Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B

Maggie was eager to get the adoption finalized, but James struggled with his feelings for Sheila. Lauren admitted to Stephanie that Lauren had been involved with Eric. James began therapy with Rick. Though Taylor wanted to wait for Ridge, he urged her to move on without him.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B

Monday, June 16, 1997

by Michael Keithby Soap CentralLauren is at the main house writing invitations for Stephanie and Eric'swedding. Eric comes in and massages her hands. Lauren pulls back sayingthis is not easy for her. Before leaving, Eric wonders where his missingcufflink is. Stephanie turns down Eric's lunch date offer saying she has toomany errands to run for the wedding. When she and Stephanie are alone,Lauren tears up and runs out of the room after seeing a thank-you note withMr and Mrs Eric Forrester written on it. Lauren notes seeing that in writingmakes the wedding seem real. Connie the maid starts to tell Stephaniesomething but Lauren interrupts. Lauren advises Stephanie not to take Ericfor granted. Eric runs into Sally and Macy at the Cafe' Ruse. Macy quickly leaves notingproblems at Spectra that need attention. Sally warns Eric that marryingStephanie will be a huge mistake. Eric dismisses the warning as Sally'spersonal feelings getting in the way of her judgment. Sally realizes Eric'sfeelings for Lauren and says it would be a shame to ignore those feelings.Sally also warns that whenever Stephanie feels pressured, she turns on herfriends, and she will turn on Lauren.Stephanie finds Connie and asks her what she was so concerned about earlier.The maid tries to let it go, but Stephanie pressures her into saying what ison her mind. Connie says she found Mr Forrester's missing cufflink inLauren's bed! Stephanie marches down to the guesthouse and notices Laurenmaking up her bed. "Looking for this?" Stephanie asks.Maggie is excited about the baby pictures she shows James. She informs Jamesshe has asked Conner Davis to come over to discuss what they are to do aboutSheila. When Conner comes over, he looks at the papers Sheila signed beforegiving birth. Conner informs them Sheila might not have understood themagnitude of what she was signing. Conner also informs them that Sheila hasa right to change her mind until the adoption is final. Sheila must signadoption papers now that the baby is born to legalize the adoption. Mike sneaks into Sheila's hospital room and brings Sheila a baby book. Mikequestions if she is going to let Maggie and James have to baby. Sheila saysthings have changed so she might not have to give the baby up. She thinksJames is realizing he should be with her and not Maggie. Sheila says she andJames have bonded over the baby and have much more in common then he doeswith Maggie. After Mike leaves, the baby is wheeled in ready for nursing.James looks on, happy he sees Sheila bonding with the baby. ^ back to the topTuesday, June 17, 1997by Soap CentralEric finds Maggie waiting for him in his office. Eric says he is strugglingwith Ridge facing a minimum ten year prison sentence. Maggie informs Ericthat Sheila's baby is healthy and beautiful, but the baby is not her's untilSheila officially gives the baby up for adoption. Sheila signed an agreementto give up the baby before the baby was born, now she seems to be changingher mind. Maggie also frets that Sheila is bonding with the newborn bynursing her. Plus, Sheila is playing on James' sympathies. Maggie says shetrust James and knows he loves her but she can not underestimate Sheila. With Sheila nursing the baby, the baby has been gaining weight and isscheduled to be released from the hospital soon. A nurse tells Sheila sincethe baby will be given up for adoption soon, it is best to start giving thebaby a bottle. Sheila doesn't think this is a good idea. She shouldcontinue to breast feed the baby Sheila plots. James mentions she needs tosign some more papers so the adoption can be legal. Sheila doesn't want anypart of this. "Please don' t take my baby away from me," Sheila declares.Sally and Clarke bicker back and forth over Lauren. Sally says onceStephanie catches wind that Lauren and Eric were involved, there will be hellto pay. Lauren's never seen the real Stephanie, the one who will rip aperson to pieces if she's been betrayed. Sally notes Lauren belongs atSpectra, not pretending to be the Queen's best friend.Stephanie confronts Lauren about Eric's cufflink. Lauren plays dumb andtries to convince Steph she knows nothing about a cufflink. Stephanie getstough, says that Lauren has been a dear friend for years, and again asks howEric's cufflink got into her bed. Lauren concedes the truth. She tellsStephanie how she spotted Eric in a bar, too drunk to drive, so she drove himback to her house and he passed out in her bed. Stephanie asks why Laurendidn't take Eric to her house. "It was late," Lauren says. "No it wasn't,it was only around seven o'clock," Stephanie counters. Desperate, Lauren thensays she wasn't sure if Stephanie was home. The Queen doesn't buy thatexcuse either, because Lauren had to have seen her car when she parked rightnext to it. With no more excuse, Lauren confesses