Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B

Ridge continued to dig at the truth behind Grant's shooting, which forced Grant to reveal that he already knew who'd shot him: Rick. The doctors prescribed two months of bed rest for Sheila, but Lauren denied Sheila any peace. Claudia accused Taylor of leading Thorne on, and in the process, revealed that Thorne was planning an engagement proposal.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B

Monday, May 26, 1997

by Michael Keithby Soap CentralLauren drops by Sheila's hospital room and grills her about her condition.Lauren claims Sheila is milking her condition for all it is worth in orderto get James' sympathy. Sheila says she is merely fighting for the life ofher unborn child. Lauren wants Sheila to look her in the eye and say she isgiving up the baby to Maggie and James as promised. Sheila says all shecannot think that far in advance now. When and if the baby gets out oftrouble will she be able to think about what is best for her baby after he isborn. Lauren advises Sheila the way to give her child the best start in lifeis to give him to Maggie and James. Lauren demands Sheila promise to give upher baby, but is soon shown the way out by a nurse. Before she leaves,Lauren warns the nurse not to let Sheila near the nursery, Sheila stole herbaby once.Eric, Stephanie, and Felicia are furious at Hunter for going on the stand andblowing away Ridge's defense. Eric blasts Hunter for his debacle in court.Hunter admits he screwed up but says the trial isn't over. Eric tries tofire him but Hunter says he works for Ridge not Eric. Hunter advises Eric tolet him do his job. He needs more time. Eric concedes saying Hunter is theonly chance Ridge has. After Hunter leaves, Stephanie and Eric share a warmembrace. Stephanie feels guilty for being so happy in Eric's arms whileRidge's life is in turmoil. Eric tries to be optimistic and says once thetrial is over, they will be remarried. The entire family will be at thewedding Eric predicts, including Ridge.Clark calls Grant saying he should be happy with the way the trial is going.Grant is bothered by something but can't tell Clark what he's botheredabout. Clark says he heard a theory the Grant might be trying to protect afriend, and if neither Grant nor Ridge shot him, who did? Clark warns Grantnot to implicate him if Hunter starts asking questions. Sally overhearsClark's conversation with Grant and asks why Hunter would implicate him.Sally wonders if Clark is more involved in the shooting than he is lettingon.Enrique pops into Grant's office and notices even though the trial is goinghis way, grant seems nervous. Grant says once the trial is over, Enrique isout of Forrester. Enrique warns Grant is Ridge goes down, he will see to itthat Grant does also.Grant gets another visitor when Hunter stops by. Hunter tells Grant his gameis almost over. He is close to solving the case. Grant tries to buy offHunter but he refuses. Hunter warns Grant he will soon be spending time injail.After Hunter leaves, Grant makes a call to someone and tells this person nomatter what, Hunter must be stopped.^ back to the topTuesday, May 27, 1997by Soap CentralBrooke's mother, Beth, visits to offer support for Brooke during the trial.Brooke tells her mother she is not sure what to believe. She can't believeRidge would shoot Grant but she doesn't think Grant would lie to her either.Beth offers to stay in town until the trial is over.Ridge brings Taylor a rose. Although Ridge is worried about the trial'soutcome, he wants to concentrate on the present moment with Taylor. Theymight not have many more nights together and wants this night to be specialhe says. Ridge tells Taylor the one thing that is getting him through thistrial is thinking about them holding each other, dancing, and embracing.Taylor reminds Ridge the trial is almost over and she believes in him. Theywill get through this, Taylor promises.Claudia notices a half-naked Thorne look at the engagement ring he bought forTaylor. Claudia tries to cover her embarrassment for staring while suspectingThorne is wondering if Taylor and Ridge are together tonight. Claudia tellsThorne he deserves better. This is no way to live, pinning after a woman whois in love with another man. Claudia can't stand watching Thorne put himselfthrough this and with a chance, she could boost more than his ego. She onlywants his happiness.Teresa stops by Grant's office and notices he is worried about something.Grant says he Hunter Jones is making him scared. Teresa advises not to letHunter get to him and asks why he is even worried about Hunter. Grant saysHunter is dangerous and must be stopped once and for all.Ridge goes back to his hotel room only to find Grant waiting for him. Ridgeasks, "What the hell are you doing here?" ^ back to the topWednesday, May 28, 1997by Soap CentralWhen Hunter stops by James' office, James starts asking him questions as ifhe were a patient. "I'm not here for therapy," Hunter announces. "I'm hereto ask you questions concerning Ridge Forrester's case." Still concentratingon the golf tee found in Grant's office after the shooting, Hunter asks Jamesif he is a golfer. Not only is he a golfer, James serves on the committeefor the Beverly Hills Golf Club. James informs Hunter that Brooke asked himto invite Grant to join the golf club since she doesn't play golf. Jamessays the Forresters, Clark, and Enrique also belong to the Beverly Hills GolfClub. Sensing Hunter can't quite put a finger on what happen with