Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B

The judge reduced the charges against Ridge and sentenced him to three years of probation. Lauren advised Maggie not to borrow trouble where Sheila was concerned, but Maggie insisted upon tracking Sheila down to see if Sheila had moved on from the baby. Thorne divorced Macy via fax and asked Taylor to marry him; however, when Ridge was released from jail, the brothers fought over Taylor.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B

Monday, July 14, 1997

by Michael Keithby Soap CentralEric notices Stephanie is worried about what the judge's ruling will be inRidge's sentencing. No matter what happens, they will find joy in theirlives, reasons to live, Eric advises. They have their wedding to look forwardto. Jonathan stops by to let them know the judge has reached a decision.After reading Ridge's letter to Taylor, Thorne wonders if he should give theletter to her. How can he? It has taken so long to bring her up, and if heshows her the letter, it will only bring her down again, Thorne debates.Taylor will suffer more if she reads the letter. Thorne wonders how Ridgecan ask Taylor to wait for him while he is in jail for at least ten years. Ridge is elated after Eric and Stephanie inform him they faxed his letter toTaylor and she is headed back to LA in the morning. Stephanie assumes Taylorgot the letter, so she made a reservation for Taylor on the next flight toLA. It is only a matter of time before he and Taylor are together, Ridgesays.Tension mounts as the judge enters the courtroom ready to give hersentencing. It has not been an easy decision, the judge says, especiallywith Grant's testimony that Ridge did not shot him with premeditation. Evenso, Ridge has pleaded guilty to shooting Grant. Grant's testimony leads thejudge to believe something else is going on, which gives her an uneasyfeeling...As they prepare for their last night in Hawaii, Taylor wonders what is goingon in LA. It is strange that now she questions what is going with Ridge whena week ago, it was all she could think about, Taylor notes. Thorne noticeshow Taylor's eyes sparkle in the candlelight. Taylor says it is unbelievablewhat Thorne has done for her the past week. She doesn't feel a sense of doomanymore. Taylor thanks Thorne for helping her get through her misery withRidge and notes how special Thorne is to her.The judge renders her decision: Ridge is given a conditional discharge. Heis on probation for three years, but is free to go! Everyone is stunned andrelieved at the ruling. Ridge can not wait to see Taylor.Taylor admits to just now realizing how dedicated Thorne has been. She hasnot been able to think about anyone but Ridge. You are a part of me, Thornesays. He is not going to live his life without her. Taylor is overwhelmedby his caring. How can she possibly respond to that? By saying yes, Thornesays. Say that you will marry me!^ back to the topTuesday, July 15, 1997by Soap CentralMaggie tells Lauren she's as happy as she's ever been, but admits she isstill worried about Sheila. There is still five months left in which Sheilacan change her mind about the adoption. Lauren advises not to borrow troublewhere Sheila is concerned. Maggie says she would like to think that Sheilawill not cause any trouble but doesn't think Sheila is capable of putting thepast behind her. Maggie is determined to find Sheila. She has to know whereshe is and what she is up to. The best way to find Sheila is to call alawyer, Lauren suggests. Maggie vows never to give up her baby. Eric and the Queen throw a celebration at the Forrester house in Ridge'shonor. Claudia and Michael attend the celebration. Before joining theother, Ridge marvels at how he is the luckiest guy on earth because it willnot be long now before he is reunited with Taylor. On the plane back to LA, Taylor wonders if anyone knew she and Thorne wereeven in Hawaii. They must have known because Thorne received a fax. Taylorassumed the fax was from the office. Thorne declines reading newspaper inwhich one of the headlines shows Ridge being set free. Mike stops by James' office questioning Sheila's whereabouts. Neither knowwhere Sheila might be. Mike is sure Sheila left town, which is a shamebecause he cares for her deeply. Sheila's not in control, she's depressed,Mike says. James better hope that Mike finds Sheila before he does, Mikewarns.Maggie phones Conner and questions him about Sheila's right to change hermind during the next five months. The law states Sheila has that right,Conner informs. It is not right for a baby to bond with the parents only tohave her taken away, Maggie argues. It hasn't happened yet, Conner says.Still, Maggie wants to know Sheila's whereabouts. Conner agrees to findSheila. Ridge joins the celebration and is overwhelmed with everyone's outpouring ofemotion. He asks Stephanie if there is any word from Taylor. Stephanieinforms Ridge that she did call the airline and was told Taylor is on her wayback. Thorne and Taylor wonder what life will be like when they return to LA.Taylor has accepted Ridge is going to be in jail for at least ten years. Aflight attendant delivers a message from Stephanie saying go directly to thehouse when they land.Eric and Stephanie think Taylor will be ecstatic when Taylor finds out Ridgeis out of jail. Eric says Ridge can finally look to the future and hopestheir is a marriage for Ridge and Taylor soon. Just then, Thorne and Taylorwalk into the party and are stunned to find Ridge there!