches to the beat of his own drummer with the absolutely fabulous Anna at his side. This duo gets all the yeses!

With Dr. Rolf around, you never really have to say a final goodbye to any of your favorite characters. You may just have to wait a while. Plus, there are always surprise ghostly visits and visions!

"Weddings" (or other big events) are code for "The hourglass is going to hit the fan!" and we wouldn't have it any other way.

On the topic of weddings, with Eric, Marlena, Abe, and Maggie roaming around, if you need impromptu nuptials, an officiant won't be hard to find.

Dr. Rolf telling Kristen she's insane was downright hilarious. That's how far you've fallen, Special K!

Chanel fangirling over Gabi, and Stephanie's awe of Paulina makes us realize there are still fun screen partners to discover. Who's up for Wendy meeting former tech wonderkid Rex?

John makes "dad jokes" and being called "kid" charming, and that's all because of Drake Hogestyn's innate warmth and zest for his craft. John's a proud papa, husband, and friend who loves hard, and we're all better because of that. That's a fact.

The holidays are around the corner, and that gives us so much to look forward to. From Eli and the twins' homecoming to tree-trimmings and, usually, a midnight surprise on New Year's Eve, we're here for it all.

Will, Sonny, and Chad are still the three best friends that anyone could have!

Sami might come back at any moment, and she always packs an extra saucy storyline in her carry-on!

Bo Brady is alive! Hope is back on the canvas, be it Beyond, but still -- BOPE is back! BOPE. Is. Back.

Ms. Megan Hathaway, played once again by the divine Ms. Miranda Wilson, is also back in the DAYS-verse! Yes, please.

Salem had Stefano DiMera, whose Phoenixy presence is still felt. There will never be another soap supervillain like him. Ever. Let's raise a glass of Limoncello to that.


It's safe to go by the waterfront again! The DiMera mansion has surpassed the Pier as the most dangerous place in Salem. Seriously, though -- why is that crypt still kept unlocked!? And why aren't there more cameras or goons in the mansion at all times!? It's like anyone could walk into the living room and kidnap someone...oh, wait!

Just to be clear, Johnny is abiding by the rule that one should never turn on family by... turning on family. I guess the fact that he's turning on one family member for the sake of another is some sort of caveat. Maybe. I need a white board, markers, an eraser or two, and a lot of Scotch to make this make sense. Still, Johnny and Wendy are a fun duo. So. There's that.

Ava instructed Xanimal to be kind to Susan. He really doesn't even want to crazynap her. Ava doesn't seem super sold on Ghost Charlie's idea, either. This is a very lackluster crime. I think Ava could do better. Maybe get Vivian involved to avenge her fallen son and the brainwashed fallen-not-fallen one.

I feel like Chloe has overseen the Salem brain for far too long not to connect the dots of Kristen's scheme. She just needs to have a chat with John and Marlena. They're on the cusp of figuring out all this nonsense. Let's make this happen sooner rather than later, agreed?

This entire Brady and Kristen storyline can basically be summed up by just one of the looks of utter "over it" he had etched on his face last week. From the side-eye to the full-fledged frown, I get it Mr. Black. I. Get. It.

I'm having a hard time swallowing Sarah and Xander's down-and-out schtick, especially when they were initially standing in a mansion debating to stay or "rough it" on her part-time doctor's salary. She's a Horton. She's basically a Disney Princess in Salem. The town square is named after her grandparents. Maggie even offered her money. C'mon.

Also, Eric and Sarah are good friends. Why didn't she ask him if there were extra rooms above the pub? Again, c'mon.

Ugh. I hate that Mr. Shin thinks that Wendy will make a mistake that Li will have to be responsible for. Wei, you're hitching your wagon to the wrong kid, because Wendy's a bit more of a superstar than Li. By "bit," I mean she's awesome.

Extra Scoops

HOT Happy 57th Anniversary, DAYS! What an accomplishment. Cheers to the entire cast and crew who make the magic happen on a daily basis! It's loved and appreciated. Now, let's cherish the stories told and toast to the ones that will be shared over the next half century-plus!

NOT Though we don't preempt things now that we're streaming, this "NOT" has been skipped in order to continue to celebrate all things DAYS.