Grant'sshooting, James advises Hunter to approach the case in another direction. Stephanie is still baffled as to why Jonathan let Hunter take the stand andblow Ridge's defense. Jonathan says he knew what Hunter was going to sayonce he took the stand, but he had to put Hunter on the stand to establishthat Ridge did not have gun shot residue on his hands. Eric wonders if thatis enough to give the jury reasonable doubt. Jonathan says that could beenough evidence to get Ridge acquitted. Jonathan says Hunter has never lethim down before and is close to cracking this case. Claudia stops by Taylor's to make her aware of Thorne's feelings for her.Claudia tells Taylor she can't stand the way she is leading Thorne on.Claudia wonders if Taylor has forgotten about Thorne. Taylor sees rightthrough Claudia and says it is obvious she wants Thorne for herself and isfalling in love with him. Claudia counters by saying it doesn't matter whatshe feels, she only wants what is best for Thorne. Claudia tells TaylorThorne feels stuck because of Taylor's ambiguous feelings toward him andThorne bought her an engagement ring hoping they would share a life together.Claudia begs Taylor not to let Thorne go on believing that she has feelingsfor him.Grant is waiting for Ridge when he walks into his hotel room. Grant is thereto ask for Ridge's help. "You've got to be joking," Ridge says. Grantdemands Ridge call off Hunter not only for his sake, but for Ridge's as well.Ridge accuses Grant of being afraid Hunter will find out the truth. Grantadmits he is afraid, but warns Ridge he should be afraid also. Grant againpleads for Ridge to stop Hunter, but Ridge accuses Grant of protectingsomeone. Ridge attempts to call Hunter but Grant yanks the phone away fromhim and agrees to tell Ridge who shot him!^ back to the topThursday, May 29, 1997by Soap CentralCASA FORRESTERTaylor comes to visit with Thorne but if shehad phoned first, Stephanie would have informed herthat he went out with his sister Felicia for a biteto eat. Of course, Stephanie was just too upset over HunterJones' testimony today to go with them. Stephanie isfrightened that in a few days the jury could come back witha guilty verdict. Taylor tells her over a cup of coffee thatit is just a matter of time before they all know the truthand Ridge will be set free. Of course, Stephanie has to noseher way in and find out what Taylor's plans are once Ridgeis set free. Taylor tells Stephanie that she and Ridgetalked and they decided they want to be together again. Nowit is just a matter of Thorneunderstanding all of this which is why she came theretonight. Stephanie tells her that she knows her son and hewould never want Taylor if she is with him out of a sense ofobligation. Taylor says that she now knows what Ridge wentthrough having feelings for two different people.THE CHAMBERS'Brooke is on the phone trying to track down Rick, and sheis upset because she had told him to be home in time for aspecial family dinner. Katie answers the door and it isHunter Jones. While he is there Eric calls on the phone inthe search for Rick. Eric suggests that some of the guardsat Forrester Creations search the offices for Rick due tothe fact that there was a shift change and they may have notseen him come into the office. Rick can just come and go ashe pleases at the office because, as it turns out, all ofthe guards know...... ( hint hint).Bridget and Katie go upstairs and Brooke explains that Rickhasn't been shielded from the case like her daughter has.Brooke also informs Hunter," Rick isn't very fond of Grantthese days. I would do anything to get to the bottom ofthis case. I am saying that I don't believe it was Ridge whoshot Grant. But, why would Grant try to protect someone thattried to kill him?"Hunter says that perhaps he is doing it to protect a lovedone and then he finds out that didn't go to Paris with herand Bridget because he had a golf tournament. Just thenRick comes home with an attitude. Brooke sends him upstairsbut first, she tells him to leave his bus pass as he isgrounded. Hunter notices that Rick drops another golf teeexactly like the one in evidence for the trial marked"Beverly Hills Golf Course"ROOM 207So Grant is about to tell Ridge who really shot him,"Alright I will tell you. I will tell you. I was going totake this to my grave. I am going to tell you the truth. Youhave to promise to get Hunter off this case. He can NEVERfind out what happened.It was Rick............We have got to help that little boyRidge- it was Rick who shot me."" You are that desperate to get out of this that you pin iton a boy?!?! your own stepson??? I know Rick he would neverdo something like this. And even if he did, he sure as hellwouldn't let me go to prison for it."Grant explains that he talked to Taylor about this. Shethought he was asking about Ridge, but she said that theperson who did this wouldn't remember; it is called adisassociative state. He continues to explain that Rick isangry and hostile and he has an attitude. Rick snaps at hissister and ignores his mother. Theboy needs help and he is going to get it for him. Grantcontinues to swear that he only wants to help Rick and forRidge to think about what would happen if the world wouldfind out what Rick did. The boys life would be over; hewould never survive it and they can't let that happen.So now Ridge is ready to hear exactly what Grant saw thenight he was shot and we see it too through black and whiteflashbacks. Grant tells Ridge that he was working at hisdesk; he knew