Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B

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Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B

The hospitalized Taylor became disillusioned with Ridge, and her gratitude toward Thorne deepened. Thorne vowed not to back down from Taylor, and Ridge readily accepted the challenge to battle for her heart. Grant convinced Brooke to sign over control of Forrester Creations to him. Maggie's chit-chat with the plumber gave Sheila an idea.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B

Monday, March 3, 1997

by Soap Central

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Taylor lays awake crying. When the nurse asks how she's doing, she justlooks away. The nurse tells Thorne that Taylor is awake.

Ridge tells Eric and Stephanie that Taylor doesn't want to see him andgave back the engagement ring. When Stephanie asks why, he tells her hewas late because he was with Brooke.

Enrique tells Michael that Grant is plotting something against theForresters. Michael is surprised to hear that Grant is with ConnorDavis. Enrique is worried.

Connor tries to talk Grant out of separating Brooke and theForresters. Grant and Connor wonder what could be more important thansaving the company.

Taylor realizes that Thorne spent the night at the hospital. He tellsher he will be there for her as long as she needs him. The doctor comesin to talk about her condition. The doctor doesn't know yet if theburns are superficial or deep wounds. The doctor tells Taylor she hasto maintain positive. When Justin, a burn vitim and volunteer at thehospital, comes in to get the doctor Taylor is horrified. She cries.

Stephanie is outraged that he was with Brooke. When he tries toexplain, she doesn't want to hear it. Ridge whines that Thorne won'tlet him see Taylor. Stephanie yells at him to make up with Thorne if hewants to see Taylor.

Grant doesn't like what Forrester Creations is doing to her. Connorasks if it is really about Brooke. Grant tells Connor that he is takingover to protect the interest of his wife and family. He complains thatForresters are falling behind in the business. He tells Connor thattonight he will get Brooke to sign the papers. Connor warns Grant thatRidge won't take this sitting down. Grant tells him that Ridge willhave to.

Thorne tells Taylor that there is the possibility that she could walkout of there good as new. He informs that Ridge was there. She askswhat happened. He tells her that he gave back her ring and Ridge left. Thorne has a feeling that he will be back. He wonders if she wants tosee him. Outside Taylor's hospital room, Ridge asks the nurse to seeTaylor. The nurse tells him he can't because of doctor's orders. Hedecides to wait outside the room for Thorne.

Stephanie wonders if Taylor will let Ridge help her or if she will evensee him. Stephanie and Eric talk about things changing before you knowit. They hug.

Taylor tells Thorne she can't deal with Ridge right now. Taylor feelslike she is being punished for something she has done but doesn't knowwhat. Thorne tells her it was just a freak accident. Taylor says, "Anaccident that I will have to live with for the rest of my life. Ishould be grateful." Thorne reminds her to be positive. She cries thatshe wants to talk with the one person she can't, her mother. She can'timagine what she would tell her right now. Taylor doesn't think she cancope with looking in the mirror and seeing someone else. Thorne says,"No matter what happens, no matter how you look, I will always feelabout you the way I feel right now. If you lose everything else, youwill never lose me. I want to be there for you with nothing in return. She thanks him and cries so more. He promises that everything will befine.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B

Tuesday, March 4, 1997

by Soap Central

Ridge tries to see Taylor, but the guard won't let him in. Ridge thinksthat Thorne set it up. Then Thorne comes around the corner wanting toknow what is going on.

At Forrester, Lauren can't get Eric off her mind. Michael comes inwondering why the Forresters aren't there. Michael tells Lauren aboutGrant taking over Forrester Creations. Michael asks Lauren to talk toEric since she is close to him. Lauren informs her that she isn't closeto him anymore.

Brooke comes home to a romantic dinner. Grant sent the kids toKatie's. Brooke apologizes for being distant in their marriage.

Justin visits Taylor. He tells her she is healing physically. Shelooks at him hestitantly. He tells her to go ahead and look. He isused to the attention now. Taylor asks Justin how he got his burns. He tells her of his car accident. He tells her that her spirit willheal her. She will be able deal with it. She asks who the specialperson who helped him through it. He replies with "My mother." Taylorinforms her that her mother is dead. He asks if there is a husband orsomeone special. She says yes. He tells her that he will help herthrough this.

