The mystery woman is identified, and Sarah takes a hit

The mystery woman is identified, and Sarah takes a hit
The mystery woman is identified, and Sarah takes a hit

Days of our Lives Recap for Wednesday, August 14, 2024

In Leo's room, Leo and Hattie, who Leo still thought was Marlena, finished watching Drag Race. Leo remarked about how much "Marlena" had seemed to enjoy the show. When "Marlena" lamented that she had never seen the show before, Leo gave her a quizzical look and mentioned that they had watched it together previously. "Marlena" wondered if she had been drunk at the time, then suddenly jumped off the bed and claimed that she was "bloated" from the pork rinds. She told Leo that she had a fitting for the show the next day, so she needed to go.

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"Marlena" exuberantly said that she'd had a "blast" and would talk to Abe and Kate about making Leo the head writer of Body & Soul. Leo thanked "Marlena," and she in turn thanked "Lenny" for the good time and rushed out the door. After she left, a confused Leo pondered the name mix-up and the "junk food, flashy clothes, and working on a soap opera." He mused on what could be happening to "Marlena."

Later, Leo settled on a bench in Horton Town Square and called Gwen. When he got her voicemail, he left a message confiding that he had wanted to talk to her even though she hated him. He started to ramble about his therapy with Marlena but got distracted when he spotted a concerned-looking Xander across the square. However, Leo temporarily forgot about Xander and ranted to the voicemail about how his latest encounter with "Marlena" had left him "shook" and how he could use Gwen's advice. Although he didn't expect to hear from Gwen again, he ended the call by telling her that he loved her and missed her "something terrible."

In the Square, Xander tried to reach Sarah by phone but couldn't get a response. He left her a voice message hoping that she had been able to find the key and that she hadn't lost her phone in the process. He added that they were about to miss the last ferry ride for the day. Xander sat at a table and left another message assuring Sarah that they could wait to go to the cabin. He only wanted to spend his wedding night with her and show her how much he loved her.

As Xander ended the call, Leo sauntered up and cheekily chided Xander about his declaration of "love." Xander impatiently informed Leo that he had been talking to Sarah, and he updated Leo about his new marital status. Leo was surprised that the wedding hadn't gotten interrupted again, and he mentioned the possibility of Gwen showing up. Leo admitted that the thought was wishful thinking because of how much he missed his former "BFF." Leo then brought up to Xander how Leo's therapist had morphed into "Ellie Mae Clampett."

Xander's confusion at the statement prompted Leo to begin rambling about The Beverly Hillbillies, but Xander snapped that he didn't "give a damn" and needed to find his wife. Leo expressed his surprise at Xander and Sarah's compatibility, as he'd thought their relationship had mainly been about "mad sexual chemistry." Xander defended the relationship, and Leo acknowledged that Xander and Sarah made a beautiful couple. Leo then compared Sarah to movie actors, which made Xander impatient again. He affirmed how much he loved Sarah and needed to find her; Leo wished him luck and left, but not before jokingly offering to take Sarah's place at the cabin should she remain a no-show.

Xander received a call from Maggie informing him that Sarah had not been by the mansion. Xander assumed Sarah might have experienced car trouble.

Fiona drove and spoke to a passed-out Brady in the backseat. She smiled and said Brady had not been in any condition to drive himself home. While Fiona's head was turned, Sarah appeared in the glow of the headlights and screamed. Fiona jerked around and frantically tried to put on the brakes, to no avail. A bloody Sarah lay unconscious on the ground.

Back in the car, a frightened Fiona tried to rouse Brady. She stammered that she believed she had hit someone, but Brady just mumbled incoherently. Fiona got out of the car and rushed over to Sarah, who was facedown. When Fiona knelt and tried to help the woman, she realized with horror that her victim was Sarah. Fiona panicked that she had hurt her son's new wife, and she was relieved when she felt a faint pulse from Sarah.

Fiona rose and backed away. She stumbled around the scene, asking herself what she would tell the police. Suddenly, Fiona heard Xander's voice call out for Sarah. Fiona raced away just as Xander arrived. He saw Sarah on the ground and rushed to her aid. As Xander frantically tended to Sarah, he heard an engine revving and tires squealing in the distance.

Xander shakily kept repeating "What happened?" as he attempted to rouse Sarah. She began to stir, but he urged her not to move. He then pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance. After slipping the phone back in his pocket, a tearful Xander snuggled close to Sarah and pleaded with her to hang on.

In Kayla's hospital office, Jack greeted Chad and the mystery woman. Chad told Jack that he had taken the woman to his family home. When Jack hopefully asked if anything had seemed familiar, the woman replied in the negative. Kayla arrived with the DNA results and started to hand them to the woman, but the woman insisted Chad read them instead. As Chad opened the folder and scanned the results, Jack anxiously asked what the test had revealed.

Chad looked up and responded that the results showed a 50 percent match between the woman and Jack. The woman seemed taken aback and stuttered out a question about what the results meant. Kayla informed the woman that the tests confirmed that Jack and the woman were father and daughter. "And that you're Abigail; you're my wife," Chad added as he gazed at her. Jack was ecstatic and tried to hug the woman, but she recoiled and demanded he stop.

Jack stepped back and apologized for overwhelming "Abigail." He expressed his unbelievable happiness at seeing his daughter again. The woman took several steps back and shouted that she did not know any of them and that they were all strangers to her. While she understood how they felt, she believed it would be best for her to go back to Poplar Bluff. Growing emotional, Chad begged her not to go.