all. Her involvement withEric, being in love with him. Stephanie questions why Lauren could not tellher the truth. Lauren says she backed away from Eric the moment she realizedthe depth of Stephanie's feeling for him. Stephanie wonders if Lauren wasn'tjust waiting around until she and Eric had problems and then be there to pickup the pieces. Lauren again states she is not after Eric. Stephanie stillthinks Lauren wishes she will wind up with Eric. Why did she keep the truthfrom her? Steph calls Lauren a fool for thinking she will ever get Eric andorders Lauren to move out of the guesthouse. Lauren agrees to leave by theend of the week but Steph has other plans. She orders Lauren out by the endof the day! Stephanie can't believe Lauren would betray their friendship anddemands she move out of the guesthouse tonight! ^ back to the topWednesday, June 18, 1997by Soap CentralStephanie advises Thorne he shouldn't be sleeping at Taylor's, consideringthe emotional state she's in over Ridge. That's exactly why he's stayingthere, Thorne says. Stephanie doesn't mind Thorne supporting Taylor, butdoes he have to stay at her house? To Stephanie's chagrin, Thorne is adamantabout helping Taylor and refuses to turn his back on her. Ridge has let herdown too many times. This time Thorne will be there for Taylor. Stephcontinues to press that this is not the time to pursue Taylor. Thorne claimsit wasn't his fault Ridge shot Grant. "You said to always follow your heart,that's what I'm doing," Thorne informs. Taylor visits Ridge in jail, but Ridge tries to push her away. Ridge says heis looking at at least a mandatory ten years in jail and he doesn't wantTaylor waiting for him. You have to move on with your life, Ridge advises,no matter how painful it might be. Taylor just wants some hope that she andRidge will have the life they've always dreamed of having. Children, afamily, happiness are all things Ridge wishes for Taylor, but she will nothave those things with him. Ridge again tells Taylor to face the futurewithout him. Taylor can't believe what she is hearing and clings to Ridge,not wanting to leave. Ridge says there is a reason he is in jail and thatmust mean they are not meant to be together. Through tears, Ridge forcesTaylor to leave.James stops by Brooke and Grant's to check on Rick. Brooke informs Jamesthat Rick is doing ok except for the fights he's been getting into at schoollately. Brooke admits Rick never used to get in trouble at school, it's onlybeen since she married Grant. James takes a look at Rick's room and noticesthe violent posters and magazines. Brooke blows it off by saying all hisfriend's are into that. She assumes that when Rick is in his room, he isdoing homework. James warns that it's not just the media that iscontributing to Rick's problem, it's his homelife. Brooke's constantchanging husbands has taken its toll on Rick. What Rick needs is a stablefamily structure, James advises. When a child obsesses over violence, analtered state of reality can occur. That is what happen when Rick shotGrant. ^ back to the topThursday, June 19, 1997by Soap CentralTAYLOR'S HOME ON THE BEACH:Thorne finds Taylor looking very depressed; she is justsitting on the sofa holding the puppy. When she tells himthat she went to visit Ridge, he tells her she must stopdoing this to herself. Taylor doesn't want to talk aboutit, but Thorne continues anyway."My brother has a hold on you and you cant seem to let himgo.We have to pick up and go on with our lives," statesThorne. Taylor wants to know what she has to goonto......all she has left now are her wonderful memories."That dream is gone, Taylor, because of what Ridge did,"continues the youngest male Forrester. Taylor explainsthat she is doing time in her own jail cell and there isno end to her term. She was counting on Ridge, she tellsThorne.Thorne assures Taylor that he is here for her now and heisn'tgoing anywhere. He then tells Taylor to go and getchanged forsomething on the beach because he has a surprise for her.THE CHAMBERSBrooke, Grant and James are all assembled in Rick's roomchecking out all of his gross belongings. Brooke turnsona computer game entitled "DEVIL" but shuts it off afterseeing how violent it is. She blames herself in all ofthis and says that she never should have let this happento Rick. It is all her fault because she was a motherworried too much about her own career and love life. Sheis the one who is responsible for her sons actions.Grant will not let her assume all of the blame. Part ofit goes to his father and the Forrester family who havenever been there when she needed help. James tells herthat this is a national problem amongteenagers and that Rick needs clinical help. Brookebegins gathering up all the CDs, the magazines, etc. Sheis going to his room completely of all the filth; butJames talks her out of it. Instead of getting rid of allthese things, she should make sure he doesn't spend allhis time in the room. He should be kept busy in otherareas of the house and with other activities.SHEILA'S HOSPITAL ROOM:Maggie is talking to the doctor as she comes out ofSheila's room.Maggie finds out that they are only weeks away fromletting the baby go home, but Sheila will be