Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B

Taylor and Thorne went skiing at Big Bear, and Ridge sneaked into Taylor's room. Fed up with being second to Sheila, Maggie went on a date with the plumber. Ridge pleaded with Brooke to say she believed that he hadn't shot Grant. Brooke expressed faith in Ridge, but forensic tests revealed gunshot residue had been on Ridge's hands.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B

Monday, April 7, 1997

by Soap Central

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Hunter stops by Stephanie's to question her and introduces himself toStephanie and Taylor. He informs that he is the private investigatorthat Ridge hired. When Stephanie asks where Ridge is, Hunter just saysthat he is in a safe place hiding. He asks Stephanie and Taylor whatevents led up to the shooting. Stephanie lets him know that she gavethe gun to Michael to give to Ridge to be repaired. She also informshim that Michael was involved with Grant. Grant ended when Brooke askedhim to marry her. He leaves to question other employees. Stephanietells him to find the real shooter.

Thorne tells Michael that he doesn't think that Ridge is the shooter. Michael wonders if Ridge didn't shoot him then who did. Thorne beginsto wonder if Michael is being loyal to the Forrester's. She assures himshe is on Ridge's side. Thorne hopes so.

Taylor stops by to see Thorne. He gives her a present. She opens itand it is a ski suit. He asks her to go skiing with her. It is somecelebrity thing. Taylor is not sure. Ridge might need her. Thornetells her there is nothing they can do right now. Taylor needs to havesome fun.

Stephanie and Clarke stop by to visit Grant to assure him that he iscapable of running Forrester. Sally and Grant talk about they couldn'tbe sitting here having coffee if the Forrester's were still in charge. Stephanie happens to walking down the hall and overhears Sally's voice.She opens the door and Sally sees here. Sally about jumps out of herskin.

Stephanie demands to know what they are doing in this building. Stephanie tells them she doesn't want them in the building. Sally says,"Am I wrong or is that your decision to make any more?" She tells Grantto keep them away from the building and this company. She calls Sally athief. Stephanie's name is still on the building and she doesn't wantthem there. Grant says this is your feud and it's none of his business.They showed Grant kindness and concern. I am not going to treat themlike common criminals. Sally thinks this a perfect time to make acomment about Ridge and she does.

Hunter visits Michael. He wants to ask her a few questions. Sheassumes she is a suspect. She tells him Grant saw Ridge shoot him. Hesays he is going to get at the bottom of this. He asks her if she iswilling to help him. All the while, Grant is listening outside thedoor.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, April 8, 1997

by Soap Central

Ridge reads an article in the newspaper about the shooting and realizesthat he could face life in prison. Stephanie tells Trish to track herdown if Ridge calls. Then Ridge calls and reluctantly gives Stephaniehis address.

Michael closes the door and Hunter shows her his license to show that heis really a P.I. Hunter knows that Michael had reasons to see Grantdead. He asks her some questions about the gun.

Taylor doesn't think she can enjoy herself when she knows what Ridge isgoing through. Thorne points out that they don't know where he is orhow to get in touch with him. Thorne coaxes Taylor into going.

When Stephanie gets to Ridge's motel, she is horrified at what a dumpthis is. Stephanie tells him that everyone is behind him all the way. Ridge states that Brooke doesn't believe him. Stephanie says, "That'sirrelevant. The woman you need to speak with is Taylor. She is worriedabout you." Ridge thinks Taylor is suspicious of him. Ridge decides tocall Taylor but there is no answer.

Michael tells Hunter that she saw the gun still in Ridge's office evenafter Ridge left his office. That was the last time she saw until afterthe shooting. When she heard the shot, she found Enrique going theopposite direction. Because of his home history, he wouldn't want to beinvolved in this. She figured he was coming out of the dye room becausehe was wearing latex gloves.

When Megan tries to give Thorne his messages, Thorne lets Megan knowthat he and Taylor will be going to Big Bear for a few days. Ridge asksStephanie what she thinks of Hunter. Ridge lets her know as far asHunter is concerned everybody is a suspect. Hunter stops by to questionThorne and finds out from Megan that Thorne and Taylor went to Big Bear.

Stephanie tells Ridge that Felicia is back in town. But he insists thatthey stay away. Stephanie asks him if he will get in touch withTaylor and get her to come over and talk. Ridge says he would like tosee Taylor. Hunter calls and informs him he went to see Thorne. Ridgedoesn't think Thorne would do this. Hunter upsets Ridge by telling himthat Thorne and Taylor went away to Big Bear for a couple of days.

Taylor is having trouble with her jacket and goes looking for Thorne. She spots him as he is coming out of the bathroom. He comes out in atowel dripping wet. She just stands there and stares at him staring inawe. (WITH GOOD REASON!) She finally stumbles and says I neededhelping with my jacket. He zips her jacket up and you can feel the heatrising. Thorne says, "Shall we?" Taylor says, "What?" Thorne tellsher to hit the slopes. She snaps out of it and says yeah.

