Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 22, 2024 on B&B

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Li demanded Poppy stop dating Bill. After R.J. suggested it, Luna asked Poppy if Bill was her father. Hope offered Thomas a glimmer of hope.
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 22, 2024 on B&B

Li was outraged that Poppy was dating Bill and Poppy stop seeing him. R.J. suggested to Luna that Bill might be her father. Luna asked Poppy if it could be true. Hope told Thomas she wouldn't let the past rule her.

Poppy and Bill discover that they are not alone
Poppy and Bill discover that they are not alone

Poppy and Bill discover that they are not alone

Monday, January 22, 2024

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by Chanel S. Garner

At the beach house, Bill and Poppy made out in the bedroom, and he assured her that they were alone. In the living room, Luna was impressed that it was really R.J.'s place. R.J. replied that it was her place, too, because they would be spending a lot of time there in private.

Luna was jumpy in the new house and asked if R.J. had heard a noise. He hadn't heard it, but he figured that giving her a tour of the place might make her more comfortable.

After Luna and R.J. toured the grounds and returned inside, R.J. said he saw them spending a lot of time in front of the fire pit. He sensed that a lot of amazing things would happen there, starting that night. They kissed and were glad to finally be alone with no interruptions. Luna noticed that there was one room R.J. hadn't shown her yet, and his eyebrows rose in interest.

Luna and R.J. kissed, but she pulled away. He asked what was wrong. Luna couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong and that she shouldn't be there. R.J. tried to get Luna to relax and keep the mood, but she insisted that something didn't feel right about being there.

In the bedroom, Poppy said to look at Bill, but Bill preferred to look at her. He still couldn't believe he was holding her in his arms after all those years apart. He didn't believe it was random. He believed she had returned to his life for a reason.

Startled by a noise, Poppy ran to the door. She whispered that she'd heard voices in the other room, and she believed one of the voices was her daughter. Bill highly doubted an intern made enough to rent that house. Bill contacted Wyatt and discovered that R.J. Forrester had rented the house and had the key. Certain that Luna was there, Poppy scrambled to get dressed.

At Forrester, Thomas and Steffy arrived after visiting Eric. Sensing his sister's worry, Thomas said Eric would be okay. Although Thomas and Finn had had their differences, Thomas was grateful that Finn had saved Eric's life. She replied that it was a great day for their grandfather, and they needed to celebrate Finn, too, even though Finn would say he'd been doing his job.

Thomas replied that Eric had seen other doctors, and they hadn't given Eric any hope. Steffy reasoned that it had been an experimental treatment that other doctors might have been leery of. Thomas and Steffy were glad for Finn's stubbornness and determination. Remarking that Eric was extremely stubborn and determined, Thomas figured their grandfather would be getting well soon. Steffy replied that Finn didn't want to take credit, but he knew the gift he'd given them.

Steffy recalled that she had tremendous faith in Finn, and that hadn't made things easy for Ridge. Thomas and Steffy were glad that they'd persuaded Ridge to have faith in Finn, too. Thomas said he didn't always agree with his sister's opinions, but she could be pretty persuasive. She replied that she remembered he said that.

As Steffy prepared to go see Finn, Thomas asked her to let Finn know how grateful Thomas was, despite their recent differences. Steffy replied that Finn did the things he did because he was motivated to help. Her husband's desire to make a difference was one of the many things she loved about him.

In Finn's office, Li arrived, grinning about Eric's release from the hospital. She admired Finn for being hard at work saving more lives. Finn replied that Eric's recovery was a team effort, and none of it would be possible without Eric's determination.

Li told her son that he could downplay his role as much as he wanted, but as a doctor, she knew how serious Eric's condition had been. She also knew the lengths Finn had gone to for Eric. Finn replied that he had to do everything within his power because Eric was important to Steffy.

Noting that his mother's support was important to him, Finn stated that Luna and Poppy could use some of it, too. Li scowled. He didn't get why she didn't want a relationship with his aunt, who was "so sweet." Indignant, Li replied that Poppy had perfected her routine so that she could fall into the arms of a rich man. Finn said it wasn't fair of Li to punish Poppy for the past. Li claimed that she was just being protective of her family, something Finn should appreciate.