dismissedthis afternoon.When Maggie enters the room, Sheila is looking at photosof James and the baby. Maggie offers her congrats on thenews that Sheila will be going home sometime today. ButSheila tells her that maybe she will go home and maybenot. Maggie brings up the documents that Sheila stillneeds to sign for the lawyers. She advises Sheila to moveon with her life and not to dwell on the past. You arestill a young, intelligent and beautiful woman with a lotgoing on for you, Maggie tells Sheila.Sheila asks: if the tables were turn could you do it?Could you give your child away to someone else to raise?You aren't going to let us have her, are you? Maggieasks. Sheila tells Maggie that she is human and not somerobot. She insists that she really cares about the babyand she has to make sure she is doing the right thingfor the baby. There arebenefits from a child being raised by its natural mother,she says. She has to make sure that her baby haseverything she needs: parents who will love her instead ofabusing her as she herself was abused. She has to knowlove, not coldness. I don't want her raised with theproblems I was raised with, she quietly tells Maggie. Itmay be with Maggie and James; but how can she be sure shewill get what she needs when her adoptive mother hates hernatural mother. Sheila informs Maggie that she doesn'twant to have any doubts before she signs anything. " Yes Ihave had problems. But does that mean I am incapable ofloving and taking care of my baby?"THE WARWICK'SJames tells the Chambers that Rick needs more thandirection, he needsclinical therapy. He says that all of this violent stuffis like a drug and they need to proceed carefully withRick. Rick can not have any radical changes in hislife. He advises Brooke not to let him spend a lot oftime up in his room alone and to do some family outings.Grant tells Brooke that they are in this together and shecanttake the blame for what happened. As James is leavingthe roomRick, walks in and is annoyed that they are all in hisroom. The door was closed, he tells them, and that meansto keep out. Grant tells him not to speak to his motherwith disrespect. When Rick is about to "backtalk" Grant,Brooke stops him. You will not speak to me like that, shefirmly tells him. Brooke asks to speak with her sonalone.Rick and Brooke have a heart to heart chat. Rick tellshis momthat it is okay for her to be in his room because she isspecial and thatthey have been through a lot together. He asks his momwhat is the mattter. When Brooke apologizes for not beingthere for him, he insists that she has always been therefor him; he knew that she wasbusy with work all through the years. He confides in hismomthat growing up can be pretty hard sometimes. They hugeach other.SHEILA'S ROOM:So what are you going to do? Maggie asks. Sheila tellsMaggie that she is going to let James decide what is bestfor their daughter. Maggie waits outside for James andthen pleads with him that they need to have those adoptionpapers signed today before Sheila goes home.Sheila is talking to herself and says that this is it.She and James will be taking their daughter home togetherfrom the hospital. ^ back to the topFriday, June 20, 1997by GladysSHEILA'S HOSPITAL ROOM:Sheila is alone but getting ready for a visitor when thedoor opens and Mike enters bring a pizza. He mentions thatshe is acting like a teenager getting ready for a date.Sheila tells him that James will be there soon and she hasto get ready for him.Outside in the waiting room, James is preparing to go to seeSheila. Maggie wants to go with him, but James tells herthat he prefers to go in alone. Maggie finally agrees, butshe tells James that he has to think of this child---notSheila. James, you have to get her to stay out of thechild's life, she tells him. And you have to make it clearthat this is forever---no visits, no presents---no contactwhatsoever, she continues. I know you feel compassion forSheila, she says, but she will only hurt the baby at somepoint.AT THE BEACH:Taylor is gazing at Ridge's picture and dreaming. Herdepression continues. She throws herself onto the couchjust as Thorne enters. He is dressed very colorfully forthe beach. I thought you were going to put on your suit, hesays. Taylor tells him that she is not up for a BBQ, so hesays: okay, I will BBQ something and bring it inside. Butno, Taylor is not hungry; she just wants this day to end.Thorne tells her that it is okay with him if she doesn'teat, but what is he to tell their guest? Taylor becomesvery agitated; a guest? Thorne, I am not in the mood toentertain guests, why did you invite anyone? Thorne verypatiently tells her that he felt she needed a distraction;she needs to get her mind on something else besides Ridge.Taylor is upset and angry and tells Thorne to send the"guest" away. Do it yourself, he tells her; she is rightoutside. Okay, I will, Taylor says and marches to the door.Outside, Bridget is cuddling with Scout, the dog. Taylorapproaches and greets Bridget who says that she has a verynice dog. They begin to talk. Taylor asks how things areat home and Bridget says that it is very sad at home. Imiss Ridge, she says. Do you think he will ever come home?Taylor is in tears as