Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B

Sheila struggled to hang on to her unborn child, and James took note of how much Sheila was sacrificing for their child. As Ridge's trial continued, Thorne saw Ridge and Taylor getting closer. Rick expressed his resentment of Grant. Hunter's testimony blew Ridge's defense apart, but Ridge vowed to get to the bottom of the shooting.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B

Monday, May 19, 1997

by Michael Keithby Soap CentralAs Taylor fondly remembers kissing Ridge the night before, Thorne comes byand says he tried calling here last night but no one answered. Taylor saysshe was "out" but doesn't let on she was with Ridge. Thorne assumes she wasmaking doctor housecalls. Taylor avoids telling Thorne anything else bysaying they need to hurry up and get to the courthouse.Ridge also remembers the time he and Taylor spent together the night before.When his lawyer comes by, Ridge says it now more important than ever that heprove he is innocent. Ridge wants more nights with Taylor like the one theyshared the night before. Grant tells Brooke he knows she is having a tough time believing Ridge shothim, but as a family they will get through this. Brooke again asks Grant ifhe is positive that Ridge is the one who shot him. "There's still time totell the truth," she persists. Grant says their is nothing left to say,Ridge is the one who shot him.Rick shows up at Ridge's hotel room saying he has had enough of Grant. Rickblames Grant for everything, including Ridge's breakup with Brooke. Hesays all Brooke cares about is Grant. Ridge promises he will not go to jailand brings Rick back home to Brooke. Rick offers his support to Ridge. AsRidge leaves for the trial, he tells Brooke he will always be there for Rickand Bridget. Tearfully, Brooke wishes Ridge luck. Brooke tells Rick sheknows change is hard, but she wants him to give Grant a chance. Brookereassures Rick that he will always be the most important man in her life.Stephanie is the defense's first witness. Jonathan questions her about whyshe had her gun at Forrester in the first place. Steph explains she wasgoing to give it to Ridge so he could get it repaired. Steph says Grant knewher gun was in the building but didn't tell her to get rid of it. She alsosays Grant never said he was afraid of Ridge. The prosecution objects to theline of questioning and Stephanie explodes. Stephanie blasts the prosecutionby saying it is ridiculous to think Ridge would shoot Grant and she intendsto help prove that the person who shot Grant was Grant!^ back to the topTuesday, May 20, 1997by Soap CentralAs Clark prepares for the trail, he tells Sally he isn't sure why he is beingcalled to testify. Clark has no intentions of helping Ridge. He wants tobring justice to Ridge by seeing him go to jail. Sally can't believe Clarkthinks Ridge shot Grant.While Stephanie is on the stand, prosecutor Teresa Emerson paints a pictureof Ridge as being violent and with a temper. Emerson rattles off threeseparate instances in which Ridge showed violence. Stephanie counters bysaying Ridge is peaceful and law-abiding. If Ridge is so peaceful andlaw-abiding, why did Stephanie bring her gun to work and give it to Ridge?Emerson asks why Stephanie just didn't give the gun to Ridge at home insteadof bringing it to the office. Stephanie said she intended to give the gun toRidge at home, but he had already left before she had a chance to ask him. Michael asks where Enrique has been lately. He tells her he can't thinkabout work right now with the trial going on. Enrique says he is too upsetwith the possibility Ridge will go to jail to worry about work.Brooke visits Michael seeking advice about the trial since Michael hasalready testified. Brooke is the next witness and she admits she is nervousabout saying something damaging about Ridge. Michael warns Brooke thelawyers will make her say something she doesn't want to. Brooke doesn'tthink either Grant or Ridge is lying. How can she not believe either one,Brooke wonders. Michael warns Brooke if she has the slightest doubt aboutGrant, the lawyers will pick up on that.Jonathan questions Clark about his going to see Grant the day of theshooting. Clark said Grant was nervous that day, thinking something mighthappen to him. Jonathan asks about a gun book that was found in Grant'soffice after the shooting. Clark admits Grant asked him about a certain gun,the kind that shot him. Clark said he told Grant that kind of gun wouldn'tkill you if you got shot in the shoulder. Grant told Clark he thought thatkind of gun would be pointed at him by the end of the day. Jonathanquestions Clark about Grant predicting when he would get shot. "How was heso certain when he would get shot?" Jonathan asks. Jonathan sums up that ifGrant knew how and when he would get shot, why didn't he protect himself?Why didn't he leave the building?Jonathan informs Ridge that Brooke is the next witness. Taylor tells Ridgethings are starting to go his way. Ridge says his luck started last nightwhen they had time together. Thorne notices Ridge and Taylor get close.Daytime Emmys Wednesday, May 21, 1997by Soap CentralGrant advises Brooke not to be nervous about testifying. Brooke says she cannot stand the thought of Ridge going to jail. Grant is adamant that Ridge isthe one who shot him and begs Brooke not to put Ridge first.Ridge tells Taylor he isn't happy Brooke is testifying. Taylor says thatwhen things go down to the wire, Brooke will always support Ridge. Taylorthinks it is ironic that while Brooke is the one who has always kept themapart, now she might be the one person who will let them be together. Stephanie prevents Thorne from