Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B

After talking to Rick, Ridge returned to the courtroom and confessed to shooting Grant. The confession devastated Taylor, and Ridge told her to go on with her life without him. Sheila went into premature labor, and she delivered a baby girl.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B

Monday, June 2, 1997

by Michael Keithby Soap CentralMacy and Clarke notice Sally is preoccupied in reading about Ridge's trial.Sally has confidence Hunter is going to prove Ridge did not shoot Grant.Clarke's not so sure about that. Clarke reminds Sally of last weeks debaclein court in which Hunter told the jury that Ridge's defense that Grant shothimself was totally wrong. Sally, Macy, and Clarke head to the courthouse.Michael catches up with Enrique at Forrester and Enrique tells Michael he isskeptical Hunter will come up with something to prove Ridge's innocence.Enrique says he has been waiting for a big break in the case and it hasn'thappened yet. Michael suggests Ridge's break could happen today with Hunterfinding out who the real shooter is. Don't hold your breath, Enrique warns.At the courthouse, Eric and Stephanie wonder where Ridge and Hunter are sincethe trial is set to resume shortly. Thorne notices Taylor waiting for Ridgeand goes over to ask her to talk. Taylor is too preoccupied to talk now, shesays. After the trial is over today, they can talk at her house. Brooke andGrant enter the courtroom with Brooke being defensive of Grant afterStephanie lashes out a few choice remarks to her. Grant tells Stephanie theworst part about the whole thing is that he has had to live with the knowledgeof who shot him.Ridge finds Rick in his room playing violent video games and listening toviolent music. Rick says he is afraid that Ridge will go to jail andbelieves Grant framed Ridge by shooting himself. Rick tells Ridge he would"kill" to have him go free. Ridge says he didn't used to be this angry orhostile but Rick shrugs his mood off by saying it is nothing. Ridgequestions Rick if he has any idea who shot Grant. "How would I know?" Rickasks. Ridge tells Rick Hunter has found evidence to set him free and nomatter what happens, Ridge will always love him and be there for him.Prosecutor Teresa Emerson is not surprised neither Hunter or Ridge are therewith the trial about to resume. Stephanie counters by saying Ridge will beproven innocent and set free. If she is wrong, Teresa says, she will be thefirst to admit it.Teresa confidentially says the prosecution is not wrong, andthis wouldn't be the first time a guilt man has fled before his hearing. When the trail resumes and neither Hunter nor Ridge are there, the judge asksJonathan where his client is. Jonathan has no answer and the angry judgesays there is no excuse why Ridge or Hunter are not there. The judge holdsHunter in contempt of court and orders Ridge to be held by the police once heis found. As Taylor is calling the hospital thinking Ridge was in an accident, Ridgeshows up at the courthouse and tells her he doesn't need Hunter now, he knowswho shot Grant. Ridge kisses Taylor passionately and enters the courtroom.Ridge apologizes for being late, but says he wants to take the stand becausehe knows the truth. He knows who shot Grant!^ back to the topTuesday, June 3, 1997by Soap CentralJames gets word from the hospital that Sheila's condition is stable, butMaggie seems somewhat uninterested. James advises Maggie to be moresympathetic towards Sheila. It's not that easy, considering everythingSheila has pulled, Maggie says. Maggie doesn't think Sheila will give themher baby as she promised. James notes they have been so preoccupied withtheir own problems, they have forgotten about Ridge's trial. Maggie blamesSheila for she and James being so preoccupied and wishes things could go backto the way the were when they first married. Maggie reaffirms her love toJames and hopes once the baby is born, they will be able to work theirproblems out. James then get a call from the hospital that Sheila's goneinto labor.Ridge tells his attorney he wants to go on the stand to tell the truth. Hesays he hasn't told anyone, only he and Grant know the truth. After Ridgedemands to be put under oath, the judge asks him who he thinks shot GrantChambers. Before Ridge bears all, he thanks his attorney for his time, hethanks Taylor and his family for their support, and he warns his family toaccept what he is about to say and go on with their lives. "The person whoshot Grant Chambers is me!" Ridge declares.Everyone is stunned at Ridge's confession. Jonathan takes Ridge to the courtchambers where Ridge apologizes but Ridge stands behind what he said. TeresaEmerson and the judge come in and Jonathan says not to accept Ridge's pleabecause there is no evidence to support this confession. Teresa says she'snot backing down and there is ample evidence to support Ridge shot Grant. Eric and Stephanie wonder how this