Li claimed to know the kind of person Poppy was, but Finn asked what the past had to do with who Poppy was that day. He said he'd been spending time with Luna, and she only had good things to say about her mother. Li thanked God that Poppy had kept her lifestyle and appetites hidden from her daughter. Li insisted that her sister enjoyed the company of rich older men. Refusing to allow Poppy to bring shame on the family again, Li asserted that she'd warned her sister not to go hunting for a sugar daddy in Los Angeles.

Later, Finn was alone with Steffy, kissing, and they agreed that it was important to make time for things like that. The topic turned to Eric, who'd looked good to Steffy, considering. Finn reminded her that there was a way to go and more milestones for Eric to hit. She said it had been a miracle that Eric was home. The last time she'd been in that house, she'd been saying goodbye to Eric, but that day, they'd been welcoming Eric back.

Finn replied that Eric, Steffy, and her entire family had made it happen with their prayers and support. Steffy said they'd done what they could, but it had been Finn who'd saved Eric, just like Finn had saved her years back. She flashed back to the moment they'd first met, and Steffy said he'd changed her life. He'd never given up on her.

More flashbacks of Steffy and Finn's relationship played, from their engagement to when they'd found each other again after he'd been presumed dead. Steffy expressed how grateful she was for Finn, and she expressed excitement for what was ahead. He replied that they'd changed each other, and she was stuck with him forever. They kissed.

Thomas checks in on Hope
Thomas checks in on Hope

Thomas checks in on Hope

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

by Chanel S. Garner

In Brooke's cabin, Hope ended a call with Brooke as Thomas arrived. Things seemed awkward between Thomas and Hope as he explained that he was dropping off a schoolbook for Douglas. It had been "a second" since their discussion the other night, and Thomas had decided to check in with her. He claimed that he'd respect his agreement to give her time, but he just wanted to know if she was okay.

The topic turned to their visits with Eric, and Hope and Thomas were thankful that Eric was getting back to himself and even making jokes. Hope called Eric's recovery a miracle. Thomas likened it to the miracle that Hope had opened her heart to him, despite the past.

"Thomas, we don't need to get into all of that right now," Hope replied. Thomas claimed that he hadn't meant to. Hope wanted to bask in Eric's recovery, "not that other stuff." Thomas figured that they never had to discuss it again. He claimed that his mistakes lived inside him, and he was continuing to learn from them. He wanted nothing more than to move on from it all "together." He said he missed her very much.

Hope admitted she had been shocked by what Thomas had told her, and she was still trying to process it. She said it wasn't just about him. The last few weeks had dredged up pain for her about that time in her life that she'd tried to get beyond. She stated that, back then, she hadn't had a daughter, and she'd been dealing with "all the things that were done to try to keep her away from me."

Hope said she couldn't pretend it hadn't happened, but she also didn't want to be ruled by the past. She wanted to focus on the children, happiness, herself, and what was best for all of them. It had been why she'd asked for more time, but she didn't want him to think that she'd stopped caring for him. She admitted that she'd told her mother to stop fighting "our relationship." Thomas said Hope had no idea how happy that made him and how beautiful it was that she still believed in him.

Hope said she hadn't forgotten all that she and Thomas had shared. There had been many wonderful times. Flashbacks played of the two in Rome and at an HFTF showing at Forrester. Thomas said she'd blown him away, and the ring on her necklace gave him hope for them and their future. He stated that she'd gotten him to a place where he felt worthy of her and her love.

Thomas uttered that he loved Hope and missed her. He missed touching her, holding her, and kissing her. Thomas kissed her.

At the beach house, Poppy was in the bedroom, panicking because her daughter was in the living room with R.J. Poppy helped Bill back into his shirt. He joked that he'd explain their presence by saying he was doing some maintenance. She blew that idea off, but he insisted that he was good with his hands. She asked how they'd get out. He gestured to the back door.