entering the courtroom so Ridge and Taylor canhave some privacy. Stephanie also tells Thorne she thinks it is wise hedidn't give Taylor the engagement ring.At the police station, Hunter goes over the evidence again. He tellsLieutenant Baker he will look over the evidence as long as it take to figureout what really happened. The lieutenant wonders why Hunter is so interestedin a Beverly Hills golf club tee. Hunter gets a package that seems to begood news and leaves. One of the police officers tells the lieutenant thatHunter spends all his time looking over the evidence and that he seems to beparticularly interested in the golf things, especially the tee.Brooke takes the stand and tells Jonathan her marriage is a happy one.Jonathan questions how she felt when she heard her husband was shot. Brookesaid she felt terrible and rushed to be by his side. Jonathan gets Brooke toadmit things were not always that good between her and Grant. The crisisbrought them close. Jonathan asks Brooke when she and Grant first becameintimate, before or after the shooting? Brooke says she had problems beingclose with Grant because of her unresolved feelings for Ridge and Grant wasupset about that. Brooke told Jonathan she thought Grant was understandingof her feelings toward Ridge and that Grant understood why she couldn't beintimate with him. Grant knew she could not forget Ridge and that was theonly thing keeping them apart. Jonathan suggests that if Grant got Ridge outof the picture, he and Brooke would have a chance at a real marriage. Brookedenies this. Jonathan also gets Brooke to admit when she gave Grant controlof Forrester, that was so she didn't have to face Ridge everyday. This stilldid not help her get over her feelings for Ridge. Ridge tells Jonathan to go easy on Brooke. Brooke admits Grant wasuncomfortable with the role Ridge had in her life, but this does not meanGrant shot himself in order to frame Ridge. As the prosecution begins toquestion Brooke, Hunter enters the courtroom and tells Jonathan he's gotsomething that's going to blow the lid off the entire case!^ back to the topThursday, May 22, 1997by Soap CentralHunter rushes into the courtroom and tells Jonathan that he has informationthat is going to blow the lid off this case! He and Jonathan stand lookingthrough the folder that Hunter brought with him. Jonathan says he will putHunter on the stand just as soon as he is finished questioning Brooke. ButHunter doesn't want to be put on the stand; he tells Jonathan that it wouldbe a mistake. He doesn't want to be cross-examined by the prosecution.But Jonathan insists. On the other side of the courtroom, Grant looks worried. He wonders whatis up; Teresa tells him that whatever it is, she hopes that Jonathan putsHunter on the stand, because the investigator is hiding something and shecan't wait to find out what it is.The Judge tells the defense to continue with their case and Jonathanhesitates. Sensing that Jonathan wants to question Hunter, Teresa defersher cross examination of Brooke to a later time. Jonathan puts Hunter onthe stand and asks him about his credentials. Hunter says that he waseducated in Australia; worked at Scotland Yard where he was a gunshotexpert. He explains what "gunshot" residue is and that it is a mixture ofbarium and antimony. He explained that the proportions of the two mineralson Ridge's hands showed too much antimony and not enough barium.Sheila has a flower delivery and Mike is the delivery man! Mike is worriedabout Sheila and says that he prayed for her "last night." Sheila says itis nice to have such a good friend, but Mike says he has always hoped thathe could be more than her friend. Sheila very gently tells him that it cannever be. Mike offers to stay and play a game of cards with her, butSheila tells him that James is on his way to see her. Mike knows he has toleave as he is still "on the lam." Jonathan questions Hunter about the difference in the proportion of thebarium and antimony found on Ridge's hands. Hunter says it could have comefrom something else. Jonathan produces some fashion sketches andintroduces them into evidence. Jonathan says that they were the samesketches that Grant had Megan deliver "directly into Ridge's hands."Teresa asks Grant if this is true and Grant has a recall of giving thesketches to Megan and telling her to put them into Ridge's hands. Grantadmits that it is true but can't understand the significance. On thestand, Hunter explains that, in his opinion, the barium and antimony camefrom the still-wetprinter's ink on the sketches--a new ink that they were using. Looking on,Enrique has a worried look on his face as Hunter testifies.When Jonathan releases the witness, Teresa is ready and willing to beginher cross examination of Hunter.James arrives and finds Sheila in good spirits. She tells him that she isstill spotting, so James goes in search of the doctor. He wants someanswers. James and Sheila tell the doctor that they want him to beperfectly honest with them. What are the baby's chances. The doctortells them that a premature baby couldrequire a lot of care and a long hospitalization after birth. There couldbe brain damage; Sheila looks devastated, but the doctor tells her that ifshe can hold off giving birth---even for a short time---it will help insurethe safety of the baby. Every week that passes will insure a healthierbaby. He advises rest and avoidance of any stress. He says she is lookingat the next two months in the hospital.Teresa questions Hunter about the "gunshot residue." He answers that therewere no traces of barium or antimony on anything else--not the piping, notthe award. Under intense cross examination, Hunter admits that he nolonger believes that Grant shot himself. Teresa has him repeat what he hasjust said. The defense is using a lie to defend their client. All I cansay, he answers, is that Grant Chambers did not shoot himself. Ridge andJonathan are in shock as they realize the harm that Hunter's testimony hasdone.