Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B

Brooke ended her marriage to Grant, and after he left Forrester, the design collection went missing. Taylor and Thorne learned that Taylor was pregnant, and Taylor doubled over in pain after a confrontation with Brooke. Thorne whisked Taylor up to the cabin for some relaxation.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B

Monday, August 18, 1997

by Soap Central

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Lauren is still moping around since her run in with Stephanie when Sallydrops by and offers for Lauren to stay at her place. What you need right nowis a good friend, Sally offers. Lauren is appreciative but declines.Feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help win Eric, Sally says. Rightnow you are in the final rounds of the fight for Eric and you must make somebold moves or else you will wake up one morning and find Eric married toStephanie, Sally advises.

When Stephanie sees Eric designing her wedding dress, she didn't realize hewas making such a production out of the wedding. Eric says Stephanie will beas beautiful as any bride that ever was. Stephanie can't believe theirwedding day is actually getting close. Believe it, because it is going tohappen, Eric says. Before Stephanie leaves, Eric lets he in on another pieceof news: Taylor has made her decision concerning Ridge and Thorne. Erictells a delighted Stephanie he is almost sure Taylor has chosen Ridge.

After Taylor asks why Ridge rushed off to see Brooke, Thorne spills thatGrant and Brooke are not legally married. Taylor is stunned. All they haveto do is go to the justice of the peace to legalize their marriage, shesuggests. Thorne says it's not that simple because Brooke doesn't want themarriage. Grant has been out of control lately and Ridge went over toprotect Brooke from him, Thorne informs. Now doesn't this sound familiar,Ridge running to Brooke?

As Ridge races to Brooke, she tells Grant she does not want to legalize theirmarriage. Grant erupts. Don't our vows mean anything to you, he demands.This marriage is not over, Grant shouts. Brooke admits he is scaring herand offers to compensate Grant. It's not about money, he says, it's aboutRidge. You're whole life has been about waiting for Ridge and now both ofyou are free, Grant continues. Grant says he committed his life to Brookeand he is not going down without a fight!

Lauren says she must accept Eric wants to be with Stephanie. Sally wonderswhy Lauren has not mentioned the night she and Eric shared to Stephanie.Because of Eric, Lauren replies. Sally thinks Lauren should tell Stephanieabout their night together. Lauren mentions a gift she has planned onshowing Eric now three times. The gift is a video of their night together,to remind him of what he will be missing if he chooses Stephanie. Sallycan't believe Lauren taped them having sex, but suggests to give the tape toEric. Lauren is not going to give the tape to Eric because he rejected her.Before leaving, Sally takes the tape...

Taylor says Thorne is trying to play on her insecurities by saying Ridge wentover to protect Brooke. Why do you suppose Brooke made her mind up so fastconcerning her marriage. Thorne asks. Because she never loved Grant; she'salways loved Ridge and now that both she and Ridge are free, Brooke is goingto go after Ridge big time. As Taylor is taking all this in, she starts tohave a pain in her stomach.

Ridge pounds the front door of Brooke and Grant's house. Brooke goes to lethim in, but Grant stops her. Brooke demands Grant let go of her and dealwith reality. Brooke admits she tried to make their marriage work but shehas always loved Ridge. Ridge busts through the back door and demands Grantlet Brooke go. If you ever touch her again, you are dead, Ridge warns.

Taylor says she is okay when her pain subsides. Thorne apologizes for makingher upset. Taylor informs Thorne she has decided to pursue a relationshipwith Ridge. Thorne can't believe Taylor wants to live with a man who willalways be involved with another woman. Taylor says Ridge's involvement with Brooke is in the past. Thorne again says Brooke is going to pursue Ridge now that her marriage is illegal. As Taylor leaves, she again has pain and asks Thorne to take her to a doctor.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, August 19, 1997

by Soap Central

While Grant is telling Brooke she is not leaving him even though theirmarriage is over, Ridge busts through the door and demands Grant take his handsoff Brooke. Ridge says Grant and Brooke's marriage was not meant to be andasks Grant to leave. He'll leave, Grant says, but this is far from over.

