Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B

Thorne slipped Taylor's medication in her drink, and she overslept, missing her appointment with Ridge. The determined Taylor defied doctor's orders and took a cab to Ridge's house. Sheila asked James to prove his intentions. James returned to Sheila with papers proving that he'd annulled his marriage to Maggie, and Sheila asked James to marry her that very night.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B

Monday, October 13, 1997

by Soap Central

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Brooke comes into Ridge's office wanting to go over the music for the fashionshow in Italy. Ridge says he doesn't have time right now to discuss music.It's important, Brooke says. Taylor called and she asked to see me, Ridgesays. Brooke can't believe he is going to see her. Don't worry, it won'ttake long, Ridge says.

Taylor is wondering how she is going to find to words to tell Ridge he is thefather of the baby she is carrying. Thorne looks in on Taylor and promisesnot to let her get stressed again or she might lose the baby. Taylor asksfor Thorne to get her a protein drink from the fridge. Thorne wants her totake the medication the doctor prescribed. Taylor says she's not going totake the medication because she wants a clear head for a while. Thorneanswers the phone and it's Brooke wanting to know what Taylor is up to byasking Ridge to come over. Thorne can't believe Taylor asked Ridge to comeover and vows not to let Ridge any where near Taylor.

James and Maggie think Sheila's outburst the other day when James was thereis proof enough to show she is unfit. You will need more proof than oneincident, Conner advises. Maggie realizes James is going to have to makeSheila believe he is in love with her. Conner warns James he is going tohave to go to extreme measures to regain Sheila's trust, and wonders just howfar James is willing to go.

James arrives at Sheila's and messes up his hair and takes a few sips from ascotch bottle to make it look like he has been drinking. Once Sheila letshim inside, James pretends to trip and Sheila notices that James is "drunk."

Making sure Taylor doesn't get a chance to talk to Ridge, Thorne crushes uptwo of Taylor's pills and puts it in her protein drink. Thorne watches asTaylor finishes the drink and says to her, everything I do, I do it for youand the baby. Thorne tries to block Ridge from seeing Taylor by saying sheis sleeping. Thorne reminds Ridge this is a high risk pregnancy and Taylorneeds her rest. Ridge goes into see Taylor anyway only to find her sleeping.

James admits he has been drinking because of the pressure he and Maggie areunder. James says he has always realized he and Maggie are different but hehad hoped a baby might help iron out their difference. Sheila suggests Jamesvisit more often as she wants Mary's father to be a part of her life. Sheilaadmits she is surprised James came back. James says he has never forgivenhimself for pushing Sheila out of he and the baby's life right after the babywas born. I don't feel any more love for Maggie, James continues, but I dofeel love for you and the baby. James kisses Sheila but Sheila isn't buyinghis act. You don't love Maggie, you love me, how stupid do you think I am ??

Once Taylor finally awakens enough to talk, she asks Thorne to leave so sheand Ridge can have some privacy. Once alone, Ridge admits it is not easycoming over and finding his brother with you. Taylor realizes she has hurtRidge but that's not why she asked him to come over. Taylor tries to find towords... and finally says she has never slept with Thorne. Taylor says sheis four months pregnant and got pregnant when Ridge was on trial and she wentto visit him in the hotel in was staying at. When you told me we wouldalways be together, we made love, Taylor reminds him. "This is your babyRidge!"

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, October 14, 1997

by Soap Central

Sheila doesn't buy James' act when he tries to kiss her. What do you take mefor, a fool, Sheila asks. Sheila is visibly upset that James would try touse her feelings against her and makes it clear to James that she will nottolerate being betrayed. James gets ready to leave but Sheila locks thedoor. You're not going anywhere, Sheila says.

Brooke is trying out the music for the upcoming fashion show but can't gether mind off what Ridge is doing at Taylor's.

