Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B

Sheila pressed James for a quickie wedding. Thorne and Dr. Santana worked together to keep Taylor away from Ridge. Brooke asked Ridge to initiate her into the 'mile high club' on their plane ride to Italy. Sally and Lauren endured a plane ride from hell to get to the Forrester showing in Milan.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B

Monday, October 20, 1997

by Michael Keith

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Lauren couldn't believe Sheila was pulling the same tricks she'd pulled in Genoa City by taking Maggie's baby. The plan was for James to prove Sheila was mentally unstable and then sue for custody, Maggie informed Lauren. Sheila was no fool, Maggie continued, so she and James had to have their marriage annulled to prove James was in love with Sheila. Maggie told herself it was only for a couple of weeks. Lauren suspected Sheila would start making sexual demands on James.

After James told Sheila he loved her, she wanted them to fly to Las Vegas that night for a quickie marriage. James tried to put Sheila off by saying he wanted something more traditional. "What about my needs?" Sheila demanded. Sheila said she needed reassurance that James was in love with her, and a marriage would prove it.

Again James said he wanted to take things slowly between them, which includes no sex. Sheila only laughed at that. "You expect me to let you to stay here but no sexual relationship?" Sheila asked. She wanted to know James's real intentions.

Thorne and Doctor Santana arrived at Taylor's house but found she was not there. They wondered where she could have gone.

Taylor was at Ridge's house, waiting for him to return home to tell him the news. Taylor remembered how in love they had been, and she hoped the pregnancy would make them closer.

Ridge was in his car, on the way home. Before going home, he planned to stop and see Eric to finalize some things for the Italy trip.

After looking at the beach, Thorne received a call from Taylor. She informed Thorne that she was at Ridge's and was going to tell Ridge the truth that night. Taylor had a pain while speaking to Thorne, and Thorne was more worried than ever that Taylor would miscarry. Thorne and Dr. Santana headed for Ridge's, hoping to make it there before Ridge did.

While Thorne and Dr. Santana were on their way to Ridge's house, Thorne phoned Ridge and made up a bogus excuse to delay Ridge returning home. Thorne asked Ridge to pick up a prescription for Taylor at a drugstore. He would do it, Thorne explained, but the drugstore closed soon, and Thorne did not have time to get there. "Too bad," Ridge said. Thorne hung up, though, before Ridge had a chance to say no. Thorne had the doctor call in a prescription for Taylor. The doctor and Thorne hoped Ridge went to the drugstore before going home.

James asked Sheila why she was always so suspicious of him. Sheila again stated she wanted a marriage to prove James's love. James got ready to leave, but before leaving, he showed Sheila a ring he had planned to give her. Sheila was touched James would give her his mother's engagement ring. The ring was to prove James's desire for a traditional courtship. Sheila hugged James after he acknowledged they were engaged. "Your first priority is being a mother," James reminded Sheila.

Taylor fell asleep in Ridge's bed and was awakened by someone entering the house. It was Ridge. Ridge started undressing and headed to the bedroom. He crawled into an empty bed.

Thorne and Dr. Santana had gotten to Taylor before Ridge had shown up and had whisked her away in the car. The good doctor reiterated that if Taylor wanted to carry the baby to term, she needed to stay stress-free, and that meant avoiding Ridge, since he was the cause of 99% of her stress.

Ridge crawled into bed and smelled Taylor's perfume on his pillow. Ridge thought it was odd that after all those years of Taylor not living there, he still felt like she'd never left. He wondered if he would ever stop thinking about Taylor.

Taylor was back home and realized she had to protect the baby, but she was more determined than ever to tell Ridge the truth.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, October 21, 1997

by Michael Keith

Eric was busy designing the collection for the upcoming fashion show in Italy. If the showing wasn't a success, Forrester might never recover. Even though he was under enormous pressure to deliver a fantastic showing, Eric couldn't get his thoughts off Lauren. The phone rang, and it was Lauren. She wanted to see him. Eric reminded Lauren he was still planning on marrying Stephanie and told her he did not want her to call him again.

