Abe has shocking news for his lead; Days of our Live recap for Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bonnie sits in a hospital bed and cries about her final scene | Image Source: JPI Studios
Bonnie sits in a hospital bed and cries about her final scene | Image Source: JPI Studios

Jada was doing paperwork in the interrogation room at the police station when Stephanie stopped by for a visit. With a shrug, Jada noted that Rafe would return to work soon, and she wanted to transition out of his space. “I didn’t mind being in charge, but I hated the reason for it,” Jada admitted. Stephanie said she had wanted to thank Jada for her call about Everett.

“I’m so relieved that it turns out that he was innocent, but I feel terrible for ever believing the things that he said he did in that suicide note,” Stephanie said. “I mean, we all believed those things, Steph,” Jada said. Jada noted that as a cop, she should have known better. “You had a feeling that there was something off about his note,” Stephanie said. With a nod, Jada said it had seemed impossible to her that someone could have forged the note.

“But [Connie] is in Bayview now. Where she belongs,” Jada said. Jada apologized for having not told Stephanie the news in person. Stephanie noted that Alex had been with her when Jada had called. “You didn’t tell me you two were spending time together again,” Jada said with a smirk. Stephanie reminded Jada that she was neighbors with Alex, and they worked with one another on Body and Soul. Jada asked if things were awkward between Stephanie and Alex, but Stephanie said no.

“We’re just friends now, and that’s the way we want to keep it,” Stephanie stressed. Jada asked Stephanie if she was sure. Stephanie admitted that she had kissed Alex, but Alex had stopped things before they had progressed. “That’s unlike him,” Jada said. Stephanie explained that she and Alex were both getting over their last relationships, and they did not want to ruin their friendship. Jada asked Stephanie how she felt about it. Stephanie said she did not want to ruin her friendship with Alex, but she had been thinking about Alex in a romantic way.

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“I just need to take a break from relationships in general,” Stephanie said. With a groan, Stephanie told Jada that she did not want to take up all Jada's time. Jada assured Stephanie that she would always be there for Stephanie, and Stephanie said she felt the same way. “And as for you and Alex, I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Jada said. Stephanie hugged Jada goodbye, and she left for the set.

At the Brady Pub, Bonnie was stunned to read the changes to the Body and Soul script. “You’re killing me off?” Bonnie exclaimed. “It’s nothing personal, I swear. We think you are a wonderful actress,” Leo said. Confused, Bonnie asked why she was being fired. Leo explained that the storyline had dictated the change.

“The hell it was storyline dictated! This was Hattie dictated!” Bonnie yelled. Leo started to explain that the situation was complicated, but Bonnie interrupted to note that Hattie had told her about the ultimatum. “I just can’t believe they caved to your outrageous demands!” Bonnie yelled at Hattie. “Nothing outrageous about them, sore loser. Charlemagne is the star of the show,” Hattie said. Hattie noted that it was clear that the producers had prioritized her happiness over Bonnie's. Bonnie called Leo and the producers cowards for having been bullied by Hattie.

“My husband is my agent now, and he’s not going to let you get away with this!” Bonnie yelled. Bonnie threw the new script at Leo, and she walked out. Hattie admitted to Leo that she did not blame Bonnie for being mad, but it was Bonnie’s fault because she had been too difficult to work with. With a grin, Hattie noted, “Everything is going my way.”

Kayla was working in her office when Seth Burns, the head of the hospital, informed Kayla that he had decided to reject Kate’s request to shoot scenes at the hospital. “Last time we spoke, you were excited about this,” Kayla said. Seth noted that the legal and insurance liability for the shoot was cost prohibitive. Kayla pointed out that the proposal included insurance coverage provided by the soap opera. Seth countered that there was still the matter of disruption to the operation of the hospital. Kayla disagreed, and she noted that there was vacant space on the fifth floor.

“Our patients won’t even know what’s going on up there,” Kayla argued. Kayla pointed out that Seth had requested innovative budget solutions, and the TV show would help eliminate some of the hospital’s deficit. “Body and Soul might just save us,” Kayla said. Seth confessed that he had watched the show, and he did not believe that it would be good publicity for the hospital.

“As far as the viewers are concerned, this will be Pineview Hospital,” Kayla countered. “I see,” Seth said. Kayla asked if there were any other objections. After a moment, Seth agreed to let the show shoot at the hospital. “On one condition,” Seth said.