At long last, Taylor opens up to Ridge and tells him that he is the father ofthe baby she is carrying. Ridge is stunned! Taylor apologizes for lying tohim all this time, and says that is what she was trying to tell him at therestaurant. There is no one else in this world I would rather have a babywith, Ridge says. Ridge is so happy with the news, he declares his love forTaylor. But wait... Taylor wakes up.... and, this was all a dream!! Taylornever told Ridge any off this, she only dreamed she told Ridge the truth.

Back at Forrester, Ridge tells Brooke he never saw Taylor, she was asleepwhen he got there. Brooke notes how tense Thorne gets every time he is aroundRidge and wonders what is going on with Thorne and Taylor.

Sheila tells James he must think she is a lunatic for falling for his act.Sheila at least used to have respect for James but not after this stunt.Now, Sheila threatens never to let James see the baby. Amber busts in andsays she has a message for James from Maggie. Apparently, Amber caught upwith Maggie at a coffee house and Maggie was questioning James' whereabouts.When Amber told Maggie she hasn't seen James, Maggie went off the deep end.Sheila wants to know why she should trust Amber. Amber thinks Sheila isparanoid. Sheila doesn't fall for Amber story that she just ran into Maggie.Sheila tells James that she trusted him once before and got burned. Inorder to restore her trust, Sheila wants James to divorce Maggie.

Taylor thinks she saw Ridge but Thorne lets her know it was a dream. Thornetells Taylor she has to put herself and the baby first and that means nocontact with Ridge. Thorne takes the phone out of Taylor's room.

Brooke wants to know if Ridge still has feelings for Taylor. What if Taylorcares about you the way she always did, Brooke asks. Ridge says he andTaylor were never really together if she slept with his brother and iscarrying his child. Taylor doesn't feel the same way as I do about her,Ridge says. Brooke asks another question. If there is no future for you andTaylor, what about us?

Brooke informs Ridge she is not working tonight because she has a date. Adate? Brooke's, Brian from accounting, stops by her office to bring her aflower. Ridge informs Brian that Brooke will be so busy tonight, she willnot have time to go on a date and rushes Brian out.

Thorne tells himself he doesn't care what he has to do, but Taylor will notlose this baby. Taylor is in her bed watching the baby's monitor. Taylorstill hopes to tell Ridge the truth if it's not too late...

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, October 15, 1997

by Soap Central

Taylor looks at a picture of she and Ridge and tells herself she must acceptthe fact that he is in love with Brooke. Even so, Ridge has the right toknow the baby she is carrying is his. How will Ridge react when he learnsthe truth? Taylor tries not to get her hopes up that Ridge will ever getover Brooke. Still, he must learn the truth.

At Forrester, Ridge also glances at a picture of he and Taylor and remembershow much he loves her. If only Taylor had not slept with Thorne...

Brooke wonders why Thorne is so uptight these days. He says he is concernedabout Taylor's pregnancy. Thorne wishes things with Brooke and Ridge wouldspeed up some. Thorne asks Brooke why she and Ridge aren't having a fullblown affair since they did sleep together a month ago.

Taylor is determined to tell Ridge the truth. She can't wait and gets out ofbed to get to the phone to call Ridge. Taylor carefully walks to the phonebut has a pain while she is walking.

Brooke denies she slept with Ridge about a month ago. It's been quite awhile since we've slept together, Brooke informs Thorne. Thorne is shockedby this revelation. He and Taylor were so convinced Ridge slept with Brookethe day of Eric and Stephanie's wedding. In fact, Taylor caught them in bedtogether! It was harmless, Brooke says. Ridge was drunk and she admits shewould have liked to sleep with him, but it didn't happen. What Taylor sawwas completely harmless.

Eric and Ridge both feel the pressure of time in trying to put together aspring collection for the upcoming show in Italy. Eric has big plans forthis show. He informs Ridge Forrester will be giving out special tickets toseveral hundred influential people in the fashion industry. These peoplewill be treated like royalty the minute they leave their home for Italy.Ridge thinks this sounds awfully expensive. It is, Eric says, but that is achance Forrester has to take. Eric also notes their spring collection issmall but it will be fabulous.

