Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B

When Clarke found out that the captain who'd married Grant to Brooke was a fraud, Clarke spread the information to Thorne, who readily told Brooke that she and Grant were not married. Amber discovered Sheila's shrine of James and Mary, and Mike took picture of Mary for Sheila.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B

Monday, July 28, 1997

by Soap Central

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Darla informs Clarke that Sally requested to see him. Clarke hopes it'sabout the transfer of ownership of Spectra. Without Clarke, Spectra wouldnot exists, Darla says. Clarke only hopes Sally feels the same way. WhenClarke enters Sally's oofice, she says she has come to an agreement where heis concerned. La Spectra apologizes to Clarke for not giving him the properamount of recognition he deserves. Spectra is in great shape and alot ofthat is due to Clarke. Sally had her lawyer draw up a contract that shows ahefty increase in pay for Clarke, but no transfer of ownership.

Stephanie wonders where Eric is when he is not in his office. She phonesEric at home but he's not there. Stephanie asks Megan to keep an eye out forLauren.

Lauren serves Eric breakfast in bed. What happened last night between themdoes not change anything, Eric says. He's still planning to marry the Queen.Lauren admires Eric's sense of obligation. Eric says he's not marryingStephanie out of obligation. Still, he and Stephanie will not create thesame kind of passion that they shared last night, Lauren says. Both Eric andLauren agree not to say anything about them sleeping together. He will notlook at Stephanie the way he sees her, Lauren muses.

Clarke can't believe he hasn't been given partial ownership of Spectra afterall he's done for the company. Be grateful you got a raise, Macy says. It'snot about maney, Clarke counters. It's about respect. Sally says whenClarke came back to Spectra a year ago, he didn't come back to save Spectra,he cam eback to save himself. Sally says she is giving credit where creditis due by rewarding Clarke with a huge pay increase. Clarke thinks Sally isstill bitter about what happen years ago between them. Sally says she willnever forget what he did to her and her family when he betrayed her. Forthat reason, he can forget about ever having ownership in Spectra. Sallyvows never to give Clarke that kind of control over her family again.

Eric saunters into his office to find Stephanie waiting for him. When theQueen wants to make plans for their honeymoon, she notes Eric seems a bitdistracted. Eric apologizes, but can't get Lauren out of his mind.

Clarke is adamant about gaining partial ownership in Spectra. He is the onewho screwed things up years ago when he walked out on Sally and Spectra, Macynotes. How can he feel he is being ripped off when he just got a raise?Macy gives Clarke two options: He can quit and work for someone for halfthe amount he is being paid at Spectra or he can accept their offer and takeresponsibility for his actions. Clarke balks at those suggestions and vowsthey will regret treating him this way.

Back in his office, Darla tries to console Clarke. He deserves a share ofSpectra, Clarke says. There are more important things then money, likerespect, he says. At least when he worked for Forrester, they respected him.Clarke says he is sorry he ever left Forrester. He thinks it's funny whenSally and Macy said there's not another company looking for him. What theydon't know will hurt them, Clarke promises.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, July 29, 1997

by Soap Central

Thorne remembers proposing to Taylor when she stops by his office to bringhim cappuccino. Taylor still needs time to consider his marriage proposal.Thorne notes Taylor turned herself around once she realized she and Ridgeare not meant to be together. Thorne wonders what Ridge has promised hersince she's gotten back from Hawaii.

Clarke is fuming over Sally's rejection that he take partial ownership inSpectra. Darla brings some revised sketches which he throws away. Clarkevows to get back at Sally for shutting him out like this, and with Brooke andGrant maybe not being legally married, that might be the way to get back atSally. Darla asks what he means about Brooke and Grant not really beingmarried. Clarke explains how he saw the guy who married Brooke and Grant,Captain Harper, at a bar last night and when the bartender called him by adifferent name, Clarke realized the captain is a con artist. He is sittingon a bombshell and will drop it when he's ready, Clarke plots.

Sheila's roommate, Ambrosia, is sketching a picture of her boyfriend, Eb. Henotes her talent. Amber has dreams of making it big someday. There is aknock on the door and it's Mike. Sheila is surprised Mike found her. Mikewants to go someplace private so they can talk, but Sheila steers him awayfrom her room.

Clarke graves the respect he once had at Forrester. Why not join Forrester,he asks. For one, the Forresters hate you, Darla points out. Clarkeimagines the implications if he proves Brooke and Grant are not legallymarried. He's got a bomb that he will use to his advantage, Clarke plots.The question is how to use it? Darla points out the one person who stands togain the most out if Brooke and Ridge were to reunite- Thorne. Thorne wouldlike nothing better than to have Ridge out of the way so Taylor will be ridof Ridge. Clarke phones Thorne with a deal he can't refuse. Thorne wants tohear no part of any deal in which Clarke is involved. Clarke is determinedfor Thorne to hear him out.