she embraces Bridget and tells her shehopes so.SHEILA'S ROOM:Sheila is excited; she tells Mike that she is sure thatJames will want her and the baby. That is what he is comingto tell me, she insists. Mike tries to get Sheila to berealistic. His knows I have changed, she tells Mike. Wehave gotten so close while I was pregnant. He was sosupportive all during my pregnancy; and you should see theway he looks at me when I am holding the baby. Mike breaksdown. Why can't you look at me, someone who loves you morethan anything? he questions. Sheila very gently strokes hisshoulder and asks him to be happy for her. Mike leaves sothat he isn't there when James arrives.In the waiting room, Maggie is really working on James. Hetells her that Sheila loves the child; she wouldn't hurtit. Maggie says that maybe she wouldn't mean to hurt herbut in the end she would. I know you don't want to hurtSheila, Maggie says, but you are a parent now and you haveto think about your daughter----not yourself and not themother of your daughter. If you think about your daughter,that will give you strength to get through whatever you haveto do. James turns to leave but Maggie stops him longenough to kiss him and to tell him that "your family will bewaiting for you."James leaves and Maggie is alone. She is looking worried.Lauren enters the room. Why did Maggie call her? Maggiewonders why her number was different but Lauren waves itoff---that is another story, she says. She wants to knowhow things are going and Maggie tells her that James is withSheila now.While they are talking, they become aware of a young girl inthe room who is sobbing quietly. They approach to see ifthey can do anything for her. Lauren offers her a tissue.The girl, Annie, tells them she is waiting for anultrasound. Oh you are pregnant, Maggie says. What iswrong? Didn't you want the baby? Annie tells them that sheand Tim, her husband, have been trying for a long time. Butshe just discovered that she is HIV positive---they did atest when she came for her prenatal exam. Tim doesn't haveit, but he was so upset. She sees their shocked looks andmissunderstands. I didn't cheat on him, she says. Ithappened in High School. For a while I lived prettyrecklessly---parties, drugs, you know. But now, my poorbaby--what will happen to my baby? What did the doctorstell you about the baby? Lauren asks. Annie says that withtreatment the chances for her baby contacting HIV falls to4%. But she is afraid of what the medications will do tothe baby. What if the baby is deformed from the drugs? Andif I get sick, who is going to take care of my baby? Sheadmits that she even considered aborting but she couldn'tbring herself to do that. This is her baby; she couldn't dothat to him/her. As the nurse leads her away for theultrasound, she looks at Maggie and Lauren and says: "Prayfor us."THE BEACH:The three are finishing their meal. Bridget slips a bite toScout who is at her side. She tells Thorne that he wouldmake a good Daddy and Thorne thanks her for the compliment.When is he going to be a daddy, she asks. She wants to beAunt Bridget. Then she asks Taylor if she wants kids. Idid, Taylor tells her. But now, it might not ever happennow. You'd be a great Mom, Bridget tells her.SHEILA'S ROOM:Sheila is dressed and ready when James enters her room.James tells her that she looks lovely and she thanks him forthe compliment. I am being released, she tells him. Shesits on the bed and invites him to sit beside her. Tell mewhat you wanted to say, she invites. James looks decidedlyuncomfortable.THE BEACH:Taylor watches as Thorne, Bridget and Scout romp around inthe surf. Thorne calls a time-out and joins Taylor. As hetowels himself off, Taylor tells him that he was right; shedid need distracting. Thorne says that she needs more thana momentary distraction; she needs to get away. Are yourunning me out of town, she asks. Thorne tells her thatthey both need to leave town. They can go anywhere---Paris,London---anywhere she wants to go, he says. But Taylortells him that she isn't ready. Okay, Thorne says, maybeyou aren't ready right now, but I'm not giving up on you.You deserve to be happy.SHEILA'S ROOM:James tells Sheila that he is so grateful to her. Why,Sheila wonders. He tells her that she has gone through somuch for him, that is why he feels such gratitude. Sheilatells him he doesn't have to thank her; she is happy to givehim a baby--a precious life. Then she tells him that shenamed the baby today. She hopes he doesn't mind and he canalways change it if he wishes. "I named her Mary," shetells him. "After your mother. She died giving preciouslife to you," Sheila continues. "I thought it appropriatethat we name our child after her." James is overwhelmed.James walks away from Sheila. She asks what he wanted totalk to her about. Turned away from her, James reaches intohis jacket pocket and pulls out the envelope with thepapers. He turns to face Sheila and tells her that he hadhoped to make this as painless as possible. Sheila realizeswhat the papers are. You don't want to do this, she tellshim with tears in her eyes. I can see it in your eyes. Shebegins to cry. "Please," she begs. "Please don't make megive up my baby!"^ back to the top