Thorne takes Taylor to see a doctor. The doctor asks her if she has had anystress recently that might cause her ill feelings. Taylor admits she has hadstress in making her decision between Ridge and Thorne. Taylor thinks thepain she is experiencing is some sort of delayed stress reaction. Could bethe doc says, but she wants to run some tests to make sure.

Eric shows Stephanie the her wedding dress veil and admits she is hisinspiration for designing such a beautiful veil. Stephanie wonders if Ridgeand Taylor announce their engagement on the day of their wedding it willsteal the spotlight from Eric and Stephanie's wedding. Stephanie thencompares herself to Taylor. Both are a one man woman who are finally gettingthe man they truly love. Stephanie believes Thorne will accept Taylor'sdecision to marry Ridge. Megan brings Eric and Stephanie a message fromGrant for his request at a meeting with upper management. Watch out, Meganwarns, Grant is on the warpath.

Back at Forrester, Grant demands to speak to Eric and Stephanie and he wantsto see the fall collection. At the meeting with upper management, Grantannounces his resignation. Grant blasts the Forresters about how he kept thecompany afloat while Ridge was in jail and how he poured his heart and soulinto the company with little thanks. Stephanie counters by saying they gavehim a fabulous opportunity when they hired him and he slept his way to thetop. If you want to leave then leave, but do so gracefully, Steph says.Before leaving Grant warns the Forresters not to party too much after he'sleft because soon they will be back on bottom.

Brooke admits to Ridge she has never seen Grant so violent. It started whenshe told him she did not to legalize their marriage, she says. Ridge asksBrooke why she wanted out of the marriage in the first place.

Taylor's test results show a clean bill of health but they need to wait forthe blood tests. Both the doc and Taylor agree her pain was probably due tostress. The blood tests results are in. The doctor stops Taylor before sheleaves. There is something they need to go over concerning the blood testsresults.

Brooke tells Ridge she is leaving Grant because she does not want theirmarriage to work out. She only stayed with Grant out of a sense of duty,Brooke explains. Brooke says she is tired of suppressing her true feelings.From now on, she is going to be totally honest with herself and everyoneelse where her feelings are concerned. While she was with Grant, she spenttime trying to convince herself that is what she wanted, Brooke contines.There was one thing missing, love. Brooke says she has hidden her truefeeling far too long and tells Ridge she feels she could never love anotherman but you. "You're the only man I have ever wanted," Brooke says.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, August 20, 1997

by Soap Central

Sally tells Macy she thinks they should order Clark back to work. Enough ofthis nonsense about him leaving Spectra. Macy doesn't think Clarke isbluffing this time. He does not want to work at Spectra, Macy says.

Clarke calls Megan at Forrester and realizes Grant has quit. Clarke isexcited with the possibility of him getting a job at Forrester. Later hesaunters over to Spectra. Clarke proudly reports that he doesn't need hisjob at Spectra anymore and tells Sally and Macy to kiss his butt, because hequits. Macy tries to get Clarke to stay by offering some sort of resolution.Clarke rejects any solution Sally or Macy throw his way. Sally doesn'tbelieve Clarke is really leaving. This is just another attempt at trying toget a piece of Spectra, Sally muses. She confirms she will never let Clarkehave a ownership in Spectra. You will regret this, Clarke warns. Spectrawill self-destruct without it's head designer, he says. Sally can't believeClarke would leave Spectra when their fall showing is less than two weeksaway. Believe it, Clarke says, because you're nothing without me.

Eric and Stephanie are thrilled that Grant has left Forrester but wonder whyhe left so suddenly. Steph realizes something must have happen between heand Brooke. Eric says not to worry. Be happy they have their company back.

Ridge phones Taylor but he can't locate her. Brooke thinks Taylor probablydoesn't like that Ridge is always there for me. Ridge tries to change thesubject by saying she should change to locks on the doors because of Grant.You can't ignore the fact that I told you I love you, Brooke says. Now whatare you going to do about it?