Thorne knows Taylor needs time to decide who she wants. Thorne can't believeafter all Ridge has put her through, she is considering going back to him.Taylor appreciates Thorne's concern, but admits she has alot to consider.Thorne asks her how many times Ridge has to break her heart in order to befree of him. Thorne says Taylor will never be first in Ridge's life, Brookeis. Deep down, Ridge is still in love with Brooke and always will be.Brooke is out of the picture because she's married, Taylor notes. Even so,Ridge still puts Brooke first, Thorne says.

Mike admits he has been looking for Sheila ever since she disappered afterthe baby was born. Sheila says she did not want to be found. Mike only cameto Death Valley to help her, he says. It's not too late for them to be afamily. It's not been the same without you, Mike says. He thinks about herall the time. Mike accepts she loves James but is not going to let Sheilarun away from him. Mike says he knows what he really wants out of life,Sheila. As Mike slips a ring on Sheila's finger, he proposes marriage!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, July 30, 1997

by Soap Central

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, July 31, 1997

by Soap Central

Brooke stops by to give Ridge a status report concerningRick's therapy. She tells Ridge about Thorne's visit.Ridge doesn't want her to take Thorne's side. She asksabout his wedding plans. He tells her he is ready butTaylor is hesitating; a problem he seems to have with allhis marriage plans.

Mike gets pictures of James, Maggie and the baby, and tellsSheila on his cell phone that he is so close to them hecould almost touch them. Sheila considers Mike's suggestionthat he snatch the child but she decides against it.

Amber and Eb break into Sheila's room. They are shocked atwhat they see. Sheila has a virtual "shrine" to James andBaby Mary.

Thorne doesn't believe Clarke is telling the truth aboutGrant and Brooke's marriage. He orders him out of hisoffice, but Clarke tells him to consider a life withoutGrant. Clarke and Thorne head for the county clerk'soffice, to get the scoop on Captain Harper.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 28, 1997 on B&B

Friday, August 1, 1997

by Gladys

Back in Death Valley, Mike and Sheila meet over coffee.Mike tells Sheila that he is worried about her; he doesn'twant her to become obsessive about the baby. Sheila assuresMike that she isn't obsessing and he gives her the picturesof the baby.Sheila has to go to work because they are shorthanded in theInn. She works in the kitchen carving a roast.Brooke and Ridge are still talking. She wonders if therewasn't more to his trying to stop her wedding than what hehas said. Was it really only trying to stop me from doingthe "wrong thing?" she asks, just as Taylor walks into theoffice.Taylor and Ridge are out on their date. Taylor questionsRidge about Brooke and her reason for being in Ridge'soffice. She tells Ridge that she is unhappy with him alwaysrunning after Brooke. Brooke is married now, she remindsRidge, so she doesn't need Ridge always rescuing her ordoing her favors. Ridge tries to convince Taylor that hestill wants to marry her---Brooke has nothing to do withthis. He tries to go into the "stop the wedding" fiasco,but Taylor won't let him. That is all over now, she tellshim, but can't you imagine how hurt I was? Ridge admitsthat he has always thought of Taylor as strong and able tounderstand all his motives. I realize now that you needreassurances just like everyone else, he tells her.

Thanks for staying late, Clarke tells his friend in therecords department. He and Thorne have some questions aboutlicensure to marry anyone. His friend tells them thatanyone who performs a marriage ceremony does so bypermission of the state---remember that line about "by theauthority invested in me by the state of . . .?" he says.They give him the Captain Harper's name and stand aside whilehe checks his computer database.No, he tells them. I can't find a Captain. Harper in the"allowed to perform marriages and burials" category. Hethen performs another search to see if there is a Judge orJP by that name. In the meantime, Clarke reminds Thornethat he wants to go back to Forrester where he can reallyput his talents to good use. He was always happy there, hesays.

When they learn that there is no Harper licensed to performmarriages, Thorne races out. He will talk to Clarke laterabout his job.

Ambrosia & Eb enter Sheila's room in amazement. Everywherethere are reminders of James and Mary. There are picturesand dried-up flowers. You know what this is, Eb says. Thisis a shrine. They continue to wander about the room; Ebfinds a strange contraption on a table and wonders what itis. Ambrosia opens the refrigerator and gasps. Eb looksover her shoulder. Inside the freezer are small bags filledwith something white. Ambrosia picks up one of them andstudies it. What is that? Eb wonders. I think it is breastmilk, Ambrosia says. They both look at the "contraption"and know immediately that it is a breast pump. This is tooweird, Eb decides. As they are about to leave, Sheilaenters the room. She stands silently staring at the two,holding a big knife in her hand and wearing a bloody apron.

Thorne confronts Brooke. He tells her that he has to talkto her and she has to listen. You won't believe what I haveto tell you, he announces.

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Edited by SC Desk