Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B

Sheila signed the adoption papers and fled the hospital in tears. Stephanie threw Lauren out of the mansion and barred her from the company. Taylor drank vodka and sank into a depression over Ridge. Ridge ordered Thorne to move out of Taylor's beach house, but instead, Thorne invited Taylor to Hawaii.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B

Monday, June 23, 1997

by Michael Keithby Soap CentralMaggie and Lauren wonder if Sheila will sign the adoption papers. Maggie'stries to console herself by thinking Sheila will listen to James and do theright thing. Lauren asks Maggie if Sheila doesn't sign the consent forms,then what? Maggie admits she doesn't know what will happen, but Lauren saysSheila will become part of your life forever. Maggie is committed to Jamesand if the baby gets stuck with Sheila, the baby will need all the help shecan get.Sheila begs James not to make her sign the adoption form. James mentions shesigned consent forms several months ago, why the change now? Sheila says shesigned those forms before she knew how she would feel about Mary and beforeJames' feelings for her changed. James acknowledges his feelings for Sheilahave changed because she has changed. Sheila says that is why she lovesJames, because he helped her changed. James wishes Sheila would put Mary'sneeds before her own. "I am," Sheila cries. "Nobody knows what is best forthis baby more than I do because as a child, I didn't get the love I needed,"Sheila says. James was treated the same way Sheila mentions. Together theycan protect Mary and give her the kind of childhood they deserved. Jamestells Sheila he loves Maggie, but Sheila says Maggie doesn't need him likeshe does. Sheila can't believe James thinks taking Mary away from her andhaving her raised by a woman who resents her is best for the baby. "Do youreally think I would hurt her?" Sheila asks. "Not intentionally," Jamesreplies. Tearfully, Sheila asks for the adoption forms and signs them. AsJames leaves, Sheila cries out, "I would have loved her." While questioning her mothering skills of Rick, Brooke realizes Eric stilldoes not know Rick shot Grant. Grant says they can't inform Eric because hewould tell Stephanie and she would tell Taylor. Brooke realizes what Taylormust be going through and wishes there were a way she could tell Taylor thetruth. Taylor brings Bridget home and Brooke asks her to stay for a minute.Taylor admits Brooke is the only person who knows what she is going through.Taylor doesn't understand how Ridge can push her out of his life. Tayloreven agreed to marry him in prison. "Why do you even care?" Taylor asks.Brooke wants to explain everything to her but can't bring herself to do itfor Rick's sake. ^ back to the topTuesday, June 24, 1997by Soap CentralMaggie is elated when James announces Sheila signed the adoption form.Maggie expresses her love for the baby. She and James embrace. Later,James seems worried about Sheila, but Maggie reminds him he is notresponsible for her, only to their marriage and their baby.Sheila is depressed, sitting in the dark when her doctor informs her she willbe able to leave the hospital soon. The doc informs Sheila it will take sometime for her to come to terms with what she did, but reminds Sheila she gaveher baby to two people who care a great deal for the baby. Sheila isunaffected by doctor's show of concern. Maggie notices Sheila leaving thehospital and reassures her the baby will have a happy childhood. Maggie bidsgoodbye to Sheila forever.Lauren clues Sally in on the misunderstanding she and Stephanie had. LaSpectra wastes no time informing Lauren how cruel Stephanie can be to thosewho have betrayed her. Lauren tries to downplay the situation by saying assoon as Stephanie realizes she is not trying to steal Eric away from her,Stephanie will forgive Lauren from keeping their romance a secret. Sallyagain warns Lauren once you betray the Queen, she will make you pay.Stephanie compliments Eric on what an inspiration he has been during Ridge'strial. Eric says one reason their wedding is important is to have the familycome together. Stephanie asks Eric if he is sure he is committed to spendingthe rest of his life with her. Eric says he would not be marrying her if hehad any doubts about them.Lauren is shocked when she arrives at Forrester and can't get into thebuilding. The guard informs her clearance has been revoked. Lauren will getto the bottom of this by having Eric explain why she is banished from thebuilding. Instead of finding Eric in his office, Lauren runs into Stephanie.She is the one who revoked her pass. Stephanie says since she is workingfor Spectra, it was a business decision. Lauren says she would never divulgeany Forrester information to Spectra. This has to be about Eric. "You damnright it's about Eric," Stephanie declares. "Over my dead body will you getyour hooks into him." ^ back to the topWednesday, June 25, 1997by Soap CentralSally praises Clarke for his fabulous designs for the fall collection.Clarke notices a document showing transfer of ownership of Spectra to Macyand C.J.. Clarke wonders how much stock he will get, after all he is Spectra'shead designer. No stock for him, Sally