^ back to the topWednesday, July 16, 1997by Soap CentralMaggie realizes Sheila became attached to the baby while she was in thehospital and hopes she is not still attached. James comes home early tospend time with Maggie, but she is on her way to see Conner. Maggie informsJames she hired Conner to locate Sheila. Maggie wants to believe that Sheilahas moved on with her life, but has to know for sure. Sheila always does theunpredictable, Maggie notes. She needs proof that Sheila is out of theirlives.Thorne and Taylor are stunned to see Ridge. Stephanie wonders if the ring onTaylor's finger is an engagement ring. Ridge whisks Taylor upstairs so he canexplain everything. Thorne tries to go after Taylor but Stephanie stops him.She intends to have a few words with Thorne.James informs Maggie that even Mike doesn't know where Sheila is. That is agood sign because he was such a bad influence on her, James says. If Sheilahas cut Mike out of her life, she must be serious about getting better.Maggie doesn't buy that theory. Sheila's plotting something, Maggie says.When Ridge and Taylor are finally alone, he explains everything. Ridge tellsher he wished he didn't lie to her and now he realizes it was wrong, but heonly did it to protect Rick. When he thought he was going to spend at leastten years in prison, he couldn't let her throw her life away waiting for him,Ridge explains. That is why he led her to believe he is the one who shotGrant. Ridge says he hated to lie to Taylor but he thought he was doing theright thing. By the time he was convinced to tell her the truth, she hadleft for Hawaii. Stephanie feels Thorne took advantage of Ridge being in jail. Tookadvantage? He was the one who pulled her out of despair, Thorne explains.Just because Ridge is out of prison doesn't mean Taylor will go back to him,Thorne says. Stephanie informs Thorne that Ridge is not the one who shotGrant. All is not forgiven, Thorne counters. Thorne points out thatStephanie is terrified that her precious Ridge might not wind up with Taylor.Eric and Stephanie ask Thorne how far things went in Hawaii. Thorne informsthem he proposed to Taylor.Maggie tells Conner things are going well for she and James but one word fromSheila could ruin everything. The man Conner hired to locate Sheila hasdiscovered where she is, Conner informs.Taylor realizes Ridge sacrificed their dreams and happiness for Rick. Nowtheir dreams can come true, Ridge points out. Taylor can't believe this isreal. It is real, Ridge says. Everything they fought for is real.^ back to the topThursday, July 107, 1997by Soap CentralStephanie won't let Thorne go. He is trying to get to Taylor and Ridge, but Eric and Stephanie want answers from him.You are so afraid that your precious Ridge might lose Taylor, he accuses. You don't care that Ridge may be in thereusing the same old worn out lines on Taylor once again. That's enough Eric cautions him as Stephanie tells him that isnot what this is all about.Ridge kneels before Taylor and tells her how sorry he is. I should have trusted you enough to tell you everything. Butnow, he tells her, I am free and we can be together. Now we can have it all, he says as Thorne listens at the opendoor.I have found Sheila already, Conner tells Maggie. Where? she wants to know, and are you sure it is her? Conner saysthat his detective found Sheila in Death Valley working as a waitress. Maggie can't believe it; Conner says he issending his detective there at once to make sure it is Sheila and not someone else using her Social Security number.After all, they don't know that Sheila didn't lose her purse or have it stolen. No, Maggie says, I will check this outmyself. She tells Conner that she won't believe it until she sees Sheila with her own eyes.Thorne enters the room So, he says, here you are making the same promises to her yet again. After all she has beenthrough because of you---how many times now?---she doesn't need to be spit on again by you. You don't understand, Ridgetells Thorne. I did what I did because I thought it was best for Taylor. I was trying to protect her. Oh sure youdid, Thorne tells his brother. That is why you shot Grant. That is why you denied it, stringing Taylor along. That iswhy you stood up in court and admitted what you did. You don't know how much you hurt Taylor---you never do. Taylortries to stop Thorne. She tells him that there were reasons. She looks to Ridge but he shakes his head.Stephanie is headed for the room where Thorne and Ridge are arguing, but Eric stops her. They argue. Stephanie feelsshe needs to stop Thorne or at least find out what happened in Hawaii. But Eric tells her that they are grown up menand they have to handle it themselves. Whatever happened in Hawaii has already happened