about the gun being in Ridge's office, but hetried not to think about it. Then it was sort of bizarrebecause he felt this presence in the room. When he lookedup he sawRick with a look in his eye like he was in some kind oftrance.Rick just raised the gun, aimed, and fired. Then he justdropped the gun and ran off. Rick's fingerprints were noton the gun because he was wearing his golfing gloves. Heexplains that he most likely found out about the gun by justgoingthrough Ridge's desk drawers.Ridge says that he is never going to believe a crazy storylike this. Rick may hate Grant but he would never dosomething like this, he isn't a psychopath. "Why does hehate you so much?What did you do to him?" Ridge questions.Grant continues to explain that Rick hates him becausehe blames him for Ridge's leaving. Doesn't this sound familiarand it should, because the same thing happened when Ridgemoved in with Brooke. Ridge got that little boy to trust himand he told him he would always be there for him. Somehowthis little boy found the strength to trust. Then Ridgemoved out of the house. He didn't marry his mother and forthe second time in his life he felt completely rejected bythe most important man in his life. It put him over theedge. Rick couldn't blameRidge, so he blamed Grant and he (Grant) became the bad guy.Rick finally snapped and he thought it would bring Ridgeback to him if Grant wasn't in the way any longer. Grantcontinues to explain that he was only doing what he had tofor Rick's sake. He lied to protect the boy and he thinks inthe same situation Ridge would have done the same. He istelling Ridgethis because Hunter is hot on Rick's trail and the rest isnow up to Ridge. Grant leaves and Ridge sits down in shock.^ back to the topFriday, May 30, 1997by GladysThe Forrester Breakfast Table:The entire family and several close friends are gathered forbreakfast. The main topic of conversation is Ridge. Todayis the day they will find out who shot Grant---if Huntercomes through for them. When Thorne begins to speculateabout what may happen, Stephanie stops him and urgeseveryone to think positive. Thorne suggests they grabGrant and beat him until he tells the truth. Stephanieinforms Thorne that Taylor stopped by to see him lastnight. But she couldn't tell him last night because shewas in bed when he and Felicia came home. He asks whyTaylor wanted to see him and Stephanie hints that she knowsbut suggests that it's a private matter.Ridge's Hotel:Ridge recalls the conversation he had with Grant the nightbefore when Grant revealed who shot him. What do I do ifthis is true, he thinks. There is a knock at the door; itis Hunter Jones and he says that he has some disturbingnews.The Doctor's Office:In for a check up, Taylor is told that even the most severeof her burns have healed. The doctor is amazed at theoutcome. Taylor confides to her doctor that her healingafter the fire has been affected by the personalrelationships in her life. The doctor wonders if there isan announcement in the works, and Taylor says that there isbut it isn't what she thinks. She tells the doctor that shehas had to make a choice between the two brothers. Thedoctor urges her to go with what her heart feels. Afterthe doctor leaves the room, she thinks about her feelingsfor Ridge and for Thorne. She remembers the night she wasbrought to the hospital. Thorne pledged his support nomatter whether or not she was scarred by the fire. "Youwill never lose me," he promises. Back to the present,Taylor whispers that she has to tell Thorne it's over; wecan never be more than friends.The Breakfast Club:Thorne is still insisting that Stephanie tell him why Taylorwanted to see him, but Stephanie tells him they will talkabout it later. Jonathan walks into the breakfast room.Hunter has put it all together, he tells everyone. Hedoesn't know what Hunter knows as yet but Hunter hasassured him that he knows who shot Garrison. Stephanie andthe others begin to guess who is to blame but Jonathan urgesthem to simply go to the courthouse and wait with him forthe revelation.El Hotel de Ridge:Hunter enters and Ridge is eager to hear the "disturbingnews." I know who did it, Hunter tells him. It wasn'tRidge and it wasn't Chambers; it was a juvenile who shotGrant---it was Rick. Ridge's worse fears are realized; hislittle brother shot Grant just as Grant said. Finallybelieving Grant's claim that it was Rick who shot him, Ridgeinforms Hunter that his services are no longer needed.Hunter wonders aloud what he would do in Ridge'ssituation. He talks about what is going to happen to Ricknow. He will probably get off light but he will need a lotof counseling.The Courthouse:Taylor is at the courthouse when the Forrester entouragearrives. She is thrilled to hear that Hunter has figuredout this mystery.The Chamber's Home:On the way to court, Ridge stops by the Chamber's resident.Katie opens the door and tells him that she and the kids arethe only ones home. Ridge tells her he wishes to speak withRick and asks her if she could make sure Bridget doesn'tdisturb them. A puzzled Katie agrees. Ridge goesupstairs. As he walks down the hallway toward Rick's room,he can hear music blasting away. He arrives at Rick's doorand the music is deafening. He opens the door; it is darkwith only the light from the computer illuminating theroom. The walls are plastered with posters depicting bloodyhorror. Rick is totally involved in a computer game. AsRidge turns on the light, Rick slowly turns and glaresvehemently at Ridge.^ back to the top