informs, Spectra is a family ownedbusiness. Clarke is shocked. He helped build this company. Without him,Spectra would be nothing. Sally admits Clarke helped put Spectra on the map,but even so, Spectra remains a family run business. Besides, what's to keepClarke from leaving like he has before?Lauren confronts Stephanie about why she asked her to leave the guesthouseand being banned from Forrester. It's a matter of trust, Stephanie says.Lauren betrayed her trust when she kept her liaison with Eric a secret.Lauren again explains she cooled her relationship with Eric so she and Ericcould have another chance. Stephanie accuses Lauren of staying at theguesthouse as a way to stay close to Eric. Lauren clues in Steph saying ifshe wanted Eric she could have him. Lauren asks Stephanie how she could beso cruel to a friend that has been so loyal. Back at Spectra, Lauren tells Sally she is stunned how Stephanie treatedher. She has been fighting her feelings for Eric and this is the thanks shegets? "How are you going to thank her back?" Sally asks. Lauren questionswhy she didn't fight for Eric. Why did she give up a man she loves for afriend who calls her a liar and a traitor? La Spectra says the Queen isn'tcapable of friendship. The only thing Stephanie is capable of is controllingand dominating others. Sally says Stephanie is the enemy and Lauren gave upEric without a fight. What is she going to do about it? Lauren realizesshe never should have given up Eric and vows his wedding to Stephanie willnever take place. "This is war!" Lauren declares.Stephanie asks Eric if he is really sure he wants to marry her again. Shetells Eric she knows about his involvement with Lauren and that she askedLauren to moved out of the guesthouse. Eric reassures her he ended what heand Lauren had before they got back together. Steph says if there is anydoubt about their remarriage to please tell her and he will not have to gothrough with the wedding. Stephanie doesn't want Eric to be pushed intosomething he doesn't really want. Eric vows his love to Stephanie and sayshe loves her and wants to remarry her.^ back to the topThursday, June 26, 1997by Soap CentralStephanie goes to the jail to visit with Ridge. He isworried about his Dad but Stephanie assures him that hisDad will be alright. Ridge asks Stephanie to do him afavor: move in with Taylor for a month to help her overthe rough part of the seperation. Stephanie is hesitant,then she tells Ridge that she cannot move in with Taylor.Ridge insists on knowing why she won't do this for him andTaylor. Reluctantly, Stephanie tells him that Thorne hasbeen staying in the guest room at the beach house since thebeginning. "Taylor doesn't need Thorne moving in on herlike a White Knight," Ridge declares angrily.Stephanie tells Ridge that she knows Thorne and he wonttake advantage of the situation. She gives Ridge aphotograph of him and Taylor together. Ridge confides inhis mother that all Taylor ever really wanted was afamily. He thanks his mother for the pix and for bringinghim a little bit of a memory from a better past." Theyhug.Taylor is asleep on the couch; she is dreaming about awonderful day she has just spent with Ridge and their fouryear old twins. She asks Ridge if he wants another childand they kiss and the games begin on the couch. Just asthey get down to business the cops come in and pull Ridgeaway. Taylor wakes up crying. As she is pouring herself aglass of water, she sees the bottle of vodka on the bar.Instead of the water, she helps herself to a generousportion of vodka. With the glass of vodka she walks tothe door and looks outside. " How do I forget? How do Igo on? I have to get rid of the memories. I can and Iwill." she says aloud to herself. Just then sheremembers the last time she and Ridge were all alone inher house. Ridge told her they were going to be togetherand this time it was going to be forever. " Stop it. Ohwhy cant you stop!" Taylor cries.Thorne drops by to see James; he needs help with Taylor.Thorne tries to tell him that Taylor is deeply depressed,but James insists that he isn't being objective because heis there all the time. James acts as if Thorne can'tpossibly know when someone is depressed; he seems to beattacking Thorne for being with Taylor. Finally, Thorneis able to convince James that Taylor does have problems.James agrees that Taylors' problems are more serious thanhe thought and that she does need help. James agrees tocall Taylor.James dials Taylor's number, but there is no answer.Where could she be, he wonders. Thorne said she nevergoes out of the house.Taylor is just sitting there with the phone ringing. Whenshe finally decides to answer the phone she spies the carkeys on the table and says, "I have to get out of here. Ihave to. Time to go."Just as Taylor is wailing out, James shows up. He tellsher that she is in no condition to drive anywhere on herown. Taylor breaks down and starts to cry. I have losteverything, she cries, and I can't go on anymore.At the jailhouse, Ridge is standing by the window gazingat the photo of him and Taylor. When the guard notifieshim that he has another visitor, he hides the photo in hispocket. He is not happy to see that it is Thorne whoenters the visiting room. Thorne is carrying a box