Taylor is stunned when her blood tests show she is pregnant. The doctorwarns it is even more imperative now that she get her stress under control.Thorne admits he didn't realize Taylor had slept with Ridge. Right beforeRidge confessed is when they last slept together, Taylor informs. Thornecan't believe Taylor is so excited to be carrying Ridge's child. I will notbe there to pick up the pieces when Ridge breaks your heart again, Thornewarns.

Brooke says the timing could not be better for she and Ridge to reconcile.Both are finally free. Ridge is adamant about marrying Taylor. You can'tmarry Taylor and be in love with me, Brooke notes. This might be our lastchance to be together, please don't let it pass, Brooke pleads. Afterleaving Brooke's, Ridge visits Eric and Stephanie. He informs them Grant andBrooke were never legally married.

Taylor show's up at Brooke's looking for Ridge to tell him the good news.Before Taylor can leave, Brooke wants to have a few words with her. Taylorinforms Brooke she already knows she and Grant were never really married.Brooke reminds Taylor of the promise she made to her last fall. The promisewas that only when Ridge and Taylor are married will she stop pursuing Ridge.Well they still aren't married. So all bets are off and you're going topursue Ridge, Taylor asks.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, August 21, 1997

by Soap Central

Thorne sits in his office, a forlorn look on his face while staring atTaylor's picture. Thorne arrives looking cheerful and upbeat. He tellsThorne that he has heard the good news about Grant---he is now out! Howdid he act, Grant wants to know; he would have given anything to see thelook on Grant's face. Thorne admits that he missed it all, but he doesn'twant to talk about it at this time. "This is not the time," becomes hisfavorite phrase for this conversation.

But Clarke isn't listening. He asks about his payment to which Thorne actslike he doesn't know what Clarke is talking about. Clarke reminds him ofthe deal: Grant is out of Forrester, Brooke gets Ridge and Thorne getsTaylor. But I don't have Taylor, Thorne responds. Not yet, Clarkeresponds, but it will happen. In the meantime, he, Clarke, needs a job.This is not the time, Thorne says, too much is happening now. There is alot going on in the wake of Grant's leaving, and there is his parent'sremarriage. This just isn't the time to bother Eric about a job for Clarkeof all people.

But Clarke says that that isn't good enough. He has cut all ties withSpectra, so he needs something to do right now. It was his informationthat got the family back it's company so Thorne had better not cross him.

Ridge tells Eric and Stephanie that Brooke and Grant's wedding wasn't forreal. The captain of the ship was not authorized to perform marriages. Itwas Clarke who went to Thorne with the information that the "captain" wasa con man. Why didn't Thorne tells us what was going on, they asked, butRidge explained that he didn't want to get their hopes up in case Brookedecided to remarry Grant. When he tells them that Brooke struggled withhere decision about remarrying Grant, Stephanie doesn't believe it. Don'tget started, Ridge warns his mother, but Stephanie wonders how long it willbe before she makes the first pass at Ridge. From the look on his face,she realizes that it has already happened!

Brooke admits to Taylor that she is still in love with Ridge and is goingto go after him. Remember before your marriage I promised that once youwere married, I would back off; but you aren't married, she reminds Taylor.Taylor seems undisturbed at what Brooke has said and she prepares toleave. Brooke, however, can't believe that Taylor isn't bothered by herdeclaration of war. She suspects that Taylor has decided to marry Thorne,but Taylor disavows that notion. It is what you want me to do, she tellsBrooke, but "it ain't gonna happen."

Stephanie can't believe Brooke's audacity. She is angry that Brooke istrying to get Ridge one more time. But Erictells her that the important thing is that it is all over now. No itisn't, Stephanie says. She reminds them that Brooke still holds 51% of thecompany. It will never be over as long as she holds the company in herhands! Ridge tries to reassure his mother that he is committed to Taylor.As a matter of fact, he needs to find his lady and tell her what has beengoing on.

