Let's hear it for the boys

Tony S
8th Annual Golden Donuts: The Best of DAYS 2014
Let's hear it for the boys

And so it's begun! Amazing anniversary casting news outshined Serena's pachyderm predicament. Okay, that's not hard. Stefano sauntered into Salem and snatched his company back, but don't count Kate out yet -- she's a survivor! Plus, Will worked overtime to torment Tori while Adrienne realized her days of wedded bliss may have come to an end. Let's break down all the returns, and the boardroom and bedroom buzz in this week's Two Scoops!

Here's my obligatory warning: I'm going to be discussing casting spoilers for a few paragraphs while doing a happy dance. I have a big mouth and two left feet -- proceed with caution. And if you say, "Please welcome casting spoilers!" in an excited Oprah voice, it's really fun.

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So, it's begun! The first few fiftieth anniversary returns have been announced. I'll post a link to soapcentral.com's DAYS front page in the "Extra Scoops" section. From there, you can read and gush over all the delicious news. You may also find a few top ten countdowns by your dedicated duo of DAYS Two Scoopers, but I digress.

If the rest of the returns are this exciting, then I will be one thrilled Scooper. Last week, two biggie bombshells were dropped. That's right, put your eye patch on and get out your vintage '80s black leather jacket because Steve Johnson and Bo Brady will be in the house. Yes, and yes!

Steve's return will be especially interesting now that casting news broke that li'l Joey Johnson is about to age a few years -- um, okay, a decade -- and cause some teen trouble in Salem. Theo might get a lot older, too. I'm a little bummed about that, as Terrell Ransom Jr. is all shades of adorable. But time goes on, pretty fast in Salem as it turns out.

Bo's return is also awesome sauce! It will be a thrill for fans see Peter Reckell again. Though I'm a little nervous here, I won't lie. Since the writers butchered his exit and subsequent explanations of his time away from Salem, I'm worried that they'll either bastardize Hope for moving on or do a quick "he's evil after all" turnaround with Aiden and then drop him in lieu of a hasty Bope reunion. Not that I'm anti-Bope (love them, of course! They were fabulous), but this one needs to tread lightly so as not to alienate fans.

More casting goodies!? Sure! The Chlomiester is also in for a visit. I adore Nadia Bjorlin and her support of soaps. She seems like a sweetheart. And I can't wait to see if Chloe will attempt to wrestle her old wardrobe back from Serena.

Finally, Paul Telfer returns this week in a new role. Okay, not so much of a fiftieth thingy as it is a generally good thingy. Okay, okay. You might be wondering, "Paul who?" He played Damon a few months ago. And still you might be wondering, "Damon who?" He was Victor's henchman. "Huh?" The really hot one with an accent. "Ohhh!" Ding, ding. Paul's returning in a new role (Xander), and I can't wait to see how he shakes up Salem this time!

And those are just the casting goodies we have so far. I repeat, "So far!" The lovely Laurisa and I will be teaming up to present a formal fiftieth anniversary wish-list column soon, but a sneak peek is this -- Maree Cheatham better return as Marie Horton! She's an original cast member who appeared in the very first episode and is a personal favorite of mine.

I also think it would be brilliant to start the fiftieth anniversary episode with a current day Julie shopping. She picks up a fur stole, looks at her purse, and says, "Nah!" before putting it back in the display. But enough nostalgia! We have some Two Scoop from last week to get to...

Stefano's stay in Salem was pretty brief, but man, he got a lot accomplished. That is, he got his CEO seat back and taught his enemies a few lessons. Chad was schooled with a lesson in DiMera and not allowed to sit at the cool kid's table anymore, and Kate was banished from the cafeteria altogether. Yep, she's jobless and royally ticked off. She also wasn't above thinking about taking Lucas' job. Actually, I don't think Victor would have let her, but I digress. I'm glad Stefano came back a winner, but Kate set on revenge may also be a winner, too.

Also exiting Salem, though not with Stefano, was Justin. Me no likey. At all. A few weeks of his dimpled goodness is not enough, even though he's a dirty cheater now. Me also no likey that. At all. But before I go on, I have to ask -- have any of you seen Adrienne hanging around Two Scoops Land? She's on a slapping roll the last few weeks, and I don't want to get hit. If you see her, give me a heads-up.

So, sometimes I'm wrong, and I was wrong about Justin. I know. I know. It's shocking...that I was wrong. I kid, I kid. I'm shocked that Justin admitted to having an affair with Elsa. I really thought the "shock" would be that Adrienne was wrong, but alas, we have another cheater in Salem. Boo!

On one hand, Justin and Adrienne got to have it out in a fantastic confrontation unlike Hope and InvisaBo, Kayla and Steve, and so on and so forth. On the other hand, I'm majorly disappointed that another super couple has been de-supered, especially Justin and Adrienne. I thought those two would make it. But the fat lady hasn't sung yet, so maybe they will work it out. In the meantime, I'm going to Facebook stalk this Elsa chick and start tagging her in photos as "home wrecker." That'll teach her!

Sadly, it seems like no matter how many people try to teach Will something, he just won't listen. Lucas was actually worried that he interrupted Will and Sonny's oh-so-awkward reunion. Um, nope, Lucas. Will brought the ruining things on all by himself. It seems the only thing he's actually worried about is his career, and he casually peppers Sonny's name in there as a buzzword to make it appears he's not entirely heartless.

Though Will is a sleazebag, I'm enjoying him being a blackmailer in an odd way. For one, it takes the pressure off of rooting for him because no one likes a blackmailer. Two, and more so, I'm enjoying Tori, and it is keeping her front and center. Plus, if names like Stefano, Kristen, and, (hello!) Peter are being thrown around, even better. Though John and Paul would make an interesting father/son duo, my vote is for Peter to be his papa. He was a great smarmy character that DAYS could use a dose of right now.