Ridge tells Thorne he needs to see Taylor. Thorne says he can't helphim. Ridge tells him he can but doesn't want to. Ridge admits he isthe blame for this accident. Ridge says, "If Taylor's scarred ordisfigured, I just don't know what I will do." He asks Thorne to pleasehelp him get into her room.

Lauren says, "It's not my place to get involved. Besides I havesomething going with Spectra." Michael thinks that is the reason whyshe and Eric aren't getting along anymore. Lauren tells her that thereis more to it than that. Lauren tells Michael to just trust Brooke, sheis not a child.

Brooke tells Grant she fells inadequate as a wife, mother, careerwoman, and human being. She has trouble working with Ridge and theother Forresters and she comes home preoccupied. Grant tells her if shetrusts him then she will put him in charge of the company.

Thorne tells Ridge that he is the only one Taylor is counting on tokeep him out of that room. Thorne tells Ridge that Taylor never saidshe blamed him. Ridge begins to tell Thorne why he he was late but thensays nevermind. Ridge is upset because Taylor won't even let him sayone word to her and it is tearing him apart. Thorne tells him to waithere.

Brooke asks, "Is that what this evening is about?" Grant goes on abouthow it is Brooke's company. But Brooke defends the Forresters saying itis their family business built from the ground up. Grant tells her sheneeds him to run the company for her. Grant says, "If you trust me,sign this document now."

The guard lets Ridge in. Taylor looks up thinking it is Thorne anddoesn't look happy when she sees it's Ridge.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B

Wednesday, March 5, 1997

by Soap Central

Sally and Clarke boast to Macy and the others about the new line ofcredit the bank has given them because of the signing of Lauren Fenmoreto their company. Macy wonders how Eric is going to react to the news.Clarke responds that Eric has plenty of other things to worry aboutincluding Grant's attempt to take over Forrester Creations. Sallyboasts that if Grant is successful in becoming CEO of the company,Forrester will start to fall apart which can only mean good things forSpectra. Darla spoils the celebration when she arrives and revealsthat Taylor's in the hospital after being burned in a fire at her beachhouse.

Grant explains to Brooke that it's in her best interest to sign thedocuments Connor has put together and goes further by insisting that herfamily will be better served by the change. Brooke is finally convincedand after she signs over control of Forrester to him, she hugsGrant.

Taylor angrily asks Ridge how he got into her room. When he revealsthat Thorne let him in, Taylor states that she does not want to see him.Ridge tries to explain why he was late for their date thenight of the fire but Taylor orders him to get out. She insists thatshe doesn't want him in her life anymore and can get the support sheneeds from Thorne. Ridge is genuinely affected when Taylor explains herfeeling that she would be dead now if Thorne hadn't arrived when he did.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B

Thursday, March 6, 1997

by Soap Central

Our recapper, Lisa, will be undergoing surgery today. We know that you'll join with the entireSoap Opera Central staff in wishing her the speediest recovery.

GRANT is ready to leave for the office as Brooke comes down the stairs. Hetells Brooke that he has tried to reach everyone but so far none of theForresters have come in to work. He promises Brooke that the transitionwill be a smoothe one, he is going to be cooperative. As he leaves for theoffice, he wishes her a great day because he plans on having one.

AT THE HOSPITAL, Ridge and Eric talk. Today is the day that the bandagescome off. Ridge assumes the responsibility for everything that happened.Thorne arrives; he was held up in traffic. You didn't have to come in,Ridge says, we could have called you and let you know how everything comesout. Thorne reminds him that he promised Taylor he would be there when thebandages were removed. Eric warns the "boys" not to fight; after all,Taylor is the one that needs their attention.

