Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B

Grant urged Ridge to tell Taylor the truth before she went over the edge. Ridge longed to get out of jail and be with Taylor, but he was shocked to learn that she was in Hawaii with Thorne. Grant spoke on Ridge's behalf at sentencing. Lauren decided to go after Eric, but Eric's loyalty was to Stephanie.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B

Monday, June 30, 1997

by Michael Keithby Soap CentralMaggie admits feeling guilty for being so happy while the rest of her familyis in turmoil over Ridge. James says she has ever right to be happy. Maggienotes Sheila can still change her mind about Mary until the adoption isfinal. James is confident Sheila will not interfere again with the adoption.Maggie perks up when she shows off the new outfits she bought for Mary.Later, Maggie has one more outfit to show James, a negligee she bought forherself as they spend their last night alone together before Mary arrives.Taylor is having second thoughts about the trip to Hawaii with Thorne.Thorne reminds Taylor if she stays home, she will constantly be reminded ofRidge. Thorne admits hating to see her so depressed. This trip might be theonly thing to help her, Thorne presses. Taylor agrees to go. While packing,she clings to a picture of Ridge. Thorne vows to take good care of Taylor.Worried about Taylor, Grant visits Ridge in jail. It's time Taylor is toldthe truth, Grant says. He's never seen her this depressed. If somethinghappens to Taylor because of this, they are all reponsible. Grant notesTaylor will never be happy again until she learns to truth about who shothim. A few words could change everything for her. Even if she and Ridgemarried while he is in jail, that would be a start, something for Taylor tohold on to, Grant says. Again, Grant pressures Ridge to act now beforeTaylor goes over the edge. Ridge concedes to tell Taylor the truth. Hephone phones Taylor's house, but it's too late. She and Thorne have left forHawaii. ^ back to the topTuesday, July 1, 1997by Soap CentralLauren readies for battle with Stephanie. Clarke stops by and notesStephanie is in trouble if she is going to compete with Lauren. Eric willnot be happy with Stephanie, Lauren says. She is hoping her new condo willhelp her win over Eric's affections. Lauren is pulling out all stops and isplaying for keeps.Eric and Brooke argue over Rick. Brooke wonders why Eric didn't say anythingabout Rick's violent posters since he knew Rick had them. Eric assumedBrooke also knew about them, so the posters must be ok. At any rate, theyhave been negligent as parents, Brooke says. Rick's room is proof. Theycan't police everything Rick does or brings into the house, Eric counters.Brooke is angry at herself for letting this happen. As Rick has gottenolder, he has needed her more and she hasn't been there for him, Brookerealizes. Eric wonders where all this guilt is coming from. Brooke wants totell Eric the truth but can't. Eric reassures Brooke they will correct theirmistakes with Rick and spend more time with him.While on the plane to Hawaii, Taylor wonders if the trip is such a good idea.This is exactly what she needs, Thorne says. The trip is about sayinggoodbye to Ridge. Once Thorne and Taylor get to their hotel, they realizethey got a room with only one bed. The hotel is full, so they will have tomake do with what they got. No problem, Thorne says, he'll sleep on thecouch. Thorne is hoping the island will cheer Taylor up. He pulls out theengagement ring he brought along.Ridge is anxious to get out of jail and reunite with Taylor. He asksJonathan if there is anything he can do to get him out now. What if Granttestified on his behalf, Ridge asks. He might receive a less sentence.Jonathan questions why Grant would testify on Ridge's behalf, and wants toknow what is going on. He explains he wants to start a life with Taylor.Ridge implores Jonathan to get him out of jail. Later, Ridge dreams oftelling Taylor the truth and getting married. He wills Taylor to keep thefaith and declares his love for her.^ back to the topWednesday, July 2, 1997by Soap CentralQueen Stephanie's holding court. She fills in shocked Maggie about herfalling out with Lauren. With the wedding a month away, Stephanie enlistsMaggie's help. Maggie accepts the offer to be a bridesmaid in place ofLauren. Stephanie admits being disappointed in Lauren and thinks she couldmake one last attempt to gain Eric's affections. No one is going to stopthis wedding a determined Stephanie says.Sally and Clarke are dining a few tables over from Stephanie and Maggie.Clarke pours on the compliments to Sally. Sally deduces the sweet talk isabout ownership in Spectra. Clarke blew his chance at partial ownership whenhe cheated on her and left her and C.J.. Clarke admits faults but says he