filledwith things from Forrester, including reports and sketchpads---something to keep his mind occupied during the longhours alone. Ridge starts questioning him about where hehangs his hat these days. ." slick, so efficient.You look, Thorne, as quick as you moved in you are goingto move out. You got it little bro?????" ^ back to the topFriday, June 27, 1997by GladysEric and Stephanie are talking. Eric tells her that he hadbreakfast with Rick. Stephanie tells Eric that she had avisit with Ridge and that she had to tell him that Thornewas living at the beach house. She tells Eric that Ridgedoesn't like it that Thorne is living there and takingadvantage of Taylor's weakness.Ridge tells Thorne how he is disgusted with him for movingin on Taylor so soon. He orders Thorne to move out. Youhave no right to do that to Taylor---or to me, he shouts.James arrives just in time to stop Taylor from getting inthe car. He talks with her and tries to get her to stopdrinking. Taylor tells him that she has nothing to livefor; she sees nothing in her future but emptiness.Outside the door to a penthouse apartment, Sally tellsLauren that she needs a place of her own and she hasarranged for her to see this one. Lauren knows she needs aplace to live now that Stephanie has kicked her out, but shedoesn't know if she is up to making a big decision. Sallytells her that she will need a place for Eric to visit.Once inside, Lauren is overwhelmed with the beautifulapartment. The realtor takes her through the two livingrooms and tells her that the furniture goes with theapartment. Then she is shown out onto the terrace wherethere is a magnificent hot tub. Just the place to put theheat on Eric, Sally comments. The realtor thinks it is theperfect place for Lauren. As she is leaving, she tellsLauren to think it over and get back with her. However,Lauren tells her she has thought it over and she definitelywants the condo!James tells Taylor that Thorne is very worried about her. Iadmit that I am worried, too, James tells her. Taylor tellsJames that her whole life---and love--- for so very long hasbeen defined by Ridge. Ridge taught her how to feel, so nowshe doesn't how or what she is supposed to feel. Now that Idon't have him I don't know what my life is all about.James advises Taylor that she has to find something else onwhich to focus. He even suggests that she can focus onkicking an addiction. Taylor insists she isn'taddicted---to alcohol or to Ridge. James tells her that sheknows how to deal with it: she has taken the first step withThorne, who is a good friend to her. She should cling tothat, James tells her.Back in the jail, Thorne reminds Ridge that he is the causeof Taylor's problems in the first place. Thorne tells Ridgethat he, Thorne, loves Taylor and he is going to help her.Ridge insists that he will be the one to help Taylor, evenif from a distance. But you don't know the impact you haveon Taylor, Thorne says. Of course, I know, Ridge insists,and you are being naive to think that you will solve all herproblems. You can't be objective, Ridge tells Thorne.Thorne is stunned when his brother defines "love" as"getting into bed." Ridge tells Thorne that he is goingthrough hell and asks Thorne to promise him that he willstay away from Taylor for two months!Stephanie tells Eric that she believes that Thorne will backaway from Taylor for Ridges' sake. Eric hopes that she isright. Eric is concerned about the relationship between herand Lauren. He tells her that she is making too much of therelationship they shared. Stephanie reminds Eric that hisjudgment in women isn't the best. Like Brooke, Lauren isboth dangerous and devious. She isn't at all what you thinkshe is, she warns Eric. Stephanie goes on to say thatbecause of the way Lauren stayed in their lives, she wantsnothing to do with her ever again."Just think of all the trouble you can get into in anapartment like this," Sally tells Lauren. But Lauren isn'tconcerned so much in the trouble she can get into as she isin getting someone else into trouble.Thorne refuses to back off from Taylor. She will retreatfurther into herself if I do this, he tells Ridge. Hethinks Ridge would be more concerned with Taylor than withhimself. You are nothing but "second choice," sneers Ridgeas he tells Thorne that he will only hold Taylor back. ThenRidge tells him that he is counting on Thorn moving out andthanks him for doing so.Eric gets a call from Lauren. She tells him that she has anew place and invites him over. She wants to talk to himabout what has happened. Eric says he will be there; hewon't give up until Lauren and Stephanie work this out. Oh,I am sure we will, Lauren says and hangs up. I won't giveup on you, Eric, she says to herself.Thorne arrives back at the beach house. He sees the emptyvodka bottle but Taylor seems okay. She tells him that sheand James have talked. Thorne tells Taylor to trust him.He has made plans, as a friend. He wants to take Taylor toHawaii. She needs to get away where she will not bereminded on a daily basis about all that has happened.Taylor doesn't seem very enthusiastic but she goes to packwhile Thorne makes the arrangements. After she leaves theroom, Thorne opens his briefcase and takes out theengagement ring.^ back to the top