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Lauren is at the main house writing invitations for Stephanie and Eric'swedding. Eric comes in and massages her hands. Lauren pulls back sayingthis is not easy for her. Before leaving, Eric wonders where his missingcufflink is. Stephanie turns down Eric's lunch date offer saying she has toomany errands to run for the wedding. When she and Stephanie are alone,Lauren tears up and runs out of the room after seeing a thank-you note withMr and Mrs Eric Forrester written on it. Lauren notes seeing that in writingmakes the wedding seem real. Connie the maid starts to tell Stephaniesomething but Lauren interrupts. Lauren advises Stephanie not to take Ericfor granted.

Eric runs into Sally and Macy at the Cafe' Ruse. Macy quickly leaves notingproblems at Spectra that need attention. Sally warns Eric that marryingStephanie will be a huge mistake. Eric dismisses the warning as Sally'spersonal feelings getting in the way of her judgment. Sally realizes Eric'sfeelings for Lauren and says it would be a shame to ignore those feelings.Sally also warns that whenever Stephanie feels pressured, she turns on herfriends, and she will turn on Lauren.

Stephanie finds Connie and asks her what she was so concerned about earlier.The maid tries to let it go, but Stephanie pressures her into saying what ison her mind. Connie says she found Mr Forrester's missing cufflink inLauren's bed! Stephanie marches down to the guesthouse and notices Laurenmaking up her bed. "Looking for this?" Stephanie asks.

Maggie is excited about the baby pictures she shows James. She informs Jamesshe has asked Conner Davis to come over to discuss what they are to do aboutSheila. When Conner comes over, he looks at the papers Sheila signed beforegiving birth. Conner informs them Sheila might not have understood themagnitude of what she was signing. Conner also informs them that Sheila hasa right to change her mind until the adoption is final. Sheila must signadoption papers now that the baby is born to legalize the adoption.

Mike sneaks into Sheila's hospital room and brings Sheila a baby book. Mikequestions if she is going to let Maggie and James have to baby. Sheila saysthings have changed so she might not have to give the baby up. She thinksJames is realizing he should be with her and not Maggie. Sheila says she andJames have bonded over the baby and have much more in common then he doeswith Maggie. After Mike leaves, the baby is wheeled in ready for nursing.James looks on, happy he sees Sheila bonding with the baby.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, June 17, 1997

by Soap Central

Eric finds Maggie waiting for him in his office. Eric says he is strugglingwith Ridge facing a minimum ten year prison sentence. Maggie informs Ericthat Sheila's baby is healthy and beautiful, but the baby is not her's untilSheila officially gives the baby up for adoption. Sheila signed an agreementto give up the baby before the baby was born, now she seems to be changingher mind. Maggie also frets that Sheila is bonding with the newborn bynursing her. Plus, Sheila is playing on James' sympathies. Maggie says shetrust James and knows he loves her but she can not underestimate Sheila.

With Sheila nursing the baby, the baby has been gaining weight and isscheduled to be released from the hospital soon. A nurse tells Sheila sincethe baby will be given up for adoption soon, it is best to start giving thebaby a bottle. Sheila doesn't think this is a good idea. She shouldcontinue to breast feed the baby Sheila plots. James mentions she needs tosign some more papers so the adoption can be legal. Sheila doesn't want anypart of this. "Please don' t take my baby away from me," Sheila declares.

Sally and Clarke bicker back and forth over Lauren. Sally says onceStephanie catches wind that Lauren and Eric were involved, there will be hellto pay. Lauren's never seen the real Stephanie, the one who will rip aperson to pieces if she's been betrayed. Sally notes Lauren belongs atSpectra, not pretending to be the Queen's best friend.

Stephanie confronts Lauren about Eric's cufflink. Lauren plays dumb andtries to convince Steph she knows nothing about a cufflink. Stephanie getstough, says that Lauren has been a dear friend for years, and again asks howEric's cufflink got into her bed. Lauren concedes the truth. She tellsStephanie how she spotted Eric in a bar, too drunk to drive, so she drove himback to her house and he passed out in her bed. Stephanie asks why Laurendidn't take Eric to her house. "It was late," Lauren says. "No it wasn't,it was only around seven o'clock," Stephanie counters. Desperate, Lauren thensays she wasn't sure if Stephanie was home. The Queen doesn't buy thatexcuse either, because Lauren had to have seen her car when she parked rightnext to it. With no more excuse, Lauren confesses all. Her involvement withEric, being in love with him. Stephanie questions why Lauren could not tellher the truth. Lauren says she backed away from Eric the moment she realizedthe depth of Stephanie's feeling for him. Stephanie wonders if Lauren wasn'tjust waiting around until she and Eric had problems and then be there to pickup the pieces. Lauren again states she is not after Eric. Stephanie stillthinks Lauren wishes she will wind up with Eric. Why did she keep the truthfrom her? Steph calls Lauren a fool for thinking she will ever get Eric andorders Lauren to move out of the guesthouse. Lauren agrees to leave by theend of the week but Steph has other plans. She orders Lauren out by the endof the day! Stephanie can't believe Lauren would betray their friendship anddemands she move out of the guesthouse tonight!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, June 18, 1997