and can't be undone. WhenStephanie disagrees with him, Eric angrily walks out.Maggie calls James and tells him that she is going to Death Valley to check up on Sheila. James tries to dissuade her,but she is insistent. She has to see that Sheila is moving on with her life. She can't take a chance on her comingback into their lives. She is very fragile, James warns her. Seeing you just may have the opposite effect than whatyou want, he cautions. Maggie insists she won't let Sheila see her.Once again Taylor tells Ridge and Thorne to stop fighting. I am the one who is confused here, she cries. I explainedall that in my letter, he said. At least I thought I had. How can this come as a complete surprise to you? Whatletter, Taylor wants to know. I sent you a letter last night, Ridge tells her. She didn't get the letter, Thorneadmits. I kept it from her. I didn't think she needed to see it. Taylor is astounded. You kept a letter from me? sheasks. Taylor, he say, you were just coming out of your depression. You were smiling for a change. I didn't want Ridgeto hurt you again.Eric is by the pool. Lauren arrives with champagne. I thought we could celebrate, she tells him. When he looksconfused she offers to leave, but he tells her to stay. He then opens the champagne and pours them both a glass. Hetells her about the argument with Stephanie.Once again Thorne accuses Ridge of hurting Taylor over and over again. That is why he kept the letter hidden. ButRidge says that it only proves that Thorne's intentions are based on lies. Things have changed, big brother, Thornesays. They changed in Hawaii. Taylor tries to interrupt them, but Thorne goes on to tell Ridge that Taylor isn't hisanymore. He tells Ridge that he proposed to Taylor in Hawaii. Ridge is stunned. That's right, Thorne goes on. Iasked Taylor to marry me. Ridge slams Thorne up against the wall. for your sake, she better have said NO! Ridge says. ^ back to the topFriday, July 18, 1997by GladysJames is talking with Margaret. He asks her to promisenever to change---to stay sweet and innocent, never to goout with boys, or any grown up things. When the doorbellrings, he hesitates to answer, but it is only Lauren. Hetells Lauren that Maggie has found where Sheila is--DeathValley, how appropriate, Lauren says---and Maggie is now onher way there to make sure it is really Sheila and she hasgone on with her life. Lauren is upset that Maggie wentalone; after all, one phone call and she would gladly havegone with her. There is no telling what Sheila will do ifshe sees her, Lauren comments. We just have to pray thatSheila won't do something rash.Stephanie joins Eric by the pool and tells him that shedidn't go into the room with Thorne and Ridge. It wasdifficult to resist, she tells him. She sees the champagneglasses---one of which has lipstick around the rim. Erictells her that Lauren came by. That woman won't stop atanything, she says.Did you hear me, Thorne taunts his brother? I asked Taylorto marry me. Ridge assumes that she said no or Thornewould be gloating over it. He turns to Taylor and says:don't tell me you fell for his act. I told him no, Taylorsays. She isn't ready to marry just yet. Ridge then wantsto know which brother she will choose which leads Thorne toonce again accuse Ridge of pressuring Taylor into adecision. Let's go home, he says to Taylor. You don'tthink you are going to stay at Taylor's house, do you? Ridgequestions. Taylor tells Thorne to leave; she has thingsthat she and Ridge need to talk about privately.Maggie finds the Badwater Inn and parks off to the side awayfrom the lights. As she emerges from the car, she is adifferent person. She has her hair pulled up under abaseball cap. She enters and is shown to a booth. Usingthe menu to block her face, she looks around. She sees acouple of waitresses but not Sheila. She is lookingdisappointed when suddenly from the kitchen, Sheila walksbehind the counter. Sheila and another waitress areconversing. The other waitress is complaining about a tip;Sheila offers to wait on him the next time, but the girljust says he is too cheap to leave a tip. She mentions thatshe would like to get away from this "Backwater" Inn. Shealso admonishes Sheila that she has to be more assertive orpeople will walk all over her.Sheila approaches a table where a man is sitting. He sayshe is waiting for someone. Just then his wife enterscarrying a baby. Sheila stares at the baby. Finally sherushes away and tells the other waitress to take the tablefor her. She goes into the kitchen and breaks down. Thecook is concerned for her but she says she is okay. Shegoes back to the door and looks at the couple with thebaby. Her attention is drawn to the cash register whereMaggie is paying her bill. As Maggie turns, Sheilarecognizes her.Maggie walks out the door into the parking lot and removesher baseball cap. As she is shaking out her hair, a handreaches over and grabs her shoulder and spins her around.Maggie is staring into the cold, hard eyes of Sheila.Ridge embraces Taylor. We can start a new life together, heasks Taylor, " Will you stay with me tonight?"^ back to the top

