Abigail's lies are exposed; Days of our Lives recap for Friday, October 18, 2024

Newlywed "Abigail" (AnnaLynne McCord) stands in front of Chad (Billy Flynn) to prevent her brother Mark (Jonah Robinson) from shooting him | Image Source: JPI Studios
Newlywed "Abigail" (AnnaLynne McCord) stands in front of Chad (Billy Flynn) to prevent her brother Mark (Jonah Robinson) from shooting him | Image Source: JPI Studios

At the Bistro, Sophia and Ava talked about Fiona. Sophia told Ava about her run-in with Fiona at the Bistro. “Knowing that she’s such a terrible person, now I wish I hadn’t confided in her,” Sophia said. Sophia lamented that she had no one to talk to since Fiona had been arrested. Curious, Ava asked Sophia if she did not have any female friends her age.

“Not really. I mean, for a while, I had Holly Jonas, but our friendship kind of blew up,” Sophia said. “Let me guess. You had a falling-out over a boy?” Ava asked. Sophia explained that Holly had broken the girl code and dated the boy that Sophia had liked. Sophia told Ava about Holly’s prom scheme. “Anyway, Tate is a really great guy, and he and Holly were just so wrong for each other,” Sophia said. Ava asked Sophia if she was dating Tate, and she said no.

“Well, he and Holly just broke up, and yeah, she wasn’t nice, and she did a lot of horrible things to him, but I’m also probably part of the reason they’re not together anymore. And I think he may still be hung up on her,” Sophia said. “So, you feel like you’re the other woman?” Ava asked. Sophia said yes. Ava agreed that it took time to get over a breakup. With a nod, Sophia said that was why she did not want to pursue Tate yet. Ava smirked.

“Do you know what it’s like to be the other woman?” Sophia asked Ava. “Let’s just say I know what it's like when people want to sew a scarlet letter to your blouse,” Ava countered. Ava advised Sophia not to let other people’s opinions bother her. “If you like Tate, if you really like him, go for it. You fight for him with everything you have. And who cares what other people say? You are a smart, strong, beautiful woman. Own it. Own who you are,” Ava said. Sophia thanked Ava for the pep talk.

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At Salem High School, Aaron congratulated Tate on Brady’s exoneration. “So, what does this mean for you and Holly?” Aaron asked. “There is no more me and Holly. We broke up,” Tate said. Aaron asked what had happened. Tate explained that he and Holly had fought about Brady and Sophia. Tate told Aaron about how Holly had slapped Sophia because Sophia had admitted she liked Tate. With a smirk, Aaron asked if Tate planned to date Sophia, since Tate had broken up with Holly. Tate admitted that he had told Sophia that he was not over Holly.

“It makes sense that you would take a while to get over [Holly]. But when you do, I mean, can you see yourself with Sophia?” Aaron asked. Tate admitted he was not sure. “She’s really hot. And, like, yeah, she’s been really supportive about everything that went down with my dad. Like really there for me, you know?” Tate said. Aaron asked if Tate was hesitant to move on because he was hoping to get back together with Holly.

“I don’t see how Holly and I can work past our problems. Like, I mean, she totally betrayed me,” Tate said. “Like, multiple times,” Aaron said. Tate argued that the lie about the drugs had been terrible, and the second lie about their relationship in order to get to his father was worse. “It’s kind of hard to forgive,” Tate said. Aaron agreed. “Sounds like you guys are really done,” Aaron said. Tate said yes.

“So, what’s stopping you with Sophia? What are you waiting on?” Aaron asked. “So, you’re telling me you would not have a problem with me being with Sophia?” Tate asked. Aaron said no. Tate argued that Aaron had had a crush on Sophia. “I got friend-zoned as you well remember. I’m over it. It’s fine.” Aaron said. Aaron encouraged Tate to pursue Sophia.

After school, Tate went to the Bistro to visit Sophia. “Are you here for your sliders?” Sophia asked. Tate admitted that he was there to talk to Sophia, not get food. “What did you want to talk about?” Sophia asked. “You and me,” Tate said. Tate asked Sophia to hang out after work, and she accepted. As Tate walked out, Ava smiled as she saw Sophia grinning.