Meanwhile, as Luna and R.J. kissed in the living room, she swore that she'd heard a noise in the bedroom. R.J. doubted anyone was in there but offered to take the tour into the bedroom. Luna decided that he was right, and she shouldn't be jumpy. R.J. assured her that they had complete privacy, and they continued to kiss. "Mom?" she said, seeing Poppy creeping outside the front window.

Bill and Poppy entered the house, and Luna asked what they were doing there. Bill claimed that he'd been giving Poppy a tour before Wyatt rented the place and hadn't known Wyatt had already rented it to R.J. R.J. explained that he'd been showing Luna the place. Bill was sure that R.J. would love it.

Poppy talked about how beautiful the house was, and R.J. figured that he and Luna would spend a lot of time there -- later on. He said that, for the time being, he hadn't officially moved in, so he and Luna would return another time. Luna gave Poppy a knowing gaze and said they'd talk later.

"Well, that was awkward," Poppy said after Luna and R.J. had gone. Bill laughed. Poppy told him to stop, but then she started laughing, too. Bill noted that they had the place to themselves, but Poppy wondered if Bill thought the young couple had known they'd been in the bedroom. "Absolutely," Bill joked. When Poppy looked stunned, he doubted that the kids had had a clue.

Bill wondered what it mattered, but Poppy said she had to set a good example. "We've only had two dates," she reasoned. He reckoned that it was three if they counted 20-plus years back. He said they'd spent many life-changing hours together, but he got that Poppy wanted to be a quality parent. He said she'd raised an amazing daughter all on her own, and Luna was an amazing person because of Poppy.

Later, Bill cuddled Poppy on the sofa. She said that night hadn't worked out as planned. Bill offered to have the locks changed quickly, but Poppy said the place was R.J.'s until his lease was up. They talked about how sweet R.J. and Luna were together, and Poppy felt bad for ruining their little date. Bill replied that they'd ruined "our" little date.

Bill offered to pick up where he and Poppy had left off, but Poppy said seeing Luna had killed the mood. "But I do like this," Poppy added, cozy in his arms. Bill stated that he looked forward to more dates and to getting to know Luna.

In the design office, Luna was mortified that Bill and Poppy had seen R.J. and Luna kissing and figured that it had been why Poppy had been way too quiet at the beach house. Luna wondered what Bill and Poppy had been doing there, anyway, and she noted their bad luck that her mother, of all people, had interrupted them. "We just can't seem to catch a break," Luna replied.

Luna and R.J. wondered who'd walk in on them next. R.J. said he just wanted to kiss her. She decided that they should go for it. She glanced at the door and kissed him. No one opened the door. They shrugged and kissed more.

Li confronts Poppy about roping herself another
Li confronts Poppy about roping herself another ''sugar daddy''

Li confronts Poppy about roping herself another ''sugar daddy''

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

by Chanel S. Garner

At Eric's house, Donna and Katie made sure Eric had his paper and juice. He joked that he couldn't wait for happy hour. Katie replied that he never quit. Donna said it was why he was still around. Eric figured he had survived because Katie and Donna had supported him.

Brooke and Ridge arrived as Eric called Donna his rock. Ridge said that Eric was back, better than ever, in Donna's arms. Katie revealed that Eric was being a pill, but he complained that they were trying to keep him from the martinis. Smiling, Eric revealed that he was glad to be home with his beautiful Donna. He said he couldn't have gotten though it without her, and he felt that he didn't deserve her.

Ridge said that keeping Eric's secret would have broken most people, but Donna had remained strong. Brooke and Katie admired the way Donna had stayed strong and offered Eric support and love. Eric remarked that she'd stood vigil at his bedside, urging him to fight. Donna replied that she'd never give up on Eric, and he stated that he was the luckiest man alive.

Donna called Eric the sweetest, kindest man she knew, and she was grateful to be in his world. She said that the only thing she'd wanted during his illness had been time, and they'd been given that gift. She didn't plan to take a moment of it for granted. She stated that they had each other again, and that was the only thing that would ever matter to her.

Katie and Brooke wiped away tears. Brooke said she was a sucker for the sentimental, and all Donna and Eric had been through had been crazy but beautiful. Brooke felt that it proved her point that love conquered all. She insisted that it had brought Eric home to Donna.

