The never ending of a perfect day

Tony S
A frantic Gabi makes a phone call from prison
The never ending of a perfect day

On-screen. Off-screen. Yep, Team DAYS rocked them both last week! From Emmy Magic to magical moments in Salem, U.S.A. Let's keep the wheels of the party bus rolling in this week's DAYS Two Scoops!

What a thrill it is to sit down and write Two Scoops for DAYS this week. What's that? Oh. Right. What a thrill it is to sit down and write Two Scoops for Emmy Award-winning Days of our Lives! I don't know about anyone else, but this party bus has continued rolling along since last Sunday night.

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Yep. It's a good -- no -- great time to be a DAYS fan.

Both off-screen and on-screen, Team DAYS was on fire the past week. Let's start with the Emmys! DAYS won Best Drama Series, Directing, and Writing. Yes! They swept the big three. James Reynolds won Best Actor! Greg Vaughan Best Supporting Actor. Clear a space on your mantel, Marci Miller, you will be getting a trophy next year, and there is no doubt about that. Plus, there was a lovely tribute to Bill and Susan Seaforth Hayes, who picked up a Lifetime Achievement Award! It was surely a DAYS love fest, and I ate up every minute of the deliciousness. Those awards were well deserved. I couldn't be happier for the cast and crew.

Generally speaking, there was a great sense of daytime pride from the community during the awards, more so than I've felt in years. In a genre that's often overlooked -- hey, the awards presented by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences -- wasn't even televised. It streamed online. Yet that didn't seem to stop anyone who got a chance to hold the mic (or share love on social media) to be deterred. The love for daytime, for what these folks do, was clear and present. The theme of "If you looked away, look back again because you don't know what you're missing" was strong. I was a fan of it all.

Also, let's take another moment to gush about James Reynolds. Specifically, his acceptance speech. I can't even count the ways I adore and respect James. In Salem, Marlena encouraged Chad to "speak from the heart" on Friday. In real life, James did that last Sunday. His speech was one of the loveliest, classiest, and most sincere ones I've ever heard. Ever.

And while she's not on Team DAYS at the moment, I was and always will be thrilled for Eileen Davidson, who won for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series (again)! Another well-deserved win. Here's to hoping we see Eileen in Salem again, as Susan Banks might say, "Real, real, reeeal soon."

Of course, Soap Central has all the winners, the fashions, the Red Carpet hijinks, and then some, available by clicking here! You know. After you finish reading this week's column. And let's get to life in Salem, shall we?

Monday's episode will stay on my DVR forever. Or at least until I move and have to give it up. Not only was it another Marci Miller tour de force, but, hello -- Schmivian!? Oh-to-the-my-to-the-God. I worshiped each epic moment of Deidre Hall, Lauren Koslow, and Louise Sorel's performances. Deidre especially gets the gold star. Having watched Marlena since, well, literally as long as I can remember, it's great when Deidre gets to flex her comedic chops. She's hilarious!

Though all of the Basement Bunch brought me to tears from laughing so much. The banter was great, and I enjoyed the trip down the scandalous side of Memory Lane. From buried alive, um, buried alives (plural, as it happened more than once) to the rehash on almost everything Kate and Vivian have done to each other, to Marlena's possession, I was a fan. Yes, I said the possession. Really! The possession was remembered and even got a flashback. I didn't believe DAYS would go there again, but they did. Well played.

At the end of the day, the Basement Bunch was rescued by John, Hope, and Paul just in the nick of time, as they were running out of oxygen. The big impact -- Vivian told Kate that Andre was just using her. He never loved her. He lied. Kate was not a happy camper. I suspect this truth bomb will play out more next week. In the meantime...

Everyone worried about Abigail while Gabigail and Dr. Lauragail wreaked a little havoc and spat zingers at every Salemite that crossed their paths. Marci really delivered the goods, as did Melissa Reeves in Jennifer's scene with Stefan. Jennifer was an inch away from pouncing on him and finishing the job Chad started. It was a great "Mama Bear" showing.

I brought up my concerns that Abigail's victimization wouldn't be dealt with in a compassionate way, but last week started me thinking that it might be. She had nearly everyone who loves her on her side (and some I didn't even know loved her [hey, John]). I hope this "coming together" for Abigail continues. Having such a large group of Salemites support her has been great so far. It's also fun to watch characters (and the actors) who don't get to interact much share screen time. Win and win.