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Eric notices Stephanie is worried about what the judge's ruling will be inRidge's sentencing. No matter what happens, they will find joy in theirlives, reasons to live, Eric advises. They have their wedding to look forwardto. Jonathan stops by to let them know the judge has reached a decision.

After reading Ridge's letter to Taylor, Thorne wonders if he should give theletter to her. How can he? It has taken so long to bring her up, and if heshows her the letter, it will only bring her down again, Thorne debates.Taylor will suffer more if she reads the letter. Thorne wonders how Ridgecan ask Taylor to wait for him while he is in jail for at least ten years.

Ridge is elated after Eric and Stephanie inform him they faxed his letter toTaylor and she is headed back to LA in the morning. Stephanie assumes Taylorgot the letter, so she made a reservation for Taylor on the next flight toLA. It is only a matter of time before he and Taylor are together, Ridgesays.

Tension mounts as the judge enters the courtroom ready to give hersentencing. It has not been an easy decision, the judge says, especiallywith Grant's testimony that Ridge did not shot him with premeditation. Evenso, Ridge has pleaded guilty to shooting Grant. Grant's testimony leads thejudge to believe something else is going on, which gives her an uneasyfeeling...

As they prepare for their last night in Hawaii, Taylor wonders what is goingon in LA. It is strange that now she questions what is going with Ridge whena week ago, it was all she could think about, Taylor notes. Thorne noticeshow Taylor's eyes sparkle in the candlelight. Taylor says it is unbelievablewhat Thorne has done for her the past week. She doesn't feel a sense of doomanymore. Taylor thanks Thorne for helping her get through her misery withRidge and notes how special Thorne is to her.

The judge renders her decision: Ridge is given a conditional discharge. Heis on probation for three years, but is free to go! Everyone is stunned andrelieved at the ruling. Ridge can not wait to see Taylor.