^ back to the topFriday, May 23, 1997by GladysMaggie visits Sheila in the hospital. She wants to know what Sheila toldJames about the accident. Sheila tells Maggie that she has more to worryabout than carrying tales to James. Maggie guesses that Sheila put all theblame on her (Maggie) but Sheila says that she took her share of theresponsibility. Maggie says it was not her fault and Sheila wonders whyshe won't take her share of the responsibility for what happened. Maggiesaid that if she had it to do all over again, she would have handled itdifferently. She says she is sorry for what happened, but Sheila says sheshould "tell it to the baby." Sheila tells Maggie that she means to giveJames a healthy, happy and most loved child even though it means staying inbed for the next two months. Maggie confirms that the baby will be happy;she and James will see to it that it has everything it needs. I wonder ifyou could love a baby that comes out of me, Sheila tells her. But Maggiesays she will love it because it is part of James. Sheila wonders ifMaggie is concerned about her and the baby, or her "investment." Maggiesays that right now all she is concerned about is James, who didn't comehome last night. But now, she is going home to be with her husband.James visits Lauren (why?) and tells her of Sheila's condition. Laurensees just how upset James is about Sheila and the baby. She tells Jamesthat he should be more worried about his wife who is living in a house witha woman who is after her husband. She warns James that Sheila is "up toher old tricks" but James doesn't see it.In the courtroom, Teresa again points out that hunter no longer believeshis own theory. Hunter admitted that he has done most of the investigationon the case. When Hunter admits that he began to doubt his own theory,Teresa wonders whey he didn't say something before both Grant and Brookewere put on the stand and humiliated. Jonathan makes an objection sayingthat the DA is being combative. The judge agrees and tells Teresa that herstatements were uncalled for. Move on, she says.Back at Lauren's place James asks what Sheila has to gain. Lauren remindsJames that Sheila would gain her baby and James. James tells Lauren thatthey have to be realistic and compassionate towards Sheila. She is givingup so much and getting nothing in return. James is beginning to see whatSheila is willing to go through for the baby's sake. Lauren reminds Jamesthat Maggie is the real victim; what about a little compassion for her?Forget Sheila, she begs, or face more trouble than you could possibly imagine.Teresa glares at Jonathan. Then she gets back to Hunter and his abandonedtheory. She asks if there will be other witnesses to testify to this othertheory. Hunter doesn't know how to answer the question and finally admitsthat there are no other witnesses. She asks if he was concentrating onlyon proving Ridges' innocence. Hunter is forced to testify that his testsneither proved nor disproved Ridge's innocenceWhen Maggie arrives home, she finds James who admits that he slept at his office the night before because he was too angry to come home.Maggie is sure that Sheila has already told him her side of the story.She tells him her side then states that James probably believes Sheilainstead of her. James tells Maggie that Sheila has told him the samestory. Maggie is stunned that Sheila told James the truth, but says thatSheila has only taken advantage of James and is manipulating him. Sheaccuses James of being close to Sheila while the two of them are sodistant. James wonders whose fault that is. Maggie admits she isdefensive, but she feels she has to be when she is competing with someoneas clever as Sheila. What else is she supposed to do? James says shecould have some faith in him. James reminds Maggie that Sheila is theone bringing the child into the world and then giving it up, so she needssympathy from them both.Jonathan has more questions for Hunter. Just when did you start doubtingthis theory, Jonathan asks. Just today, answers Hunter. Jonathan asksif he knows who shot Grant; Hunter says that he has a few more tests to runand then he will definitely know who the shooter was---he stakes hisreputation on this.Lauren enters Sheila's hospital room. You shouldn't be here, Sheila tellsher. Lauren says that she knows what Sheila is up to and it is going to stop!Jonathan wants a recess until after the weekend but Teresa objects. Whyshould the prosecution give them more time to come up with an alternatetheory as to how Grant shot himself? The judge questions Hunter. He tellsthe judge that he isn't working on a new defense; he just wants to find thetruth. The judge declares a recess until next week.Grant tells Brook to wait for him in the car and he will join her shortly.Everyone leaves the courtroom except Grant and Ridge. Grant says thatHunter won't find anything. We'll see, Ridge says. Grant tells Ridge tocall Hunter off. Ridge is delighted; he thinks that Grant is afraid ofwhat Hunter will find. No, Ridge tells Grant, you only have a few days. Ican see everything slipping through your fingers--everything you have liedfor: Brooke, the kids, the job. It is all slipping away and I can see thatyou can feel it. No, we are going to find the truth and then you arefinished. Ridge turns and walks confidently out of the courtroom. Afrustrated and angry Grant is left behind.^ back to the top