haschanged. He wants to work for a company that appreciates him. She'llconsider his request, Sally says. After Maggie leaves, Stephanie gets up to use the telephone to check in onTaylor. As she passes Sally and Clarke's table, she overhears theirconversation. Stephanie might be outgunned this time while competing withLauren, Sally says. Who would you choose, the beautiful Princess Lauren orthe evil Queen Stephanie? When Stephanie leaves the restaurant, Sally andClarke realize she must have overheard their conversation. Sally assumesStephanie is going to confront Lauren. Get ready for all hell to break lose!When Eric stops by her penthouse, Lauren lays on the charm. For the pastyear and a half, she has been in a transition, Lauren admits. Usually shewould never sit back and let the man she loves pass her by. Brace yourself,Lauren warns. The old Lauren is back and she's better than ever! Laurenrealizes Eric has a commitment to Stephanie, but their not married yet.Expect long, boring nights in front of the television if he marriesStephanie, Lauren says. In contrast, Lauren can offer him youth, vitality,and adventure. Eric can not admit his feelings for Lauren haven't changed.He's still attracted to her. He passionately kisses her, but is adamant inhis commitment to Stephanie. Later, after Eric has left, Lauren gets aknock on her door. She knew Eric would not be able to resist her. Surprise,it's Stephanie!^ back to the topThursday, July 3, 1997by Soap CentralJAILJonathan is visiting Ridge. Ridge wants him to find a wayto get him out in a shorter period of time than theminimum sentence. Jonathan insists that there is no wayto do this. There is always a way, now you go find it,Ridge orders his attorney. Jonathan tells Ridge that heis not being paid to be stupid. "You didn'tshoot Chambers. You both agreed to let it go down thisway. You are protecting someone. It was Rick whoshot Grant!" Okay so now Ridge tells his lawyereverything and insists that Rick is disturbed and doesn'tevenremember anything about the shooting.Jonathan doesn't like this and wants to knowwho else actually knows the truth. Ridge insists that Rickhas to be shielded for his therapy to be effective. If hecan get out of jail in three to five years it is a smallprice to payfor Rick. He wants to tell Taylor; and asks for Jonathanto bringher to the jail first thing in the morning.After Jonathan leaves, Ridge says to himself, " I told younot to compete little brother and you wouldn't listen.Taylor and I are finally going to have it all someday."THE LIONS DEN/PENTHOUSEThe doorbell rings and Lauren hurries to the door. I knewyou'd be back, Eric, she says to herself. But it isStephanie at the door. "Arent you going to ask me in? Iasked you into my home and you stayed well over a year."She then hands something to Lauren and tells her that thisis really something I wanted to deliver personally. It isa wedding invitation. Lauren is stunned that she wantsher to attend the wedding, but Stephanie tells her thatshe doesn't perceive Lauren as a threat. So, she asks,are we going to see you at the wedding?Lauren says there wont be a wedding and Eric will be theone to stop it when he chooses her. The only reasonStephanie has him now is because she gave him up out ofrespect for her. If she was truly out of the game, thenStephanie wouldn't feel threatened and she wouldn't be herenow. Lauren says to save the words and let the chipsfall where they may.Stephanie says that she has lost Eric twice before towomen likeLauren and this time it is not going to happenagain..................................HAWAIIThorne watches as Taylor sleeps. He comments to himselfthat she is soooooo peaceful and it should always be thatway for her. He thinks that Hawaii will work miracles onher.Taylor has suffered years of disappointments and betrayalswhileThorne thinks back to the eve of her wedding to his bigbrother when he told her about their trek to the marina tofind Brooke. That is what he did and he shattered yourworld leaving me to pick up the pieces. Time after timeridge has made you promises and he hurts you, Thornecontinues.Taylor wakes up and Thorne coaxes her into getting up anddressed for a moonlight walk down the beach. We couldhave a mai tai together. After she leaves the room,Thorne reaches in his pocket and takes out the engagementring he bought forTaylor....Independence Day Friday, July 4, 1997by GladysJAILHOUSE ROCKAs Ridge finishes his workout routine, he begins to think ofTaylor. I had to protect Rick, he thinks. I am sorryTaylor, but it was the only thing I could do. I should havetold you the truth, but I knew you would be shocked. I knowyou love me and today I will tell you the truth. I have tomake you understand why I did what I did because I know thatI can not live without you. I need you to wait until I getout