Has your week been like The Bold and the Beautiful? Did you get sick over the behavior you yourself have perpetrated? Did you advise your kid to do the same ineffective thing she did before? Did you discover your kissing cousin did more than kiss? These and more situations faced the Forrester-Logan-Spencer-Walton-Finnegan-Nozawa clan this week!
Hope discovered she wasn't the only droid Carter was looking for on The Bold and the Beautiful

Let's jump to hyperdrive, Scoopers! The whole takeover of Forrester Creations (2025 version) has descended into a “he's not your boyfriend, he's my boyfriend!” tussle between Hope and Daphne. Meanwhile, Luna's paternity puzzle has finally been solved – and sidebar: I've been studying Dutch for 3 years and just realized “vader” means “father”, so Star Wars had telegraphed Luke's daddy from the very beginning! Sidebar over! Back to B&B – let's Scoop about it!
You're my only Hope
Carter apparently labors under the edict that if you feel guilty about something, do another thing to feel guilty about. Daphne's words about Carter being a better man than the one who tricked Ridge and Steffy into giving up control of FC inspired Carter to let Daphne kiss him. As you do. Of course, Hope saw the whole thing, but instead of barging in on the percolating perfumier, she kinda slinked off.
Too bad, because Hope missed the part where Carter told Daph, “I've struggled with doing what's right in the past.” Because Carter was mostly a stand-up guy until his dalliance with Quinn, we have to assume he was talking about that, and it was a faux pas of Carter's that definitely applies here. Now, granted, it was only one kiss and not a full-blown affair, but Carter's Loose Lips Syndrome isn't just a one-time affliction anymore.
Daphne did the strangest thing next. She out and told Carter that, since she had completed her goal, it was probably time for her to boogie back to Paris. Why would she even hint that she had any goal? She basically gave herself away; luckily for her, Carter was too dense to pick up on it. And how was her goal met? Until FC is officially back in Steffy's hands, Daphne's task is to keep working on Carter. One smooch doesn't mean the job's done!
Daphne later admitted to herself that she had actually fallen for Carter, which wasn't part of the plan. And that's classic soap, a schemer catching feelings for their mark. Zende arrived and popped Daphne's thought bubble with the suggestion that she create a scent to go along with Hope for the Future, something really appropriate to an environmentally sensitive fashion line. (Not.) But nah. Daphne was gonna bounce.
Unlike most of our show's stray kissers, Carter decided right away to tell Hope the truth while Daphne's spittle was still on his lips. Given the issues Hope had had with the previous men in her life, he knew he had to do so. But Hope shot back, “I know – I saw everything!” Hope listened to Carter's explanation and wondered if he was trying to blame Daphne instead of himself. Had Carter led Daphne on?
Hope was not happy. She remembered how Carter had insisted that he was different. But...”why am I standing here with that same bitter taste of betrayal in my mouth?” Sorry, girl, no sympathy to be found here. Hope wouldn't even be with Carter if she hadn't betrayed Liam by kissing on Thomas – and worse, that had been the culmination of months of fantasizing. About her one-time tormentor, no less!
Carter's no innocent, and he should have stopped Daphne's mouth from colliding with his, but I'm not about Hope being all indignant after the stunts she's pulled the last couple of years. And mind you, we still don't know why the change in Hope's personality. The Hope of 2010 would be horrified to see what she's like 15 years in the future! Wish B&B would have attributed it to Hope's Sharpe side coming out, with Deacon trying to pull her back, but no such luck.
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate

Hope, who had simply watched the Daphne/Carter kiss streaming on Forrester Plus, decided the next thing to do would be to download on Daphne herself. Daphne needed to step off! But hold up, Daphne retorted – Hope was only using Carter! And on they went with this exchange, through Thursday's episode and into Friday's. I don't know why we spent so much time with these two going in circles.
The only other new bit of information we got out of it was Daphne insisting that she appreciated Carter for who he was, and not just because Carter rescued Hope's line (that should have been put in the recycle bin years ago). Hope doubled down, informing Daphne that she really did love Carter. I dunno. I think Hope thinks she loves Carter. I also think Hope hasn't been using Carter.
I know lots of you will disagree, but my take is that Hope saw Carter as someone who didn't come with complications and was attracted to that. She supported Carter when he wanted to bust out as LLC Cool J. But I agree Hope has changed since then – it seems to me she's gotten drunk on the power afforded her. Like when she told Ridge he'd have to answer to her if he came back. And telling Daphne that she needed to go!
Carter thought the Hope/Daphne skirmish required a referee, so he popped in on their argument over him, only for Hope to more than highly suggest that Carter send Daphne away. This is kind of silly considering Daphne has already made her own decision to leave, which, as I alluded to earlier, is itself a silly move. Deeper still is the fact that Carter's takeover of Forrester – and Steffy's plan to get it back – has devolved into a petty squabble between Hope and Daphne regarding Carter.
What happened to Steffy coming back to Forrester to watch for an opening? Zende playing double agent? How come Ridge and Eric have done nothing but complain about ousting themselves but have taken no action of their own? The rage over losing the family business has turned into a high school spat over a boy. It's boring. Where's the plotting and backstabbing this story needs? Oy.
A disturbance in the Force