Taylor admits to just now realizing how dedicated Thorne has been. She hasnot been able to think about anyone but Ridge. You are a part of me, Thornesays. He is not going to live his life without her. Taylor is overwhelmedby his caring. How can she possibly respond to that? By saying yes, Thornesays. Say that you will marry me!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, July 15, 1997

by Soap Central

Maggie tells Lauren she's as happy as she's ever been, but admits she isstill worried about Sheila. There is still five months left in which Sheilacan change her mind about the adoption. Lauren advises not to borrow troublewhere Sheila is concerned. Maggie says she would like to think that Sheilawill not cause any trouble but doesn't think Sheila is capable of putting thepast behind her. Maggie is determined to find Sheila. She has to know whereshe is and what she is up to. The best way to find Sheila is to call alawyer, Lauren suggests. Maggie vows never to give up her baby.

Eric and the Queen throw a celebration at the Forrester house in Ridge'shonor. Claudia and Michael attend the celebration. Before joining theother, Ridge marvels at how he is the luckiest guy on earth because it willnot be long now before he is reunited with Taylor.

On the plane back to LA, Taylor wonders if anyone knew she and Thorne wereeven in Hawaii. They must have known because Thorne received a fax. Taylorassumed the fax was from the office. Thorne declines reading newspaper inwhich one of the headlines shows Ridge being set free.

Mike stops by James' office questioning Sheila's whereabouts. Neither knowwhere Sheila might be. Mike is sure Sheila left town, which is a shamebecause he cares for her deeply. Sheila's not in control, she's depressed,Mike says. James better hope that Mike finds Sheila before he does, Mikewarns.

Maggie phones Conner and questions him about Sheila's right to change hermind during the next five months. The law states Sheila has that right,Conner informs. It is not right for a baby to bond with the parents only tohave her taken away, Maggie argues. It hasn't happened yet, Conner says.Still, Maggie wants to know Sheila's whereabouts. Conner agrees to findSheila.

Ridge joins the celebration and is overwhelmed with everyone's outpouring ofemotion. He asks Stephanie if there is any word from Taylor. Stephanieinforms Ridge that she did call the airline and was told Taylor is on her wayback.

Thorne and Taylor wonder what life will be like when they return to LA.Taylor has accepted Ridge is going to be in jail for at least ten years. Aflight attendant delivers a message from Stephanie saying go directly to thehouse when they land.

Eric and Stephanie think Taylor will be ecstatic when Taylor finds out Ridgeis out of jail. Eric says Ridge can finally look to the future and hopestheir is a marriage for Ridge and Taylor soon. Just then, Thorne and Taylorwalk into the party and are stunned to find Ridge there!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, July 16, 1997

by Soap Central

Maggie realizes Sheila became attached to the baby while she was in thehospital and hopes she is not still attached. James comes home early tospend time with Maggie, but she is on her way to see Conner. Maggie informsJames she hired Conner to locate Sheila. Maggie wants to believe that Sheilahas moved on with her life, but has to know for sure. Sheila always does theunpredictable, Maggie notes. She needs proof that Sheila is out of theirlives.

Thorne and Taylor are stunned to see Ridge. Stephanie wonders if the ring onTaylor's finger is an engagement ring. Ridge whisks Taylor upstairs so he canexplain everything. Thorne tries to go after Taylor but Stephanie stops him.She intends to have a few words with Thorne.

James informs Maggie that even Mike doesn't know where Sheila is. That is agood sign because he was such a bad influence on her, James says. If Sheilahas cut Mike out of her life, she must be serious about getting better.Maggie doesn't buy that theory. Sheila's plotting something, Maggie says.