of here, because we will have a life together someday.I swear we will! He then reminisces about Taylor in amontage of scenes from their past, remembering all the joyand good times.HAWAIIAN PARADISETaylor awakens. Why can't I stop thinking about him? sheasks. I see him - how can I stop this, what is it going totake? He is gone;I have face it - he is going to prison for 10 years and hedoesn't want me to wait. If he asked me to wait, I wouldhave waited for him. Are you crazy, he doesn't want you.Could he have shot Grant? No, not Ridge; NOT MY SWEETBEAUTIFUL RIDGE. I don't know what to believe anymore. Shelooks at Ridge's picture and begins to cry.In the lobby of the resort, Thorne is talking to Leilani(the woman from the resort) about things for him to do withDr. Hayes. She suggests a helicopter ride, but Thornedeclines, saying maybe later; Taylor needs some cheering upbig time right now. In that case, she says, Thorne shouldtake her to the beach and let Pele, the volcano goddess,heal Taylor. Thorne says it will take a miracle to helpTaylor right now. The woman guesses that Taylor lost a lovedone, and Thorne says, "Yes, I guess you can say that."Leilani says she thinks she knows exactly what Taylor needsand makes a call.BEACH HOUSEJonathan goes to Taylor's beach cottage and finds it empty.A neighbor comes in, surprised to find someone lookingfor Taylor. The neighbor tells Jonathan that Taylor went toHawaii with some guy, a blonde guy named Thorne. Jonathanasks, "Do you know which island they went to?" The neighborsays, "No idea, but if she happens to call, who should I saywas here?" The attorney says, "Jonathan Young," and thenleaves.HAWAIIBack at the hut, Thorne comes in to find Taylor in tears. Heasks her if she is okay. Taylor says, "I will be." Thorneasks if she wants to go sightseeing and Taylor says, "No, Idon't want to leave this room. I know I am a total bore; butI didn't want to come here. I should pack and go home. Iam not good company, she tells Thorne, I have too manymoods. Thorne asks her if being alone will make things anybetter. She tells him that he wouldn'tbe alone, because there is no shortage of beautiful womenhere. Thorne tells her that he is only interested in onewoman. However, Taylor wants him to take her to theairport.Thorne tells her that he has a surprise for her. She agreesto wait around for the surprise and wonders what it is allabout. Thorne tells her it is about love and life; aboutexpressions of love and joy. Some little hula girls showup with their teacher and bid Taylor, "Aloha!"JAILHOUSEIn his cell, Ridge is looking at a picture of Taylor. Itwon't always be a photo, the thinks. someday we will betogether. But first I have to tell her. He begins to pace,still talking to the picture. He is hoping they will givehim some time alone with Taylor. He wants to hold her.When she finds out the truth, she will be so relieved andhappy, he thinks. "I can't wait! I can't wait!"But then, Jonathan arrives alone. Ridge wonders if Tayloris coming. Jonathan tells him that he doesn't know how totell him, but Taylor is out of town. Ridge says that thatmakes sense. She needed to get away to get her headtogether. Jonathan tells him that she went to Hawaii. Youhave to call her immediately, he instructs his attorney.Jonathan is forced to break the bad news: she didn't goalone. She is with Thorne. Ridge is stunned.HAWAIITaylor tries to be interested in the visitors: Mehana, theteacher and her little troupe of hula girls. Mehana tellsTaylor that they are there to help her celebrate. I havenothing to celebrate, Taylor sadly informs Mehana. Then wewill have to give you something to celebrate, Mehana tellsher. Do you know of the hula, she asks. I know it is adance, Taylor replies. It is more, Mehana tells her."It also helps us share a loss of a person or a place welost." The girls begin their dance and Mehana comments,"This dance is about beautiful love." A little girl offersTaylor a lei, and reluctantly Taylor accepts it. Thorne isalso given a lei. Then one of the girls takes Taylor's armand leads her into the group. They begin instructing her inthe dance. As she begins to dance along with the girls, theteacher explains the meaning of the movements. Taylor looksover to Thorne; he looks back and they both smile.Taylor kisses the little dancers and they leave. Thornetells her how pleased he is to see a smile on her face. Shegives him a hug and thanks him for the surprise. "My goal,Taylor Hayes, is to see that smile on your beautiful facemore and more. Taylor tells him that he certainly didaccomplish that, and she admits she wondered if it couldever happen again. Thorne tells her, "Give me half thechance and it will. It is time to move on. It is time forUS to move on." he tells her as he kisses her hand. Taylorsmiles up at him.^ back to the top