In the square, Abe told Kate that he had talked to Leo about the new direction for the show. “Okay. So, it’s done,” Kate noted. Abe said that Bonnie would receive the news shortly. Kate asked if Abe had any second thoughts about running the show. “No, I love what we’re doing despite, uh, a few headaches,” Abe said. Kate agreed, and she said she regretted that they had not been more selective with the casting.

“It’s over now. And once Hattie gave that ultimatum, the decision had to be made,” Abe said. “Let’s just hope it’s the right one,” Kate said. Kate told Abe about her conversation with Alex and Chanel. “I can see that there’s some merit to their argument, but there’s no way I’m going to ask Leo to do more rewrites,” Kate said. Abe agreed.

At the Body and Soul offices, Chanel and Alex informed Johnny that Kate had refused to remove the love scene from the script. “[Kate] said our arguing only reminded her that the sparks fly whenever we’re together. So, it’s still on,” Chanel said. “I don’t understand,” Johnny said. Chanel explained that because Leo had been occupied with extensive rewrites for Bonnie and Hattie, there was no time to make any other changes to the script.

“Even though you and Alex and I objected to it?” Johnny said. “You objected, too?” Alex said. Chanel noted that Johnny had talked to Leo about it, but Leo had refused to make any changes. “I would have thought that if we all three had an issue with it, they would have at least considered a rewrite,” Johnny said. Alex agreed, and he noted that the issue was probably more of an issue for Johnny than anyone else because Chanel was his wife. Johnny stressed that his objection was to how soon the scene was in the show, not that there was a sex scene at all.

“I think it’s a little bit more than that. Right? It’s gotta make you uncomfortable,” Alex said. Alex added that he would not want to watch someone make out with the woman he loved. Frustrated, Johnny refused to talk about the issue anymore. “I just want to help!” Alex said. Alex suggested that they hire another director for the love scenes. Johnny scoffed at the idea. Johnny argued that he was a professional, and Chanel agreed that Johnny would be fine.

When Kate arrived at the hospital, Kayla confirmed that Seth had agreed to allow the TV show to use the hospital on one condition. Before Kayla could explain, Seth walked in and announced that he would play the chief of Pineview Hospital on the soap. “Meet Dr. Blake Ramoray,” Seth said. Kayla smiled sheepishly at Kate. “That’s the only way I could get [Seth] to agree,” Kayla explained. Seth noted that he had limited acting experience, but he was eager to start. Kate gave a tight smile, and she congratulated Seth on the new role.

In the square, Abe called Johnny’s phone, and he informed Johnny that the location for the day’s shoot had changed to the hospital. “Leo just did a slew of rewrites. You’ll have them emailed to you by the time you get to the set,” Abe said. As Abe ended his call, Leo walked over and confirmed that he had given the new script pages to Bonnie and Hattie. Leo noted that there had been dramatics, but no bloodshed. “Well, unfortunately, one of them had to go. Now we just have to get through those scenes,” Abe said.

Justin called Abe’s phone, so Leo sat down in the café to work while Abe stepped aside to take the call. “I know you’re upset, and justifiably so, but you have to give me a chance to explain,” Abe said. Justin ended the call. With a sigh, Abe sat down at Leo’s table. “I have made an awful lot of enemies today,” Abe said. “You and me both,” Leo said.

At the pub, Bonnie talked to Justin on the phone, and she told him she did not blame him for having been unable to save her job on the show. “I know you would have made it happen if you possibly could,” Bonnie said. Hattie watched from nearby as Bonnie sniffled back tears and ended her phone call. “Couldn’t help but overhear. No lawsuit, huh?” Hattie asked. Bonnie groaned.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but no,” Bonnie said. Bonnie explained that the contract stipulated that the producers could fire Bonnie at any time as long as they paid her an amount guaranteed in the contract. Hattie smiled, and she told Bonnie that she was lucky to get paid for weeks of work that she did not have to complete.

“No, that means I don’t have to hang around with you anymore. You know what, Hattie? I was really looking forward to working with you,” Bonnie said. Bonnie told Hattie that she thought they would have had a lot of fun working together on the show. “Just like we did in the old days, you know? You and me were gonna be a team, just like when we replaced Marlena and Adrienne. Except this time, no one was gonna get hurt. But it was exactly the opposite of what I pictured. No fun, no laughs, and no teamwork. And this time, someone did get hurt. Bad. Real bad,” Bonnie said. In tears, Bonnie stomped out of the pub. A look of guilt flooded Hattie’s face.