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As Taylor fondly remembers kissing Ridge the night before, Thorne comes byand says he tried calling here last night but no one answered. Taylor saysshe was "out" but doesn't let on she was with Ridge. Thorne assumes she wasmaking doctor housecalls. Taylor avoids telling Thorne anything else bysaying they need to hurry up and get to the courthouse.

Ridge also remembers the time he and Taylor spent together the night before.When his lawyer comes by, Ridge says it now more important than ever that heprove he is innocent. Ridge wants more nights with Taylor like the one theyshared the night before.

Grant tells Brooke he knows she is having a tough time believing Ridge shothim, but as a family they will get through this. Brooke again asks Grant ifhe is positive that Ridge is the one who shot him. "There's still time totell the truth," she persists. Grant says their is nothing left to say,Ridge is the one who shot him.

Rick shows up at Ridge's hotel room saying he has had enough of Grant. Rickblames Grant for everything, including Ridge's breakup with Brooke. Hesays all Brooke cares about is Grant. Ridge promises he will not go to jailand brings Rick back home to Brooke. Rick offers his support to Ridge. AsRidge leaves for the trial, he tells Brooke he will always be there for Rickand Bridget. Tearfully, Brooke wishes Ridge luck. Brooke tells Rick sheknows change is hard, but she wants him to give Grant a chance. Brookereassures Rick that he will always be the most important man in her life.

Stephanie is the defense's first witness. Jonathan questions her about whyshe had her gun at Forrester in the first place. Steph explains she wasgoing to give it to Ridge so he could get it repaired. Steph says Grant knewher gun was in the building but didn't tell her to get rid of it. She alsosays Grant never said he was afraid of Ridge. The prosecution objects to theline of questioning and Stephanie explodes. Stephanie blasts the prosecutionby saying it is ridiculous to think Ridge would shoot Grant and she intendsto help prove that the person who shot Grant was Grant!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, May 20, 1997

by Soap Central

As Clark prepares for the trail, he tells Sally he isn't sure why he is beingcalled to testify. Clark has no intentions of helping Ridge. He wants tobring justice to Ridge by seeing him go to jail. Sally can't believe Clarkthinks Ridge shot Grant.

While Stephanie is on the stand, prosecutor Teresa Emerson paints a pictureof Ridge as being violent and with a temper. Emerson rattles off threeseparate instances in which Ridge showed violence. Stephanie counters bysaying Ridge is peaceful and law-abiding. If Ridge is so peaceful andlaw-abiding, why did Stephanie bring her gun to work and give it to Ridge?Emerson asks why Stephanie just didn't give the gun to Ridge at home insteadof bringing it to the office. Stephanie said she intended to give the gun toRidge at home, but he had already left before she had a chance to ask him.

Michael asks where Enrique has been lately. He tells her he can't thinkabout work right now with the trial going on. Enrique says he is too upsetwith the possibility Ridge will go to jail to worry about work.

Brooke visits Michael seeking advice about the trial since Michael hasalready testified. Brooke is the next witness and she admits she is nervousabout saying something damaging about Ridge. Michael warns Brooke thelawyers will make her say something she doesn't want to. Brooke doesn'tthink either Grant or Ridge is lying. How can she not believe either one,Brooke wonders. Michael warns Brooke if she has the slightest doubt aboutGrant, the lawyers will pick up on that.

Jonathan questions Clark about his going to see Grant the day of theshooting. Clark said Grant was nervous that day, thinking something mighthappen to him. Jonathan asks about a gun book that was found in Grant'soffice after the shooting. Clark admits Grant asked him about a certain gun,the kind that shot him. Clark said he told Grant that kind of gun wouldn'tkill you if you got shot in the shoulder. Grant told Clark he thought thatkind of gun would be pointed at him by the end of the day. Jonathanquestions Clark about Grant predicting when he would get shot. "How was heso certain when he would get shot?" Jonathan asks. Jonathan sums up that ifGrant knew how and when he would get shot, why didn't he protect himself?Why didn't he leave the building?

Jonathan informs Ridge that Brooke is the next witness. Taylor tells Ridgethings are starting to go his way. Ridge says his luck started last nightwhen they had time together. Thorne notices Ridge and Taylor get close.

Daytime Emmys Wednesday, May 21, 1997

Grant advises Brooke not to be nervous about testifying. Brooke says she cannot stand the thought of Ridge going to jail. Grant is adamant that Ridge isthe one who shot him and begs Brooke not to put Ridge first.

Ridge tells Taylor he isn't happy Brooke is testifying. Taylor says thatwhen things go down to the wire, Brooke will always support Ridge. Taylorthinks it is ironic that while Brooke is the one who has always kept themapart, now she might be the one person who will let them be together.

Stephanie prevents Thorne from entering the courtroom so Ridge and Taylor canhave some privacy. Stephanie also tells Thorne she thinks it is wise hedidn't give Taylor the engagement ring.