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Lauren drops by Sheila's hospital room and grills her about her condition.Lauren claims Sheila is milking her condition for all it is worth in orderto get James' sympathy. Sheila says she is merely fighting for the life ofher unborn child. Lauren wants Sheila to look her in the eye and say she isgiving up the baby to Maggie and James as promised. Sheila says all shecannot think that far in advance now. When and if the baby gets out oftrouble will she be able to think about what is best for her baby after he isborn. Lauren advises Sheila the way to give her child the best start in lifeis to give him to Maggie and James. Lauren demands Sheila promise to give upher baby, but is soon shown the way out by a nurse. Before she leaves,Lauren warns the nurse not to let Sheila near the nursery, Sheila stole herbaby once.

Eric, Stephanie, and Felicia are furious at Hunter for going on the stand andblowing away Ridge's defense. Eric blasts Hunter for his debacle in court.Hunter admits he screwed up but says the trial isn't over. Eric tries tofire him but Hunter says he works for Ridge not Eric. Hunter advises Eric tolet him do his job. He needs more time. Eric concedes saying Hunter is theonly chance Ridge has. After Hunter leaves, Stephanie and Eric share a warmembrace. Stephanie feels guilty for being so happy in Eric's arms whileRidge's life is in turmoil. Eric tries to be optimistic and says once thetrial is over, they will be remarried. The entire family will be at thewedding Eric predicts, including Ridge.

Clark calls Grant saying he should be happy with the way the trial is going.Grant is bothered by something but can't tell Clark what he's botheredabout. Clark says he heard a theory the Grant might be trying to protect afriend, and if neither Grant nor Ridge shot him, who did? Clark warns Grantnot to implicate him if Hunter starts asking questions. Sally overhearsClark's conversation with Grant and asks why Hunter would implicate him.Sally wonders if Clark is more involved in the shooting than he is lettingon.