by Soap Central

Stephanie advises Thorne he shouldn't be sleeping at Taylor's, consideringthe emotional state she's in over Ridge. That's exactly why he's stayingthere, Thorne says. Stephanie doesn't mind Thorne supporting Taylor, butdoes he have to stay at her house? To Stephanie's chagrin, Thorne is adamantabout helping Taylor and refuses to turn his back on her. Ridge has let herdown too many times. This time Thorne will be there for Taylor. Stephcontinues to press that this is not the time to pursue Taylor. Thorne claimsit wasn't his fault Ridge shot Grant. "You said to always follow your heart,that's what I'm doing," Thorne informs.

Taylor visits Ridge in jail, but Ridge tries to push her away. Ridge says heis looking at at least a mandatory ten years in jail and he doesn't wantTaylor waiting for him. You have to move on with your life, Ridge advises,no matter how painful it might be. Taylor just wants some hope that she andRidge will have the life they've always dreamed of having. Children, afamily, happiness are all things Ridge wishes for Taylor, but she will nothave those things with him. Ridge again tells Taylor to face the futurewithout him. Taylor can't believe what she is hearing and clings to Ridge,not wanting to leave. Ridge says there is a reason he is in jail and thatmust mean they are not meant to be together. Through tears, Ridge forcesTaylor to leave.

James stops by Brooke and Grant's to check on Rick. Brooke informs Jamesthat Rick is doing ok except for the fights he's been getting into at schoollately. Brooke admits Rick never used to get in trouble at school, it's onlybeen since she married Grant. James takes a look at Rick's room and noticesthe violent posters and magazines. Brooke blows it off by saying all hisfriend's are into that. She assumes that when Rick is in his room, he isdoing homework. James warns that it's not just the media that iscontributing to Rick's problem, it's his homelife. Brooke's constantchanging husbands has taken its toll on Rick. What Rick needs is a stablefamily structure, James advises. When a child obsesses over violence, analtered state of reality can occur. That is what happen when Rick shotGrant.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, June 19, 1997

by Soap Central

TAYLOR'S HOME ON THE BEACH:Thorne finds Taylor looking very depressed; she is justsitting on the sofa holding the puppy. When she tells himthat she went to visit Ridge, he tells her she must stopdoing this to herself. Taylor doesn't want to talk aboutit, but Thorne continues anyway.

"My brother has a hold on you and you cant seem to let himgo.We have to pick up and go on with our lives," statesThorne. Taylor wants to know what she has to goonto......all she has left now are her wonderful memories.

"That dream is gone, Taylor, because of what Ridge did,"continues the youngest male Forrester. Taylor explainsthat she is doing time in her own jail cell and there isno end to her term. She was counting on Ridge, she tellsThorne.

Thorne assures Taylor that he is here for her now and heisn'tgoing anywhere. He then tells Taylor to go and getchanged forsomething on the beach because he has a surprise for her.

THE CHAMBERSBrooke, Grant and James are all assembled in Rick's roomchecking out all of his gross belongings. Brooke turnsona computer game entitled "DEVIL" but shuts it off afterseeing how violent it is. She blames herself in all ofthis and says that she never should have let this happento Rick. It is all her fault because she was a motherworried too much about her own career and love life. Sheis the one who is responsible for her sons actions.

Grant will not let her assume all of the blame. Part ofit goes to his father and the Forrester family who havenever been there when she needed help. James tells herthat this is a national problem amongteenagers and that Rick needs clinical help. Brookebegins gathering up all the CDs, the magazines, etc. Sheis going to his room completely of all the filth; butJames talks her out of it. Instead of getting rid of allthese things, she should make sure he doesn't spend allhis time in the room. He should be kept busy in otherareas of the house and with other activities.

SHEILA'S HOSPITAL ROOM:Maggie is talking to the doctor as she comes out ofSheila's room.Maggie finds out that they are only weeks away fromletting the baby go home, but Sheila will be dismissedthis afternoon.