When Ridge and Taylor are finally alone, he explains everything. Ridge tellsher he wished he didn't lie to her and now he realizes it was wrong, but heonly did it to protect Rick. When he thought he was going to spend at leastten years in prison, he couldn't let her throw her life away waiting for him,Ridge explains. That is why he led her to believe he is the one who shotGrant. Ridge says he hated to lie to Taylor but he thought he was doing theright thing. By the time he was convinced to tell her the truth, she hadleft for Hawaii.

Stephanie feels Thorne took advantage of Ridge being in jail. Tookadvantage? He was the one who pulled her out of despair, Thorne explains.Just because Ridge is out of prison doesn't mean Taylor will go back to him,Thorne says. Stephanie informs Thorne that Ridge is not the one who shotGrant. All is not forgiven, Thorne counters. Thorne points out thatStephanie is terrified that her precious Ridge might not wind up with Taylor.Eric and Stephanie ask Thorne how far things went in Hawaii. Thorne informsthem he proposed to Taylor.

Maggie tells Conner things are going well for she and James but one word fromSheila could ruin everything. The man Conner hired to locate Sheila hasdiscovered where she is, Conner informs.

Taylor realizes Ridge sacrificed their dreams and happiness for Rick. Nowtheir dreams can come true, Ridge points out. Taylor can't believe this isreal. It is real, Ridge says. Everything they fought for is real.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, July 107, 1997

by Soap Central

Stephanie won't let Thorne go. He is trying to get to Taylor and Ridge, but Eric and Stephanie want answers from him.You are so afraid that your precious Ridge might lose Taylor, he accuses. You don't care that Ridge may be in thereusing the same old worn out lines on Taylor once again. That's enough Eric cautions him as Stephanie tells him that isnot what this is all about.

Ridge kneels before Taylor and tells her how sorry he is. I should have trusted you enough to tell you everything. Butnow, he tells her, I am free and we can be together. Now we can have it all, he says as Thorne listens at the opendoor.

I have found Sheila already, Conner tells Maggie. Where? she wants to know, and are you sure it is her? Conner saysthat his detective found Sheila in Death Valley working as a waitress. Maggie can't believe it; Conner says he issending his detective there at once to make sure it is Sheila and not someone else using her Social Security number.After all, they don't know that Sheila didn't lose her purse or have it stolen. No, Maggie says, I will check this outmyself. She tells Conner that she won't believe it until she sees Sheila with her own eyes.

Thorne enters the room So, he says, here you are making the same promises to her yet again. After all she has beenthrough because of you---how many times now?---she doesn't need to be spit on again by you. You don't understand, Ridgetells Thorne. I did what I did because I thought it was best for Taylor. I was trying to protect her. Oh sure youdid, Thorne tells his brother. That is why you shot Grant. That is why you denied it, stringing Taylor along. That iswhy you stood up in court and admitted what you did. You don't know how much you hurt Taylor---you never do. Taylortries to stop Thorne. She tells him that there were reasons. She looks to Ridge but he shakes his head.

Stephanie is headed for the room where Thorne and Ridge are arguing, but Eric stops her. They argue. Stephanie feelsshe needs to stop Thorne or at least find out what happened in Hawaii. But Eric tells her that they are grown up menand they have to handle it themselves. Whatever happened in Hawaii has already happened and can't be undone. WhenStephanie disagrees with him, Eric angrily walks out.

Maggie calls James and tells him that she is going to Death Valley to check up on Sheila. James tries to dissuade her,but she is insistent. She has to see that Sheila is moving on with her life. She can't take a chance on her comingback into their lives. She is very fragile, James warns her. Seeing you just may have the opposite effect than whatyou want, he cautions. Maggie insists she won't let Sheila see her.

Once again Taylor tells Ridge and Thorne to stop fighting. I am the one who is confused here, she cries. I explainedall that in my letter, he said. At least I thought I had. How can this come as a complete surprise to you? Whatletter, Taylor wants to know. I sent you a letter last night, Ridge tells her. She didn't get the letter, Thorneadmits. I kept it from her. I didn't think she needed to see it. Taylor is astounded. You kept a letter from me? sheasks. Taylor, he say, you were just coming out of your depression. You were smiling for a change. I didn't want Ridgeto hurt you again.