In the meantime, Will is being Will. That is a total a-hole. Though he does have a point! Paul is such a horrible person for wanting to stick around Salem to help the kids. I mean, the nerve of Paul! Wanting to help children!? This guy needs to be destroyed. Yep, Will, you will be Salem's new hero if you drive this guy out of town. Oh, the joys of delusional thinking! LOOSE ENDS: When Stefano told Chad, "You are my son, and that is a full-time job," I had many questions. One, did he sign a contract and, if so, I want to read that. Two, does he get health benefits and a case of Limoncello? And finally, does he get a retirement package? Wait. Never mind. A child of Stefano's will never make it to retirement, just ask...oh, wait. Right. They're almost all dead.

It's official! Every soap fan can now breathe a sigh of relief. J.J. and Paige have kissed and sort of made up. She "for real" forgives him, ya'll. She's not foolin'. Too bad he fooled around with her mother. Yeah, hard to root for those two. I say, let the implosion happen, and let's see what Paige is really made of.

I love Brady. I love Mel. I just wish I loved Brady and Mel the couple. I hope they can go back to being besties after all this is said and done because they work much better that way.

I wouldn't mind a repeat of Brady and Theresa. They're far from boring. It's obvious that she's still in love with him, based on her reaction when she found out he was in the hospital. Then again, with Clint in Salem, doing Kristen's dirty work, it should only be a matter of time before this storyline explodes. By "explodes," I mean when Kristen returns! Can. Not. Wait! #can'thappensoonenough

For a mogul that's been in a decades-old battle with Stefano and is currently in a war with that Dukes of Hazzard reject, Clyde, Victor has horrible security at the mansion. I can buy that one camera is on the fritz, but, seriously -- there aren't cameras around the perimeter, not one henchmen doing rounds, not one German shepherd named "Zeus" roaming the grounds? Nothing!? Bad Victor. Bad, bad Victor.

The depths to which I love Eric Brady have deepened. His reaction to Nicole bringing up the elephant statue was perfectly hysterical. He was instantly annoyed. Oh, Eric! We've been at that party for a while now, and we're glad you're joining us.

Slightly improving this storyline is that Nicole is on the case. She realizes Serena is sketchy. Dig, Nicole, dig! Make this storyline end, and make yourself look good in Eric's eyes. That will be a win/win for us all. Still, I'm apprehensive. The current writers seem to have it out for Nicole, and I'm sure they'll make her the bad gal somehow. Drats!

Oh, oh! I spoke too soon. Now there's a baggie of diamonds involved, and Serena's twirling her invisible villain mustache while spouting, "Finally, I found you!" Yep, if you've missed a second of this storyline so far, I have one thing to say to you -- I'm jealous.

Extra Scoops

Um, Patch and Bo are returning (and Kristen will be back in a few weeks). Is there anything hotter than that? Lemme help you out -- no there isn't!

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NOT Oh, my dear Soap Lord! Nicole actually shaved Dr. Dan's face. They've reduced Nicole to Sweeney Todd. Unfortunately, there wasn't singing or bloodshed, so Nicole was merely giving Dr. Dude a shave...in the living room(!?)...and it spanned two days! I have dairy that expired in the time it took her to finish. Good thing these writers know what's important to focus on. I definitely wouldn't have wanted more than two days of the boardroom drama, Abe and Hope going after Stefano, or more Victor/Ciara time. Nope. Not at all. Steller work, writers. LINE OF THE WEEK Nicole (crying and banging her fist on her head out of frustration): "This is ridiculous. It's ridiculous!" ...say DAYS fans everywhere about the two-day shaving scene and elephant storylines!

RANDOM THOUGHTS The Sonny and Arianna Grace reunion!? Too. Freaking. Cute!

When Eve said, "That was a beautiful piece," I gagged a bit.

Hope has the best exits. She's always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Vodka stinger? Sure, why not!

Interesting. Mel has a new "meant to be" tattoo. She said it was because fate brought her, Carly, and Dr. Dan together again. I'm thinking drunken night in Paris with Serena.

Where is Rafe? OMG, I just asked that. What has become of me?

I enjoy the way Eve says, "Gin-a-fur" when she's angry.

Ciara knows how to pick a gift! Getting Victor an Al Capone bobblehead from Alcatraz was hella appropriate (and hysterical).

Last week really sealed it -- a happy hour with Theresa (and Anne) needs to happen.

First we get smaller sets, and now there're blackouts in Salem. I've heard of pinching pennies, but really...

I definitely need to purchase a black or animal print jacket for my next visit to Salem so I don't stand out.

Clint really needs to work out if he's going to run around shirtless. I kid, I kid. And I really couldn't count all those abs.

Speaking of Clint, he's kind of sleazy. He should meet Will.

Don't feel too bad for Cole now that Paige has given him the heave-ho. He can always move on with Eve. It worked for J.J.

Cute dress, Paige! Much improved from the Stevie Nicks looks she tries to pull off.

On the topic of fashion, Serena put the girls away and wore a modest (and cute) top!

Hmm, I wonder if my boss would let it slide if I called in late because it took two days to shave?

With all the talk about blood being stolen, I kept thinking of vampires, and then "vampires" kept making me think of Susan Banks. She would so be freaking out right now.

PARTING THOUGHTS So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, that's Two Scoops for the week of March 23! Are you excited about all the recent casting news? Tweet and tell us! In the meantime, I'm preparing for another comeback and need to get the DiMera mansion ready, so Laurisa will be back next week in case Dr. Dan needs another shave (and she has seen Sweeney Todd). And "That's a fact!"

As always, thanks for reading! Tony

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