At the police station, Hunter goes over the evidence again. He tellsLieutenant Baker he will look over the evidence as long as it take to figureout what really happened. The lieutenant wonders why Hunter is so interestedin a Beverly Hills golf club tee. Hunter gets a package that seems to begood news and leaves. One of the police officers tells the lieutenant thatHunter spends all his time looking over the evidence and that he seems to beparticularly interested in the golf things, especially the tee.

Brooke takes the stand and tells Jonathan her marriage is a happy one.Jonathan questions how she felt when she heard her husband was shot. Brookesaid she felt terrible and rushed to be by his side. Jonathan gets Brooke toadmit things were not always that good between her and Grant. The crisisbrought them close. Jonathan asks Brooke when she and Grant first becameintimate, before or after the shooting? Brooke says she had problems beingclose with Grant because of her unresolved feelings for Ridge and Grant wasupset about that. Brooke told Jonathan she thought Grant was understandingof her feelings toward Ridge and that Grant understood why she couldn't beintimate with him. Grant knew she could not forget Ridge and that was theonly thing keeping them apart. Jonathan suggests that if Grant got Ridge outof the picture, he and Brooke would have a chance at a real marriage. Brookedenies this. Jonathan also gets Brooke to admit when she gave Grant controlof Forrester, that was so she didn't have to face Ridge everyday. This stilldid not help her get over her feelings for Ridge.

Ridge tells Jonathan to go easy on Brooke. Brooke admits Grant wasuncomfortable with the role Ridge had in her life, but this does not meanGrant shot himself in order to frame Ridge. As the prosecution begins toquestion Brooke, Hunter enters the courtroom and tells Jonathan he's gotsomething that's going to blow the lid off the entire case!

Thursday, May 22, 1997

Hunter rushes into the courtroom and tells Jonathan that he has informationthat is going to blow the lid off this case! He and Jonathan stand lookingthrough the folder that Hunter brought with him. Jonathan says he will putHunter on the stand just as soon as he is finished questioning Brooke. ButHunter doesn't want to be put on the stand; he tells Jonathan that it wouldbe a mistake. He doesn't want to be cross-examined by the prosecution.But Jonathan insists.

On the other side of the courtroom, Grant looks worried. He wonders whatis up; Teresa tells him that whatever it is, she hopes that Jonathan putsHunter on the stand, because the investigator is hiding something and shecan't wait to find out what it is.

The Judge tells the defense to continue with their case and Jonathanhesitates. Sensing that Jonathan wants to question Hunter, Teresa defersher cross examination of Brooke to a later time. Jonathan puts Hunter onthe stand and asks him about his credentials. Hunter says that he waseducated in Australia; worked at Scotland Yard where he was a gunshotexpert. He explains what "gunshot" residue is and that it is a mixture ofbarium and antimony. He explained that the proportions of the two mineralson Ridge's hands showed too much antimony and not enough barium.

Sheila has a flower delivery and Mike is the delivery man! Mike is worriedabout Sheila and says that he prayed for her "last night." Sheila says itis nice to have such a good friend, but Mike says he has always hoped thathe could be more than her friend. Sheila very gently tells him that it cannever be. Mike offers to stay and play a game of cards with her, butSheila tells him that James is on his way to see her. Mike knows he has toleave as he is still "on the lam."

Jonathan questions Hunter about the difference in the proportion of thebarium and antimony found on Ridge's hands. Hunter says it could have comefrom something else. Jonathan produces some fashion sketches andintroduces them into evidence. Jonathan says that they were the samesketches that Grant had Megan deliver "directly into Ridge's hands."Teresa asks Grant if this is true and Grant has a recall of giving thesketches to Megan and telling her to put them into Ridge's hands. Grantadmits that it is true but can't understand the significance. On thestand, Hunter explains that, in his opinion, the barium and antimony camefrom the still-wetprinter's ink on the sketches--a new ink that they were using. Looking on,Enrique has a worried look on his face as Hunter testifies.

When Jonathan releases the witness, Teresa is ready and willing to beginher cross examination of Hunter.

James arrives and finds Sheila in good spirits. She tells him that she isstill spotting, so James goes in search of the doctor. He wants someanswers. James and Sheila tell the doctor that they want him to beperfectly honest with them. What are the baby's chances. The doctortells them that a premature baby couldrequire a lot of care and a long hospitalization after birth. There couldbe brain damage; Sheila looks devastated, but the doctor tells her that ifshe can hold off giving birth---even for a short time---it will help insurethe safety of the baby. Every week that passes will insure a healthierbaby. He advises rest and avoidance of any stress. He says she is lookingat the next two months in the hospital.

Teresa questions Hunter about the "gunshot residue." He answers that therewere no traces of barium or antimony on anything else--not the piping, notthe award. Under intense cross examination, Hunter admits that he nolonger believes that Grant shot himself. Teresa has him repeat what he hasjust said. The defense is using a lie to defend their client. All I cansay, he answers, is that Grant Chambers did not shoot himself. Ridge andJonathan are in shock as they realize the harm that Hunter's testimony hasdone.