Ridge tells Stephanie about Thorne and Taylor. He is really mad now. Ridge tells Stephanie that Hunter suspects Thorne. Ridge is starting towonder if Hunter is right.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, April 9, 1997

by Soap Central

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, April 10, 1997

by Soap Central

MAGGIE'S HOUSE:Maggie gets a call from Curtis: he and wants to spend his day off with her,but she tells him that she and James have plans. Maggie is worried Sheilawill ruin her plans, but James says he'll handle it. He does have achildbirth meeting that night, but it won't hurt if he misses one. Sheilawill understand. Sheila finds out that James has plans with Maggie andsays that she is glad. Then she finds out that the plans also includes thenighttime also. She reminds James that this is the only time they willhave a chance to participate in this particular class. She remined him ofhow essential the childbirth classes are, so James agrees to come homeearly enough to go to the classes with Sheila. Maggie tells James thatthis is so demeaning; why does she always have to take second place. It isnot as though the baby will know he wasn't there.Maggie tells James she's tired of being in second place to Sheila. James insists that she isn't taking 2nd place, but Maggie says she doesn'twant to spend the day with him if they are going to be rushed. So shecancels the plans.

BROOK AND GRANT'S PLACE:Grant tells Brooke that things at the office are getting back to normal,but he complains about all the disruptons caused by Ridge's PI. he thinksit is a farce anyway, because he knows Ridge is guilty. Grant wants Brooketo stay away from Ridge.

THE CABIN AT BIG BEAR: Taylor worries that Ridge left L.A. She asks he went and confronted Grant- but all he can say is how beautiful she is. Ridge says he'll leave, unless Taylor asks him to stay - but he knows shewon't. Taylor wants to know where Ridge has been staying, but Ridgerefuses to tell her. It would be better if she didn't know. Taylor tellshim to hang on; somehow they will get through this. Ridge tells her thathe feels abandoned, but Taylor assures him that she thinks about him allthe time. She tells Ridge that he has to stop doing things that make himlook guilty. Then the would will believe in his innocence. He tries tojustify the way he acts but Taylor tells him that actions haveconsequences. He just keeps impulsively making the same mistakes over andover again. Taylor tells him that they are all worried about him, butRidge doubts that Thorne is concerned about him. Ridge believes thatThorne is taking advantage of things right now---although he admits that hemight do the same thing. Ridge worries about the kids, and says that hehas to see them. Taylor warns him that he can't. They live with Grant nowand he has to stay away.

BROOK AND GRANT'S HOME:Grant doesn't want Ridge to see the kids. Grant points outhow torn Bridget will be when she finds out about Ridge. He thinks thekids should be their first priority, not Ridge. He doesn't feel that thekids should be "hanging out" with someone who shot him point blank. Grantsays he'll compromise - he'll let Ridge see the kids if he's found innocentin the trial, but in the meantime, they have to explain to the kids.

BIG BEAR:Taylor keeps telling Ridge that he can't go see the kids. She getsfrustrated when he won't listen to her. This is what she has been tryingto tell him, she says, you never listen! Taylor tells Ridge that he isalways taking on the world leaving her like a ship lost in a storm. Shewants some stability! Ridge says that he didn't choose this fight, butTaylor points out that he did choose it, in a way. She points out that hechose to alienate Grant, he chose to have the gun in his office, he choseto visit Grant at the hospital. It is these kinds of thing he chooses todo without thinking that she is so worried about. Taylor tells Ridge notto go there when he asks, "What, I don't play it safe enough for you?You'd rather have someone like Thorne who never makes a move withoutthinking it through?" He tells her he's not someone who does things byroutine, like she is saying she wants. Ridge tells Taylor that shewouldn't want him if he changed, and asks if she would marry him if he didchange. Taylor says that he shouldn't change just to get her to marryhim; people should change because that is what they want to do. Ridge sayshe doesknow that - but he also wants Taylor. Ridge admits he understand thatpart of the reason she is drawn to Thorn is the stability she is talkingabout. But, even his brother isn't perfect, he tells her. Ridgeapologizes for barging in; Taylor says she'sglad he came and is concerned that he has the long drive ahead of him whenhe is so tired. She wishes there was some way he could stay at the cabin.She tells him good bye and leaves to fix herself a cup of tea. Ridge isexhausted as he tries to leave; when Taylor returns she finds Ridge passedout on the bed.

MAGGIE'S:Maggie calls Curtis and takes him up on his offer.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 7, 1997 on B&B

Friday, April 11, 1997

by Gladys

GRANT'S OFFICE Grant walks in and startles Taylor by yelling "Don't move, or I'll shoot!"He's surprised to see her visiting the scene of the crime, and she says shedoesn't know how he can work there. He then mentions he knows about herlittle trip to Big Bear; "You and Thorne sure are flaunting it.... I wonderwhat the jailbird will say when he finds out?" Taylor tells him not to talkabout Ridgethat way, and then gets to her visit; she has some questions for him. Grantrealizes she doesn't believe Ridge shot her, and accuses her of calling hima liar, but Taylor points out he might have "thought" he saw Ridge,because he hates him so much. Grant insists that he and Ridge were the onlyones there, and Taylor is going to hurt their friendship if she keepsfishing this way.