Ridge stopped by his father's office and suggested that even though Forrester was under a lot of pressure, he hoped his father had not forgotten Stephanie. "Don't worry," Eric assured Ridge; Eric planned on romancing Stephanie in Italy. Eric changed the conversation to Ridge's love life and suggested he and Brooke rekindle their love.

Sally was getting her hair done at Gladys' salon while reveling in Spectra's success. Lauren entered to get her nails done and filled in Sally about her recent conversation with Eric. If Eric insisted on marrying Stephanie, then he really was a loser, Sally said. Lauren was determined not to let that happen, although she was not sure how she was going to get through to Eric.

Sally informed Lauren that Stephanie was about ready to take Eric back. As proof, Sally read an article from one of the latest fashion magazines about the Forrester showing in Italy. Sally filled in Gladys about how she'd planted the picture in the minister's Bible to stop Eric and Stephanie's wedding, unaware that Stephanie was getting her hair done right next to Sally.

Eric introduced Ridge to Forrester's newest supermodel, Caterina. Eric wanted Caterina to be Forrester's star model at the showing in Italy. Ridge had doubts because he had heard about Caterina being just as much of a spoiled brat as he was. Clarke introduced the stuck-up Caterina to Eric and Ridge. Caterina had a lot of attitude and a list of demands she handed over to Eric.

Stephanie blasted Sally. Stephanie said Sally reveled in shame like a pig in slop. Next, Stephanie verbally decimated Lauren. Stephanie said she had been thinking a lot about Lauren's father lately and how ashamed he would be to find out his daughter had turned out to be such a trollop. Lauren said Stephanie was just a "bitch" and was going to get exactly what she deserved.

Ridge told Caterina her list of demands was way too much. Caterina reminded the Forresters she had a reputation to protect, and it was no secret in the fashion industry that Forrester was a sinking ship. Eric assured the stuck-up model that Forrester was hardly sinking, but he gave in to her list of demands. After the showing, Forrester would be able to afford her, Eric said.

By Eric's request, Stephanie dropped by his office, and Eric gave her an invitation to the showing in Italy. Stephanie wondered why she would need an invitation to a Forrester showing. "The showing is going to be a tribute to you and your strength," Eric explained. Eric then kissed Stephanie.

Lauren was determined to get to the Forrester showing and wondered if Sally had any ideas on how to get tickets. Sally plotted and thought up an idea. She phoned Forrester and spoke with Megan. In a phony accent, Sally pretended she was on the guest list but had lost her tickets. Megan searched for the name Sally had given but couldn't find it on the list and said she needed to get authorization to give out any tickets.

Plan A failed, but Sally was determined not to let Stephanie steal her thunder or let Stephanie win Eric. After all, all was fair in love and war. One way or another, Lauren and Sally were going to be at the biggest international fashion event of the year.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, October 22, 1997

by Michael Keith

Macy and Grant were having coffee at Insomnia while discussing business. Grant wondered why the fashion industry was buzzing about Forrester's upcoming show in Italy when Forrester had only had a few weeks to prepare. Macy reminded Grant that the Forresters were talented plus they had Clarke, who was also quite gifted. Clarke entered with Forrester's latest model, Caterina.

James was reviewing the information he had on Sheila being an unfit mother. He realized he didn't have much to go on yet. Sheila arrived at home with the baby. She'd had her attorney check out James's annulment to Maggie. It was legitimate. Sheila had also gone shopping for a wedding gown. The gown she wanted was not in stock and would take six months to get.

James thought that was perfect timing but Sheila didn't want to wait that long. Sheila said she would not be able to trust James until they were married. Conner dropped by, since he'd promised Maggie he would find out what was going on with James and Sheila. James admitted he didn't have any evidence that Sheila was an unfit mother.

Amber was surprised James was going to marry Sheila, since he'd just ended his marriage to Maggie. Sheila explained that in order for her to trust James, he was going to have to marry her.