is possible and how is this going to beresolved. Beth tries to comfort Brooke who can't believe Ridge is guilty.Grant doesn't know what to say to Ridge. Ridge advises Grant he willsurvive as long as he knows Rick will be taken care of. Ridge warns Grantnot to tell a soul that Rick is the one who shot him. If the truth ever cameout, it would destroy his life. The only way to repay him, Ridge says is totake care of Rick.With court back in session, the judge asks Ridge if he is aware of the murdercharge against him and the consequences of his confession. Ridge says no oneforced him into this confession and he is aware of the penalty on this crime:life in prison. The judge offers one last warning that if she accepts hisplea, the trial is over. Ridge again pleads guilty to attempted murder.Taylor, Brooke, Eric, and Stephanie are horrified as Ridge is taken away tojail.^ back to the topWednesday, June 4, 1997by Soap CentralWith the press circling over the house in helicopters, the Forresters can'tbelieve Ridge plead guilty to shooting Grant. Stephanie says something musthave happen because for weeks Ridge swore he was innocent and now all of asudden he says he's guilty. Something's not right. Thorne says maybe Ridgeis the one who shot Grant. Jonathan's been with Ridge all day and stops byla casa de Forrester to inform them Ridge is still claiming he is the one whoshot Grant. Eric says Ridge is incapable of such a violent act. Stephaniewants to know how do you explain the fact that for weeks, Ridge swore he wasinnocent, and suddenly he claims he is guilty. Furthermore, where is Hunter?Jonathan thinks Hunter found evidence to prove Ridge's guilt and now hasleft town. Jonathan advises the only thing they can do now is hope for alesser sentence than life in prison for Ridge.Lauren tells Maggie she doesn't know what to believe now that Ridgeconfessed. Maggie admits to being so wrapped up in her own problems that shehasn't been keeping up with the trial. Maggie is still unsure Sheila willgive up the baby once he is born. She wants to be excited about having a newbaby in the house, but Maggie just can't feel the way she wants to about thisbaby. With Sheila going into premature labor, James remembers his mother dying inchildbirth. Sheila is relieved once James is at her side and knows this mustbe hard on him due to his own mother dying while giving birth. Sheila saysall she is worried about is giving James the greatest gift a person can give.This might be her one opportunity to bring something good into the world.James vows she will get through this, and the baby will be alright. Sheilathen calls for a doctor. The baby is on its way!Thorne says there is nothing more anyone can do for Ridge since he confessed.Stephanie and Eric say Ridge needs their support now more than ever. Thebest thing for Ridge is to pull themselves together and give Ridge their fullsupport. If they are suffering because of this, imagine what Ridge must begoing through. ^ back to the topThursday, June 5, 1997by Soap CentralThe Jail Cell:Ridge is in jail. He calls to the guard, Joe, and asks touse the phone. The guard tries to put him off, but Ridge isinsistant. Just 5 minutes, he pleads. The guard returns tothe cell for Ridge.The Chambers'Brook is upset about Ridge's confession. Grant says that hebelieves that Ridge felt that it was the right thing to do.We may never know the reasons Ridge did it, Grant says, butit was a brave thing to do and he admires him for that. Hesuggests that Brooke pull herself together. But Brookecan't help but wonder how Ridge could have done it if he wasthinking about the children. Grant said that maybe he wasthinking about the children; now more than ever they haveto pull the family together and get on with their lives.The Beach House:Taylor is emotionally upset and agonizing over Ridge and hisfuture. Stephanie arrives and Taylor runs into her arms.What is going on, she asks, but Stephanie doesn't have anynews to tell her. Taylor asks how she is supposed to dealwith all this; Ridge has just thrown away all their plansfor the future.Sheila's Hospital Room:James continues to support Sheila who is in hard labor.Sheila continues to bemoan the fact that it is too early forthe baby to come. We will get through this together,James tells her. I don't want this baby to turn out likeme, she tells James. You must see that it doesn't, shesays. Just then, Sheila gets another contraction and tellsJames that the baby is coming. Get the doctor, she tellshim in panic. Confused, James rushes out to the nurse'sstation and tells them that Sheila needs something for thepain. The doctor arrives just then and they go intoSheila's room The doctor prepares to examine her. Jameswants the epidural but Sheila says NO! Then the doctorinforms them that it is too late for the epidural; this babyis coming right now.Maggie and Lauren arrive and are about to enter the roomwhen the nurse stops them. You cannot go in