Friday, May 23, 1997

by Gladys

Maggie visits Sheila in the hospital. She wants to know what Sheila toldJames about the accident. Sheila tells Maggie that she has more to worryabout than carrying tales to James. Maggie guesses that Sheila put all theblame on her (Maggie) but Sheila says that she took her share of theresponsibility. Maggie says it was not her fault and Sheila wonders whyshe won't take her share of the responsibility for what happened. Maggiesaid that if she had it to do all over again, she would have handled itdifferently. She says she is sorry for what happened, but Sheila says sheshould "tell it to the baby." Sheila tells Maggie that she means to giveJames a healthy, happy and most loved child even though it means staying inbed for the next two months. Maggie confirms that the baby will be happy;she and James will see to it that it has everything it needs. I wonder ifyou could love a baby that comes out of me, Sheila tells her. But Maggiesays she will love it because it is part of James. Sheila wonders ifMaggie is concerned about her and the baby, or her "investment." Maggiesays that right now all she is concerned about is James, who didn't comehome last night. But now, she is going home to be with her husband.

James visits Lauren (why?) and tells her of Sheila's condition. Laurensees just how upset James is about Sheila and the baby. She tells Jamesthat he should be more worried about his wife who is living in a house witha woman who is after her husband. She warns James that Sheila is "up toher old tricks" but James doesn't see it.

In the courtroom, Teresa again points out that hunter no longer believeshis own theory. Hunter admitted that he has done most of the investigationon the case. When Hunter admits that he began to doubt his own theory,Teresa wonders whey he didn't say something before both Grant and Brookewere put on the stand and humiliated. Jonathan makes an objection sayingthat the DA is being combative. The judge agrees and tells Teresa that herstatements were uncalled for. Move on, she says.

Back at Lauren's place James asks what Sheila has to gain. Lauren remindsJames that Sheila would gain her baby and James. James tells Lauren thatthey have to be realistic and compassionate towards Sheila. She is givingup so much and getting nothing in return. James is beginning to see whatSheila is willing to go through for the baby's sake. Lauren reminds Jamesthat Maggie is the real victim; what about a little compassion for her?Forget Sheila, she begs, or face more trouble than you could possibly imagine.

Teresa glares at Jonathan. Then she gets back to Hunter and his abandonedtheory. She asks if there will be other witnesses to testify to this othertheory. Hunter doesn't know how to answer the question and finally admitsthat there are no other witnesses. She asks if he was concentrating onlyon proving Ridges' innocence. Hunter is forced to testify that his testsneither proved nor disproved Ridge's innocence

When Maggie arrives home, she finds James who admits that he slept at his office the night before because he was too angry to come home.Maggie is sure that Sheila has already told him her side of the story.She tells him her side then states that James probably believes Sheilainstead of her. James tells Maggie that Sheila has told him the samestory. Maggie is stunned that Sheila told James the truth, but says thatSheila has only taken advantage of James and is manipulating him. Sheaccuses James of being close to Sheila while the two of them are sodistant. James wonders whose fault that is. Maggie admits she isdefensive, but she feels she has to be when she is competing with someoneas clever as Sheila. What else is she supposed to do? James says shecould have some faith in him. James reminds Maggie that Sheila is theone bringing the child into the world and then giving it up, so she needssympathy from them both.

Jonathan has more questions for Hunter. Just when did you start doubtingthis theory, Jonathan asks. Just today, answers Hunter. Jonathan asksif he knows who shot Grant; Hunter says that he has a few more tests to runand then he will definitely know who the shooter was---he stakes hisreputation on this.

Lauren enters Sheila's hospital room. You shouldn't be here, Sheila tellsher. Lauren says that she knows what Sheila is up to and it is going to stop!

Jonathan wants a recess until after the weekend but Teresa objects. Whyshould the prosecution give them more time to come up with an alternatetheory as to how Grant shot himself? The judge questions Hunter. He tellsthe judge that he isn't working on a new defense; he just wants to find thetruth. The judge declares a recess until next week.

Grant tells Brook to wait for him in the car and he will join her shortly.Everyone leaves the courtroom except Grant and Ridge. Grant says thatHunter won't find anything. We'll see, Ridge says. Grant tells Ridge tocall Hunter off. Ridge is delighted; he thinks that Grant is afraid ofwhat Hunter will find. No, Ridge tells Grant, you only have a few days. Ican see everything slipping through your fingers--everything you have liedfor: Brooke, the kids, the job. It is all slipping away and I can see thatyou can feel it. No, we are going to find the truth and then you arefinished. Ridge turns and walks confidently out of the courtroom. Afrustrated and angry Grant is left behind.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B

Daytime Emmys Wednesday, May 21, 1997

by Soap Central

Grant advises Brooke not to be nervous about testifying. Brooke says she cannot stand the thought of Ridge going to jail. Grant is adamant that Ridge isthe one who shot him and begs Brooke not to put Ridge first.

Ridge tells Taylor he isn't happy Brooke is testifying. Taylor says thatwhen things go down to the wire, Brooke will always support Ridge. Taylorthinks it is ironic that while Brooke is the one who has always kept themapart, now she might be the one person who will let them be together.