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Maggie and Lauren wonder if Sheila will sign the adoption papers. Maggie'stries to console herself by thinking Sheila will listen to James and do theright thing. Lauren asks Maggie if Sheila doesn't sign the consent forms,then what? Maggie admits she doesn't know what will happen, but Lauren saysSheila will become part of your life forever. Maggie is committed to Jamesand if the baby gets stuck with Sheila, the baby will need all the help shecan get.

Sheila begs James not to make her sign the adoption form. James mentions shesigned consent forms several months ago, why the change now? Sheila says shesigned those forms before she knew how she would feel about Mary and beforeJames' feelings for her changed. James acknowledges his feelings for Sheilahave changed because she has changed. Sheila says that is why she lovesJames, because he helped her changed. James wishes Sheila would put Mary'sneeds before her own. "I am," Sheila cries. "Nobody knows what is best forthis baby more than I do because as a child, I didn't get the love I needed,"Sheila says. James was treated the same way Sheila mentions. Together theycan protect Mary and give her the kind of childhood they deserved. Jamestells Sheila he loves Maggie, but Sheila says Maggie doesn't need him likeshe does. Sheila can't believe James thinks taking Mary away from her andhaving her raised by a woman who resents her is best for the baby. "Do youreally think I would hurt her?" Sheila asks. "Not intentionally," Jamesreplies. Tearfully, Sheila asks for the adoption forms and signs them. AsJames leaves, Sheila cries out, "I would have loved her."