Macy was surprised the Forresters had hired Caterina. That had to mean they were planning something huge for their showing. It meant Forrester didn't have a product, and it was their last chance of having success, Grant countered. "Maybe," Macy said, "but what if you're wrong?"

Clarke tried to impress Caterina by ordering drinks in Italian. Their waitress was fluent in Italian and embarrassed Clarke. Caterina noticed Grant and went to introduce herself. Caterina did not even acknowledge Macy while hitting on Grant. Grant seemed flattered but declined her offer of a tryst in her hotel room. He later told Macy he was tired of being used and was looking for a woman who could appreciate the real Grant.

James ordered Conner not to tell Maggie he was planning on marrying Sheila. "Is there any other way of getting Sheila to trust you besides a marriage?" Conner asked. "Not unless I sleep with her," James said.

Amber reminded Sheila of everything James had already done for her: leaving Maggie, moving in, and creating a baby together. "Still, there's no commitment," Sheila said. Amber advised Sheila to cut James a break, otherwise she might lose him for good.

Clarke informed Caterina that after the Forrester showing the next week, Grant Chambers would be old news.

Sheila heard James and Conner "arguing" downstairs. James threw Conner out after he insulted James's relationship with Sheila. Sheila hugged James after hearing he'd stood up for their relationship. James promised to take care of Sheila, starting with a big wedding in front of the friends and family. Sheila gave James one month to pull off a big, splashy wedding, or else they do it her way.

With Sheila tending the baby, Amber informed James that if he didn't get the proof he needed, wedding bells would be ringing.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, October 23, 1997


At Forrester Creations, people were preparing for the trip to Italy. There seemed to be a controlled chaos everywhere. In Thorne's office, the packing and planning were progressing nicely. Brooke told Thorne about her night working with Ridge. She was sure that she and Ridge would be married soon.

Dr. Santana had just finished examining Taylor. "Your condition is improving," she told Taylor, but said, "You took an awful chance the other night going to Ridge's house. You could have harmed the baby or yourself."

Eric was busy preparing his precious designs for the showing in Italy. Megan entered with the plane tickets. She reassured him that everything was ready. The limousine was waiting downstairs. Caterina and Clarke entered. Caterina was sulking, as usual.

Caterina asked about extra tickets and was annoyed when Eric told her that all the tickets had been sent out. "But I need them for my family and friends," she told him. Ridge tried to calm her down. "We will see what we can do," he told her. As she spun around to leave, Clarke told her that she was riding with him. She gave him a piercing stare but followed him out.

Sally was reading one of the "rags" and said they had to be desperate for news, since they had given so much space to the Forresters -- and everyone knew Forrester was desperate for a showing. But no matter, the more hype and publicity they had, the farther they had to fall, she told her staff.

Macy seemed worried. She told her mother about seeing Clarke and Caterina out together the other night. That was more proof to Sally that the Forresters were desperate. Grant wished he could be there to see what they were showing. Sally declared that Spectra would definitely be there.

Eric told the group that they had to be ready; they couldn't second-guess anything. "Our collection is small, but it is excellent," he told them, "I have never let this company down in the past, and I won't start now." Megan wished him good luck and left. However, before she could leave, Ridge asked if there were any messages. She told him that there hadn't been any since the last time he'd asked.

Alone, Eric asked if Ridge expected to hear from Taylor. Ridge confided that he had a feeling that something was wrong with Taylor. However, Eric told Ridge to forget Taylor and concentrate on Brooke. He encouraged his son to "move on. Now is the time for you and Brooke."

Stephanie interrupted Thorne and Brooke's conversation about Ridge and Taylor. Brooke left after making a pointed remark for Stephanie's benefit about riding to the airport with Ridge. Stephanie mentioned that the two of them were spending a lot of time together, but Thorne told her it was just work. Stephanie wondered where Taylor was, but Thorne brushed her off. "You are leaving for Europe, and the mother of your child isn't here to say goodbye to you?" Stephanie asked.