there, shetells them. Sheila is in labor.The Chambers Home:Grant suggests that they take the children and go away as afamily. Brooke agrees and goes to get the children to tellthem about it. The phone rings and it is Ridge. He asksGrant how Rick is and how did he react to his confession.Grant tries to reassure Ridge, but Ridge wants his word thathe will take Rick to James for therapy. Grant assures himthat he will get help; don't worry. He then tells Ridgethat they are going away as a family for a few days andRidge thinks that is a good idea. Grant then assures Ridgethat the children will not forget him. He will be sure toremind them how much Ridge loves them. He tells Ridge thathe admires him and he will always be a hero to the kids.The Beach House:Stephanie tries to calm Taylor. Taylor tells Steph that shefeels like all the plans they made for a happy life have nowturned into a nightmare. I cannot believe that Ridge triedto kill anyone, she tells Stephanie. She says she has to goand see Ridge. He has to look her in the eye and tell herhe shot Grant. She is just leaving the house when the phonerings. It is Ridge making a second call. He wants to seeher. She tells him that she is on her way to the hospitalbut first, his mother is here and wants to speak to him.Meanwhile, back at the jail, the other inmates in line touse the phone begin complaining that Ridge has made a secondcall. The guard comes up and hangs up the phone. Taylor isconfused because they were "disconnected."The Hospital:Sheila is completely dilated and 100% effaced. Now she hasto start pushing. Outside, Maggie and Lauren are learningthat Sheila is going to have the baby soon. Lauren insiststhat Maggie should be in there, but the nurse is not sure.Lauren then informs her that Maggie is adopting the baby.The nurse says that even so, Sheila has to give permission.As she goes to get permission to let Maggie into thebirthing-room, Maggie tells her not to bother; she will waitoutside.Taylor gets ready to go see Ridge and look him inthe eye - but the phone rings, and it's Ridge, who wants tosee her.The Chambers' Home:Brooke and the children enter the room. Grant greets thembut Rick is surly. Grant tells them that they are goingaway so they can begin to feel better. Rick informs himthat they will feel better as soon as he admits that he shothimself. When asked where they would like to go---someplacewhere they were happy before Rick tells him the was happyat the cabin with Mom and RIDGE! Grant ignores the sarcasmand suggests going there. Brooke is sure that Eric wouldn'tmind. When Rick tells Grant that he doesn't want him there,Grant reminds him that it is his job to take care of them.He tell them to go upstairs and pack. When they leave, heonce again tells Brooks that they will get through this.The Birthing Room:Sheila is pushing. James is trying to support her.Suddenly there is bleeding and the babies heart rate beginsto drop. The doctor calls for the pediatrics team to attendthe delivery. What is wrong with my baby, cries Sheila.The Jail:Taylor sees Ridge and asks why he is lying. ^ back to the topFriday, June 6, 1997by GladysThe Jail's Visiting Room:Ridge enters the "visiting" room and tells Taylor he issorry. Taylor doesn't want an apology; she wants to knowwhy he is lying---she knows that is what he is doing. Hedidn't shoot Grant any more than she did.The Hospital:Lauren tells Maggie that she should be in the birthing room,since this is to be her baby; she tells Maggie that she isletting Sheila intimidate her. But Maggie feels she willonly be a distraction, and Sheila doesn't need that rightnow. Sheila has a tough job ahead of her and having herthere would only make it tougher. It doesn't matter if sheis there or not, it will still be her and James' child.The fear that the two are bonding over the birth of thisbaby would happen whether she was in the birthing room ornot.Suddenly Maggie realizes that with all the worry over howthis is bringing James and Sheila together has kept her fromfocusing on the real issue: she is going to have a new babyto care for. It has been so long since she has cared for anew baby and she is really looking forward to it----but notnow, she saysl. The baby is going to be so small!The delivery room nurse sticks her head out of the birthingroom and orders the pediatric team STAT.The Birthing Room:What is happening? What is wrong with my baby? Sheilacries. James is worried; there is too much pain andbleeding. The doctor explains that the placenta seems to betearing loose from the uterine wall. We have to get thebaby NOW. A Caesarean section? James asks. Yes, the doctorsays, but Sheila refuses. I can do this, she insists, Iwant to do this. But you are in danger, James and thedoctor tell her. But she doesn't care, she is going to havethis baby for James. Just then another contraction comesand she begins pushing.The Jail:Ridge is astounded that Taylor still believes in him afterall that has