While questioning her mothering skills of Rick, Brooke realizes Eric stilldoes not know Rick shot Grant. Grant says they can't inform Eric because hewould tell Stephanie and she would tell Taylor. Brooke realizes what Taylormust be going through and wishes there were a way she could tell Taylor thetruth. Taylor brings Bridget home and Brooke asks her to stay for a minute.Taylor admits Brooke is the only person who knows what she is going through.Taylor doesn't understand how Ridge can push her out of his life. Tayloreven agreed to marry him in prison. "Why do you even care?" Taylor asks.Brooke wants to explain everything to her but can't bring herself to do itfor Rick's sake.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, June 24, 1997

by Soap Central

Maggie is elated when James announces Sheila signed the adoption form.Maggie expresses her love for the baby. She and James embrace. Later,James seems worried about Sheila, but Maggie reminds him he is notresponsible for her, only to their marriage and their baby.

Sheila is depressed, sitting in the dark when her doctor informs her she willbe able to leave the hospital soon. The doc informs Sheila it will take sometime for her to come to terms with what she did, but reminds Sheila she gaveher baby to two people who care a great deal for the baby. Sheila isunaffected by doctor's show of concern. Maggie notices Sheila leaving thehospital and reassures her the baby will have a happy childhood. Maggie bidsgoodbye to Sheila forever.

Lauren clues Sally in on the misunderstanding she and Stephanie had. LaSpectra wastes no time informing Lauren how cruel Stephanie can be to thosewho have betrayed her. Lauren tries to downplay the situation by saying assoon as Stephanie realizes she is not trying to steal Eric away from her,Stephanie will forgive Lauren from keeping their romance a secret. Sallyagain warns Lauren once you betray the Queen, she will make you pay.

Stephanie compliments Eric on what an inspiration he has been during Ridge'strial. Eric says one reason their wedding is important is to have the familycome together. Stephanie asks Eric if he is sure he is committed to spendingthe rest of his life with her. Eric says he would not be marrying her if hehad any doubts about them.

Lauren is shocked when she arrives at Forrester and can't get into thebuilding. The guard informs her clearance has been revoked. Lauren will getto the bottom of this by having Eric explain why she is banished from thebuilding. Instead of finding Eric in his office, Lauren runs into Stephanie.She is the one who revoked her pass. Stephanie says since she is workingfor Spectra, it was a business decision. Lauren says she would never divulgeany Forrester information to Spectra. This has to be about Eric. "You damnright it's about Eric," Stephanie declares. "Over my dead body will you getyour hooks into him."

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, June 25, 1997

by Soap Central

Sally praises Clarke for his fabulous designs for the fall collection.Clarke notices a document showing transfer of ownership of Spectra to Macyand C.J.. Clarke wonders how much stock he will get, after all he is Spectra'shead designer. No stock for him, Sally informs, Spectra is a family ownedbusiness. Clarke is shocked. He helped build this company. Without him,Spectra would be nothing. Sally admits Clarke helped put Spectra on the map,but even so, Spectra remains a family run business. Besides, what's to keepClarke from leaving like he has before?

Lauren confronts Stephanie about why she asked her to leave the guesthouseand being banned from Forrester. It's a matter of trust, Stephanie says.Lauren betrayed her trust when she kept her liaison with Eric a secret.Lauren again explains she cooled her relationship with Eric so she and Ericcould have another chance. Stephanie accuses Lauren of staying at theguesthouse as a way to stay close to Eric. Lauren clues in Steph saying ifshe wanted Eric she could have him. Lauren asks Stephanie how she could beso cruel to a friend that has been so loyal.

Back at Spectra, Lauren tells Sally she is stunned how Stephanie treatedher. She has been fighting her feelings for Eric and this is the thanks shegets? "How are you going to thank her back?" Sally asks. Lauren questionswhy she didn't fight for Eric. Why did she give up a man she loves for afriend who calls her a liar and a traitor? La Spectra says the Queen isn'tcapable of friendship. The only thing Stephanie is capable of is controllingand dominating others. Sally says Stephanie is the enemy and Lauren gave upEric without a fight. What is she going to do about it? Lauren realizesshe never should have given up Eric and vows his wedding to Stephanie willnever take place. "This is war!" Lauren declares.

