Tinder box

The 4th Annual Golden Donut Awards: The Best of DAYS 2010
Tinder box

No one should dare flick their Bic in Salem these days as the town is on the edge of combusting! J.J. is on the verge of discovering the skeletons in Jack's closet, and it seems Mad Marge is on the brink of a breakdown. Oh, and Kristen realized that Marlena unwittingly holds the key to her utter destruction. Grab some aloe in case you get burnt because things are getting hot in here!

Well, I think Nelly phrased it best when he sang, "It's getting hot in herre." By "herre," I mean in Salem. Last week was one of those setup weeks. You know the ones. Some things wrap up, and some things are set up for juicy revels. I was a fan.

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For starters, E.J. and Sami are rock solid and all shades of amazing. Granted, anytime Ali, James, and Joe share scenes, it's usually a win/win for viewers. Last week was no exception. The performances were solid, and the storyline has promise. We've seen Sami, E.J., and Stefano as roomies before, but this time E.J. and Sami are on the same page, which doesn't bode well for anyone standing in their way. Conversely, that someone is Stefano. He's not a pushover either. So, something tells me this is going to get more interesting than a few "turn down your music!" arguments, and I can't wait.

Also in the DiMera hizzy is Chad. Oh, do I love this! The Brothers DiMera working together/Chad being E.J.'s new padawan makes me eager to see what will happen next. True, "certain casting news is preventing me from getting too excited, but I'll enjoy this deliciousness while I can.

The other lady of the DiMera Mansion is kind of having an A Tale of Two Cities moment. Kristen found the best of times and the worst of times last week. She was thrilled that Brady truly, madly, deeply loves her. That was the best. And then there was the little issue of her x-rated flash drive. It's been confirmed -- Marlena has it! Yep, that was the worst. Well, for Kristen anyway. For me, this smoking gun making its rounds is rather exciting, even if it means the downfall of my beloved hellcat.

Also making some rounds was J.J. Thanks to a chat with Aunt Kayla, he knows something went down with her and Jack once upon a time ago and made it his mission to find out what. A lot of people seem up at arms about this because they're viewing it as Dannifer propping, but I'm not that upset.

To be clear, the Dannifer cheerleading is exasperating. That part I am over. Because let's be honest, Dr. Dan and Jennifer actually working out has about the same chance as the Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill deciding to hug it out. It's not going to happen despite all the drama.

Hence, I'm not worried about the propping, as maddening as it is. So, sure, true, when things come out, Jack may look worse, and Dr. Dan may look a little less evil incarnate for Young Master Deveraux, but I'm looking forward to watching what Casey Moss will do with material. He's a talented young guy, and this should be a painful yet captivating reveal to watch unfold.

Oh, oh! On the topic of painful, I'm having a hard time watching Eric and Nicole right now. That was meant in a good way, actually. It's like watching a horror movie with your hands over your eyes, only you spread your fingers a bit to peek through. Yes, like that. LOOSE ENDS: I think it's hysterical that Anne is complaining about Jennifer not being at work, but uses her time on the clock to not do actual work, either. Well, unless plotting Jennifer's downfall is officially in Anne's job description. If that's the case, Anne is a model employee.

Yep, times they are a-changing. Who would have thought that E.J. would be the one to actually solve conflict between a fighting couple? But he did just that for Will and Sonny, and I enjoyed every minute.

I also enjoyed Sonny playing matchmaker for Gabi and Cameron. In fact, I simply enjoyed Sonny and Gabi's scenes. Yes, I said that and, no, I'm not drunk. Admittedly, they don't know what their relationship is, either, but I'm digging the uneasy whateveritis these two have going on.

Finally, Marge is a bit of a mess, isn't she? Well, that's not so much of a newsflash, however she seems to be upping her crazy. She was sitting at the table with photos thrown about and looking up Sami on her cell phone. Yep. She's gone off the deep end, and I think she plans on taking someone down with her. This could be exciting as long as Marge loses her voice in the process. Sorry, Widow Berndardi, but you annoying, girl.

Extra Scoops

HOT While E.J. and Sami vowing to stick together through thick and thin is extremely "Hot," so was Justin and Adrienne deciding to patch things up! I love this couple. I'm glad those whacky kids have decided to work on their marriage, even if their re-bonding starts with a good cup of coffee. Relationships in Salem have been built on sillier things (SEE: Kate/Rafe; Nick/Gabi). So, Justin and Adrienne forever, well, cheers to that!

NOT Blake Berris is a great actor and does his best with the material provided. Still, this Nick obsessing over a gal shtick is more tired than the blue dress Jennifer wore a few weeks ago. Once, twice, three times with ladies have we seen this storyline play out. I think it's time for Nick to find a new way to express his psychotic tendencies.

LINE OF THE WEEK Lucas (to Sami): "I'm just saying you're doing the right thing, okay. Just stick to your guns. Not your guns! Forget I said guns. Don't touch another gun as long as you live. [Pause] Hang in there."

RANDOM THOUGHTS Justin mentioned his boys. I think it's time we see another one of them, eh?

Hearing E.J. say "junk in a box" is something I never, ever expected.

Please, oh, please tell me that little Timmy Bernardi is staying with his grandparents, Ruth and Paul, and that sooner or later a collie will come bursting through the Horton Town Square exclaiming Timmy fell down a well -- via barking, of course.

I like Tech Girl, but she needs to watch her 'tude with Kristen, mmm'k.

Speaking of Tech Girl, Nick needs to meet her. She seems whacky enough to enjoy having her picture used as some sketchy nerd's screensaver.

I love Sonny's idea of finding a holiday each week and promoting it. Remember when DAYS used to celebrate holidays? Anyway, his idea might be a little tricky to execute. I'm not so sure the Moldy Cheese Day celebration will be off the charts.

Jen's dresses are getting a little better. I can see she stopped picking through the Dumpster behind Chloe's place in Chicago.

Hi Lucas! Bye Lucas!

Snaps to Rafe for his willingness to let Marge blame him for everything. Moments like that actually make me not dislike the guy.

With all due respect to Magic, MarVic is a pretty awesome duo, too.

I have no idea what people would call Marlena and Victor, so "MarVic" it is!

Kayla needs to own her Chief of Staff status. She was worried about being late for work. That's like Darth Vader worrying if someone else will be wearing black. Relax, girl. Who's the boss? You are!

I know the bar is partially Sonny's place, but bringing a baby to a bar is just so, well, it's a buzz kill for other patrons. Not to mention he brought a baby to a bar.

Wait! I still need some clarity regarding E.J. Did he or did he not give Stefano his word? It wasn't clear. I may need to hear that one a few more times.

Why I love Kristen Example 5,660: The lady knows how to spot some shady shenanigans. She knew as soon as she spotted Victor and his cohorts that something was up. She was right. Now she just has to do some major damage control. Methinks she can handle this. She has flair and an evil disposition.

PARTING THOUGHTS So, friends and fellow DAYS fans, that's Two Scoops for the week of October 7. As Laurisa is in Chicago on business, I'll be back next week with aloe in hand for all the burns about to be bestowed on our fair Salemites due to all the firestorms they're about to encounter. And, "That's a fact!"

As always, thanks for reading! Tony

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