Kayla stepped forward and told the woman that she was with family, which included Kayla. The woman was stunned even more to learn that Kayla was her aunt. She continued to insist on going, but Chad affirmed that although she might not recognize them, she knew them on a deeper level. He asked that she "go home" with him. Chad quickly clarified that his home was no longer the "bougie mansion," which elicited a small smile from the woman.

Chad further explained that he had moved into Abigail's family home with his and Abigail's kids. Chad showed the woman pictures of Charlotte and Thomas on his phone, but she did not recognize either of them. When he mentioned having her see the kids, the woman immediately rebuked the idea. She claimed it would be "traumatizing" for both the children and her. Chad tried to say that he could explain the situation to Thomas and Charlotte, but the woman couldn't see how the kids could possibly understand.

Chad acknowledged that the woman was right, so he pleaded with her to go somewhere else with him. He just wanted to be with her. Jack tried to talk up the Horton house, but the woman contended that it was a strange place and that she would be uncomfortable because of that and because of the kids. Chad suggested they go back to the mansion instead, and the woman seemed receptive to the idea. Chad requested that Jack explain to the kids that Chad would be staying at the mansion for the night.

Kayla received a phone call about a hospital emergency. Before Kayla left, she offered to provide "Abigail" a listening ear at any time. Jack promised "Abigail" that he would be there for her, too, and again expressed joy that she was back with them. The woman thanked him, and she and Chad left for the mansion.

Later, Jack called Jennifer and told her he had news about Abigail.

At the DiMera mansion, Chad and the woman entered the main room. She took in her surroundings, and her appraisal settled on Stefano's portrait. Chad jested that the picture was more "harmless" than his father. He offered to have their room prepared but swiftly corrected himself and emphasized that they would be sleeping in separate rooms. She reticently thanked him, and the awkward tension continued until he went upstairs.

Once the woman was alone, her expression changed, and she sighed. With another glance at Stefano's portrait, she announced, "So, I guess Abigail's home."

At the hospital, Marlena checked in with John following his doctor's appointment. He declared himself "fit as a fiddle" after the ordeal. Marlena was relieved and updated John about Chad and Jack having located the mystery woman in the video. Given the woman's apparent plastic surgery and lack of memory, John and Marlena wondered if the mystery woman could really be Abigail. John also speculated that the woman could potentially enlighten him as to why he and she had been held in the same room.

Marlena cautioned John about pressuring the woman, but John said the questions could wait because his priority was getting out of the hospital. She exclaimed how happy and relieved she was to have him back, and the couple shared a loving kiss.

Later, Marlena and John settled down at the Brady Pub for dinner. Marlena gave John the letter that Steve had found on Catharina's gravesite. Marlena wondered if John had found closure. John admitted that being at the site had reminded him how he had taken an innocent life.

Marlena pledged that she and John would navigate the tough road ahead, no matter how long it took. Just then, Leo arrived in the pub and saw Marlena. He happily greeted her and expressed surprise that she had changed clothes so quickly. Marlena was confused, especially after Leo mentioned her having eaten pork rinds. John jokingly asked Marlena if she had sneaked a bag of pork rinds from the vending machine, but Marlena insisted she had not. She became even more perplexed after Leo replied that he had just watched "our show" with her.

John left to get his and Marlena's order, so Leo took his seat and asked Marlena why she hadn't wanted John to know that she had spent the entire night at Leo's place, watching TV. Before Marlena could respond, Leo guessed that Marlena hadn't wanted to acknowledge that she'd been "fraternizing with a patient." Marlena contested that she had "no idea" what Leo was talking about, but Leo insisted that her secret was safe with him, and he left to get his own table. When John returned, a puzzled Marlena called the exchange with Leo one of the strangest she had ever experienced.

Because the kitchen was closed, John and Marlena decided to go home. Marlena wished Leo goodnight as they passed him. He winked at her and added, "goodnight, for the first time." Marlena shook her head at John, and he raised an eyebrow as they departed.

Later, Hattie walked through the door at the pub. Leo saw her and was bewildered that "Marlena" had once again changed clothes. She asked him what he was talking about, and Leo countered with questions about whether "Marlena" was subjecting him to some form of "radical therapy" or "gaslighting." He wondered if "Marlena" had "ditched" her husband to see him again. "Marlena" asked, "What husband?" Leo gaped at her.

"Marlena" brushed off the question and excitedly told Leo that Roman had offered her a room above the pub. She wished "Lenny" good night and left to get settled. In astonishment, Leo watched her go and snarked that the situation was just like what had been happening with Everett. He wondered if it was "contagious," and his mouth dropped open. "Dr. Marlena Evans has a split personality!" Leo gasped.

Fiona stopped the car in the parking garage of John and Marlena's apartment building. She told a still-slumbering Brady that he was home, and she tried again to awaken him. Fiona then attempted to convince herself that she had done the right thing in fleeing the scene, because Xander would look after Sarah. She fretted about what she should do, then answered a call from Xander. He told her that something had happened and that he needed his "mum."

Later, Marlena and John arrived in the parking garage. Marlena wondered why Brady had parked in her space. However, the couple did not notice Brady, alone and slumped over in the car.

Back at the hospital, Xander stood by Sarah's bedside at the hospital. He held her hand and pledged that he was there for her. Kayla entered the room, and Xander erratically tried to explain what had happened. Kayla gently insisted that he leave so she could work on Sarah. Xander declared his and Victoria's love for Sarah and promised her he would be just outside the room.

Later, Fiona arrived and comforted an upset Xander, who updated her on the night's events. He vowed that when the hit-and-run driver was located, he would "tear that bastard limb from limb." Fiona hugged her son, with guilt and worry washing over her face when she embraced him.

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