Eric is by the pool. Lauren arrives with champagne. I thought we could celebrate, she tells him. When he looksconfused she offers to leave, but he tells her to stay. He then opens the champagne and pours them both a glass. Hetells her about the argument with Stephanie.

Once again Thorne accuses Ridge of hurting Taylor over and over again. That is why he kept the letter hidden. ButRidge says that it only proves that Thorne's intentions are based on lies. Things have changed, big brother, Thornesays. They changed in Hawaii. Taylor tries to interrupt them, but Thorne goes on to tell Ridge that Taylor isn't hisanymore. He tells Ridge that he proposed to Taylor in Hawaii. Ridge is stunned. That's right, Thorne goes on. Iasked Taylor to marry me. Ridge slams Thorne up against the wall. for your sake, she better have said NO! Ridge says.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 14, 1997 on B&B

Friday, July 18, 1997

by Soap Central

James is talking with Margaret. He asks her to promisenever to change---to stay sweet and innocent, never to goout with boys, or any grown up things. When the doorbellrings, he hesitates to answer, but it is only Lauren. Hetells Lauren that Maggie has found where Sheila is--DeathValley, how appropriate, Lauren says---and Maggie is now onher way there to make sure it is really Sheila and she hasgone on with her life. Lauren is upset that Maggie wentalone; after all, one phone call and she would gladly havegone with her. There is no telling what Sheila will do ifshe sees her, Lauren comments. We just have to pray thatSheila won't do something rash.

Stephanie joins Eric by the pool and tells him that shedidn't go into the room with Thorne and Ridge. It wasdifficult to resist, she tells him. She sees the champagneglasses---one of which has lipstick around the rim. Erictells her that Lauren came by. That woman won't stop atanything, she says.

Did you hear me, Thorne taunts his brother? I asked Taylorto marry me. Ridge assumes that she said no or Thornewould be gloating over it. He turns to Taylor and says:don't tell me you fell for his act. I told him no, Taylorsays. She isn't ready to marry just yet. Ridge then wantsto know which brother she will choose which leads Thorne toonce again accuse Ridge of pressuring Taylor into adecision. Let's go home, he says to Taylor. You don'tthink you are going to stay at Taylor's house, do you? Ridgequestions. Taylor tells Thorne to leave; she has thingsthat she and Ridge need to talk about privately.

Maggie finds the Badwater Inn and parks off to the side awayfrom the lights. As she emerges from the car, she is adifferent person. She has her hair pulled up under abaseball cap. She enters and is shown to a booth. Usingthe menu to block her face, she looks around. She sees acouple of waitresses but not Sheila. She is lookingdisappointed when suddenly from the kitchen, Sheila walksbehind the counter. Sheila and another waitress areconversing. The other waitress is complaining about a tip;Sheila offers to wait on him the next time, but the girljust says he is too cheap to leave a tip. She mentions thatshe would like to get away from this "Backwater" Inn. Shealso admonishes Sheila that she has to be more assertive orpeople will walk all over her.

Sheila approaches a table where a man is sitting. He sayshe is waiting for someone. Just then his wife enterscarrying a baby. Sheila stares at the baby. Finally sherushes away and tells the other waitress to take the tablefor her. She goes into the kitchen and breaks down. Thecook is concerned for her but she says she is okay. Shegoes back to the door and looks at the couple with thebaby. Her attention is drawn to the cash register whereMaggie is paying her bill. As Maggie turns, Sheilarecognizes her.

Maggie walks out the door into the parking lot and removesher baseball cap. As she is shaking out her hair, a handreaches over and grabs her shoulder and spins her around.Maggie is staring into the cold, hard eyes of Sheila.

Ridge embraces Taylor. We can start a new life together, heasks Taylor, " Will you stay with me tonight?"

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Edited by SC Desk