happened. Taylor says she will always believein Ridge, and insists that he can trust her. It was a liewhen he confessed to shooting Grant, wasn't it? But Ridgeshakes his head and says that it wasn't a lie. Taylor isdevastated.I did it, Ridge tells Taylor. But Taylor will not listen.She wonders why he is saying this; maybe someone is forcinghim to lie. Ridge tells her that his time is short and heneeds to tell her some things. He tells her that he lovesher and always will. There is no turning back now. He willbe gone for a long time so she must move on with her life.He wants her to do this. I will not abandon you, Taylorinsists. We can still get married. Ridge is aghast; Icould never do that to you, he tells her. You have to moveon and move on without me.Outside The Birthing Room:Maggie and Lauren are still waiting. Something is wrong,isn't it? she asks the nurse. The nurse explains to Maggieand Lauren how the fetal heart rate appears to be droppingtoo low. She shows them on the monitor screen. It isnormal for the heart rate to drop a little with acontraction, she tells them, but she isn't having acontraction now and it is still too low. What does thatmean? She explains that when the heart rate is too low, thebaby is deprived of oxygen which could lead to brain damageor worse---death. Maggie watches the monitor shows anotherdrop in the heart rate.The Birthing Room:It has dropped to 110, Dr. Kelly tells Sheila; we need youto hang in there and push with all your strength. Jamesassures Sheila everything will be fine; she must relax andbreathe, James kisses her on the forehead as Sheila getsher breathing under control. Pain, fear and resolution areregistered on her face as she gazes up at James.James admires Sheila's bravery and tells her the baby'sheart rate has gotten back to normal. You are doing fine,he tells Sheila. Sheila thanks him for his help. Anothercontraction and the doctor tells her that this could be theone. Hang on and push, she tells her.The Jail:Ridge says he is protecting Taylor, but she says she doesn'twant to be protected, she wants him---but Ridge says shecan't have him, not like they planned. We never had achance even before this, he tells her. He reminds her ofthe time he snuck into the cabin. She told him that sheneeded stability and he was unable to give that to her. Youwere right then, he says, and I am just now realizing it.Ridge says his life is in chaos because of his poorchoices. Their relationship has been one crisis afteranother and this is not what she needs. Taylor tells himthat is her choice to make, not his. She wants him. ButRidge tells her that he is making the choice for her.Somewhere out there is a man for Taylor, one that will giveher everything she needs.The Birthing Room:They prepare the warmer to receive the baby. You are almostcrowning, Dr. Kelly says. The pediatric team arrive and Dr.Kelly tells them what is going on. Sheila gets past thepain and pushes. You are almost there, James tells her ashe supports her body in a sitting position. The head isout! Dr. Kelly announces. One more push and Sheila deliversa baby girl. The parents relax and laugh. James is holdingSheila's hand as the baby is carried to the warmer. Theparents begin to worry as there is no cry from the baby.The Pediatrician says the baby is cyanotic; the nurseannounces that there are no breath sounds. Wait, thepediatrician says. Then the baby begins to scream. She isgoing to sing opera, Dr. Kelly predicts. Sheila's nursereports that her blood pressure is going down and her heartrate is increasing. The doctor orders four units of bloodand several blood tests. Sheila wants to see the baby.They bring her over and give her to Sheila. Oh, James, lookat her. She is so beautiful. James caresses her face andthey both smile through the tears as Maggie peeks in thedoor.The Jail:Taylor insists Ridge can give her what she needs if he willonly admit the truth. She tells him that she will find outherself one way or another. She will talk to Grant toHunter Jones; she will get her on PI if she has to, but oneway or another she will learn the truth.Ridge sees that Taylor is serious and begs her to stop.Only if you tell the truth, she insists. Okay, he says. Hewas drinking, he tells her. He was thinking of Grant, hesays, about how Grant had taken everything. He was evil andthat evil was spreading throughout the company. He wasn'teven human any more, he says. He was a virus disease.So he took another drink, then another. He opened thedrawer and saw the gun. NO! Taylor objects. But Ridge goeson. He took the gun and walked down the hall to Grant'soffice. He looked him in the eye and shot him. Taylor isin tears. Taylor cannot believe him; he swore over and overthat he didn't do it. They were making plans; they weregoing to have a future. The guard comes and takes Ridgeaway despite Taylor's pleading to wait. At the door, Ridgeturns and whispers, "I love you." Taylor is sobbing.^ back to the top