LINE(S) OF THE WEEK Dead Charlie (to Ava): "For starters, aren't you afraid Joey Johnson is going to smother you in your sleep?"


Brady (to Alex, Nicole, and company): "Have you talked to Granddad about this, because, I'm just saying, no disrespect to Nicole, he kinda hates her."

Nicole: "Uh. I don't think it's 'kinda.'"

Johnny: "Ah, you know what? We had better get you over to DiMera Enterprises to find out what we need to, right, if my dad and your brother brainwashed my uncle."

Wendy: "I bet you say that to all the girls."


Did anyone else exclaim, "Oh, my God, it's the other Tasty Bits employee!" Seriously, though, that gal seems way too happy to be getting up that early to open the store. A "morning person" I am not.

Eric Martsolf deserves all the applause for saying so much even when saying nothing at all.

I feel like I need to get an STD screening after hearing Alex's photoshoot prattle.

When Nicole said, "Sorry to interrupt," Jada's response was an exasperated, "No, you're not." Coffeehouse poetry night snaps to Detective Hunter for that clapback!

Victor yelling, "Thief!" when Alex took the last piece of black licorice was hilarious. I get it, Uncle Vic. I'm one of the weirdos who enjoys it, too.

What in the name of Ron Burgundy was Stefan wearing last week? He was dead for four years. We'll go with that.

Charlotte is adorable! If Little Lotte needs a babysitter, Chad can definitely call on me -- to give him a good recommendation.

Speaking of Chad, I cracked up at his "could have been worse" comments when comforting Stephanie.

Does it bug anyone else when characters shade Xander for having been a gardener? One, he still(?) tends to Alice's roses. He wins for that alone. And two, gardeners make the world beautiful. I happen to have two brown thumbs, despite my best and many, many, many efforts to keep plants alive. I think I love too hard.

I get Ava's annoyance over the barrage of texts when you're trying to plot revenge.

I mean, if E.J. is bringing people chocolate croissants, the Two Scoops offices aren't THAT far from the mansion. Just saying, Eej.

Do people normally walk around carrying unwrapped plates of food? I mean. Maggie's lemon bars are legendary. I'd take the risk, probably, but there's room for pause, especially from a (former?) restaurateur who would have had to pass food safety courses.

"Patriotic Donkey" is, one, funny, and two, would be a great title for an album.

I feel like Ned Grainger needs a theme song set to the tune of Bonanza. Something like, "Dun dun dun dun dun it's Ned Grainger. Dun dun dun dun dun dun Ned Grainger is here." And so on.

Dead Charlie is not wrong with the nicknames. "Dr. Handsome" does work well for Tripp.

With at least three clowns running around Salem, it would have been a great time to kick off a "Whodunnit!?" killer clown storyline.

Also, hard pass on creepy clowns. Coulrophobia is real.

Also-also, with Thaao Penghlis often on set and Ava in the crypt already clowning around, Andre "The Creepiest Clown Ever" DiMera should have made a cameo on Halloween.

E.J.'s "in town" comment confused me? I know the DiMera mansion isn't off the square, but is it that far out of town to make going "in town" a thing? I need updated maps.

Salem has some amazing hallways! The one outside of Sloan's apartment was nicely decorated, and the one in the terrible, sleazy hotel where Sarah and Xander is staying is WAY nicer than it has a right to be, given that the room is terrible and sleazy.

Okay. Rachel and I finally found common footing. I might have overindulged in Halloween candy, too, and had a tummy ache. Might have, I said!

While I think the Basic Black logo is a little, well, basic, I kind of loved Brady's pullover, and I kinda want one. It looks perfect for those long nights of Two Scooping or casual Saturday errand running. Maybe Julie can snag me one from Bartlett's Department Store. Legally, of course.

PARTING THOUGHTS So, friends and fellow fans, that's it for November 7. How will you celebrate DAYS' big 57th Anniversary!? I'm going with the standard something chocolatey, something sparkly, and something scandalous like interrupting the festivities with a bombshell revelation. To cover what explodes in Salem, Laurisa returns next week with an all-new Two Scoops. As always, thank you for reading, and "That's a fact."

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