In Chad’s Paris apartment, J.J., Holly, Chad, and Abigail toasted to the newlyweds. When J.J. noted that he had not talked to Abigail before the wedding, even on the phone, Holly thought about her conversation with Abigail in the café. Abigail had claimed she had been on the phone with her brother. Confused, Holly said, “Didn’t you two just talk on the phone last night?” J.J. asked Holly what she meant. Holly explained that when she had run into Abigail, Abigail had been on the phone with J.J.

“No, she wasn’t,” J.J. said. Abigail had a puzzled look on her face, and she encouraged J.J. to finish his toast. Concerned, Chad pushed for details. Holly explained what had happened. “I guess I must have misunderstood,” Holly said. “Yeah, you did,” Abigail said. Feeling awkward, Holly excused herself, despite Chad’s pleas for her to stay. Holly insisted on leaving. “Okay. Thank you for all your help,” Chad said. Holly nodded, and she walked out.

“Okay, so you want to explain why you told Holly you were talking on the phone to J.J.?” Chad asked. “I had a really emotional day. I wasn’t thinking straight,” Abigail said. Chad refused to accept Abigail’s explanation. “If you weren’t talking to J.J., then who were you talking to, Abby? And why the hell are you lying about it?” Chad asked. Abigail asked to speak to Chad privately.

At the café near Chad’s apartment, Mark talked to Clyde on the phone. “There has to be some other way,” Mark said. Clyde told Mark to follow his plan to kill Chad. Clyde instructed Mark to pick up a package from underneath the table by the entrance. Inside the package was a gun. “I got it,” Mark confirmed. Mark said he would verify that Chad and Abigail had married before he carried out the deed.

As Mark warned Clyde to make good on his promise, Holly called out Mark’s name. Mark stuffed the gun under his coat, and he turned to face Holly. Holly remarked on what a coincidence it was to have run into Mark. “What are you doing in Paris?” Mark asked. Holly explained that she was there to visit her mother. “What brings you to the City of Light?” Holly asked. Mark explained that he needed to deal with issues related to his parents’ estate.

“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Holly said. When Holly noted that it was such a strange coincidence to run into two people from Salem, Mark asked who else Holly had seen in the city. “Abigail DiMera,” Holly said. Mark’s smile disappeared, and he said he had not met her. “I did hear about her return. She’s in Paris now, too?” Mark said. Holly explained that she had attended Abigail’s wedding to Chad.

“They are now once again husband and wife,” Holly said. “Great news. I’m so happy for them,” Mark said. When Holly noted that she hoped things worked out for Chad and Abigail, Mark asked if there was something wrong. Holly explained that there had been communication issues that had caused some awkwardness. “I really need to get going,” Mark said. With a nod, Holly told Mark she would see him in Salem.

As Mark walked away, J.J. walked up, and he asked about the man that Holly had been talking to. Holly noted that Mark was a doctor from Salem and that she went to school with Mark’s brother. “What’s he doing in Paris?” J.J. asked.

“Something about his parents’ estate. Such a coincidence, though, running into Abigail here, and now him at the same café,” Holly said. J.J. agreed. Holly asked what had happened after she had left the wedding reception. J.J. admitted that things had not gone well. “I just can’t imagine why my sister would have lied about talking to me,” J.J. said. “Me neither. I still feel pretty bad about saying anything,” Holly said. J.J. disagreed, and he said he was glad Holly had said something.

“There’s something definitely off here,” J.J. said. J.J. wondered aloud if it was possible that Abigail was not his sister. “Wasn’t DNA proof done that she’s really Abigail?” Holly asked. “There was. But I was a cop long enough to know that proof can be doctored,” J.J. said. With a shake of his head, J.J. said he could not forget what his mother had said to him after she had met with Abigail. “She didn’t feel it in her heart that that was her daughter,” J.J. said. J.J. argued that it was possible that Jennifer had been right and that the woman that claimed to be Abigail was someone else. “And what if you catching her in a lie just proved it?” J.J. said.