Stephanie asks Eric if he is really sure he wants to marry her again. Shetells Eric she knows about his involvement with Lauren and that she askedLauren to moved out of the guesthouse. Eric reassures her he ended what heand Lauren had before they got back together. Steph says if there is anydoubt about their remarriage to please tell her and he will not have to gothrough with the wedding. Stephanie doesn't want Eric to be pushed intosomething he doesn't really want. Eric vows his love to Stephanie and sayshe loves her and wants to remarry her.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, June 26, 1997

by Soap Central

Stephanie goes to the jail to visit with Ridge. He isworried about his Dad but Stephanie assures him that hisDad will be alright. Ridge asks Stephanie to do him afavor: move in with Taylor for a month to help her overthe rough part of the seperation. Stephanie is hesitant,then she tells Ridge that she cannot move in with Taylor.Ridge insists on knowing why she won't do this for him andTaylor. Reluctantly, Stephanie tells him that Thorne hasbeen staying in the guest room at the beach house since thebeginning. "Taylor doesn't need Thorne moving in on herlike a White Knight," Ridge declares angrily.

Stephanie tells Ridge that she knows Thorne and he wonttake advantage of the situation. She gives Ridge aphotograph of him and Taylor together. Ridge confides inhis mother that all Taylor ever really wanted was afamily. He thanks his mother for the pix and for bringinghim a little bit of a memory from a better past." Theyhug.

Taylor is asleep on the couch; she is dreaming about awonderful day she has just spent with Ridge and their fouryear old twins. She asks Ridge if he wants another childand they kiss and the games begin on the couch. Just asthey get down to business the cops come in and pull Ridgeaway. Taylor wakes up crying. As she is pouring herself aglass of water, she sees the bottle of vodka on the bar.Instead of the water, she helps herself to a generousportion of vodka. With the glass of vodka she walks tothe door and looks outside. " How do I forget? How do Igo on? I have to get rid of the memories. I can and Iwill." she says aloud to herself. Just then sheremembers the last time she and Ridge were all alone inher house. Ridge told her they were going to be togetherand this time it was going to be forever. " Stop it. Ohwhy cant you stop!" Taylor cries.

Thorne drops by to see James; he needs help with Taylor.Thorne tries to tell him that Taylor is deeply depressed,but James insists that he isn't being objective because heis there all the time. James acts as if Thorne can'tpossibly know when someone is depressed; he seems to beattacking Thorne for being with Taylor. Finally, Thorneis able to convince James that Taylor does have problems.James agrees that Taylors' problems are more serious thanhe thought and that she does need help. James agrees tocall Taylor.

James dials Taylor's number, but there is no answer.Where could she be, he wonders. Thorne said she nevergoes out of the house.

Taylor is just sitting there with the phone ringing. Whenshe finally decides to answer the phone she spies the carkeys on the table and says, "I have to get out of here. Ihave to. Time to go."

Just as Taylor is wailing out, James shows up. He tellsher that she is in no condition to drive anywhere on herown. Taylor breaks down and starts to cry. I have losteverything, she cries, and I can't go on anymore.

At the jailhouse, Ridge is standing by the window gazingat the photo of him and Taylor. When the guard notifieshim that he has another visitor, he hides the photo in hispocket. He is not happy to see that it is Thorne whoenters the visiting room. Thorne is carrying a box filledwith things from Forrester, including reports and sketchpads---something to keep his mind occupied during the longhours alone. Ridge starts questioning him about where hehangs his hat these days. ." slick, so efficient.You look, Thorne, as quick as you moved in you are goingto move out. You got it little bro?????"

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 23, 1997 on B&B

Friday, June 27, 1997

by Soap Central

Eric and Stephanie are talking. Eric tells her that he hadbreakfast with Rick. Stephanie tells Eric that she had avisit with Ridge and that she had to tell him that Thornewas living at the beach house. She tells Eric that Ridgedoesn't like it that Thorne is living there and takingadvantage of Taylor's weakness.

Ridge tells Thorne how he is disgusted with him for movingin on Taylor so soon. He orders Thorne to move out. Youhave no right to do that to Taylor---or to me, he shouts.