Hattie left the pub, and Abe called out to her as she walked through the town square. “What is it?” Abe asked when he saw Hattie’s face. “I appreciate all your support. You know I do, but I’m just a little bit surprised. I always knew that, um, I would be the one to come out on top of all this, but I didn’t expect Bonnie’s exit to be quite so final,” Hattie said. Abe reminded Hattie that she had declared that the show was not big enough for both characters.

On set at the hospital, Bonnie sat in a bed and sniffled back tears as she read through her lines. Johnny entered, and he asked Bonnie why she was made up in sick make-up. “I’m being killed off. On my first day, no less,” Bonnie said. Johnny consoled Bonnie. Through tears, Bonnie noted that she had been so proud to be a part of the show, and she had worked hard on the character. “Why are they doing this to me?” Bonnie asked. Bonnie grabbed Johnny and hugged him as she broke down in tears.

At the Body and Soul offices, Chanel admitted to Alex that Johnny had a problem with the love scenes. “We had a big fight about it last night,” Chanel said. “I’m sorry. But I’m sure you convinced him that he had absolutely nothing to worry about,” Alex said. When Alex noted that Chanel could not stand him, she said that was not true. Alex grinned. Chanel admitted that sometimes, Alex was “not so bad.” “I like you a small percentage of the time myself,” Alex countered. Chanel laughed. Alex reminded Chanel that they had once been good friends, and he hoped they could be again.

“I admit that I have been a bit hostile, and belligerent even, making you feel bad for what happened with Allie, which really wasn’t your fault. She and I weren’t meant to be, obviously. And what I’m trying to say is, I could use one less stressor in my life. So I say, why don’t we try and see the best in each other and get along?” Chanel said. Alex agreed, and he said he hoped their on-screen chemistry could survive now that they were getting along. Alex’s phone beeped.

“I just got a text from Leo. He’s adding another scene for me,” Alex said. Alex told Chanel he would see her on set, and he left for the hospital. Chanel walked over to the table, and she picked up a script. “No harm in seeing what is coming up in the next few days,” Chanel said. As Chanel read through the love scene, she sighed. “Lordy. Wait until Johnny sees this,” Chanel said.

In the hospital waiting area, Kate was relieved to see Abe. “Every time we put out a fire, another one crops up,” Kate said. Abe offered his help, but Kate said the issue was handled. “Just good to know I have backup,” Kate said. “Always,” Abe countered. When Abe noted that things would get better over time, Kate argued that she believed the show would always be rich with challenges.

Down the hallway in the hospital set, Johnny told Hattie and Seth to take their places outside the room, and he called action. Seth entered and gave a stilted line announcing Charlemagne. After Seth left, Hattie and Bonnie performed their scene together. “I’m going to miss you,” Hattie as Charlemagne said as she teared up. Johnny called cut and commended both actresses on their emotional scene.

As Johnny looked at his email, he noted that Leo had sent over the last pages for the script. Johnny asked Seth and Bonnie if they wanted to rehearse the scene. “What about me?” Hattie asked. “Leo said you’re done,” Johnny said. Hattie nodded reluctantly. “I wish you well. Even if you do hate my guts at the moment,” Hattie said to Bonnie. “You got that right,” Bonnie muttered. Hattie walked out.

After Seth made a couple technical objections to the scene during rehearsal, Bonnie finished the scene with Alex. “You’re not going to die, mother,” Arrow said. Bonnie appeared confused as Alex hugged her. “I’m not?” Kassandra said. Arrow explained that he had found a flower that could be used to save Kassandra’s life. “Save my life? Does this mean I’m not getting killed off, after all?” Bonnie asked Johnny. Johnny smiled.

In Kayla’s office, Kate thanked Kayla for her help with Seth. “Now that [Seth] is a working actor, I at least will get rid of him for a few hours a week,” Kayla said. When Kayla noted that she felt bad for Bonnie, Kate noted that not everything was as it appeared. “There’s always a twist,” Kate said.

In the hospital waiting area, Abe thanked Leo for his hard work on the new pages. “I also appreciate your discretion,” Abe said. “I can understand why you didn’t want anyone to see those final pages until after Hattie and Bonnie had shot their last scene together,” Leo said. Hattie walked up and said hello. Leo asked her about her scene with Bonnie.

Hattie said the scene had been fine, but she felt bad for Bonnie. “I’m glad to hear that. Because Bonnie, a.k.a. Kassandra, she’s not the one being killed off,” Abe said. Confused, Hattie asked, “She’s not.” “No. You are,” Abe said.

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Edited by Lisa