In Chad’s Paris apartment, Chad asked, “What are you hiding, Abby?” After a moment, Abigail stammered that she would tell him everything. Abigail started to justify her actions when there was a knock at the door. Reluctantly, Chad opened the door and was surprised to see Mark instead of J.J. Mark introduced himself. Mark stammered that he had run into Holly, and she had told him about the wedding.

“She also said that your brother was here,” Mark said. “We’re in the middle of a conversation. What do you want?” Chad asked. Mark congratulated Chad. “Why? You don’t even know us,” Chad said. Chad remembered when he had run into Abigail in the park with Mark. “Wait. I do know you,” Chad said. Chad noted that he had seen Abigail with Mark before. Abigail admitted that she knew Mark and that was who she had been talking to on the phone.

“And I don’t know why he is here. Why are you in Paris, Mark?” Abigail asked. Mark stared at Chad in silence. “Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on right now!” Chad yelled. Mark apologized. “Please, you have to know I had no other choice,” Mark said. As Chad started to ask why Mark was sorry, Mark pulled out the gun. Chad and Abigail backed up into the apartment. Mark followed them in and closed the door.

“Mark! My God! What are you doing? Put the gun down!” Abigail screamed. “I’m sorry. I really am. But he said there is no other way,” Mark said. “Who said that? Who told you to kill me?” Chad asked.

A frustrated Kayla stomped into the Brady Pub and told Roman that she had been unable to reach Chad on the phone in Paris. “Apparently [Chad and Abigail] are getting married again,” Kayla grumbled. “And that’s not a good thing?” Roman said. Kayla said no. Worried, Roman asked Kayla why she was so upset.

“What do you need to tell Chad?” Roman asked. “That he’s about to marry a woman who is not Abigail,” Kayla said. Roman asked about the DNA test, and Kayla explained that a suspicious Steve had confirmed that the first test had been wrong. “Somebody tampered with it,” Kayla said. Roman asked who. “Somebody I thought that I could trust,” Kayla said. Kayla explained what had happened, and Roman wondered aloud why Mark would help the fake Abigail.

“I tried to contact [Mark] and confront him with all this, and he’s disappeared,” Kayla said. “I’m glad you didn’t find this guy and confront him,” Roman said. Roman argued that Mark was dangerous. Kayla called Mark cruel for having tricked a grieving family. “How could I be so wrong about someone? I mean, this guy was a good doctor. I really believed that he was a good guy,” Kayla said. Roman urged Kayla to let the police handle the matter. Kayla confirmed she had already spoken to Jada about the situation.

“Now we just got to hope the Salem PD tracks this bastard down and charges him with perpetrating a fraud,” Roman said. “I hope so. Before he hurts anybody else,” Kayla said. With a shake of her head, Kayla noted that Jennifer had been right.

“Her mother’s intuition told her that that woman was not Abigail. We should have all listened to her,” Kayla said. “Jack, my God, he’s gonna be crushed,” Roman noted. Kayla said she was heartbroken for Chad, Jack, and Jennifer. “I just pray to God that [Chad] had not married that scam artist yet,” Kayla said. Kayla blamed Clyde for having sent Chad on a wild goose chase. “[Steve] left for Paris this morning to try to stop Chad from marrying that imposter,” Kayla said. “Hopefully, he gets there on time,” Roman said.

In Paris, Mark announced that since Abigail and Chad were married, Clyde wanted Chad dead. Abigail shoved her way in front of Chad, and she yelled, “You can’t do this!” Mark’s hands shook as he ordered Abigail to get out of the way. Abigail refused. “If you want to shoot him, you have to shoot me first,” Abigail said. Mark yelled at Abigail to move.

As Mark and Abigail yelled at one another, Steve crept into the apartment and knocked Mark out from behind. “Steve? What’s going on?” Chad asked. “I'll tell you what’s going on. This woman is not Abigail,” Steve said. Chad stared at Abigail in horror.

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Edited by Lisa