Stephanie prevents Thorne from entering the courtroom so Ridge and Taylor canhave some privacy. Stephanie also tells Thorne she thinks it is wise hedidn't give Taylor the engagement ring.

At the police station, Hunter goes over the evidence again. He tellsLieutenant Baker he will look over the evidence as long as it take to figureout what really happened. The lieutenant wonders why Hunter is so interestedin a Beverly Hills golf club tee. Hunter gets a package that seems to begood news and leaves. One of the police officers tells the lieutenant thatHunter spends all his time looking over the evidence and that he seems to beparticularly interested in the golf things, especially the tee.

Brooke takes the stand and tells Jonathan her marriage is a happy one.Jonathan questions how she felt when she heard her husband was shot. Brookesaid she felt terrible and rushed to be by his side. Jonathan gets Brooke toadmit things were not always that good between her and Grant. The crisisbrought them close. Jonathan asks Brooke when she and Grant first becameintimate, before or after the shooting? Brooke says she had problems beingclose with Grant because of her unresolved feelings for Ridge and Grant wasupset about that. Brooke told Jonathan she thought Grant was understandingof her feelings toward Ridge and that Grant understood why she couldn't beintimate with him. Grant knew she could not forget Ridge and that was theonly thing keeping them apart. Jonathan suggests that if Grant got Ridge outof the picture, he and Brooke would have a chance at a real marriage. Brookedenies this. Jonathan also gets Brooke to admit when she gave Grant controlof Forrester, that was so she didn't have to face Ridge everyday. This stilldid not help her get over her feelings for Ridge.

Ridge tells Jonathan to go easy on Brooke. Brooke admits Grant wasuncomfortable with the role Ridge had in her life, but this does not meanGrant shot himself in order to frame Ridge. As the prosecution begins toquestion Brooke, Hunter enters the courtroom and tells Jonathan he's gotsomething that's going to blow the lid off the entire case!

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, May 22, 1997

by Soap Central

Hunter rushes into the courtroom and tells Jonathan that he has informationthat is going to blow the lid off this case! He and Jonathan stand lookingthrough the folder that Hunter brought with him. Jonathan says he will putHunter on the stand just as soon as he is finished questioning Brooke. ButHunter doesn't want to be put on the stand; he tells Jonathan that it wouldbe a mistake. He doesn't want to be cross-examined by the prosecution.But Jonathan insists.

On the other side of the courtroom, Grant looks worried. He wonders whatis up; Teresa tells him that whatever it is, she hopes that Jonathan putsHunter on the stand, because the investigator is hiding something and shecan't wait to find out what it is.

The Judge tells the defense to continue with their case and Jonathanhesitates. Sensing that Jonathan wants to question Hunter, Teresa defersher cross examination of Brooke to a later time. Jonathan puts Hunter onthe stand and asks him about his credentials. Hunter says that he waseducated in Australia; worked at Scotland Yard where he was a gunshotexpert. He explains what "gunshot" residue is and that it is a mixture ofbarium and antimony. He explained that the proportions of the two mineralson Ridge's hands showed too much antimony and not enough barium.

Sheila has a flower delivery and Mike is the delivery man! Mike is worriedabout Sheila and says that he prayed for her "last night." Sheila says itis nice to have such a good friend, but Mike says he has always hoped thathe could be more than her friend. Sheila very gently tells him that it cannever be. Mike offers to stay and play a game of cards with her, butSheila tells him that James is on his way to see her. Mike knows he has toleave as he is still "on the lam."

Jonathan questions Hunter about the difference in the proportion of thebarium and antimony found on Ridge's hands. Hunter says it could have comefrom something else. Jonathan produces some fashion sketches andintroduces them into evidence. Jonathan says that they were the samesketches that Grant had Megan deliver "directly into Ridge's hands."Teresa asks Grant if this is true and Grant has a recall of giving thesketches to Megan and telling her to put them into Ridge's hands. Grantadmits that it is true but can't understand the significance. On thestand, Hunter explains that, in his opinion, the barium and antimony camefrom the still-wetprinter's ink on the sketches--a new ink that they were using. Looking on,Enrique has a worried look on his face as Hunter testifies.

When Jonathan releases the witness, Teresa is ready and willing to beginher cross examination of Hunter.

James arrives and finds Sheila in good spirits. She tells him that she isstill spotting, so James goes in search of the doctor. He wants someanswers. James and Sheila tell the doctor that they want him to beperfectly honest with them. What are the baby's chances. The doctortells them that a premature baby couldrequire a lot of care and a long hospitalization after birth. There couldbe brain damage; Sheila looks devastated, but the doctor tells her that ifshe can hold off giving birth---even for a short time---it will help insurethe safety of the baby. Every week that passes will insure a healthierbaby. He advises rest and avoidance of any stress. He says she is lookingat the next two months in the hospital.