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Maggie admits feeling guilty for being so happy while the rest of her familyis in turmoil over Ridge. James says she has ever right to be happy. Maggienotes Sheila can still change her mind about Mary until the adoption isfinal. James is confident Sheila will not interfere again with the adoption.Maggie perks up when she shows off the new outfits she bought for Mary.Later, Maggie has one more outfit to show James, a negligee she bought forherself as they spend their last night alone together before Mary arrives.

Taylor is having second thoughts about the trip to Hawaii with Thorne.Thorne reminds Taylor if she stays home, she will constantly be reminded ofRidge. Thorne admits hating to see her so depressed. This trip might be theonly thing to help her, Thorne presses. Taylor agrees to go. While packing,she clings to a picture of Ridge. Thorne vows to take good care of Taylor.

Worried about Taylor, Grant visits Ridge in jail. It's time Taylor is toldthe truth, Grant says. He's never seen her this depressed. If somethinghappens to Taylor because of this, they are all reponsible. Grant notesTaylor will never be happy again until she learns to truth about who shothim. A few words could change everything for her. Even if she and Ridgemarried while he is in jail, that would be a start, something for Taylor tohold on to, Grant says. Again, Grant pressures Ridge to act now beforeTaylor goes over the edge. Ridge concedes to tell Taylor the truth. Hephone phones Taylor's house, but it's too late. She and Thorne have left forHawaii.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, July 1, 1997

by Soap Central

Lauren readies for battle with Stephanie. Clarke stops by and notesStephanie is in trouble if she is going to compete with Lauren. Eric willnot be happy with Stephanie, Lauren says. She is hoping her new condo willhelp her win over Eric's affections. Lauren is pulling out all stops and isplaying for keeps.

Eric and Brooke argue over Rick. Brooke wonders why Eric didn't say anythingabout Rick's violent posters since he knew Rick had them. Eric assumedBrooke also knew about them, so the posters must be ok. At any rate, theyhave been negligent as parents, Brooke says. Rick's room is proof. Theycan't police everything Rick does or brings into the house, Eric counters.Brooke is angry at herself for letting this happen. As Rick has gottenolder, he has needed her more and she hasn't been there for him, Brookerealizes. Eric wonders where all this guilt is coming from. Brooke wants totell Eric the truth but can't. Eric reassures Brooke they will correct theirmistakes with Rick and spend more time with him.