While walking to the phone, Taylor notices her purse and remembers her cellphone is in her purse. She decides to grab her cell phone and take it to bedwith her. Finally, Taylor calls Ridge.

Brooke admits she and Ridge are getting closer again. Thorne thoughtprotecting Taylor from Ridge was best but now that he knows Ridge did notsleep with Brooke, Thorne wonders what he should do. It doesn't matter,Brooke says, because tonight she is planning the ultimate seduction forRidge.

Taylor gets through to Megan and asks to speak to Ridge. With the deadlineof the upcoming fashion show, the new company policy is "no interruptions withno exceptions," Megan says. Eric has been very adamant about this policy.Instead, Megan takes a message from Taylor saying it is urgent that hecontact her. Megan says she'll make sure Ridge gets the message.

Ridge admits he is feeling down because he can't stop thinking about Taylor.What is the reason she slept with Thorne, he wonders. The reason maybeBrooke, Eric says. Both of you are free now so maybe you should give it achance with Brooke, Eric suggests. After all, both of you were in love witheach other before. Accept life's changes and move on, Eric advises Ridge.Maybe it's time for he and Brooke.

Eric leaves Ridge's office and asks to speak to Megan in his office. Sheleaves Taylor's message on her desk. Thorne comes by to check his messagesand notices the one from Taylor. Ridge also walks by but Thorne pocketsTaylor's message.

Taylor thinks Ridge will call any minute and then finally he will learn thetruth. He better call soon, Taylor says, before Brooke gets to him.

Ridge goes back into Brooke's office only to find Brooke wearing a fabulousdress with champagne chilling. Ridge reminds her they have a lot of work todo. We most certainly do, Brooke says.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, October 16, 1997

by Soap Central

Thorne is standing in the hallway outside Taylor's bedroom. He islooking at the pink memo of Taylor's call and remembering how he foundit and kept it from Ridge. Thorne knocks on the door and Taylor hidesthe cell phone under the bed. They make small talk about the baby andthen Taylor tells him that she is expecting a phone call from Ridge.Why? Because I have to tell him about the baby, Taylor says. Thornecontinues to pressure her to wait until the baby is born to tell Ridge.Telling Ridge is a mistake, he warns her. Ridge will pressure you andput you right over the edge. Don't you want this baby? Don't you wantto go to term and have a healthy baby? Taylor is undecided. Thorneleaves and Taylor wonders why Ridge hasn't called her back yet.

Ridge brings some sketches in to Logan's office. The room is dark andhe sees that he has walked into her ultimate seduction plan. What isthis, he questions. She tells him to make time out of all the workbecause they need this. We don't have time for this; we are working ona deadline. She tells him to sit down and relax and she begins tomassage his shoulders with his shirt on.

Sheila is folding the laundry. She tells Amber that she doesn't want anude male model in her living room. Sheila is tired from lack of sleepand all of the housework. She doesn't like Amber's idea of a man inherlife because she cant trust them. Sheila knows that James is never goingto leave Maggie for her.James returns home and is greeted at the door by Maggie. James tellsher that the baby is okay. Maggie wonders how it went. James tells her

that Sheila needs to know that he is in love with her. Maggie tellsJames that she trusts him to do what he has to do to bring their babyback, even if he has to tell Sheila that he loves her. James begins totell his wife that Sheila wants more but they are interrupted by thearrival of Connor Davis. Did you tell her? asks Connor. Maggie isupset. What do you need to tell me? James tells Maggie that Sheilawants proof that the marriage is over and it has to be for real.Connor shows her some papers. Annulment? She thinks they are onlypapers, but James and Connor explain to her that the papers are real.Sheila will check it out, they explain. It can't just look real; it hasto be real. Maggie walks around the room and cries. Finally, she sitsdown at the table and signs the papers. James promises his darlingthat this plan will not drag on.He will bring their baby home as quickly as he can. They kiss. Jamestakes his wedding ring off and gives it to Maggie. Hold on to thisuntil I can come back, he tells her. Yes, James, I will keep it foryou. Maggie then removes her wedding rings and gives them to James.She begins to cry. There are more kisses and tears.