Teresa questions Hunter about the "gunshot residue." He answers that therewere no traces of barium or antimony on anything else--not the piping, notthe award. Under intense cross examination, Hunter admits that he nolonger believes that Grant shot himself. Teresa has him repeat what he hasjust said. The defense is using a lie to defend their client. All I cansay, he answers, is that Grant Chambers did not shoot himself. Ridge andJonathan are in shock as they realize the harm that Hunter's testimony hasdone.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 19, 1997 on B&B

Friday, May 23, 1997

by Soap Central

Maggie visits Sheila in the hospital. She wants to know what Sheila toldJames about the accident. Sheila tells Maggie that she has more to worryabout than carrying tales to James. Maggie guesses that Sheila put all theblame on her (Maggie) but Sheila says that she took her share of theresponsibility. Maggie says it was not her fault and Sheila wonders whyshe won't take her share of the responsibility for what happened. Maggiesaid that if she had it to do all over again, she would have handled itdifferently. She says she is sorry for what happened, but Sheila says sheshould "tell it to the baby." Sheila tells Maggie that she means to giveJames a healthy, happy and most loved child even though it means staying inbed for the next two months. Maggie confirms that the baby will be happy;she and James will see to it that it has everything it needs. I wonder ifyou could love a baby that comes out of me, Sheila tells her. But Maggiesays she will love it because it is part of James. Sheila wonders ifMaggie is concerned about her and the baby, or her "investment." Maggiesays that right now all she is concerned about is James, who didn't comehome last night. But now, she is going home to be with her husband.

James visits Lauren (why?) and tells her of Sheila's condition. Laurensees just how upset James is about Sheila and the baby. She tells Jamesthat he should be more worried about his wife who is living in a house witha woman who is after her husband. She warns James that Sheila is "up toher old tricks" but James doesn't see it.

In the courtroom, Teresa again points out that hunter no longer believeshis own theory. Hunter admitted that he has done most of the investigationon the case. When Hunter admits that he began to doubt his own theory,Teresa wonders whey he didn't say something before both Grant and Brookewere put on the stand and humiliated. Jonathan makes an objection sayingthat the DA is being combative. The judge agrees and tells Teresa that herstatements were uncalled for. Move on, she says.

Back at Lauren's place James asks what Sheila has to gain. Lauren remindsJames that Sheila would gain her baby and James. James tells Lauren thatthey have to be realistic and compassionate towards Sheila. She is givingup so much and getting nothing in return. James is beginning to see whatSheila is willing to go through for the baby's sake. Lauren reminds Jamesthat Maggie is the real victim; what about a little compassion for her?Forget Sheila, she begs, or face more trouble than you could possibly imagine.

Teresa glares at Jonathan. Then she gets back to Hunter and his abandonedtheory. She asks if there will be other witnesses to testify to this othertheory. Hunter doesn't know how to answer the question and finally admitsthat there are no other witnesses. She asks if he was concentrating onlyon proving Ridges' innocence. Hunter is forced to testify that his testsneither proved nor disproved Ridge's innocence

When Maggie arrives home, she finds James who admits that he slept at his office the night before because he was too angry to come home.Maggie is sure that Sheila has already told him her side of the story.She tells him her side then states that James probably believes Sheilainstead of her. James tells Maggie that Sheila has told him the samestory. Maggie is stunned that Sheila told James the truth, but says thatSheila has only taken advantage of James and is manipulating him. Sheaccuses James of being close to Sheila while the two of them are sodistant. James wonders whose fault that is. Maggie admits she isdefensive, but she feels she has to be when she is competing with someoneas clever as Sheila. What else is she supposed to do? James says shecould have some faith in him. James reminds Maggie that Sheila is theone bringing the child into the world and then giving it up, so she needssympathy from them both.

Jonathan has more questions for Hunter. Just when did you start doubtingthis theory, Jonathan asks. Just today, answers Hunter. Jonathan asksif he knows who shot Grant; Hunter says that he has a few more tests to runand then he will definitely know who the shooter was---he stakes hisreputation on this.

Lauren enters Sheila's hospital room. You shouldn't be here, Sheila tellsher. Lauren says that she knows what Sheila is up to and it is going to stop!

Jonathan wants a recess until after the weekend but Teresa objects. Whyshould the prosecution give them more time to come up with an alternatetheory as to how Grant shot himself? The judge questions Hunter. He tellsthe judge that he isn't working on a new defense; he just wants to find thetruth. The judge declares a recess until next week.

Grant tells Brook to wait for him in the car and he will join her shortly.Everyone leaves the courtroom except Grant and Ridge. Grant says thatHunter won't find anything. We'll see, Ridge says. Grant tells Ridge tocall Hunter off. Ridge is delighted; he thinks that Grant is afraid ofwhat Hunter will find. No, Ridge tells Grant, you only have a few days. Ican see everything slipping through your fingers--everything you have liedfor: Brooke, the kids, the job. It is all slipping away and I can see thatyou can feel it. No, we are going to find the truth and then you arefinished. Ridge turns and walks confidently out of the courtroom. Afrustrated and angry Grant is left behind.

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Edited by SC Desk