The Daily Y.A.P.P. for The Bold and the Beautiful, March 26

Hope dumps Carter on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image: CBS
Hope dumps Carter on The Bold and the Beautiful | Image: CBS

Welcome to The Bold and the Beautiful Daily Y.A.P.P. (Your After-Program Ponderings) for a quick — and by that, I mean you’re already halfway done — recap of the most amazing or what-the-heck-did-we-just-watch moments on today’s episode. Let’s get to it:

What Happened on The Bold and the Beautiful

I know you’re thinking I was going to talk about the big news du jour: that Ridge made a decision, but I am not because we all know his commitment to the future is (always) temporary. However, Hope’s choice seems a little more set in stone. Despite his pleas, Hope dumped Carter hard. She reminded him that not only had he sworn undying loyalty to her, but he had specifically claimed that when she was fired (the first time), things would have gone down differently had he been there. He was given a second chance for that scene, and he failed, at least, in Hope’s eyes. Carter magnificently noted that all the men in Hope’s life have let her down, from Deacon to Liam to Thomas, and then along came Carter, and she hero-worshipped him as her knight in shining armor. Until, that is, he did one thing she didn’t like and got kicked to the curb. Hope clapped back that he was singing Ridge and Steffy’s rhetoric and wanted a new playlist in her cabin. After Carter was shown the door, he went back to Forrester Creations, where Daphne was waiting with open arms. “I’m heartbroken,” he cried. “You’re heart is broken because you gave it to the wrong person,” Daphne soothed. Carter let the innuendos shower all over him and wash away his tears. Meanwhile, in the hallway, a heartbroken Brooke paused to wait for someone who just so happened to be in the same boat to float by and commiserate. Menage a trois, anyone?

Want more details? We got you! Soap Central has the best full recaps on the internet! You can even go back over 30 years and read each and every one of ‘em. If you can’t wait until the next episode, we have daily spoilers, too! And whatever you do this weekend, do not…seriously, do NOT…forget to read the Two Scoops for some laughs (hey, admit it, we’re funny) in the as-close-as-we-can-come to being a watching party without actually being a show — and the best part is if you agree or disagree, we want to know! As always, share your comments below.

You can watch The Bold and the Beautiful weekdays on CBS or stream live or on-demand on Paramount Plus.

Edited by Erin Goldsby
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