Thorne told his mother that Taylor wasn't having an easy pregnancy. There had been complications, and she had almost miscarried a couple of times, he told her. Stephanie was worried, but Thorne told her that Taylor was confined to bed rest. He told her that his only priority was to make sure the kid would make it. Just then, Stephanie was summoned. Before she left, she offered her help with Taylor, but Thorne told her that he had everything under control.

Brooke entered Ridge's office and asked if he was ready. She was very excited about the trip. "It will be wonderful for us," she told Ridge. "Yes, it is going to be wonderful for the company," he answered. "No," she tells him, "I meant for us. Now let's go."

Once alone, Eric placed a call to Rocco Boracco, the Italian designer. "I am looking at your sketches right now," Eric told the designer. "Is everything ready at your end?" Having been assured by the unseen Rocco that everything was ready, Eric told him in Italian that he was crossing his fingers.

Back at Taylor's beach house, Dr. Santana continued to berate Taylor for her obsession with Ridge. "I am worried about you," she told her patient. Taylor said that it was the guilty secret that was eating her up inside. She would be all right if she could only tell Ridge and get it over with.

"If you are so set on telling him, why don't you just call him?" the doctor wondered. Taylor said that she had tried. "Didn't you leave a message?" the doctor asked. Taylor replied that she had left several, but he had never called back. "Well, doesn't that tell you something?" the doctor bluntly asked Taylor. Ridge could not be a priority, the doctor told her, Taylor agreed.

Dr. Santana began to sing Thorne's praises. He was a wonderful man, and he only wanted to help Taylor and her baby. "He loves you very much, and he only wants your happiness and the well-being of your child," Dr. Santana said. Thorne entered the bedroom. "I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to you and the little one," he said.

Back at Spectra, Sally said they had to be at the showing. She could not let the Forrester circus get away with anything. "Queen Stephanie will try anything. She already has Eric, her prince consort, handcuffed to her wrist. We cannot let her get away with it, can we, Lauren?" Sally said.

Darla entered with the tickets. "Only $300 round trip!" she told an excited Sally. As Sally and Lauren headed out the door, Darla wished the baroness goodbye. Grant turned to Macy and asked what that had been all about, but Macy laughed and told him that they really didn't want to know.

Thorne told Taylor to take it easy while he was gone. She assured him that she would, but she also told him that she still intended to tell Ridge about the baby. "This guilt is eating away at me," she said. "But it will be worth it in the end when you give birth to a healthy baby," Thorne promised. Taylor shooed him away. "You have a plane to catch," she told him.

Once outside the door, Dr. Santana shook her head. "She still insists on telling Ridge," she said. "Don't worry about it," Thorne said, "By the time my brother and Brooke get back from Italy, she's not going to want him to know."

In first class, Ridge and Brooke were sitting together. "How do you feel?" Brooke asked. Ridge told her that he was tired and drained. Brooke told him to feel free to use her shoulder as a pillow.

Caterina was drinking champagne. Clarke sat beside her, but she didn't look at all happy.

Eric and Stephanie were sitting together. Eric ordered champagne. Stephanie wondered why Eric was smiling. He told her it was a trip they wouldn't soon forget. Stephanie wondered where Thorne was, since the plane was about ready to take off.

Back in coach, the conditions were anything but serene. Children were screaming and jumping around. A large man arrived and sat beside Lauren. "This is going to be the longest twelve hours of my life," Lauren wailed. "No," Sally assured her, "this is going to be a real Zen experience. Focus all your energy on the reason for this trip: Eric." Lauren focused, and they began to chant. A child behind them threw a pillow against Lauren's head.

Thorne arrived in first class. "Where were you?" Stephanie wondered. "Yes, what took you so long, little brother?" Ridge asked. Thorne pointedly told them that he'd had to say goodbye to Taylor and the baby. Brooke smiled as she caressed Ridge's hand.

Back at the beach house, Taylor lay in bed. "I've gotta tell you, Ridge," she whispered, "you need to know that I'm carrying your baby."