IN TAYLOR'S ROOM Taylor is telling Stephanie that Thorne allowed Ridge intoher room against her wishes. She didn't want to see Ridge. Thorne shouldhave asked first but he felt sorry for Ridge. Taylor admits that she alsofeels sorry for him. She doesn't blame Ridge for this, it was her ownfault. She doesn't fault Ridge for the faccident but she won't forgive himfor not showing up that night. But now she has much more important thingsto contend with. Stephanie reminds Taylor that no matter what happens, shehas many options; she must think positively. She has been thinkingpositively, she says. She has learned a lot during this trial. She haslearned that love has nothing to do with physical attraction nor chemistry.She tells Stephanie that she learned a lot from a wonderful man who wasburned much worse than she. She has also learned a lot about Thorne. Sheknows when Thorne says he will do something, he will do it. She trustshim. They have grown very close. Stephanie tells Taylor that Ridge lovesher; Thorne is only infatuated with her. She has to bring some sort ofresolution to this entire situation.

IN THE WAITING ROOM Eric continues to try to bring peace between Ridge andThorne. When Thorne reminds him that he was in Brookes office when heshould have been with Taylor, Ridge decides to tell him why he was withBrooke. We weren't alone, he tells his brother and father, Grant andConner Davis were there also. They had drawn up a paper putting Granttotally in charge. He had to stay and try to stop them. Eric isdisturbed; did he stop her from signing? Ridge tells him that for the timebeing, Brooke hasn't signed, but she would have if he hadn't been there.But you could have picked up a phone and called Taylor, Thorne reminds him.I was in the middle of a debate, he says. It took all I could do to keepthe pen out of her hand. The nurse arrives and informs the family that thedoctor is on her way down to remove the bandages. They leave the waitingroom for Taylor's room.

GRANT arrives at the office. He wants everyone in his office for ameeting. The secretary tells him that the Forresters haven't arrived yet.So send the others in, he tells her. She can't leave her desk; Mrs.Forrester told her to man the phones. Grant informs her that Mrs.Forrester isn't in charge any longer; he is the one in charge.

BROOKE and Katie are having coffee. She tells her sister that she was somiserable at the office lately. She knows she will never have a futurewith Ridge, she has to accept that and get on with her life.

GRANT and Conner talk business. Conner reminds him that the Forresterswon't make it easy for him. Conner's advice is to put himself in theirshoes; he must get them on his side. The Forresters have to learn thateverything goes through him now; he is the one in charge. Termination is amatter that is not beyond the realm of possibilities.

THE FAMILY gather around Taylor's bedside. She thanks them for coming.The doctor arrives; it is time to begin. But first, she tells Taylor thatfor a month after she gets home, there can be no heavy activity. She alsoreminds Taylor that the healing process is only beginning so she should notbe upset by her appearance. Before they begin, Taylor thanks everyone forsupporting her, especially Thorne. We may not see what we are hoping forwhen these bandages come off. I'll be here for you, Thorne reminds her.

GRANT invites Michael and Enrique into the office. He announces that thereis a new chairman and CEO at Forrester Creations---him. Michael andEnrique are shocked. Enrique doesn't believe Brooke would do this. Grantwarns him that he had best start working and keeping his opinions tohimself. Grant only wants them to meet him halfway, he says.

IN TAYLOR'S ROOM the doctor begins cutting away the bandages. Thorne holdsher hand; her eyes never leave his face.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on B&B

Friday, March 7, 1997

by Soap Central

SHEILA is on the phone with "missing Mike." She tells him that she andJames had a wonderful time while Maggie was way. But now Maggie is backand she has to think of something to keep Maggie occupied so that she cancontinue to make progress with James.

MAGGIE is busy in the kitchen. James asks for a refill for his coffee cup.Maggie answers "in a jiff." This is a new expression for James and heasks her what does it mean and she explains. He teases her about hermid-west expressions. He then promises that one day he will go to Iowawith her.

TAYLOR is surrounded by her Forrester family. Thorne continues to hold herhand as the doctor cuts away the remainder of her bandages. As the doctorsteps from the bed, Taylor anxiously asks how she looks. Everyonereassures her but she asks for a mirror. The mirror shows a lot ofdiscoloration and a few blisters, but otherwise, there is nothing seriousto worry about. Taylor laughs with relief; she isn't going to be scarred!!

