Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B

SC Desk
A special week of episodes featuring some of The Bold and the Beautiful
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B

Eric and Brooke clashed with Amber and Rick about their future plans, and Amber turned to Stephanie for help. Brooke said goodbye to Grant at the hospital. Bailey used his crystal ball, and to Ridge's dismay, his bad evening with Taylor ended with her crying on Pierce's shoulder.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B

Monday, September 14, 1998

by Michael Keith

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Brooke visits Grant in the hospital and believes his encouraging Macy to moveon with Thorne is incredibly selfless. Grant replies that when he marriedMacy, he promised to make her dreams come true, and he believes she can havethe family she always dreamed of with Thorne. Meanwhile, Macy tells Thornethe reason the doctor could not release Grant is because his condition isgetting worse. Grant's cancer has gotten so bad, he might not ever come home.

Amber is excited about Rick's marriage proposal and the prospect of becomingMrs. Eric Forrester Jr. C.J. wonders how Rick is going to support Amber and thebaby since he is still in high school. Amber says Rick will not have tosupport them since the baby will be a Forrester. C.J. urges Amber to clue Rickin the Raymond might be the father of her baby, but Amber wants no part ofthat. Amber is certain her baby is Rick's.

Grant offers his sympathy to Brooke for Ridge leaving. Brooke notes Bridgethad a hard time dealing with it at first, Rick became vulnerable, and now Amberis pregnant. Grant encourages Brooke to lose her anger and focus on Rick. Hewishes everyone could experience the joy and gratitude he has felt. Now ifGrant could only get Macy to experience that joy with Thorne.

Macy wishes she could get back the life she and Grant had before his illnesswhile Thorne assures her everything will be alright. Macy doesn't know howshe will be able to deal with Grant being gone, but Thorne says she will neverbe alone. Thorne will always be there for Macy.

Amber says her baby was made out of love and can not be Raymond's. C.J. warnsher if she pretends the baby isn't Raymond's, all hell might break lose.Amber is not telling Rick or his parents because this is the closest she hascome to having the life she always wanted. This baby is a Forrester and ifAmber plays her cards right, someday she will be too. Later, Amber has adream of giving birth to Raymond's baby while Brooke banishes Amber fromRick's life forever.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B

Tuesday, September 15, 1998

by Michael Keith

Eric and Brooke ready for their meeting with Rick and Amber. Eric is unsurewhat Rick has in mind, but feels adoption is the only solution and Rick willhave to accept that. Amber warns Rick that his parents will try to talk themout of getting married, but Rick says he will not let that happen. Rickreminds Amber they have managed to stay together so far, and he is not goingto quit even though things are tough. Brooke and Eric arrive. Rick and Amberrealize Brooke and Eric think adoption is the best solution because they arenot married. Amber vows to give her baby a great home with love while Rickstuns his parents by saying they are not giving the baby away. He and Amberare getting married and will raise the baby themselves!

Ridge expresses his concerns about Pierce to Stephanie. Ridge feels Pierce istrouble and is up to something. Meanwhile, Pierce doesn't want to lose Taylorand has to know she is with him on this project. Taylor assures Pierce she isstill working on the project, and is excited about the work. The projectat least deserves further research. Pierce says it's a shame, Ridge can'tshare that enthusiasm. Ridge feels Pierce is playing with Taylor's mind andmaking him seem like the bad guy. Stephanie notes Pierce has designs onTaylor. Ridge is frustrated since Taylor said she is not quitting her job, nomatter how Ridge feels about it. Taylor is risking her whole career for somecrackpot therapy. Taylor assures Pierce she is excited about the project,despite her husband's objections.

Stephanie is surprised Taylor would get involved in such a scam, but Ridgesays Taylor is not being objective. Ridge can't explain Taylor's behavior butfeels Pierce has brainwashed her. Pierce is trying to control Taylor and Ridgehas to protect her and get her off that project. Taylor tells Pierce she isaware of the project's demands, and if Ridge does not support her, she willdeal with him. Pierce says to himself that despite Ridge's objections, thisis only the beginning. Pierce can change Taylor's life.

Eric blasts Amber for suggesting she and Rick get married, but Rick shouts itwas his idea. Rick vows he loves and is committed to this baby and nothing canchange the way he feels. Brooke orders Amber out of her house, but Ambersnaps back saying she is a member of the family now and as a member of thefamily, she will not be ordered around. Whether Eric or Brooke likes it ornot, Amber will be their daughter in law.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B

Wednesday, September 16, 1998

by Michael Keith

Ridge asks for Lauren's advice on how to handle Pierce. Ridge feels Pierce iscontrolling his wife is some bizarre way, and is frustrated Taylor chose notto quit her job. Pierce asks Bailey to get rid of the trigger bell he usedduring Taylor's hypnosis. Pierce regrets using the bell during the hypnosisas the bell is a power trip and Pierce doesn't need the bell to have controlover Taylor. Bailey urges his boss to reconsider giving up the bell sincePierce could use the bell to get closer to Taylor. Pierce is certain he wantsthe bell destroyed but Bailey keeps the bell in his pocket.