Enrique pops into Grant's office and notices even though the trial is goinghis way, grant seems nervous. Grant says once the trial is over, Enrique isout of Forrester. Enrique warns Grant is Ridge goes down, he will see to itthat Grant does also.

Grant gets another visitor when Hunter stops by. Hunter tells Grant his gameis almost over. He is close to solving the case. Grant tries to buy offHunter but he refuses. Hunter warns Grant he will soon be spending time injail.

After Hunter leaves, Grant makes a call to someone and tells this person nomatter what, Hunter must be stopped.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, May 27, 1997

by Soap Central

Brooke's mother, Beth, visits to offer support for Brooke during the trial.Brooke tells her mother she is not sure what to believe. She can't believeRidge would shoot Grant but she doesn't think Grant would lie to her either.Beth offers to stay in town until the trial is over.

Ridge brings Taylor a rose. Although Ridge is worried about the trial'soutcome, he wants to concentrate on the present moment with Taylor. Theymight not have many more nights together and wants this night to be specialhe says. Ridge tells Taylor the one thing that is getting him through thistrial is thinking about them holding each other, dancing, and embracing.Taylor reminds Ridge the trial is almost over and she believes in him. Theywill get through this, Taylor promises.

Claudia notices a half-naked Thorne look at the engagement ring he bought forTaylor. Claudia tries to cover her embarrassment for staring while suspectingThorne is wondering if Taylor and Ridge are together tonight. Claudia tellsThorne he deserves better. This is no way to live, pinning after a woman whois in love with another man. Claudia can't stand watching Thorne put himselfthrough this and with a chance, she could boost more than his ego. She onlywants his happiness.

Teresa stops by Grant's office and notices he is worried about something.Grant says he Hunter Jones is making him scared. Teresa advises not to letHunter get to him and asks why he is even worried about Hunter. Grant saysHunter is dangerous and must be stopped once and for all.

Ridge goes back to his hotel room only to find Grant waiting for him. Ridgeasks, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, May 28, 1997

by Soap Central

When Hunter stops by James' office, James starts asking him questions as ifhe were a patient. "I'm not here for therapy," Hunter announces. "I'm hereto ask you questions concerning Ridge Forrester's case." Still concentratingon the golf tee found in Grant's office after the shooting, Hunter asks Jamesif he is a golfer. Not only is he a golfer, James serves on the committeefor the Beverly Hills Golf Club. James informs Hunter that Brooke asked himto invite Grant to join the golf club since she doesn't play golf. Jamessays the Forresters, Clark, and Enrique also belong to the Beverly Hills GolfClub. Sensing Hunter can't quite put a finger on what happen with Grant'sshooting, James advises Hunter to approach the case in another direction.

Stephanie is still baffled as to why Jonathan let Hunter take the stand andblow Ridge's defense. Jonathan says he knew what Hunter was going to sayonce he took the stand, but he had to put Hunter on the stand to establishthat Ridge did not have gun shot residue on his hands. Eric wonders if thatis enough to give the jury reasonable doubt. Jonathan says that could beenough evidence to get Ridge acquitted. Jonathan says Hunter has never lethim down before and is close to cracking this case.

Claudia stops by Taylor's to make her aware of Thorne's feelings for her.Claudia tells Taylor she can't stand the way she is leading Thorne on.Claudia wonders if Taylor has forgotten about Thorne. Taylor sees rightthrough Claudia and says it is obvious she wants Thorne for herself and isfalling in love with him. Claudia counters by saying it doesn't matter whatshe feels, she only wants what is best for Thorne. Claudia tells TaylorThorne feels stuck because of Taylor's ambiguous feelings toward him andThorne bought her an engagement ring hoping they would share a life together.Claudia begs Taylor not to let Thorne go on believing that she has feelingsfor him.

