Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B

SC Desk
Jack Abbott arrived in town for a Forrester meeting
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B

Brooke sent Kimberly to Paris uncover Amber's secret. Before leaving, Kimberly got into a brawl with Amber at Forrester. Adam forbade Kimberly to go to Paris, so she sneaked out to catch her flight. After a dream about killing his mother with his news about him and Brooke, Thorne chose to put off telling Stephanie the truth.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B

Monday November 15, 1999

by Soap Central

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"Oh God, she's dead!" Eric says as he looks up at Thorne. Thorne rushes to the phone and calls 911. He tells them to get an ambulance there now. When he returns to his mother, Eric is starting CPR and he joins in, telling Eric that the paramedics will be there in two minutes. We don't have two minutes! Eric shouts. "What did you do to her? What happened here tonight?" The paramedics arrive and begin life saving procedures while Thorne and Eric stand aside, worrying. "I'm sorry, Dad," Thorne tells his father. I tried to calm her down; I thought she could handle it." Eric looks at him in shock and apprehension. "You did it didn't you? You told her about Brooke, didn't you?" He grabs Thorne and begins shaking him. The one paramedic tells the other that they will have to take her in. He gets up and tells Eric that he is sorry but they can't get a pulse; she is dead. "She's gone?" Eric cries. "NO, NO!" He rushes to Stephanie's side and holds her to him. Thorne gets down on the floor and cries as he reaches for his mother. "God, Mother, I killed you! Don't go; please don't go."

Thorne is in his car and awakens with a start. It was just a dream; he has never gone into the house.

Brooke comes downstairs all dressed up and tells Katie that she is feeling great, but nervous. She didn't expect this to happen. Katie says that after tonight, she and Thorne can walk down the street holding hands for all the world to see. Brooke is still worried. She just hopes everything goes okay when he tells her; she hopes it won't be a disaster. "What disaster?" Katie asks. "You said she was a battleship." Brooke remembers saying that; she says that Stephanie probably knew all along and was just pretending not to remember. That is probably why she and the family keeps pushing Thorne and Macy together. She heads for the door saying that she wants to be there when Thorne returns home. She tells Katie to say a prayer for Stephanie tonight just in case.

Kimberly goes to see Macy asking her what is wrong. Macy tells her that she is worried that something is wrong between her and Thorne. She says that she has been trying for weeks to get together with him and tonight it happened. But they weren't together more than thirty minutes when he said he had to go home to see his mother. She is having trouble feeling anything for Thorne these days. Kimberly wonders if she thinks Thorne is having second thoughts. "Why would he?" Macy wonders. Nothing has happened to change anything except his mother's stroke. But somewhere deep inside her, this name keeps popping up. Brooke Logan! No matter how hard she tries to shove it down, it still comes into her mind. Kimberly wonders if Thorne has said anything that would indicate that he has changed his mind about Brooke but Macy says that he definitely has not. But that doesn't mean that Brooke has given up. She is still making moves on him and she is around all the time; she was also at the hospital too much and she knows she wasn't there to see Stephanie. Kimberly tells her that if something was going on between her and Thorne, Brooke wouldn't be able to keep quiet about it; she would be telling everyone about her new love. "You are right," Macy agrees. "What was I thinking? Thorne and Brooke? Ridiculous! He is just stressed out over his mother's stroke.

Eric returns with the ice cream and he and Stephanie eat it beside the fire. She is in a positive mood but she also wants him to understand that she may always be in this chair. He won't believe it because she feels things so deeply in her heart. Because of her deep feelings, she will soon regain her basic feelings. She tells him that God doesn't work that way, but one thing for sure, she hasn't lost the feeling in her heart. Right now her heart is burning with love for him. He suggests that they go to bed but she gives him a strange look. He tells her not to worry, there is no pressure about that. They have the rest of their lives to figure things out. He offers to help her to bed but she tells him that she has gotten used to doing it for herself. She goes to the bedroom and he hesitates in the living room.