When Maggie enters the room, Sheila is looking at photosof James and the baby. Maggie offers her congrats on thenews that Sheila will be going home sometime today. ButSheila tells her that maybe she will go home and maybenot. Maggie brings up the documents that Sheila stillneeds to sign for the lawyers. She advises Sheila to moveon with her life and not to dwell on the past. You arestill a young, intelligent and beautiful woman with a lotgoing on for you, Maggie tells Sheila.

Sheila asks: if the tables were turn could you do it?Could you give your child away to someone else to raise?You aren't going to let us have her, are you? Maggieasks. Sheila tells Maggie that she is human and not somerobot. She insists that she really cares about the babyand she has to make sure she is doing the right thingfor the baby. There arebenefits from a child being raised by its natural mother,she says. She has to make sure that her baby haseverything she needs: parents who will love her instead ofabusing her as she herself was abused. She has to knowlove, not coldness. I don't want her raised with theproblems I was raised with, she quietly tells Maggie. Itmay be with Maggie and James; but how can she be sure shewill get what she needs when her adoptive mother hates hernatural mother. Sheila informs Maggie that she doesn'twant to have any doubts before she signs anything. " Yes Ihave had problems. But does that mean I am incapable ofloving and taking care of my baby?"

THE WARWICK'SJames tells the Chambers that Rick needs more thandirection, he needsclinical therapy. He says that all of this violent stuffis like a drug and they need to proceed carefully withRick. Rick can not have any radical changes in hislife. He advises Brooke not to let him spend a lot oftime up in his room alone and to do some family outings.

Grant tells Brooke that they are in this together and shecanttake the blame for what happened. As James is leavingthe roomRick, walks in and is annoyed that they are all in hisroom. The door was closed, he tells them, and that meansto keep out. Grant tells him not to speak to his motherwith disrespect. When Rick is about to "backtalk" Grant,Brooke stops him. You will not speak to me like that, shefirmly tells him. Brooke asks to speak with her sonalone.

Rick and Brooke have a heart to heart chat. Rick tellshis momthat it is okay for her to be in his room because she isspecial and thatthey have been through a lot together. He asks his momwhat is the mattter. When Brooke apologizes for not beingthere for him, he insists that she has always been therefor him; he knew that she wasbusy with work all through the years. He confides in hismomthat growing up can be pretty hard sometimes. They hugeach other.

SHEILA'S ROOM:So what are you going to do? Maggie asks. Sheila tellsMaggie that she is going to let James decide what is bestfor their daughter. Maggie waits outside for James andthen pleads with him that they need to have those adoptionpapers signed today before Sheila goes home.

Sheila is talking to herself and says that this is it.She and James will be taking their daughter home togetherfrom the hospital.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on B&B

Friday, June 20, 1997

by Soap Central


Sheila is alone but getting ready for a visitor when thedoor opens and Mike enters bring a pizza. He mentions thatshe is acting like a teenager getting ready for a date.Sheila tells him that James will be there soon and she hasto get ready for him.

Outside in the waiting room, James is preparing to go to seeSheila. Maggie wants to go with him, but James tells herthat he prefers to go in alone. Maggie finally agrees, butshe tells James that he has to think of this child---notSheila. James, you have to get her to stay out of thechild's life, she tells him. And you have to make it clearthat this is forever---no visits, no presents---no contactwhatsoever, she continues. I know you feel compassion forSheila, she says, but she will only hurt the baby at somepoint.

AT THE BEACH:Taylor is gazing at Ridge's picture and dreaming. Herdepression continues. She throws herself onto the couchjust as Thorne enters. He is dressed very colorfully forthe beach. I thought you were going to put on your suit, hesays. Taylor tells him that she is not up for a BBQ, so hesays: okay, I will BBQ something and bring it inside. Butno, Taylor is not hungry; she just wants this day to end.Thorne tells her that it is okay with him if she doesn'teat, but what is he to tell their guest? Taylor becomesvery agitated; a guest? Thorne, I am not in the mood toentertain guests, why did you invite anyone? Thorne verypatiently tells her that he felt she needed a distraction;she needs to get her mind on something else besides Ridge.Taylor is upset and angry and tells Thorne to send the"guest" away. Do it yourself, he tells her; she is rightoutside. Okay, I will, Taylor says and marches to the door.

Outside, Bridget is cuddling with Scout, the dog. Taylorapproaches and greets Bridget who says that she has a verynice dog. They begin to talk. Taylor asks how things areat home and Bridget says that it is very sad at home. Imiss Ridge, she says. Do you think he will ever come home?Taylor is in tears as she embraces Bridget and tells her shehopes so.