MAGGIE opens the door to the plumber she has been expecting all morning. Acheerful fellow enters and begins a conversation with Maggie. She showshim the garbage disposal and he tells her it will be ready "in a jiff."Amazed, Maggie tells him that she had just used that expression with herhusband and he didn't understand what it meant. He wonders where herhusband could be from not to understand that expression; Maggie shrugs hershoulders and says that he is from Scotland. The plumber, Curtis,continues his work in a happy mood. He likes his work, he tells Maggie, hegets invited into peoples homes, he gets to chat with them. Life is fullof lessons; he gets to learn something new every day. Sheila is gettingcoffee. She makes a snide comment and he looks to Maggie and asks what isailing "her highness." Maggie explains that she is pregnant. "Oh, withchild," he exclaims. But Sheila is once again rude and asks if he doesn'thave something to do. Maggie makes a face at Sheila and apologizes for herrudeness. Back under the sink, Maggie gives a little advice on the tool heis using. Rather than be insulted, he appreciates her for her knowledge.These days, folks think a screwdriver is something you drink.

TAYLOR is happy; she can't believe her good luck. Ridge tells her she isbeautiful; Thorne agrees and says she always has been and always will bebeautiful. The doctor explains that they will treat the areas withantibiotics and examine them in a few days. She is very optimistic thatshe will heal without problems. Ridge is happy that this is behind themand they can get on with their life. I intend to, she announces. Shethanks all of them for being with her; it means a lot. She then asks for afew minutes alone with Thorne. Ridge is hurt; the family slowly leave theroom. Thorne tells them that they do not need to wait; he will see them athome. If looks could kill, Ridge's stare would have put Thorne in his grave.

MAGGIE is still interested in the progress under the sink. As they talk,she remarks that he isn't from around here. He is from the midwest, hesays and Maggie is delighted because she is too. He makes an educatedguess that she is from Iowa--all the pretty girls come from Iowa. Maggiemakes several guesses but he has to tell her that he is also from Iowa.Sheila is quietly taking all this in; is this giving her any ideas?

RIDGE paces outside the hospital room. God was very good to Taylor, Ericsays. Eric and Stephanie decide to go home and ask Ridge to come. No, heis staying here.

THORNE thanks Taylor for giving them this important time together. But,no, she wants to thank him; he saved her life and just in time to keep herfrom being scarred. You are a gorgeous woman Taylor, he says, but it iswhat is inside that makes you truly beautiful. He tells her she is themost important thing in his life. They hold hands. Taylor explains thatshe wanted him to stay so she could thank him and tell him she didn't knowwhat she would have done without him.

RIDGE continues to pace.

CURTIS AND MAGGIE continue to get along just fine. Sheila continues tothrow in little snide remarks. All at once, Curtis exclaims that he smellscorn fritters. Maggie says she has just made them. But she bakes theminstead of frying them. Curtis tries one. He complements her on themwhile surreptitiously hiding the remainder inside the garbage disposal.The then asks her if she has been to "Mama's Restaurant," She specializesin home cooking; the best you ever tasted. Maggie says she would like totry it sometimes and he invites her to call him--he knows Mama himself,personally. Sheila is amazed. Can this be for real. They are actuallyhitting it off. Maybe this is the answer she has been searching for.

THORNE leaves Taylor's room. Ridge wants to know how she is and Thornesays she is fine. Ridge tries to enter the room but Thorne prevents himfrom going in. We have to talk, Thorne tells Ridge. Thorne tells him thatit is time he stops treating Taylor like she is his. She gave him back thering. She is going on with her life now he, Ridge, is in the way. Henever intends to back down from Ridge again. So you want to compete,declares Ridge, well fine. We will see who walks away with Taylor. ButThorne says they will just have to wait and see. He has spent his entirelife living under Ridge's shadow but no more, big brother, no more.

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Edited by SC Desk