Eric and Brooke want Rick and Amber to do the responsible thing and give theirchild up for adoption, but Amber says it's not responsible to give the childaway. Rick hoped his parents would understand his love for Amber and hisdetermination to do the right thing and provide this child with a warm, lovinghome. Rick continues by saying he knows what it feels like to be raised in abroken family home and he is going to make sure this child is not raised likethat.

Bailey tells Taylor he is glad she didn't quit the project and expresses hisconcern about Pierce's happiness. Even though Pierce helps thousands ofothers, Bailey feels Pierce's needs aren't being met. Pierce needs one personwho he can share his soul with, Bailey says and it is a shame Taylor doesn'tshare those feelings. Bailey looks at the bell and says to himself, maybe hecan change that. Lauren has an idea to find out what Pierce is really aboutand calls his office. Lauren learns Pierce went to lunch at Mannequins andheads off to dig up some dirt. At the restaurant, Lauren introduces herselfand flirts with Pierce.

Sally is surprised Rick and Amber are talking marriage and reminds C.J. Rickwill need his parent's permission before he takes the plunge. C.J. calls Rickto find out what is going on with Amber but Rick says the scoop will have towait until after Amber and his mother finish their private conversation.

Amber tells Brooke eventually she and Rick will get married and she is willingto do anything to make Brooke accept this child since it will be a Forrester.Another thing, the conniving Amber says is she will not tolerate being treatedlike the hired help. If Brooke wants to go to war, fine, but Amber plans onwinning. So does Amber call Brooke, Mrs. Forrester or mom?

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B

Thursday, September 17, 1998

by Soap Central

Brooke and Amber continue to spar. They are saying more of the same old things, however, once again, Brooke emphasizes that she will never allow her sixteen year old son to marry anyone, much less Amber. When Amber tells her that she can't talk to her like that, Brooke tells her that she can talk to her any way she wants to because this is her house. She tells Amber to leave but Amber says that Rick is upstairs waiting for her. Brooke tells her that this is not a democracy; this is her house and she wants Amber to GET OUT! Amber asks where she expects her to go but Brooke informs her that that is not Brooke's problem; that is Amber's problem. Amber leaves, but once outside, she looks like she just might have a plan.

At Mannequins, Lauren is still trying to seduce Pierce. He tells her that he knows that she is coming on to him but there is something missing. There should be sparks but there aren't. From the tone of her voice, he has to wonder if she is holding out bait to him. Yes, that is it, he says. You are bait! Who sent you here to test me? He thinks that it is Ridge so he gets up and tells her to go back and report that he passed the test---or failed the test---he doesn't know which it is. Lauren jumps up and tells him who she is and apologizes for her behavior. Pierce knows the name and knows that she is a good friend of the Forresters. Lauren asks him to sit back down so that she can explain. She tells him that Ridge has a right to be worried; his beautiful wife is working very closely with a very charismatic man. Surely he can see the potential? Pierce tells her that it doesn't necessarily follow that he would be after Taylor just because they are working closely. He is a very dedicated man; he only has one lifetime to accomplish all that he wants to accomplish. He doesn't have the time to stop and play. Sure, he is attracted to Taylor, who wouldn't be? But he has his mind on business and would never ever interfere with a marriage. Lauren says that she couldn't be more off the mark! She begs him to accept her apology. She leaves soberly chastised.

Taylor is trying to get her work completed so that she can leave. Since Bailey is still there, she tells him again that Pierce has chosen his own path. When Bailey insists that he needs more in his life Taylor says that he acts like she could do something about it. Bailey says that she could be his confidant; someone he could open his soul to. Taylor tells him that even if he did open his soul to her, she couldn't reciprocate. "Only one person has my soul," she tells him. Bailey looks at the bell again and is about to ring it when the phone rings. It is Ridge. He wonders when she will be home. She tells him that she is almost ready to leave; she will be home soon. "Yes, doc, do hurry," Ridge tells her. As she begins to leave, she tells Bailey that she is on her way home but she needs to assure him that she is happily married. The fight she and her husband had last night was the first in two months of marriage. Bailey hopes that the fight is over and Taylor says it will be as soon as she can get home. Any time Ridge calls her doc, it means something special is about to happen. Bailey's eyes light up. Taylor makes it to the door before Bailey rings the bell.

Taylor stands and blinks as she falls into a trance. Bailey takes her hand and leads her back to the chair and sits her down. He asks if she feels okay and she says that she does. He asks about the name that Ridge uses, and she replies it is doc. Bailey tells her that from now on, anytime anyone calls her doc, it will be an offense to her. She will be offended and irritated that anyone would use that word to her. It is a put down of her professional ability; it shows disrespect and she will not tolerate it. He then wakes her up and sends her on her way home.

Amber arrives at Stephanie's door and uses the knocker. "I know someone who might take me in," she says to herself. "Stephanie Forrester. Lets see how you feel about that, Brooke!"