Finn was surprised to find Luna at Bill's mansion – and it was even more surprising that Luna, who has been told over and over again to make herself scarce, has started answering Bill's door. Luna did her thing of apologizing for what she'd done to Steffy (still not sure I believe any of it) and explained to Finn that she was serving out her sentence at Bill's as house arrest.
Luna expressed to Finn the wish that Bill had been her father, but it had been that reprobate Tom after all. Not that Luna could believe it. We then got some interesting blank fillers, with Luna detailing how, when she was a child, she'd immerse herself in fantasy to escape the unstable childhood Poppy had ultimately provided her. And those fantasies sometimes took Luna into dark places.
Luna deduced that she had sunk into her make-believe to the extreme when she killed Tom and Hollis and when she left Steffy in a cage to die. I have to admit, I like this attempt to explain Luna's personality shift. Not that it doesn't make Luna insane, but I guess that's how she's going to get out of her prison sentence eventually. Finn felt that hearing this admission was the perfect time for him to tell Luna that he was her father!
I just realized...do you know what this means? Hollis and Tom died for nothing! Luna only offed them because she was trying to keep the “truth” of Tom being her daddy from getting out. So, those deaths are even more meaningless. I wonder if that's going to affect Luna going forward. She certainly didn't seem to think it was weird that her cousin had porked his aunt, lack of biological connection notwithstanding. Luna finally had a daddy!
Taylor had warned Steffy prior that this whole Luna-is-Finn's-daughter thing was basically the Sheila situation all over again, and the Tay-Tay was right here. Because, less concerned with having a kid who goes into fugue states and poisons people to death without a second thought, Finn cried about all the years he and Luna were cheated out of. Doesn't this sound like Finn's rant when he thought Steffy had killed Sheila last year?
Luna didn't think Finn could possibly have any paternal feelings for her after she imprisoned his wife...could he? Well, of course he could; this is Finn. I'd guess Luna sensed that because she thanked Finn for telling her the truth, unlike nasty old Mommy Poppy. “I love you for that, Dad!” Well, you know that had to have hit Finn in the feels. I'm coming to the conclusion that Finn ain't quite right in the head, either, you know what I'm sayin'?
I'm not going that way, it's much too rocky

Let me save you some time: Greenlee – uh, Taylor spent three episodes trying to convince Steffy to ditch Finn and move in with her and Zach – uh, Ridge at the Forrester mansion. Talk about beating a dead Wookiee! Ridge came in late in the game to add fool to this particular fire. It's not Tridge's contention that Steffy being with Finn meant having to deal with psycho Sheila and now psycho Luna. It was too much, they maintained. No argument there.
It's this idea of Steffy booking a room at the Forrester mansion...again. It's not like she hasn't done this before! If the safety of Steffy and Kelly and the misnamed Hayes is such a concern, why not peace out to a place Luna and Sheila can't find them? And that doesn't mean Forrester International in Paris or Milan, either. More like Forrester International Siberia. Or maybe Forrester nothing at all!
When Taylor told Steffy to run, why did she add running to somewhere so easily targeted? Taylor had even figured that Sheila would break Luna out of jail herself once the heart shooter found out Luna was her grandkid! (Good observation, by the way.) So why not plant Steffy somewhere out of harm's way? And, as I said, Steffy almost always runs to Eric's when she's upset with Finn. A repeat is not recommended.
For Steffy's part, this time, she decided not to bolt. Despite Ridge's assessment that Luna had fought the crazy for as long as she could until she turned into a killer like Sheila (also astute), cue up the Tammy Wynette – Steffy was gonna stand by her man! I find this strangely refreshing because usually Steffy takes off. Still, the last time Steffy chose to stand firm, she ended up punching Sheila. Should Luna be wrapping her face up in bubble wrap about now?
A long time ago in a cage far, far away