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Macy and Clarke notice Sally is preoccupied in reading about Ridge's trial.Sally has confidence Hunter is going to prove Ridge did not shoot Grant.Clarke's not so sure about that. Clarke reminds Sally of last weeks debaclein court in which Hunter told the jury that Ridge's defense that Grant shothimself was totally wrong. Sally, Macy, and Clarke head to the courthouse.

Michael catches up with Enrique at Forrester and Enrique tells Michael he isskeptical Hunter will come up with something to prove Ridge's innocence.Enrique says he has been waiting for a big break in the case and it hasn'thappened yet. Michael suggests Ridge's break could happen today with Hunterfinding out who the real shooter is. Don't hold your breath, Enrique warns.

At the courthouse, Eric and Stephanie wonder where Ridge and Hunter are sincethe trial is set to resume shortly. Thorne notices Taylor waiting for Ridgeand goes over to ask her to talk. Taylor is too preoccupied to talk now, shesays. After the trial is over today, they can talk at her house. Brooke andGrant enter the courtroom with Brooke being defensive of Grant afterStephanie lashes out a few choice remarks to her. Grant tells Stephanie theworst part about the whole thing is that he has had to live with the knowledgeof who shot him.

Ridge finds Rick in his room playing violent video games and listening toviolent music. Rick says he is afraid that Ridge will go to jail andbelieves Grant framed Ridge by shooting himself. Rick tells Ridge he would"kill" to have him go free. Ridge says he didn't used to be this angry orhostile but Rick shrugs his mood off by saying it is nothing. Ridgequestions Rick if he has any idea who shot Grant. "How would I know?" Rickasks. Ridge tells Rick Hunter has found evidence to set him free and nomatter what happens, Ridge will always love him and be there for him.

Prosecutor Teresa Emerson is not surprised neither Hunter or Ridge are therewith the trial about to resume. Stephanie counters by saying Ridge will beproven innocent and set free. If she is wrong, Teresa says, she will be thefirst to admit it.Teresa confidentially says the prosecution is not wrong, andthis wouldn't be the first time a guilt man has fled before his hearing.

When the trail resumes and neither Hunter nor Ridge are there, the judge asksJonathan where his client is. Jonathan has no answer and the angry judgesays there is no excuse why Ridge or Hunter are not there. The judge holdsHunter in contempt of court and orders Ridge to be held by the police once heis found.

As Taylor is calling the hospital thinking Ridge was in an accident, Ridgeshows up at the courthouse and tells her he doesn't need Hunter now, he knowswho shot Grant. Ridge kisses Taylor passionately and enters the courtroom.Ridge apologizes for being late, but says he wants to take the stand becausehe knows the truth. He knows who shot Grant!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, June 3, 1997

by Soap Central

James gets word from the hospital that Sheila's condition is stable, butMaggie seems somewhat uninterested. James advises Maggie to be moresympathetic towards Sheila. It's not that easy, considering everythingSheila has pulled, Maggie says. Maggie doesn't think Sheila will give themher baby as she promised. James notes they have been so preoccupied withtheir own problems, they have forgotten about Ridge's trial. Maggie blamesSheila for she and James being so preoccupied and wishes things could go backto the way the were when they first married. Maggie reaffirms her love toJames and hopes once the baby is born, they will be able to work theirproblems out. James then get a call from the hospital that Sheila's goneinto labor.

Ridge tells his attorney he wants to go on the stand to tell the truth. Hesays he hasn't told anyone, only he and Grant know the truth. After Ridgedemands to be put under oath, the judge asks him who he thinks shot GrantChambers. Before Ridge bears all, he thanks his attorney for his time, hethanks Taylor and his family for their support, and he warns his family toaccept what he is about to say and go on with their lives. "The person whoshot Grant Chambers is me!" Ridge declares.

Everyone is stunned at Ridge's confession. Jonathan takes Ridge to the courtchambers where Ridge apologizes but Ridge stands behind what he said. TeresaEmerson and the judge come in and Jonathan says not to accept Ridge's pleabecause there is no evidence to support this confession. Teresa says she'snot backing down and there is ample evidence to support Ridge shot Grant.