Taylor arrives home to a house alight with candles. She asks if they forgot to pay the electric bill. Ridge tells her that he has something special planned but first he wants to set things right. Taylor tells him that she loves him and he asks if that is even if he is a stubborn, obstinate man. She says that she is the same thing so does he still love her. He tells her that he loves her very much and only wishes that they could have more time together. As they are kissing, Ridge whispers, "Make love to me, doc." Taylor stiffens and pulls away. What is wrong, Ridge asks. She doesn't know what happened. As they begin to kiss again, Ridge once again calls her doc and she pulls back and looks at him coldly and angrily.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of September 14, 1998 on B&B

Friday, September 18, 1998

by Soap Central

Taylor pulls back when Ridge calls her doc but she doesn't know why. She doesn't want to spoil the mood; she just wants to be with him. He wants to be with her also, so he tells her, "Anything you say, doc." Again, Taylor reacts. She thinks that it is the stress of work and home life and that is all that it is. They begin to make love and he pulls her jacket off. "I need you," Taylor whispers. As they kiss again, Ridge says that he needs her too. "I need you so much, doc!" She pulls back and tells him to STOP calling her that. Ridge is confused and frustrated, especially when she tells him not to call her doc. He says that he has called her that for years and she never complained. Taylor says that when he calls her that, it is very irritating. They begin again. As Taylor gets more and more aggressive, Ridge says, "Whoa! Doc!" Jerking back, violently, Taylor shouts, "Dammit, Ridge LOSE THE DOC!"

Taylor realizes what she has done and said and becomes very distraught. "What in Hell is wrong with you," Ridge asks. "I don't know," Taylor says. "What is happening to me?" Ridge asks if she is still angry about last night but she says that that isn't it. She isn't angry or disappointed with him. What he asked of her was not unreasonable. She is tense and wound up and she doesn't know why. She doesn't feel any threats from him, Pierce or the job. She is rubbing her shoulders and asks if he could give her a massage. "I can do that. Where would you like me to start?" She tells him to start north and work his way south. He begins to massage her shoulders. "You really are tense," he says as he massages. "Is this helping, doc?" Taylor pulls away and flies off the handle. She grabs her purse and jacket and tells him she is headed for the office. She must have left something undone at the office that is bothering her. Ridge won't let her go; he says that they need to work out what is wrong with her. Taylor says that she has no answers but she wants to go to the office and search for some. Ridge asks if Pierce is still there. It is the damn job that is interfering with their lives. Again he uses the word doc and she tells him that it is that word that is grating on her nerves. She doesn't want to be called that. Ridge says that he doesn't believe that the word "doc" is their problem. With that, Taylor grabs her jacket and leaves the house.

Stephanie opens the door to Amber who tells her that she needs to talk to her. Stephanie says that she heard she was back in town and trying to hook up with Rick. Amber tells her the reason she left in the first place. Stephanie says that Brooke was only trying to protect her son; she was only trying to keep her underage son from becoming involved with a situation he wasn't ready for. "I am surprised at you, too, Amber," Stephanie says. "I can't believe that you would let yourself become involved either. You were hired as a babysitter! The best thing for you to do is go home to your parents before it is too late." It already is too late, Amber informs her. I am pregnant. Stephanie is horrified! How could you let this happen? Don't you know you could go to jail for this? She tries to be patient and kind with Amber but when Amber says that she was hoping that Stephanie would take her side, Stephanie stops her. Brooke is a good mother and I will not take sides against her in this! Amber says that she has no where to go and was hoping that she could stay with her.

Pierce asks Bailey if Taylor has gone home for the day. Bailey is daydreaming about the little bell and hopes that Pierce won't give up on Taylor yet. With the help of a little bell, Taylor should be back in the office before long. She will be totally disgusted with Ridge every time he uses the word, "doc." She will grow to despise him.

Pierce asks why he is smiling and Bailey says that he was thinking of the time when Pierce found him at the Santa Monica pier. He says that he had made a deal with himself that when the sun came up that morning, he was going to throw himself off the cliff. He doesn't know how he will ever be able to repay Pierce for turning his life around. Pierce tells him that by turning his life around, he has given him all the thanks he will ever need. Bailey says that he may be able to do more for him soon. When Pierce asks what he is talking about, Bailey begins talking about Taylor. Pierce becomes short with Bailey and tells him that Taylor is a happily married woman and he isn't going in that direction. Bailey says that he knows that there is a serious problem in Taylor's marriage; that marriage isn't what people think it is. Pierce says that he hopes Bailey is wrong. Just then, Taylor comes into the office very upset. Bailey leaves but listens at the door. Taylor tells Pierce what happened at the house. She can't understand what went wrong! Sometimes they have disagreements but they don't get in the way of their marriage. And what is it with her becoming angry just because he called her by an old nickname? Standing at the door, Bailey smiles proudly and tells himself that it worked!

Ridge is on the porch at his place drinking a beer when Lauren comes up. She tells him that her mission was accomplished. She just had dinner with Pierce and she has all the low-down. Ridge says that that is a name he would rather not hear right now!

After Ridge is alone, he is troubled. "What the Hell is going on? Am I doing something wrong? I feel like I am losing you, Taylor. I cannot lose you; I am not going to lose you. NO WAY!"

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Edited by SC Desk