While on the plane to Hawaii, Taylor wonders if the trip is such a good idea.This is exactly what she needs, Thorne says. The trip is about sayinggoodbye to Ridge. Once Thorne and Taylor get to their hotel, they realizethey got a room with only one bed. The hotel is full, so they will have tomake do with what they got. No problem, Thorne says, he'll sleep on thecouch. Thorne is hoping the island will cheer Taylor up. He pulls out theengagement ring he brought along.

Ridge is anxious to get out of jail and reunite with Taylor. He asksJonathan if there is anything he can do to get him out now. What if Granttestified on his behalf, Ridge asks. He might receive a less sentence.Jonathan questions why Grant would testify on Ridge's behalf, and wants toknow what is going on. He explains he wants to start a life with Taylor.Ridge implores Jonathan to get him out of jail. Later, Ridge dreams oftelling Taylor the truth and getting married. He wills Taylor to keep thefaith and declares his love for her.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, July 2, 1997

by Soap Central

Queen Stephanie's holding court. She fills in shocked Maggie about herfalling out with Lauren. With the wedding a month away, Stephanie enlistsMaggie's help. Maggie accepts the offer to be a bridesmaid in place ofLauren. Stephanie admits being disappointed in Lauren and thinks she couldmake one last attempt to gain Eric's affections. No one is going to stopthis wedding a determined Stephanie says.

Sally and Clarke are dining a few tables over from Stephanie and Maggie.Clarke pours on the compliments to Sally. Sally deduces the sweet talk isabout ownership in Spectra. Clarke blew his chance at partial ownership whenhe cheated on her and left her and C.J.. Clarke admits faults but says he haschanged. He wants to work for a company that appreciates him. She'llconsider his request, Sally says.

After Maggie leaves, Stephanie gets up to use the telephone to check in onTaylor. As she passes Sally and Clarke's table, she overhears theirconversation. Stephanie might be outgunned this time while competing withLauren, Sally says. Who would you choose, the beautiful Princess Lauren orthe evil Queen Stephanie? When Stephanie leaves the restaurant, Sally andClarke realize she must have overheard their conversation. Sally assumesStephanie is going to confront Lauren. Get ready for all hell to break lose!

When Eric stops by her penthouse, Lauren lays on the charm. For the pastyear and a half, she has been in a transition, Lauren admits. Usually shewould never sit back and let the man she loves pass her by. Brace yourself,Lauren warns. The old Lauren is back and she's better than ever! Laurenrealizes Eric has a commitment to Stephanie, but their not married yet.Expect long, boring nights in front of the television if he marriesStephanie, Lauren says. In contrast, Lauren can offer him youth, vitality,and adventure. Eric can not admit his feelings for Lauren haven't changed.He's still attracted to her. He passionately kisses her, but is adamant inhis commitment to Stephanie. Later, after Eric has left, Lauren gets aknock on her door. She knew Eric would not be able to resist her. Surprise,it's Stephanie!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, July 3, 1997

by Soap Central

JAILJonathan is visiting Ridge. Ridge wants him to find a wayto get him out in a shorter period of time than theminimum sentence. Jonathan insists that there is no wayto do this. There is always a way, now you go find it,Ridge orders his attorney. Jonathan tells Ridge that heis not being paid to be stupid. "You didn'tshoot Chambers. You both agreed to let it go down thisway. You are protecting someone. It was Rick whoshot Grant!" Okay so now Ridge tells his lawyereverything and insists that Rick is disturbed and doesn'tevenremember anything about the shooting.

Jonathan doesn't like this and wants to knowwho else actually knows the truth. Ridge insists that Rickhas to be shielded for his therapy to be effective. If hecan get out of jail in three to five years it is a smallprice to payfor Rick. He wants to tell Taylor; and asks for Jonathanto bringher to the jail first thing in the morning.