Grant is waiting for Ridge when he walks into his hotel room. Grant is thereto ask for Ridge's help. "You've got to be joking," Ridge says. Grantdemands Ridge call off Hunter not only for his sake, but for Ridge's as well.Ridge accuses Grant of being afraid Hunter will find out the truth. Grantadmits he is afraid, but warns Ridge he should be afraid also. Grant againpleads for Ridge to stop Hunter, but Ridge accuses Grant of protectingsomeone. Ridge attempts to call Hunter but Grant yanks the phone away fromhim and agrees to tell Ridge who shot him!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, May 29, 1997

by Soap Central

CASA FORRESTERTaylor comes to visit with Thorne but if shehad phoned first, Stephanie would have informed herthat he went out with his sister Felicia for a biteto eat. Of course, Stephanie was just too upset over HunterJones' testimony today to go with them. Stephanie isfrightened that in a few days the jury could come back witha guilty verdict. Taylor tells her over a cup of coffee thatit is just a matter of time before they all know the truthand Ridge will be set free. Of course, Stephanie has to noseher way in and find out what Taylor's plans are once Ridgeis set free. Taylor tells Stephanie that she and Ridgetalked and they decided they want to be together again. Nowit is just a matter of Thorneunderstanding all of this which is why she came theretonight. Stephanie tells her that she knows her son and hewould never want Taylor if she is with him out of a sense ofobligation. Taylor says that she now knows what Ridge wentthrough having feelings for two different people.

THE CHAMBERS'Brooke is on the phone trying to track down Rick, and sheis upset because she had told him to be home in time for aspecial family dinner. Katie answers the door and it isHunter Jones. While he is there Eric calls on the phone inthe search for Rick. Eric suggests that some of the guardsat Forrester Creations search the offices for Rick due tothe fact that there was a shift change and they may have notseen him come into the office. Rick can just come and go ashe pleases at the office because, as it turns out, all ofthe guards know...... ( hint hint).Bridget and Katie go upstairs and Brooke explains that Rickhasn't been shielded from the case like her daughter has.

Brooke also informs Hunter," Rick isn't very fond of Grantthese days. I would do anything to get to the bottom ofthis case. I am saying that I don't believe it was Ridge whoshot Grant. But, why would Grant try to protect someone thattried to kill him?"

Hunter says that perhaps he is doing it to protect a lovedone and then he finds out that didn't go to Paris with herand Bridget because he had a golf tournament. Just thenRick comes home with an attitude. Brooke sends him upstairsbut first, she tells him to leave his bus pass as he isgrounded. Hunter notices that Rick drops another golf teeexactly like the one in evidence for the trial marked"Beverly Hills Golf Course"

ROOM 207So Grant is about to tell Ridge who really shot him,"Alright I will tell you. I will tell you. I was going totake this to my grave. I am going to tell you the truth. Youhave to promise to get Hunter off this case. He can NEVERfind out what happened.It was Rick............We have got to help that little boyRidge- it was Rick who shot me."

" You are that desperate to get out of this that you pin iton a boy?!?! your own stepson??? I know Rick he would neverdo something like this. And even if he did, he sure as hellwouldn't let me go to prison for it."

Grant explains that he talked to Taylor about this. Shethought he was asking about Ridge, but she said that theperson who did this wouldn't remember; it is called adisassociative state. He continues to explain that Rick isangry and hostile and he has an attitude. Rick snaps at hissister and ignores his mother. Theboy needs help and he is going to get it for him. Grantcontinues to swear that he only wants to help Rick and forRidge to think about what would happen if the world wouldfind out what Rick did. The boys life would be over; hewould never survive it and they can't let that happen.

So now Ridge is ready to hear exactly what Grant saw thenight he was shot and we see it too through black and whiteflashbacks. Grant tells Ridge that he was working at hisdesk; he knew about the gun being in Ridge's office, but hetried not to think about it. Then it was sort of bizarrebecause he felt this presence in the room. When he lookedup he sawRick with a look in his eye like he was in some kind oftrance.Rick just raised the gun, aimed, and fired. Then he justdropped the gun and ran off. Rick's fingerprints were noton the gun because he was wearing his golfing gloves. Heexplains that he most likely found out about the gun by justgoingthrough Ridge's desk drawers.

Ridge says that he is never going to believe a crazy storylike this. Rick may hate Grant but he would never dosomething like this, he isn't a psychopath. "Why does hehate you so much?What did you do to him?" Ridge questions.