Thorne brings Taylor her medication. He asks her if she can relate toRidge as the father of this child knowing, as she does, his deepinvolvement with Brooke. Ridge has now and to some extent always had athing for Brooke. You have to accept that for the life of your unbornchild, Thorne says as he leaves the room. Taylor stares at the phone.Outside in the hallway, Thorne murmurs that he is sorry, but this is thebest for her, for the baby, and for all of them.

Amber tells Sheila it is good to have dreams. Sheila says what shewanted was to share her daughter with the father but it is only adream.

James arrives with a suitcase. He shows Sheila his legal papers andtells her that he has ended his marriage to Maggie. Sheila smiles andthey embrace.

Ridge has his shirt off now and the massage continues. They talk ofloyalty and how Ridge is loyal to his women. Brooke says that ifCaroline were alive today, they would still be married. Forget aboutTaylor, Brooke tells him. Taylor has not been loyal to you. Ridgepulls Brooke close on top of him and theykiss...

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on B&B

Friday, October 17, 1997

by Gladys

Taylor is impatiently whiling away her time in bed wondering why Ridgehasn't called. She is sure he has gotten the message by now. Thorneenters. Ridge is not going to call, he tells her. He is out withBrooke tonight. Once again, he tells her she has to wait to tell Ridgeabout the baby. He has a right to know, Taylor responds for the nthtime. Then wait until after the baby is born and tell him then, Thornesays.

Sheila and James are in an embrace. They draw apart and Sheila tellshim that she is happy about the annulment. Alright! Amber cheers fromthe sidelines. Sheila tells Amber to go out for a while. Amberresponds that she isn't in the mood for a walk. Sheila grabs a handfulof bills from her purse and tells her to go buy herself something.After Amber leaves, Sheila tells James that she wants to ask someoneabout the annulment. James seems hurt but tells her to go ahead. Whois your attorney? We can go see her right now. But, he tells her,there can be no love where there is no trust. I agree, Sheila tellshim, but you have to help me to trust. Again they kiss. Reluctantly,James puts his arms around Sheila and pulls her close.

Taylor and Scout are resting in bed. Taylor is still wondering whyRidge hasn't called. She opens her cell phone and places a call. Megananswers. Taylor is wondering if Ridge is still there. Yes, Megananswers. Ridge and Brooke are having a meeting. Could you put me through,questions Taylor. Megan once again explains the new policy about notputting calls through. Taylor asks if he got the first message. Megansays he must have since the message is no longer here. Taylor leaveshim another message and Megan assures her that she will deliver it. So,Taylor whispers to herself, Thorne was wrong. Ridge and Brooke did notgo out together.

Ridge and Brooke are involved in some heavy petting. Ridge stops andstands up. He is still wearing his pants but Brooke is wearing a sexynightie. Forget about Taylor, Brooke demands. She is with Thorne; theyare having a baby. Ridge thinks about this and heads back to thecouch. You are right; absolutely right, he says and they begin makinglove again.

Amber arrives at Maggie's door. Wow, she says, you guys sure workquick. Where did you get the fake papers? Maggie assures her that thepapers are not fake; she and James are no longer officially married.Maggie wants to know how Sheila reacted. Amber tells her that Sheilawas skeptical but she had to leave so she isn't sure what else happened.So James is alone with Sheila, Maggie concludes. Are you worried aboutthem being alone? Amber asks.

James and Sheila are deep into an embrace when the baby starts crying.They continue to kiss. James mentions that the baby is crying. She isokay, Sheila says. She cries all the time. She cries all the time!James repeats. That can't be right, can it? James tells her to go andtake care of the baby and then he'll take care of her. Sheila leavesthe room and as she goes up the stairs, James pulls out a small taperecorder and begins to whisper into it. He talks about the baby cryingand Sheila's reaction. He says he will continue investigating. Sheilareturns with the baby. She tells her "precious" baby that her daddy isthere to see her. James takes the baby and begins talking to her,telling her that he loves her and has missed her. He looks at Sheilaand says that the baby is wet. Oh, is she? Sheila responds. When didyou change her last? James demands. A little while ago, Sheilaanswers. Don't get paranoid, James. I change her when she is wet.James backs off a little and begins to talk to the baby. He tells herthat he would do anything for her.