So, with a pep talk from Kate and encouragement from Marlena, Chad finally broke through to Abigail by speaking from the heart. That hug was a nice moment for the two, but this journey isn't over, I suspect. Abigail (if she sticks around) still has a lot to learn and overcome, but I'm glad Chad's finally filled in on the loop.

As for that immunity thingy, I hope, but also suspect, that lameness will stick. It'll be Stefan's "Get Out of Rape" free card. Ugh. Still. With so many people on Abigail's side, I'm sure someone will seize the opportunity to make him pay. We can form a line behind Jennifer. Just bring your own bottle of Champagne, as I'm pretty sure Mar, Kate, and Viv drank the reserves in the bunker. It could be a long wait to get your shot, and you want to stay hydrated.

Like I did with the Emmys, let's gush a little more about Marci. She's brilliant. Each character she's portraying manages to have this unique vibe about them, which is no small feat. She's been delivering nothing but captivating performances. And twist! Last week, Marci got to share some screen time with the talented Robert Scott Wilson, who was back as Ben, err, Benjamin Weston for a cameo inside Abby's head. I got chills. They were incredible. And I may, or may not, have sung "Together Again" in my best Muppets voice to add to the lunacy. More, please! Oh, wait. Wish granted! Oh, DAYS, you've gone and done it again.

LOOSE ENDS: I'm not a parent, but I think I would hate anyone who gave my child a box of candy right before bed. Leo seemingly works around the clock, so I hope he sticks around the mansion to peel Ari Grace off the walls around 2:00 a.m. when she crashes from her sugar high. Right. Not the point. Leo is still scamming Sonny. Sonny is still none the wiser. Luckily, Kate and Paul are. This storyline should pick up soon. Very soon. I hope. I also hope Leo sticks around Salem.

Is it rude to send Maggie a bunch of bushels of lemons as a "Thank you!" when you secretly hope she'll make lemon squares with them and send you some? Okay. Maybe that's selfish. I'll think of another gift of gratitude I'd like to send Maggie, but the moral of this story is -- thank you, Maggie! It only took one visit from her to straighten out the Ciara/Claire mess. Both Ciara and Claire realized their ways and, in the end, it looks like these two might work things out! Yes, please. I think Tripp will probably be more excited than I am, as he'll finally be able to live in peace for a minute. He won't know what to do with himself if he's not refereeing.

So. By Claire clearing the air, Eve finally believed Brady. Well, Claire's clearing and Maggie's encouragement. That combo. Oh, John chimed in, too. But he poisoned his best friend, so his chiming still rings shallow. Yeah. I hear myself. I need to get over that, since Steve and Kayla did. Okay, so, really, anyways, Eve and Brady both declared they're scared to love again, but they love each other. Things look like they're working out for this embattled duo. Only there's a storm brewing for them, and they don't even see it coming. That is...

Welcome, welcome, welcome back, Jen Lilley! Love. Her. I'm not too proud to admit I literally dropped my pen and started clapping when I saw her on Friday's episode. Though Jeanie-T and Chloe just spent the hour rehashing what's been going on with them and Brady, I was in. Totally in. This is setting up a nice, Sweepsy storyline, and with names like Shane and Victor being dropped, I can't wait for it to play out. I repeat, "More, please!"

Extra Scoops

HOT From the bottom of my Two Scooping heart, congratulations to each and every cast and crew member for your recognition during the Daytime Emmy Awards! The gold statuettes passed out unquestionably found the rights hands. And for those cast members who didn't get one, do not fret or feel disappointed. Your hard work is recognized daily by the fans who love you (present company included). Simply put, "Cheers to Team DAYS!"

NOT I'll take a hard pass on the Stefan and Gabigail flashbacks. Once was enough. And no matter how many times it's shown, it still isn't romance.

LINE OF THE WEEK Vivian (to Kate and Marlena): "You keep your wits. I'm getting blotto."

EXCHANGE OF THE WEEK Marlena (to Kate and Vivian): "Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh. Stop this, you two. You sound like a couple of feral cats trapped in a duffel bag. I bet you can't even remember why you hate each other." Vivian and Kate: [tons of overlapping, hysterical chatter lamenting the laundry list of things they've done to one another] Marlena: "Okay. You do remember."