Eric and Stephanie wonder how this is possible and how is this going to beresolved. Beth tries to comfort Brooke who can't believe Ridge is guilty.Grant doesn't know what to say to Ridge. Ridge advises Grant he willsurvive as long as he knows Rick will be taken care of. Ridge warns Grantnot to tell a soul that Rick is the one who shot him. If the truth ever cameout, it would destroy his life. The only way to repay him, Ridge says is totake care of Rick.

With court back in session, the judge asks Ridge if he is aware of the murdercharge against him and the consequences of his confession. Ridge says no oneforced him into this confession and he is aware of the penalty on this crime:life in prison. The judge offers one last warning that if she accepts hisplea, the trial is over. Ridge again pleads guilty to attempted murder.Taylor, Brooke, Eric, and Stephanie are horrified as Ridge is taken away tojail.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, June 4, 1997

by Soap Central

With the press circling over the house in helicopters, the Forresters can'tbelieve Ridge plead guilty to shooting Grant. Stephanie says something musthave happen because for weeks Ridge swore he was innocent and now all of asudden he says he's guilty. Something's not right. Thorne says maybe Ridgeis the one who shot Grant. Jonathan's been with Ridge all day and stops byla casa de Forrester to inform them Ridge is still claiming he is the one whoshot Grant. Eric says Ridge is incapable of such a violent act. Stephaniewants to know how do you explain the fact that for weeks, Ridge swore he wasinnocent, and suddenly he claims he is guilty. Furthermore, where is Hunter?Jonathan thinks Hunter found evidence to prove Ridge's guilt and now hasleft town. Jonathan advises the only thing they can do now is hope for alesser sentence than life in prison for Ridge.

Lauren tells Maggie she doesn't know what to believe now that Ridgeconfessed. Maggie admits to being so wrapped up in her own problems that shehasn't been keeping up with the trial. Maggie is still unsure Sheila willgive up the baby once he is born. She wants to be excited about having a newbaby in the house, but Maggie just can't feel the way she wants to about thisbaby.

With Sheila going into premature labor, James remembers his mother dying inchildbirth. Sheila is relieved once James is at her side and knows this mustbe hard on him due to his own mother dying while giving birth. Sheila saysall she is worried about is giving James the greatest gift a person can give.This might be her one opportunity to bring something good into the world.James vows she will get through this, and the baby will be alright. Sheilathen calls for a doctor. The baby is on its way!

Thorne says there is nothing more anyone can do for Ridge since he confessed.Stephanie and Eric say Ridge needs their support now more than ever. Thebest thing for Ridge is to pull themselves together and give Ridge their fullsupport. If they are suffering because of this, imagine what Ridge must begoing through.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, June 5, 1997

by Soap Central

The Jail Cell:Ridge is in jail. He calls to the guard, Joe, and asks touse the phone. The guard tries to put him off, but Ridge isinsistant. Just 5 minutes, he pleads. The guard returns tothe cell for Ridge.

The Chambers'Brook is upset about Ridge's confession. Grant says that hebelieves that Ridge felt that it was the right thing to do.We may never know the reasons Ridge did it, Grant says, butit was a brave thing to do and he admires him for that. Hesuggests that Brooke pull herself together. But Brookecan't help but wonder how Ridge could have done it if he wasthinking about the children. Grant said that maybe he wasthinking about the children; now more than ever they haveto pull the family together and get on with their lives.

The Beach House:Taylor is emotionally upset and agonizing over Ridge and hisfuture. Stephanie arrives and Taylor runs into her arms.What is going on, she asks, but Stephanie doesn't have anynews to tell her. Taylor asks how she is supposed to dealwith all this; Ridge has just thrown away all their plansfor the future.

Sheila's Hospital Room:James continues to support Sheila who is in hard labor.Sheila continues to bemoan the fact that it is too early forthe baby to come. We will get through this together,James tells her. I don't want this baby to turn out likeme, she tells James. You must see that it doesn't, shesays. Just then, Sheila gets another contraction and tellsJames that the baby is coming. Get the doctor, she tellshim in panic. Confused, James rushes out to the nurse'sstation and tells them that Sheila needs something for thepain. The doctor arrives just then and they go intoSheila's room The doctor prepares to examine her. Jameswants the epidural but Sheila says NO! Then the doctorinforms them that it is too late for the epidural; this babyis coming right now.

Maggie and Lauren arrive and are about to enter the roomwhen the nurse stops them. You cannot go in there, shetells them. Sheila is in labor.