After Jonathan leaves, Ridge says to himself, " I told younot to compete little brother and you wouldn't listen.Taylor and I are finally going to have it all someday."

THE LIONS DEN/PENTHOUSEThe doorbell rings and Lauren hurries to the door. I knewyou'd be back, Eric, she says to herself. But it isStephanie at the door. "Arent you going to ask me in? Iasked you into my home and you stayed well over a year."She then hands something to Lauren and tells her that thisis really something I wanted to deliver personally. It isa wedding invitation. Lauren is stunned that she wantsher to attend the wedding, but Stephanie tells her thatshe doesn't perceive Lauren as a threat. So, she asks,are we going to see you at the wedding?

Lauren says there wont be a wedding and Eric will be theone to stop it when he chooses her. The only reasonStephanie has him now is because she gave him up out ofrespect for her. If she was truly out of the game, thenStephanie wouldn't feel threatened and she wouldn't be herenow. Lauren says to save the words and let the chipsfall where they may.

Stephanie says that she has lost Eric twice before towomen likeLauren and this time it is not going to happenagain..................................

HAWAIIThorne watches as Taylor sleeps. He comments to himselfthat she is soooooo peaceful and it should always be thatway for her. He thinks that Hawaii will work miracles onher.Taylor has suffered years of disappointments and betrayalswhileThorne thinks back to the eve of her wedding to his bigbrother when he told her about their trek to the marina tofind Brooke. That is what he did and he shattered yourworld leaving me to pick up the pieces. Time after timeridge has made you promises and he hurts you, Thornecontinues.

Taylor wakes up and Thorne coaxes her into getting up anddressed for a moonlight walk down the beach. We couldhave a mai tai together. After she leaves the room,Thorne reaches in his pocket and takes out the engagementring he bought forTaylor....

Independence Day Friday, July 4, 1997

by Gladys

JAILHOUSE ROCKAs Ridge finishes his workout routine, he begins to think ofTaylor. I had to protect Rick, he thinks. I am sorryTaylor, but it was the only thing I could do. I should havetold you the truth, but I knew you would be shocked. I knowyou love me and today I will tell you the truth. I have tomake you understand why I did what I did because I know thatI can not live without you. I need you to wait until I getout of here, because we will have a life together someday.I swear we will! He then reminisces about Taylor in amontage of scenes from their past, remembering all the joyand good times.

HAWAIIAN PARADISETaylor awakens. Why can't I stop thinking about him? sheasks. I see him - how can I stop this, what is it going totake? He is gone;I have face it - he is going to prison for 10 years and hedoesn't want me to wait. If he asked me to wait, I wouldhave waited for him. Are you crazy, he doesn't want you.Could he have shot Grant? No, not Ridge; NOT MY SWEETBEAUTIFUL RIDGE. I don't know what to believe anymore. Shelooks at Ridge's picture and begins to cry.

In the lobby of the resort, Thorne is talking to Leilani(the woman from the resort) about things for him to do withDr. Hayes. She suggests a helicopter ride, but Thornedeclines, saying maybe later; Taylor needs some cheering upbig time right now. In that case, she says, Thorne shouldtake her to the beach and let Pele, the volcano goddess,heal Taylor. Thorne says it will take a miracle to helpTaylor right now. The woman guesses that Taylor lost a lovedone, and Thorne says, "Yes, I guess you can say that."Leilani says she thinks she knows exactly what Taylor needsand makes a call.

BEACH HOUSEJonathan goes to Taylor's beach cottage and finds it empty.A neighbor comes in, surprised to find someone lookingfor Taylor. The neighbor tells Jonathan that Taylor went toHawaii with some guy, a blonde guy named Thorne. Jonathanasks, "Do you know which island they went to?" The neighborsays, "No idea, but if she happens to call, who should I saywas here?" The attorney says, "Jonathan Young," and thenleaves.