I don't want you to get hurt, Brooke tells Taylor. That is why I amleveling with you, she continues. She still believes Ridge loves her andalways will. After all, Taylor has had many chances to marry Ridge, yetthey still aren't married. There has to be a reason and Brooke tellsTaylor what she thinks the reason is: Taylor is scared to death of Ridge'sfeeling for her. That is ridiculous, Taylor says. Your concern is nothingbut a smokescreen in your obsession with having Ridge. Taylor lays intoBrooke for the cruel way she just treated Grant. You welcomed thistechnicality; it allowed you to throw Grant out so you could get back towhat you really wanted: Ridge. Brooke tries to explain that it was apainful decision to leave Grant. In fact, she says, Grant kept the truthfrom her for months. Can you blame him, Taylor asks. He probably knew youwould react the way you did. He knew you would "cut and run.

When Brooke protests that she loves Ridge, Taylor tells her that is nottrue. You love what you can't have. You are selfish and immature; youdon't care who you hurt and your whole life has been nothing but a stringof mistakes. But Brooke isn't down. That may be so, she says, but onething she does know, Ridge wants her more than he wants Taylor. Afterall, didn't he leave Taylor for her? Again Taylor calls Brooke "delusional";no, Taylor, you are the "delusional" one, Brooke asserts. Taylor turns awayand clutches her abdomen. There is a look of pain on her face. Brookegrabs Taylor by the arm and tells Taylor that if she really wants what isbest for Ridge, she will give him up.

Thorne wonders if Clarke is threatening him. Clarke quickly apologizes ifhe sounded threatening, but he has already left Spectra, so he needs thisjob. Thorne sympathizes, but he reminds Clarke this is going to be a hardsell with Eric and Ridge. For the time being, you should stay away fromForrester, he says just as Ridge comes through the door. I second thatmotion, he declares. Ridge wonders what is in it for Clarke, besidesstabbing his best friend in the back. Clarke denies that Grant was hisfriend. He treats his friends with loyalty and respect, he says as hecasts a meaningful look at Thorne. And I expect the same in return, headds. After Clarke leaves, Thorne wonders why Ridge isn't with Taylor.Ridge admits that he would be if he only knew where she was. Would youhappen to know where whe was, he asks his brother. She went looking foryou, Thorne says. She knew you were at Brooke's---as usual---Thorne said.It was an emergency, Ridge protested. Isn't is always, Thorne responded.So, you have been filling Taylor's head with more lies, he accuses. Well,it isn't going to work. He tells his brother that he has really sunk to anew low. And in the end it is going to be for nothing. You may be able towin Taylor, Thorne says, but will you be able to keep her? And if youmarry her, you had better make her happy! That is one thing you don't haveto worry about, Ridge states in an arrogant manner as he leaves. Alone inthe office, Thorne continues to worry about Taylor---and now there issomeone else to worry about.

Taylor tries to free her self from Brooke. She tells her to let go and lether leave, but Brooke won't let go. She continues to tell Taylor how muchRidge wants her. She says that Ridge has proven his love for her over andover. She reminds Taylor that Ridge has given Taylor up for his familybefore---the most recent being when he left Taylor to go to jail for Rick'ssake. Things have changed, Taylor tells Brooke, but Brooke asks Taylor howshe can put herself in the position of being rejected yet again. Have youno shame, no self-respect, she accuses. You will always be second inRidges heart. Taylor tells Brooke to get out of her way. Brookeremembers the time and says she has to pick up the kids. She leaves Taylorto think about what she has said. Give Ridge up before Ridge rejects you,she warns. Taylor continues to have pain, but she tells her unborn childthat everything is going to be okay. But suddenly, Taylor is over comewith pain and falls to the floor!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of August 18, 1997 on B&B

Friday, August 22, 1997

by Gladys

Taylor is alone in Brooke's living room. She feels severe pain and crumblesto the floor.