Finn did better this time than he usually does with secrets – he only took one episode to hem and haw about whether or not to tell Steffy that Luna wasn't actually in prison instead of clutching his pearls for days and weeks at a time. The sad part, though, was Steffy prattling on to Finn about how they'd never have to worry about Luna again. If that declaration smells even vaguely familiar, your nose works.
Should Steffy not know better at this point? How many times did she affirm their protection from Sheila thusly, only to have Sheila pop back up after jail terms and toe severing and bear eating and hearts attacking? The first thing Steffy should have said was, “Maybe we'd better check to be sure Luna is still behind bars.” Steffy's false sense of security made her look really dumb, unfortunately.
And, like clockwork, Finn confessed to Steffy that he had gone to visit Luna...not in a nice, tightly-locked correctional facility, but over at Bill's house! Say what? Steffy freaked out, which was totally understandable, but yeah, Taylor was right – it's the Sheila sitch redux. I mean, it's playing out exactly the same way. Along with Finn adding that he really needed to see his daughter.
His determination to spend time with Sheila is what upended his marriage to Steffy before on multiple occasions, so he hasn't learned anything, either. He had to have realized that any softening toward Luna wasn't going to make Steffy feel better, yet he made a point of telling Steffy how Luna had wept upon finding out they were father-daughter. “I cried, too! Do you know that?” Steffy raged. Good on her!
She relayed for Finn how much she had suffered in Luna's Home Depot cage, starving and dehydrated and praying that Finn would come and rescue her. I'd say he needed the reminder. This is the guy who probably is still trying to get “Sheila's” blood out from under his fingernails after soaking in it from the carpet like it was Palmolive. He always seems to side with his crazy family members instead of his wife. Maybe Steffy should run!
Over at Bill-catraz, Luna shared with her father/friend/warden the news that her real papa was Finn! The Dollah was less interested in paternal revelations and more torqued that Luna had answered the door when he'd instructed her repeatedly to avoid it like it was covered in anthrax. “You better hope [Finn] keeps his mouth shut,” Bill warned, because if Finn didn't, Luna would be on her way back to the real prison. Locked away with those who had beaten her, was the implication.
Bill shouldn't have been surprised, though, when not the Avon Lady came to the door, but Steffy, who was none too pleased that Bill was harboring her captor. Steffy informed Luna that she shouldn't plan on picking out Father's Day cards for Finn this year, because Steffy was putting Luna on notice. Steffy would make sure that Luna never saw Finn again!
Soap gods preserve us! Steffy never, never learns! This was the same bravado that got Steffy shot in an alley after she mouthed off to Sheila with the same threat! And Steffy should know by now that no one kowtows to her bluster. I could see Steffy facing Luna after the cage caper and giving her a dressing down, sure, but putting the needle down on the broken record of her ultimatums, again, made the character look dumb.
I would think, now that Luna's secret living arrangement at Bill's is no longer a secret, this means she and Remy can plot against Will and Electra, respectively, right out in the open. Luna was going to get discovered at Bill's sooner or later; wonder how that'll affect her story going forward? And will Luna simply dip back into her dark fantasy world as a result of Steffy's blowharding? What happens if Luna teams up with Gramma Sheila to finally get Steffy out of their lives?
The circle is now complete, Scoopers! Should the saga of Carter's takeover of Forrester – and the Forresters' attempt to wrest it back from him – be more about clever business parrying and less about two women fighting over the owner? What do you think Luna will do now that everyone knows she's not serving out her sentence in a proper jail? Should Steffy be changing up her flow in dealing with Luna instead of falling back on the braggadocio that didn't work with Sheila? And speaking of Sheila, what do you predict will happen when she and Luna discover they're related? The Force has got a lot of power, so use it in the comments below!
All this fatherhood fracas reminds me of when Ridge was revealed to be a Marone in the 2000s – which is never mentioned anymore. I did up an article about it; read it here.
I've also put some fingers to keyboard with thoughts about two-week-old soap Beyond the Gates, so leisurely browse through Soap Central's Beyond the Gates gated community and get up to speed with everything Richardson, Hamilton...and of course Dupree! Would you like to see a GATES/B&B crossover, as Karla Mosley (Dani, ex-Maya, B&B) mentioned in the week-before-premiering episodes of primers?
As for B&B, Steffy's steppin' in it, so I gotta see what that gets her, plus I'm intrigued by the chaos Luna can cause by hanging out with Remy and Sheila (maybe at the same time!). My advice would be to keep watching, be alert, and most of all, be bold. And remember – no matter color, creed, heritage, religion, gender identity or orientation, we're all beautiful.
Watch The Bold and the Beautiful weekdays on CBS or stream the show on Paramount Plus.
(Purchase Adam-Michael James' books on Amazon here.)
(Listen to isletunes, AMJ's podcast featuring nothing but music from the artists of Prince Edward Island, Canada.)

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