SHEILA'S ROOM:Sheila is excited; she tells Mike that she is sure thatJames will want her and the baby. That is what he is comingto tell me, she insists. Mike tries to get Sheila to berealistic. His knows I have changed, she tells Mike. Wehave gotten so close while I was pregnant. He was sosupportive all during my pregnancy; and you should see theway he looks at me when I am holding the baby. Mike breaksdown. Why can't you look at me, someone who loves you morethan anything? he questions. Sheila very gently strokes hisshoulder and asks him to be happy for her. Mike leaves sothat he isn't there when James arrives.

In the waiting room, Maggie is really working on James. Hetells her that Sheila loves the child; she wouldn't hurtit. Maggie says that maybe she wouldn't mean to hurt herbut in the end she would. I know you don't want to hurtSheila, Maggie says, but you are a parent now and you haveto think about your daughter----not yourself and not themother of your daughter. If you think about your daughter,that will give you strength to get through whatever you haveto do. James turns to leave but Maggie stops him longenough to kiss him and to tell him that "your family will bewaiting for you."

James leaves and Maggie is alone. She is looking worried.Lauren enters the room. Why did Maggie call her? Maggiewonders why her number was different but Lauren waves itoff---that is another story, she says. She wants to knowhow things are going and Maggie tells her that James is withSheila now.

While they are talking, they become aware of a young girl inthe room who is sobbing quietly. They approach to see ifthey can do anything for her. Lauren offers her a tissue.The girl, Annie, tells them she is waiting for anultrasound. Oh you are pregnant, Maggie says. What iswrong? Didn't you want the baby? Annie tells them that sheand Tim, her husband, have been trying for a long time. Butshe just discovered that she is HIV positive---they did atest when she came for her prenatal exam. Tim doesn't haveit, but he was so upset. She sees their shocked looks andmissunderstands. I didn't cheat on him, she says. Ithappened in High School. For a while I lived prettyrecklessly---parties, drugs, you know. But now, my poorbaby--what will happen to my baby? What did the doctorstell you about the baby? Lauren asks. Annie says that withtreatment the chances for her baby contacting HIV falls to4%. But she is afraid of what the medications will do tothe baby. What if the baby is deformed from the drugs? Andif I get sick, who is going to take care of my baby? Sheadmits that she even considered aborting but she couldn'tbring herself to do that. This is her baby; she couldn't dothat to him/her. As the nurse leads her away for theultrasound, she looks at Maggie and Lauren and says: "Prayfor us."

THE BEACH:The three are finishing their meal. Bridget slips a bite toScout who is at her side. She tells Thorne that he wouldmake a good Daddy and Thorne thanks her for the compliment.When is he going to be a daddy, she asks. She wants to beAunt Bridget. Then she asks Taylor if she wants kids. Idid, Taylor tells her. But now, it might not ever happennow. You'd be a great Mom, Bridget tells her.

SHEILA'S ROOM:Sheila is dressed and ready when James enters her room.James tells her that she looks lovely and she thanks him forthe compliment. I am being released, she tells him. Shesits on the bed and invites him to sit beside her. Tell mewhat you wanted to say, she invites. James looks decidedlyuncomfortable.

THE BEACH:Taylor watches as Thorne, Bridget and Scout romp around inthe surf. Thorne calls a time-out and joins Taylor. As hetowels himself off, Taylor tells him that he was right; shedid need distracting. Thorne says that she needs more thana momentary distraction; she needs to get away. Are yourunning me out of town, she asks. Thorne tells her thatthey both need to leave town. They can go anywhere---Paris,London---anywhere she wants to go, he says. But Taylortells him that she isn't ready. Okay, Thorne says, maybeyou aren't ready right now, but I'm not giving up on you.You deserve to be happy.

SHEILA'S ROOM:James tells Sheila that he is so grateful to her. Why,Sheila wonders. He tells her that she has gone through somuch for him, that is why he feels such gratitude. Sheilatells him he doesn't have to thank her; she is happy to givehim a baby--a precious life. Then she tells him that shenamed the baby today. She hopes he doesn't mind and he canalways change it if he wishes. "I named her Mary," shetells him. "After your mother. She died giving preciouslife to you," Sheila continues. "I thought it appropriatethat we name our child after her." James is overwhelmed.

James walks away from Sheila. She asks what he wanted totalk to her about. Turned away from her, James reaches intohis jacket pocket and pulls out the envelope with thepapers. He turns to face Sheila and tells her that he hadhoped to make this as painless as possible. Sheila realizeswhat the papers are. You don't want to do this, she tellshim with tears in her eyes. I can see it in your eyes. Shebegins to cry. "Please," she begs. "Please don't make megive up my baby!"

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Edited by SC Desk