Back at the hut, Thorne comes in to find Taylor in tears. Heasks her if she is okay. Taylor says, "I will be." Thorneasks if she wants to go sightseeing and Taylor says, "No, Idon't want to leave this room. I know I am a total bore; butI didn't want to come here. I should pack and go home. Iam not good company, she tells Thorne, I have too manymoods. Thorne asks her if being alone will make things anybetter. She tells him that he wouldn'tbe alone, because there is no shortage of beautiful womenhere. Thorne tells her that he is only interested in onewoman. However, Taylor wants him to take her to theairport.

Thorne tells her that he has a surprise for her. She agreesto wait around for the surprise and wonders what it is allabout. Thorne tells her it is about love and life; aboutexpressions of love and joy. Some little hula girls showup with their teacher and bid Taylor, "Aloha!"

JAILHOUSEIn his cell, Ridge is looking at a picture of Taylor. Itwon't always be a photo, the thinks. someday we will betogether. But first I have to tell her. He begins to pace,still talking to the picture. He is hoping they will givehim some time alone with Taylor. He wants to hold her.When she finds out the truth, she will be so relieved andhappy, he thinks. "I can't wait! I can't wait!"

But then, Jonathan arrives alone. Ridge wonders if Tayloris coming. Jonathan tells him that he doesn't know how totell him, but Taylor is out of town. Ridge says that thatmakes sense. She needed to get away to get her headtogether. Jonathan tells him that she went to Hawaii. Youhave to call her immediately, he instructs his attorney.Jonathan is forced to break the bad news: she didn't goalone. She is with Thorne. Ridge is stunned.

HAWAIITaylor tries to be interested in the visitors: Mehana, theteacher and her little troupe of hula girls. Mehana tellsTaylor that they are there to help her celebrate. I havenothing to celebrate, Taylor sadly informs Mehana. Then wewill have to give you something to celebrate, Mehana tellsher. Do you know of the hula, she asks. I know it is adance, Taylor replies. It is more, Mehana tells her."It also helps us share a loss of a person or a place welost." The girls begin their dance and Mehana comments,"This dance is about beautiful love." A little girl offersTaylor a lei, and reluctantly Taylor accepts it. Thorne isalso given a lei. Then one of the girls takes Taylor's armand leads her into the group. They begin instructing her inthe dance. As she begins to dance along with the girls, theteacher explains the meaning of the movements. Taylor looksover to Thorne; he looks back and they both smile.

Taylor kisses the little dancers and they leave. Thornetells her how pleased he is to see a smile on her face. Shegives him a hug and thanks him for the surprise. "My goal,Taylor Hayes, is to see that smile on your beautiful facemore and more. Taylor tells him that he certainly didaccomplish that, and she admits she wondered if it couldever happen again. Thorne tells her, "Give me half thechance and it will. It is time to move on. It is time forUS to move on." he tells her as he kisses her hand. Taylorsmiles up at him.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 30, 1997 on B&B

Independence Day Friday, July 4, 1997

by Soap Central

JAILHOUSE ROCKAs Ridge finishes his workout routine, he begins to think ofTaylor. I had to protect Rick, he thinks. I am sorryTaylor, but it was the only thing I could do. I should havetold you the truth, but I knew you would be shocked. I knowyou love me and today I will tell you the truth. I have tomake you understand why I did what I did because I know thatI can not live without you. I need you to wait until I getout of here, because we will have a life together someday.I swear we will! He then reminisces about Taylor in amontage of scenes from their past, remembering all the joyand good times.

HAWAIIAN PARADISETaylor awakens. Why can't I stop thinking about him? sheasks. I see him - how can I stop this, what is it going totake? He is gone;I have face it - he is going to prison for 10 years and hedoesn't want me to wait. If he asked me to wait, I wouldhave waited for him. Are you crazy, he doesn't want you.Could he have shot Grant? No, not Ridge; NOT MY SWEETBEAUTIFUL RIDGE. I don't know what to believe anymore. Shelooks at Ridge's picture and begins to cry.