The Chambers Home:Grant suggests that they take the children and go away as afamily. Brooke agrees and goes to get the children to tellthem about it. The phone rings and it is Ridge. He asksGrant how Rick is and how did he react to his confession.Grant tries to reassure Ridge, but Ridge wants his word thathe will take Rick to James for therapy. Grant assures himthat he will get help; don't worry. He then tells Ridgethat they are going away as a family for a few days andRidge thinks that is a good idea. Grant then assures Ridgethat the children will not forget him. He will be sure toremind them how much Ridge loves them. He tells Ridge thathe admires him and he will always be a hero to the kids.

The Beach House:Stephanie tries to calm Taylor. Taylor tells Steph that shefeels like all the plans they made for a happy life have nowturned into a nightmare. I cannot believe that Ridge triedto kill anyone, she tells Stephanie. She says she has to goand see Ridge. He has to look her in the eye and tell herhe shot Grant. She is just leaving the house when the phonerings. It is Ridge making a second call. He wants to seeher. She tells him that she is on her way to the hospitalbut first, his mother is here and wants to speak to him.Meanwhile, back at the jail, the other inmates in line touse the phone begin complaining that Ridge has made a secondcall. The guard comes up and hangs up the phone. Taylor isconfused because they were "disconnected."

The Hospital:Sheila is completely dilated and 100% effaced. Now she hasto start pushing. Outside, Maggie and Lauren are learningthat Sheila is going to have the baby soon. Lauren insiststhat Maggie should be in there, but the nurse is not sure.Lauren then informs her that Maggie is adopting the baby.The nurse says that even so, Sheila has to give permission.As she goes to get permission to let Maggie into thebirthing-room, Maggie tells her not to bother; she will waitoutside.Taylor gets ready to go see Ridge and look him inthe eye - but the phone rings, and it's Ridge, who wants tosee her.

The Chambers' Home:Brooke and the children enter the room. Grant greets thembut Rick is surly. Grant tells them that they are goingaway so they can begin to feel better. Rick informs himthat they will feel better as soon as he admits that he shothimself. When asked where they would like to go---someplacewhere they were happy before Rick tells him the was happyat the cabin with Mom and RIDGE! Grant ignores the sarcasmand suggests going there. Brooke is sure that Eric wouldn'tmind. When Rick tells Grant that he doesn't want him there,Grant reminds him that it is his job to take care of them.He tell them to go upstairs and pack. When they leave, heonce again tells Brooks that they will get through this.

The Birthing Room:Sheila is pushing. James is trying to support her.Suddenly there is bleeding and the babies heart rate beginsto drop. The doctor calls for the pediatrics team to attendthe delivery. What is wrong with my baby, cries Sheila.

The Jail:Taylor sees Ridge and asks why he is lying.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on B&B

Friday, June 6, 1997

by Soap Central

The Jail's Visiting Room:Ridge enters the "visiting" room and tells Taylor he issorry. Taylor doesn't want an apology; she wants to knowwhy he is lying---she knows that is what he is doing. Hedidn't shoot Grant any more than she did.

The Hospital:Lauren tells Maggie that she should be in the birthing room,since this is to be her baby; she tells Maggie that she isletting Sheila intimidate her. But Maggie feels she willonly be a distraction, and Sheila doesn't need that rightnow. Sheila has a tough job ahead of her and having herthere would only make it tougher. It doesn't matter if sheis there or not, it will still be her and James' child.The fear that the two are bonding over the birth of thisbaby would happen whether she was in the birthing room ornot.

Suddenly Maggie realizes that with all the worry over howthis is bringing James and Sheila together has kept her fromfocusing on the real issue: she is going to have a new babyto care for. It has been so long since she has cared for anew baby and she is really looking forward to it----but notnow, she saysl. The baby is going to be so small!

The delivery room nurse sticks her head out of the birthingroom and orders the pediatric team STAT.

The Birthing Room:What is happening? What is wrong with my baby? Sheilacries. James is worried; there is too much pain andbleeding. The doctor explains that the placenta seems to betearing loose from the uterine wall. We have to get thebaby NOW. A Caesarean section? James asks. Yes, the doctorsays, but Sheila refuses. I can do this, she insists, Iwant to do this. But you are in danger, James and thedoctor tell her. But she doesn't care, she is going to havethis baby for James. Just then another contraction comesand she begins pushing.