At Death Valley, Amber is complaining of the heat. Sheila looks over thepictures Mike gave her. She hears a baby crying and tears run down hercheeks. What is wrong, Amber asks. I can't forget, she tells Amber. Ihear her crying and there is nothing I can do. Amber tells her she hassomething for her; she hands her a portrait she has painted. It is abeautiful painting of "Mary." Sheila is thrilled and wants another. Amberpromises to make her another the next time she sees her---if I ever do, shelaments. She is afraid she won't get the job.

James and Maggie are making love. James declares that he is going to comehome early more often. Maggie tells him that today is unusual; usually sheand Margaret have a busy schedule. James wonders about the girl Maggiespoke to; shall we give her a try? he asks.

Brooke enters Ridges office. Everything seems to be in turmoil. Ridgeappears glad to see her, at first. He wonders if she had seen Taylor.Brooke begins to tell Ridge about her argument with Taylor, but Ridge stopsher. He has been trying to find her but couldn't leave the office. Aftera frantic phone call, Brooke asks what is going on. You haven't heard,Ridge asks. I thought that was why you were here. Ridge tells her thatthe designs for the collection are missing.

Thorne arrives at Brooke's home. The front door is ajar. He enters,calling Brooke's name. When no one answers, he goes further into the house.He sees Taylor laying on the floor and rushes to her side. She tells himwhat has happened and he reminds her that she is supposed to avoid allstress. Have you been taking your pills, he asks. Taylor says she wantedto do it on her own, but Thorne will have none of it. He brings her waterand she gulps down her medication.

Maggie is going over Amber's qualification. She has even worked withadopted children, she says. James tells her that he trusts her opinion.Maggie admits that she liked the girl but she wants James to talk to her.He asks for her number.

Everything is gone, Ridge tells Brooke. The master designs for the entirecollection are missing. Where could they be, Brooke asks. They have to bearound her somewhere, Ridge says but Brooke's eyes narrow knowingly.

We are running out of time, Ridge admits. The show is in a couple ofweeks. Brooke reminds Ridge that Grant had a lot on his mind the last fewweeks. Grant could have misplaced them. Ridge complains that he has tospend all his time putting out all the fires Grant started. This is no wayto run a business. Brooke admits that things ran much smoother when Ridgeand Eric was in charge. Brooke tells Ridge that she is giving creativecontrol back to Ridge and Eric from this moment on. Ridge is relieved andhappy. He gathers her in his arms and thanks her for himself and hisfamily. Brooke smiles knowingly.

Thorne assists Taylor into the cabin at Big Bear. He puts her on the couchand covers her. He tells her that Dr. Santana agrees with his actions.She needs rest. She needs to take care of this baby.

James dials the number and the phone rings.

Amber is staring at the phone. Aren't you going to answer it, Sheila asks.They have found someone else, Amber states. You won't know unless youanswer it, Sheila tells her---and don't forget to put it on speaker phone.Amber answers the phone and James tells her that they are impressed withher qualifications but they want someone who will devote themselves to thebaby. Amber says the right things and it is arranged that she will startworking tonight as James wants to take Maggie out on the town. After shehangs up, Amber's estatic happiness turns to dismay when she realizes shehas no place in LA to live. You can live at my place, Sheila tells her.Now we have to go pack. We? I am going home, declares Sheila. I amgetting out of here and going back where I belong.

Brooke is playing all her cards. She suggests that Ridge and Eric deservea big public announcement--a chance to shine in the limelight. Brookebegins to tell Ridge about Taylor but is interrupted by the phone. Thorneis on the phone and he tells Ridge that he is out of town and Taylor iswith him. Ridge demands to speak to Taylor but Thorne tells him no. Hetells Ridge that he will have Taylor call tomorrow. As he hangs up thephone, Ridge can't understand why Taylor went away with Thorne. But Brookeis pleased. Maybe Taylor listened to me after all, she says to herself.The man I have wanted for so long, she thinks, now is the time to finallyhave him. She smiles.

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Edited by SC Desk