RANDOM THOUGHTS Gabigail called the Patch Man "Uncle Stevie Wonder." Horrible. But Hilarious. Cyber hat tip, Gabby with a Y. Your snark will be missed.

Wait. Thomas was asleep upstairs this entire time? Okay. Sure.

It's official. I'm a sucker for Gabi and Will scenes. Camila and Chandler make me smile.

I wonder if Leo has to complete a W-9 for his Titan work and a 1099 for his scheming with Vivian. Taxes. AmIright? Either way, he's one hard-working man, but it makes me wonder what art he's starving for?

Oh. I can't wait until Nancy Wesley gets ahold of Miguel and Mateo. Can. Not. Wait. I hope this happens.

Did anyone else cheer when Abigail reemerged while on the phone with Stefan and said, "It's Abigail, you son of a bitch!" You go, girl! Go get 'em.

Will called Ari Grace an "amazing little person." That will be cute on a Father's Day card next month. And then at therapy in ten years. D.J. Ari-G gonna have issues, that's all I'm saying.

As Kate and Vivian rehashed their hatred for one another, did they bring up Philip? That embryo thing was a pretty big deal between them. Wait. Philip who? He needs to come around again.

Vivian told Hope, "I'd think you would at least try to seem impartial, Commissioner Brady." Well. Yeah.

When Lucas showed up at Doug's Place and started yelling, "Chloe! Chloe!" it was unintentionally funny. Why didn't he just ask the bartender if she was there. You know, the bartender who works for her. Oh, Lucas. Silly guy. Nice job staying on the wagon, though!

I know J.J.'s "she got lucky" was well-meaning and he's not wrong in the grand scheme, but, when said above a motionless, beat-up Gabi, it just seemed a little not so great timing. Nevertheless, I loved the open and honest scene between Gabi and J.J. I hope this friendship continues to stick around.

All the talk from Lucas and Kate about "Old Chloe" and "New Chloe" just made me think of "New Coke." That didn't end well. For anyone.

Are there ever enough Steve and Kayla scenes? No. The answer is no.

Trask needs to save her calories. She's going to be eating a lot of crow in the next few weeks. Bon apptit, Ms. Thang.

I'm glad that all is forgiven between Kate and Chad! I adore their relationship. Somewhere in soap heaven, Madeline Petersen-Woods is looking down smiling. Or trying to smile. She was a master of the Bree van de Camp curt smile and tried not to show too much emotion.

Speaking of the Peterson-Woods, whatever happened to Charles? I know Melinda is the D.A. now, but he just sort of disappeared. Maybe he went out to mail a letter.

Um. Who are Will's contacts at the police station? Why didn't he just call Hope? Or Rafe. Or his grandpa, Roman, who I'm sure still knows what's what. So much for Will's magic.

I should have mentioned this last week, but are we sure John is not actually Mateo? Miguel drugged Lucas' drink. That's "So John." #stillbitter

So, Hope didn't know that Abigail hadn't been brainwashed at that point, but I loved her trying to get through to Abs by bringing up her own Princess Gina past. I still think someday, someone at the DiMera Mansion will casually find that remote, not knowing what it does, and across town, Hope will have a Gina flareup.

Also, Hope and Chad's hug. Aww! Another aww-inducing hug? Sure. Why not. That goes to Steve and Jennifer.

My Spanish skills are pretty nonexistent, but I went to three sites for translations, and it appears "El Fideo" is "The Noodle" in English. I think those translation sites are wrong. Maybe. If not, I vote we start calling Mateo the Mean Macaroni.

Damn, John. Vivian learned of Stefan's condition when Ye Old Mr. Sensitive said, "He's laying in a bed at University Hospital. He's pretty messed up." John should really write sympathy cards for Hallmark.

PARTING THOUGHTS So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, that's Two Scoops for the week of May 7! I'm off to rest my smile, as I've been beaming every since last Sunday night at the Emmys, but I'll be back next week with an all new (and probably not award-winning) Two Scoops. And, "That's a fact!"

As always, thanks for reading! Tony

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Edited by SC Desk