The Jail:Ridge is astounded that Taylor still believes in him afterall that has happened. Taylor says she will always believein Ridge, and insists that he can trust her. It was a liewhen he confessed to shooting Grant, wasn't it? But Ridgeshakes his head and says that it wasn't a lie. Taylor isdevastated.

I did it, Ridge tells Taylor. But Taylor will not listen.She wonders why he is saying this; maybe someone is forcinghim to lie. Ridge tells her that his time is short and heneeds to tell her some things. He tells her that he lovesher and always will. There is no turning back now. He willbe gone for a long time so she must move on with her life.He wants her to do this. I will not abandon you, Taylorinsists. We can still get married. Ridge is aghast; Icould never do that to you, he tells her. You have to moveon and move on without me.

Outside The Birthing Room:Maggie and Lauren are still waiting. Something is wrong,isn't it? she asks the nurse. The nurse explains to Maggieand Lauren how the fetal heart rate appears to be droppingtoo low. She shows them on the monitor screen. It isnormal for the heart rate to drop a little with acontraction, she tells them, but she isn't having acontraction now and it is still too low. What does thatmean? She explains that when the heart rate is too low, thebaby is deprived of oxygen which could lead to brain damageor worse---death. Maggie watches the monitor shows anotherdrop in the heart rate.

The Birthing Room:It has dropped to 110, Dr. Kelly tells Sheila; we need youto hang in there and push with all your strength. Jamesassures Sheila everything will be fine; she must relax andbreathe, James kisses her on the forehead as Sheila getsher breathing under control. Pain, fear and resolution areregistered on her face as she gazes up at James.

James admires Sheila's bravery and tells her the baby'sheart rate has gotten back to normal. You are doing fine,he tells Sheila. Sheila thanks him for his help. Anothercontraction and the doctor tells her that this could be theone. Hang on and push, she tells her.

The Jail:Ridge says he is protecting Taylor, but she says she doesn'twant to be protected, she wants him---but Ridge says shecan't have him, not like they planned. We never had achance even before this, he tells her. He reminds her ofthe time he snuck into the cabin. She told him that sheneeded stability and he was unable to give that to her. Youwere right then, he says, and I am just now realizing it.Ridge says his life is in chaos because of his poorchoices. Their relationship has been one crisis afteranother and this is not what she needs. Taylor tells himthat is her choice to make, not his. She wants him. ButRidge tells her that he is making the choice for her.Somewhere out there is a man for Taylor, one that will giveher everything she needs.

The Birthing Room:They prepare the warmer to receive the baby. You are almostcrowning, Dr. Kelly says. The pediatric team arrive and Dr.Kelly tells them what is going on. Sheila gets past thepain and pushes. You are almost there, James tells her ashe supports her body in a sitting position. The head isout! Dr. Kelly announces. One more push and Sheila deliversa baby girl. The parents relax and laugh. James is holdingSheila's hand as the baby is carried to the warmer. Theparents begin to worry as there is no cry from the baby.The Pediatrician says the baby is cyanotic; the nurseannounces that there are no breath sounds. Wait, thepediatrician says. Then the baby begins to scream. She isgoing to sing opera, Dr. Kelly predicts. Sheila's nursereports that her blood pressure is going down and her heartrate is increasing. The doctor orders four units of bloodand several blood tests. Sheila wants to see the baby.They bring her over and give her to Sheila. Oh, James, lookat her. She is so beautiful. James caresses her face andthey both smile through the tears as Maggie peeks in thedoor.

The Jail:

Taylor insists Ridge can give her what she needs if he willonly admit the truth. She tells him that she will find outherself one way or another. She will talk to Grant toHunter Jones; she will get her on PI if she has to, but oneway or another she will learn the truth.

Ridge sees that Taylor is serious and begs her to stop.Only if you tell the truth, she insists. Okay, he says. Hewas drinking, he tells her. He was thinking of Grant, hesays, about how Grant had taken everything. He was evil andthat evil was spreading throughout the company. He wasn'teven human any more, he says. He was a virus disease.So he took another drink, then another. He opened thedrawer and saw the gun. NO! Taylor objects. But Ridge goeson. He took the gun and walked down the hall to Grant'soffice. He looked him in the eye and shot him. Taylor isin tears. Taylor cannot believe him; he swore over and overthat he didn't do it. They were making plans; they weregoing to have a future. The guard comes and takes Ridgeaway despite Taylor's pleading to wait. At the door, Ridgeturns and whispers, "I love you." Taylor is sobbing.

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Edited by SC Desk