Taylor says that she has to see Ridge. I have to see him tonight! Sheslowly gets out of bed.

Ridge and Brooke are deep into their lovemaking. Thorne enters the roomsaying that he has papers that Brooke ask for. He sees the two of themand is embarrassed. He turns to leave; outside the door, he runs intoMegan with the message slip in her hand. Ridge comes out of the officeand angrily demands to know what the two of them want. Brooke walksout, smiling, and puts her arms around Ridge from behind. Doesn'tanybody knock around her? she asks. Ridge yells at Megan and she triesto tell him that she has a message. He tells her to give it to himlater and Megan gladly leaves his presence. What are you staring at? hedemands of his brother. Thorne laughs and tells Brooke to look over thepapers "when you have the time." The lovers return to the couch andkiss. Brooke laughs. Did you see the look on Megan's face, she asks.Forget about Megan, Ridge tells her. They kiss again but Ridge tellsher that the mood has passed; the moment is lost. Oh no, Brooke cries.Riii-idgeee, she pleads. We always have Italy, Ridge says as hedresses. I am going back to work and then I am going home and take acold shower. You were really getting into it, Brooke says. Almost,agrees Ridge as he leaves.

Thorne and Megan are talking. Thorne asks about the message she wasdelivering. She tells him that Taylor had called and wanted Ridge tocall her. I can give him the message, Thorne volunteers but Megan tellshim that she will do it. Ridge comes out and stares angrily at the twoof them. Megan tries to tell him about the message, but he is veryshort with her and she says nothing. After Ridge leaves, Megan tellsThorne that he can tell Ridge about the call after all.

Taylor is dressed. She calls for a cab and tells them that she is goingto Beverly Hills.

Maggie is still commiserating to Amber. It is only a couple of weeks,she says. Then James will have the proof we need. I miss my baby somuch. She needs me. You will have her back, Amber tells her. Yes,Maggie agrees, just a couple more weeks.

Sheila, James and Mary are enjoying a moment together. She is sowonderful, Sheila says. Sheila says she will take the baby upstairs.No, let me, James offers. As he ascends the stairs he turns and looksback at Sheila sadly.

Brooke is smiling with that "cat that stole the cream" look. Thorneenters. Well, well, well, he laughs. Brooke tells him how great shefeels. Of course, he agrees. You just made love to a Forrester. Well,not exactly, she says as she tells him that the interruption spoiled themood. But it will happen, she assures him. It will happen in Italy.This is going to be quite a trip. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn'tcome back home with an announcement, she confides in Thorne. I can'twait, he tells her. Keep up the good work.

Taylor is in a cab and giving directions to the driver.

James comes down the stairs and rejoins Sheila. Sheila has changed intoa sexy nightgown. Is our precious angel asleep, she asks. James tellsher yes. He then says he didn't know she had made the spare room into anursery. Of course, Sheila says, where else? Where will I be sleeping?James asks. Certainly not in the bath tub, Sheila says. They embrace.Sheila sighs with pleasure. I want this to go on and on, she says. Asthey kiss again, James suddenly breaks away. We can't, he says. Ican't sleep with you until we are married. Then let's get married,Sheila says. This is our time. There are no more delays and excuses.Do you love me, James? Yes, I do, answers James. Then marry me, Sheilasays. Marry me tonight.

Thorne enters Taylor's bedroom with flowers. He is upset to see thatbed is empty. "Oh, God. Where are you? Where could she be?" he cries ashe races from the room.

Taylor enters Ridges home holding her abdomen. She sits. I'll wait,she says. I don't care how long I have to wait, but tonight, Ridge, Iam going to tell you about your baby.

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Edited by SC Desk