Grant continues to explain that Rick hates him becausehe blames him for Ridge's leaving. Doesn't this sound familiarand it should, because the same thing happened when Ridgemoved in with Brooke. Ridge got that little boy to trust himand he told him he would always be there for him. Somehowthis little boy found the strength to trust. Then Ridgemoved out of the house. He didn't marry his mother and forthe second time in his life he felt completely rejected bythe most important man in his life. It put him over theedge. Rick couldn't blameRidge, so he blamed Grant and he (Grant) became the bad guy.Rick finally snapped and he thought it would bring Ridgeback to him if Grant wasn't in the way any longer. Grantcontinues to explain that he was only doing what he had tofor Rick's sake. He lied to protect the boy and he thinks inthe same situation Ridge would have done the same. He istelling Ridgethis because Hunter is hot on Rick's trail and the rest isnow up to Ridge. Grant leaves and Ridge sits down in shock.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on B&B

Friday, May 30, 1997

by Soap Central

The Forrester Breakfast Table:The entire family and several close friends are gathered forbreakfast. The main topic of conversation is Ridge. Todayis the day they will find out who shot Grant---if Huntercomes through for them. When Thorne begins to speculateabout what may happen, Stephanie stops him and urgeseveryone to think positive. Thorne suggests they grabGrant and beat him until he tells the truth. Stephanieinforms Thorne that Taylor stopped by to see him lastnight. But she couldn't tell him last night because shewas in bed when he and Felicia came home. He asks whyTaylor wanted to see him and Stephanie hints that she knowsbut suggests that it's a private matter.

Ridge's Hotel:Ridge recalls the conversation he had with Grant the nightbefore when Grant revealed who shot him. What do I do ifthis is true, he thinks. There is a knock at the door; itis Hunter Jones and he says that he has some disturbingnews.

The Doctor's Office:In for a check up, Taylor is told that even the most severeof her burns have healed. The doctor is amazed at theoutcome. Taylor confides to her doctor that her healingafter the fire has been affected by the personalrelationships in her life. The doctor wonders if there isan announcement in the works, and Taylor says that there isbut it isn't what she thinks. She tells the doctor that shehas had to make a choice between the two brothers. Thedoctor urges her to go with what her heart feels. Afterthe doctor leaves the room, she thinks about her feelingsfor Ridge and for Thorne. She remembers the night she wasbrought to the hospital. Thorne pledged his support nomatter whether or not she was scarred by the fire. "Youwill never lose me," he promises. Back to the present,Taylor whispers that she has to tell Thorne it's over; wecan never be more than friends.

The Breakfast Club:Thorne is still insisting that Stephanie tell him why Taylorwanted to see him, but Stephanie tells him they will talkabout it later. Jonathan walks into the breakfast room.Hunter has put it all together, he tells everyone. Hedoesn't know what Hunter knows as yet but Hunter hasassured him that he knows who shot Garrison. Stephanie andthe others begin to guess who is to blame but Jonathan urgesthem to simply go to the courthouse and wait with him forthe revelation.

El Hotel de Ridge:Hunter enters and Ridge is eager to hear the "disturbingnews." I know who did it, Hunter tells him. It wasn'tRidge and it wasn't Chambers; it was a juvenile who shotGrant---it was Rick. Ridge's worse fears are realized; hislittle brother shot Grant just as Grant said. Finallybelieving Grant's claim that it was Rick who shot him, Ridgeinforms Hunter that his services are no longer needed.Hunter wonders aloud what he would do in Ridge'ssituation. He talks about what is going to happen to Ricknow. He will probably get off light but he will need a lotof counseling.

The Courthouse:Taylor is at the courthouse when the Forrester entouragearrives. She is thrilled to hear that Hunter has figuredout this mystery.

The Chamber's Home:On the way to court, Ridge stops by the Chamber's resident.Katie opens the door and tells him that she and the kids arethe only ones home. Ridge tells her he wishes to speak withRick and asks her if she could make sure Bridget doesn'tdisturb them. A puzzled Katie agrees. Ridge goesupstairs. As he walks down the hallway toward Rick's room,he can hear music blasting away. He arrives at Rick's doorand the music is deafening. He opens the door; it is darkwith only the light from the computer illuminating theroom. The walls are plastered with posters depicting bloodyhorror. Rick is totally involved in a computer game. AsRidge turns on the light, Rick slowly turns and glaresvehemently at Ridge.

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Edited by SC Desk