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 1997 on B&B

Friday, October 24, 1997


In the air and headed for Europe, Brooke and Ridge toasted to a successful showing. Stephanie turned from the window and found Eric staring at her. "What is that look?" she wanted to know. Eric acted innocent, and she told him that ever since they'd taken off, he'd been looking at her as if he had a secret. "Maybe I have," he answered. He finally admitted that he had something in the works but wouldn't say what it was. Seriously, Stephanie wondered what would happen if they didn't have the success they were hoping for. "Maybe we'll move to a beach in Maui," he told her.

Looking over at Brooke and Ridge, Eric suggested that Stephanie would need to make an attitude adjustment concerning Brooke. Stephanie didn't think so. Eric pointed out that they were getting closer, but Stephanie didn't think Ridge would make that same mistake again.

Caterina continued to sulk. Clarke rejoined her and tried to lighten things up, but she was having none of it. The Italian stewardess stopped by and asked if they wanted anything. Caterina answered her in Italian, and it didn't take a knowledge of Italian to know she was insulting Clarke. However, she managed to "interpret" her comment for him without as much insult. As he relaxed in his seat, Clarke muttered, "Thanks, Eric, for hiring that one and sitting me next to her."

Brooke caught Ridge smiling and thought it was for her. However, he told her that he was thinking of his parents. Brooke glanced that way and said they looked like they were on their honeymoon. "Maybe it is," Ridge answered. He told Brooke that Eric planned to remarry his mother. "He is definitely a man with his priorities straight. Dad says he has a plan," Ridge continued, "I think he is planning on marrying her while we are in Italy." Brooke said she hoped he didn't propose at the show. "That has already been done," Ridge agreed.

Watching from his seat, Thorne seemed pleased. "They are in love," he said to himself, "I wish Taylor could see them together."

Back in Los Angeles, Dr. Santana reported to Taylor that her blood pressure was down and so was the number of contractions. "I think this is due to the fact that Ridge is no longer in town," she said.

Lauren and Sally were engrossed in watching the couple in the seats in front of them as they openly made passionate love. Lauren caught the heavy man sitting beside her looking at her legs. The children in the seats behind them were still acting up. Sally rose from her seat and shouted at them, quieting them down for a couple of seconds. Once she turned around, the children began making faces at the back of her head and were soon getting loud once again. Just then, the pilot announced that the flying time to Milan was 16 hours with stopovers in Gander, Newfoundland, and Reykjavik, Iceland. Lauren looked at Sally and said, "Darla is a dead woman."

Lauren checked the time and told Sally that "time sure flies when you are having fun." There was a lot of turbulence, and Sally was wondering if "this old crate" would make it. The heavy man began to search frantically for "the bag," but Lauren couldn't figure out what he needed until he vomited into her bag of chips.

Lauren was disgusted. "This had better be worth it," she told Sally. "Oh it will," Sally assured her, "When Eric gets a look at you dressed and so beautiful, and when he realizes that you came all this way just to support him, he won't be able to resist you." Lauren wondered what they would do when they deplaned. Snuggling together with Lauren, Sally told her that they would arrive in Milano and check into a hotel just long enough to get refreshed. Then they would hire a car and drive to Lake Como and check in at the Villa D'Este.

"But Eric has taken over the whole hotel," Lauren reminded Sally. "Don't worry, we will find a way. Don't forget, we have chutzpa," Sally said. The heavy man had to go to the rest room, and for some reason, even though he was in an end seat, he had to climb over everyone in the row. Once he was past, Lauren and Sally looked at each other and broke out laughing.

Ridge excused himself and left for the lavatory. Seeing his brother leave, Thorne joined Brooke and asked how things were going. He told her that Taylor was still insisting on talking to Ridge. He reminded her that neither of them wanted that. "Trust me," he told her, "that will mean trouble."

Thorne returned to his seat. Brooke got up and walked to the lavatory area. As Ridge left the lavatory, she grabbed him and pulled him back into the small room. "I want to join the mile-high club, and I want you to initiate me," she told Ridge.

Thorne watched Brooke make her move and was deliriously happy.

Taylor stared out into the night, longing for Ridge. "You should be here with me," she said, "me and your baby."

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Edited by SC Desk