James arrives just in time to stop Taylor from getting inthe car. He talks with her and tries to get her to stopdrinking. Taylor tells him that she has nothing to livefor; she sees nothing in her future but emptiness.

Outside the door to a penthouse apartment, Sally tellsLauren that she needs a place of her own and she hasarranged for her to see this one. Lauren knows she needs aplace to live now that Stephanie has kicked her out, but shedoesn't know if she is up to making a big decision. Sallytells her that she will need a place for Eric to visit.Once inside, Lauren is overwhelmed with the beautifulapartment. The realtor takes her through the two livingrooms and tells her that the furniture goes with theapartment. Then she is shown out onto the terrace wherethere is a magnificent hot tub. Just the place to put theheat on Eric, Sally comments. The realtor thinks it is theperfect place for Lauren. As she is leaving, she tellsLauren to think it over and get back with her. However,Lauren tells her she has thought it over and she definitelywants the condo!

James tells Taylor that Thorne is very worried about her. Iadmit that I am worried, too, James tells her. Taylor tellsJames that her whole life---and love--- for so very long hasbeen defined by Ridge. Ridge taught her how to feel, so nowshe doesn't how or what she is supposed to feel. Now that Idon't have him I don't know what my life is all about.James advises Taylor that she has to find something else onwhich to focus. He even suggests that she can focus onkicking an addiction. Taylor insists she isn'taddicted---to alcohol or to Ridge. James tells her that sheknows how to deal with it: she has taken the first step withThorne, who is a good friend to her. She should cling tothat, James tells her.

Back in the jail, Thorne reminds Ridge that he is the causeof Taylor's problems in the first place. Thorne tells Ridgethat he, Thorne, loves Taylor and he is going to help her.Ridge insists that he will be the one to help Taylor, evenif from a distance. But you don't know the impact you haveon Taylor, Thorne says. Of course, I know, Ridge insists,and you are being naive to think that you will solve all herproblems. You can't be objective, Ridge tells Thorne.Thorne is stunned when his brother defines "love" as"getting into bed." Ridge tells Thorne that he is goingthrough hell and asks Thorne to promise him that he willstay away from Taylor for two months!

Stephanie tells Eric that she believes that Thorne will backaway from Taylor for Ridges' sake. Eric hopes that she isright. Eric is concerned about the relationship between herand Lauren. He tells her that she is making too much of therelationship they shared. Stephanie reminds Eric that hisjudgment in women isn't the best. Like Brooke, Lauren isboth dangerous and devious. She isn't at all what you thinkshe is, she warns Eric. Stephanie goes on to say thatbecause of the way Lauren stayed in their lives, she wantsnothing to do with her ever again.

"Just think of all the trouble you can get into in anapartment like this," Sally tells Lauren. But Lauren isn'tconcerned so much in the trouble she can get into as she isin getting someone else into trouble.

Thorne refuses to back off from Taylor. She will retreatfurther into herself if I do this, he tells Ridge. Hethinks Ridge would be more concerned with Taylor than withhimself. You are nothing but "second choice," sneers Ridgeas he tells Thorne that he will only hold Taylor back. ThenRidge tells him that he is counting on Thorn moving out andthanks him for doing so.

Eric gets a call from Lauren. She tells him that she has anew place and invites him over. She wants to talk to himabout what has happened. Eric says he will be there; hewon't give up until Lauren and Stephanie work this out. Oh,I am sure we will, Lauren says and hangs up. I won't giveup on you, Eric, she says to herself.

Thorne arrives back at the beach house. He sees the emptyvodka bottle but Taylor seems okay. She tells him that sheand James have talked. Thorne tells Taylor to trust him.He has made plans, as a friend. He wants to take Taylor toHawaii. She needs to get away where she will not bereminded on a daily basis about all that has happened.Taylor doesn't seem very enthusiastic but she goes to packwhile Thorne makes the arrangements. After she leaves theroom, Thorne opens his briefcase and takes out theengagement ring.

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Edited by SC Desk