BROOKE'S HOUSE Ridge comes by, since he knows Grant isn't there, and insists he needs tohear Brooke say he believes in his innocence. Brooke points out he could bearrested, and that Grant is her husband, so Ridge shouldn't go there. ButRidge reminds her that she has known him for many years; she should have alittle more faith in him.

WARWICK HOUSE Curtis comes to pick Maggie up for their day out, but she's starting tofeel nervous - she shouldn't be going out in the middle of the day with astranger. Curtis points out that they aren't strangers; they're both fromIowa, and both in need of a friend. He asks what happened to her picnicplans. She explains about Sheila, and laments how she and James haven't hada day alone since they got married. Curtis thinks such a day is longoverdue, but Maggie says it's all water under the bridge,thanks to Sheila. She agrees to go with him for a drive.

CANYON COUNTRY CLUB Maggie and Curtis come in and sit at a table. She says it was good to getout of the city, but she's still nervous. Curtis says it reminds him ofhome ---someplace he's not going back to any time soon, at least not alone.A waitress comes by and gets the "lovebirds" a drink. They order a bucketof beer.

The drinks arrive, and Maggie and Curtis start talking. He mentions James,which of course isn't Maggie's favorite subject - her husband ispreoccupied, with work and the baby. Curtis hopes he's not out of line, buthe insists James has to see the light; childbirth classes are a waste, hesays, and James has amarriage at home. That's two people sharing a life, and if he can't behappy with that - well, he'll have to be, since that's the way a marriageworks. Maggie thanks Curtis, and says she's surprised he hasn't foundsomeone. He guesses he hasn't found the right girl yet, and changes thesubject back to Maggie. He makes Maggie promise to sit James down and talkto him, or James will have to deal with Curtis. Maggie promises, and theyleave.

GRANT'S OFFICE Taylor says she's not fishing, but she would like to see Ridge off thehook. She still can't see Ridge doing it. "Of course, you can't, becauseof the way you feel about him," Grant points out - and personally, he'dprefer if Ridge didn't do it, either, since his wife has doubts, too.Taylor says she didn't know Brooke was still involved with Ridge, and Grantassures her that Brook is not involved with Ridge. He tells her thatthings are going fine in their marrage except for Brooke not believingRidge could be guilty. Grant then gets a visitor - Teresa Emerson, from theD.A.'s office. "This should be interesting," he tells Taylor.

BROOKE'S HOUSE Brooke can't understand why it's so important that Ridge hear her say shebelieves him, and he tells her that it is "because you matter." He begsher to say it, and she admits that she believes he is innocent. She admitsthat she is confused because of how out of control he has been. But downdeep she knows he never could kill anyone. However, she's in a real bind -she believes Ridge is innocent, but Grant doesn't, and she can't call herhusband a liar. Ridge wants to see the kids. Brooke says Rick isn't there; Bridget isupstairs, but Grant asked her not to let Ridge see the kids. Ridge isaghast, and begs Brooke to let him see Bridget - he promises not to tellBridget anything. Grant has no right to do this, he insists. Brooke sayshe does have the right - and while she knows how Ridge and the kids feelabout each other, there areserious charges involved. She knows Ridge didn't do it, but she can't drivea wedge between the kids and their stepfather. Ridge realizes that Grantis, in fact, the kids' stepfather, and asks how he is treating Brooke.Grant treats me like a husband who loves his wife, she tells him. Itdawns on Ridge that Grant and Brooke have slept together now, and she askshim not to go there. Just as Ridge realizes that maybe he shouldn't seethe kids at this time, Bridget comes down the stairs.

GRANT'S OFFICE Teresa tells Grant and Taylor that there has been a significant break inthe case; the gunshot residue tests found barium and antimony on Ridge'shands, which are the two chemicals in gunshot residue. Taylor can't believeit, but Teresa insists the tests are state of the art. As Teresa leaves,Taylor has a worried look on her face. Grant points out, "There you have it- the guy shotme, and he's got to be put away."

BROOKE'S HOUSE Ridge stays to talk to Bridget, who tells him what's going on in her life.She's a little sad that Ridge hasn't been around, and asks him to come toher room. Brooke says Ridge has to leave, and Bridget says she'll see himon Sunday. With tears in his eyes, Ridge says he won't be there, since hehas to go away for a while. "Please don't let it be long," Bridget says,and Ridge promises hewon't. He hugs her, and says he can't stay away from her that long. Brooke answers the phone - it's Grant, who asks if she's OK. She says she'sjust tired. He tells her about the lab results, "It looks like they haveRidge dead to rights. I think this thing is over, and he's going to prisonfor a long time." He promises to come home soon. Crying, she goes back toBridget and Ridge. As Ridge prepares to leave, Brooke hugs him and says,"We love you -never forget that, no matter what happens." Bridget joins in, as all threehave tears in their eyes.

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Edited by SC Desk