In the lobby of the resort, Thorne is talking to Leilani(the woman from the resort) about things for him to do withDr. Hayes. She suggests a helicopter ride, but Thornedeclines, saying maybe later; Taylor needs some cheering upbig time right now. In that case, she says, Thorne shouldtake her to the beach and let Pele, the volcano goddess,heal Taylor. Thorne says it will take a miracle to helpTaylor right now. The woman guesses that Taylor lost a lovedone, and Thorne says, "Yes, I guess you can say that."Leilani says she thinks she knows exactly what Taylor needsand makes a call.

BEACH HOUSEJonathan goes to Taylor's beach cottage and finds it empty.A neighbor comes in, surprised to find someone lookingfor Taylor. The neighbor tells Jonathan that Taylor went toHawaii with some guy, a blonde guy named Thorne. Jonathanasks, "Do you know which island they went to?" The neighborsays, "No idea, but if she happens to call, who should I saywas here?" The attorney says, "Jonathan Young," and thenleaves.


Back at the hut, Thorne comes in to find Taylor in tears. Heasks her if she is okay. Taylor says, "I will be." Thorneasks if she wants to go sightseeing and Taylor says, "No, Idon't want to leave this room. I know I am a total bore; butI didn't want to come here. I should pack and go home. Iam not good company, she tells Thorne, I have too manymoods. Thorne asks her if being alone will make things anybetter. She tells him that he wouldn'tbe alone, because there is no shortage of beautiful womenhere. Thorne tells her that he is only interested in onewoman. However, Taylor wants him to take her to theairport.

Thorne tells her that he has a surprise for her. She agreesto wait around for the surprise and wonders what it is allabout. Thorne tells her it is about love and life; aboutexpressions of love and joy. Some little hula girls showup with their teacher and bid Taylor, "Aloha!"

JAILHOUSEIn his cell, Ridge is looking at a picture of Taylor. Itwon't always be a photo, the thinks. someday we will betogether. But first I have to tell her. He begins to pace,still talking to the picture. He is hoping they will givehim some time alone with Taylor. He wants to hold her.When she finds out the truth, she will be so relieved andhappy, he thinks. "I can't wait! I can't wait!"

But then, Jonathan arrives alone. Ridge wonders if Tayloris coming. Jonathan tells him that he doesn't know how totell him, but Taylor is out of town. Ridge says that thatmakes sense. She needed to get away to get her headtogether. Jonathan tells him that she went to Hawaii. Youhave to call her immediately, he instructs his attorney.Jonathan is forced to break the bad news: she didn't goalone. She is with Thorne. Ridge is stunned.

HAWAIITaylor tries to be interested in the visitors: Mehana, theteacher and her little troupe of hula girls. Mehana tellsTaylor that they are there to help her celebrate. I havenothing to celebrate, Taylor sadly informs Mehana. Then wewill have to give you something to celebrate, Mehana tellsher. Do you know of the hula, she asks. I know it is adance, Taylor replies. It is more, Mehana tells her."It also helps us share a loss of a person or a place welost." The girls begin their dance and Mehana comments,"This dance is about beautiful love." A little girl offersTaylor a lei, and reluctantly Taylor accepts it. Thorne isalso given a lei. Then one of the girls takes Taylor's armand leads her into the group. They begin instructing her inthe dance. As she begins to dance along with the girls, theteacher explains the meaning of the movements. Taylor looksover to Thorne; he looks back and they both smile.

Taylor kisses the little dancers and they leave. Thornetells her how pleased he is to see a smile on her face. Shegives him a hug and thanks him for the surprise. "My goal,Taylor Hayes, is to see that smile on your beautiful facemore and more. Taylor tells him that he certainly didaccomplish that, and she admits she wondered if it couldever happen again. Thorne tells her, "Give me half thechance and it will. It is time to move on. It is time forUS to move on." he tells her as he kisses her hand. Taylorsmiles up at him.

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Edited by SC Desk