Brooke arrives at Thorne's house and lets herself in. "This is where it all begins," she tells herself. "I have waited so long for this. All the years with Ridge, the mistakes with Eric, all this time I've been searching for love and never knowing what it was. I wonder why it took so long? Why did I have to go through so much pain before I found true love? Well, it doesn't mater because it is here now and it is here to stay. We will share a life together and nothing and no one is going to stop us." The door opens and Thorne comes in. From the look on his face, she knows that something is wrong. "How did it go?" she asks as she puts her arms around him. He tells her that he didn't tell her. He explains that he went for a drive before going to his mothers and pulled over beside the road to think about what he would say. Suddenly, he saw himself in front of her and telling her about them. He saw her reaction and heard the accusations. He tried to calm her but she got more and more upset. He was unable to stop her and she died. "I saw her die, Brooke!" He tells her. "I don't know if she is strong enough or not but I couldn't take the chance. I'm sorry. I know how much you were counting on this." She goes to him and tells him that it is okay. Stephanie will know the truth when she is ready to hear it. Until then, she loves him. He thanks her for understanding and tells her that he loves her also. She tells him that before he arrived, she was thinking and she asked herself how it had taken her so long to find this happiness. It is because something this good and this perfect has to be earned; it has to be tested, she tells him. We are going to get through this and then we will share a life together. I really believe that, she tells him. I believe it also, he says and they kiss. While Thorne pours them a drink the telephone rings. Without thinking, Brooke picks it up and begins to answer it but she realizes that it isn't her place and offers it to Thorne. He tells her to go ahead and answer it. She does and it is Eric. He is surprised to hear her on the phone and wants to know what the hell she is doing there. He tells her to go home where she belongs. Brooke tells him that he has never been cruel to her before this. "Well maybe I should have," he tells her. "You have never showed any compassion for my family. If you want my respect then stay away from my family and that includes Thorne." She begs him to stop treating her like this. What happened to Stephanie wasn't her fault. He shouts at her to get the hell out of there now. Thorne grabs the phone and tells his father not to ever talk to Brooke like that again. Eric shouts at him. He tells him that this isn't what he wants but Thorne tells him that he has no idea what he wants or needs. He lays the phone down on the table while his father is still yelling at him and he and Brooke begin kissing. "PICK UP THAT PHONE, THORNE! PICK UP THE PHONE AND TALK TO ME!"

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B

Tuesday, November 16

by Soap Central

Stephanie tells Becky that the baby is fine but wonders if amber hasn't been telling her the same thing. Becky says that she hasn't talked to Amber in a while. Stephanie explains that Amber has been out a lot taking care of her; she is just recovering from a stroke. Becky is heartsick about that but Stephanie assures her that she is recovering even though she is in a wheelchair at the moment. She goes on to give a positive report about Amber, Rick and Little Eric. She says she knows what the problem is; she says that Becky is homesick. She encourages Becky to think about herself and the future.

Later, when Becky returns home from work, she looks through the mail and is angry and disappointed that there are no pictures. She remembers all the promises that Amber made for the baby, about the things she and Rick could give him. "He is my son Amber and I am going to do whatever I have to to make sure he is safe and happy."

Brooke calls Kimberly with the final arrangements for the Paris trip. Kimberly tells her that she has everything and has packed; she will be going directly to Becky's apartment from the airport. Once she hangs up the phone, she wonders how she is going to explain this trip to her father and decides that she will have to leave before she sees him. However, Adam comes into the room just as she is about to exit. When she tells him where she is going, he tells her that she is not leaving. He will not have his little girl running off with some sleezeball photographer. She tells him that she doesn't need his permission and takes her suitcase and starts to leave. He stops her. "You may be 18 and you may work for the Forresters but I am still your father," he tells her sternly. "And what you say goes?" asks Kimberly. Adam tells her that if she had given him time to think on it, he may have given her permission. But trying to sneak off like this only tells him that she has something to hide. Furthermore, since coming to LA she has become disrespectful and obstinate. He orders her to go and unpack her bag and he leaves the room. She tells the empty room that she isn't trying to be dishonest and disobedient, she just wanted to go to Paris and discover the truth; she may be the only one who can do that. I have to go, she decides. She picks up her bags and quietly leaves the house.

Amber tells Tawny about her fight with Kimberly. She is so busy griping about it that Tawny tells her to forget Kimberly; the real threat to the marriage is Becky. They have to keep her happy or she will go directly to the Forresters with the truth. No, it is Becky tht they have to keep happy, not Kimberly. Tawny is trying to figure out a digital camera for the taking of happy family pictures but Amber wants to just gather up a lot of old ones and send them. Tawny tells her that they have to take them tonight; Becky wants to see new ones. Rick comes in and is surprised to see Tawny. She explains that she is staying a while to help with the baby. He doesn't think it is such a good idea but doesn't want to discuss it tonight. All he wants to do is jump in the shower and go to bed. Tawny tries to get him to pose for some pictures but he leaves the room for his shower. Maybe tomorrow he tells her. While he is in the shower, Becky calls wanting to know why they are trying to keep her in the dark about everything that is going on back in LA. First there was Kimberly and now Stephanie's stroke. She reminds Amber that they had a deal and she still hasn't gotten any pictures. Amber explains that Rick has been busy studying for midterm exams and Becky asks if he has been studying with Kimberly. Amber tries to get her to calm down but Becky says that the only thing that will calm her down are about a dozen 5 by 7 reasons. When Rick finishes his shower, Tawny has made tea to try to calm Amber down. She encourages him to cozy up to his wife and relax. As he does, Tawny takes a picture. This angers him. He yells at her and stomps off to bed.

Kimberly boards the plane and finds her seat. There is a "nerd" sitting in the seat beside hers but she tries to ignore him, especially when he seems to recognize her. She smartly puts him in his place and settles back for the trip. "Tomorrow, Amber, I will know your secret."

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B

Wednesday, November 17

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B

Thursday, November 18, 1999

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 15, 1999 on B&B

Friday, November 19

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Edited by SC Desk