Donna remarked that things hadn't been the same without Eric. Ridge said he hadn't been the same. He asked if Eric knew how hard it had been to keep up the charade about Eric's health. Ridge said it was amazing to have their patriarch home, as he had led them in more than just business. To Ridge, Eric was more than a "dad." Eric was Ridge's best friend. Ridge had feared he'd lose Eric. Eric replied that Ridge wouldn't lose Eric for a long, long time. "Fix me a martini, would you?" Eric asked and chuckled.

At the beach house, Liam was amazed that Wyatt had actually moved out. Wyatt had told Liam that Wyatt had been thinking about it, but Liam didn't know if Wyatt planned on staying in the city. Bill didn't even think Wyatt knew. Liam figured that Wyatt had needed a new adventure, and Liam wondered if the new woman in Bill's life was Bill's new adventure.

Bill figured that Liam was butting into Bill's life love. Surprised that Bill had called it that, Liam asked what it meant. Bill shared that he and Poppy had wound up at the beach house after their second date, but things had been cut short, due to no fault of their own. Liam asked if Bill would see the lady who'd fascinated him again. Bill admitted that he was fascinated and said Liam would be, too, once Liam met her.

Poppy reappearing in Bill's life seemed like fate to Liam. Bill didn't put much faith in that, but it did seem as if something "otherworldly" had drawn them back together. Liam figured that time would tell if there was a reason they'd been put back together.

Liam remarked that it hadn't been easy for Bill, and things with Katie hadn't panned out. Bill claimed to understand why Katie was guarded after all he'd put her through. Liam said Poppy wasn't, and it seemed as if Bill and Poppy hadn't lost any time. "It's totally fate," Liam said.

Liam asked where things went from there. Bill joked that there was no quickie wedding in the future. Liam noted that Bill and Poppy were still getting reacquainted. Bill replied that it felt as if he knew everything he needed to know about Poppy, who was an open person. He couldn't imagine that she could say anything to change things between them.

In the design office, Luna and R.J. laughed about her mother showing up at the beach house the other night. He wondered if Poppy would walk in if he started kissing Luna. Sure that it wouldn't happen, Luna told him to kiss away. As soon as R.J. kissed Luna, Poppy opened the office door. "Sorry, I can come back," Poppy said, but Luna refused to let Poppy go anywhere until she explained what she and Bill had been doing at the beach house.

Poppy shared that Bill had wanted to show her the house but hadn't known Wyatt had rented it. Luna cooed that, of all the men in Los Angeles, her mother was seeing Bill Spencer. "What? You and Bill Spencer?" Li exclaimed from the doorway. Li recalled overhearing Poppy call a man Bill. R.J. told Li that Steffy was in a meeting. Li decided that "this" was far more important.

Luna said it wasn't the time or place and told Li to go, but Poppy decided to talk to her sister alone. Luna and R.J. had barely exited the office before Li said Poppy was shameless and had no sense of decency. Li huffed, saying it hadn't taken Poppy long to find her next sugar daddy.

Poppy said it wasn't what Li was thinking, but Li replied that it was classic Penelope Nozawa. Li had seen that kind of thing happen repeatedly with Poppy. Poppy tried to explain that things had happened a while back with Bill, and it had been a night they'd never forgotten. Li scoffed, realizing that Poppy had slept with Bill Spencer.

Poppy explained that it had been years back, and what she and Bill had shared had been special. Li replied that Poppy would stoop to anything when a rich man was involved. Poppy claimed, "That wasn't what that was, not that it is any of your business!" Li refused to allow Poppy to sleep her way into Kelly and Finn's family. Mocking Poppy, Li spewed, "'It was special!'...No wonder Luna doesn't know who her father is!"

In Eric's office, Luna was upset that Li had walked in and attacked Poppy that way. R.J. wondered if they should have left the sisters alone. He was sorry Luna had to go through it, but Luna was sorry that Li kept barreling in there, embarrassing herself and their family. R.J. admitted that his family had had plenty of arguments there, and it was okay. Luna asserted that it wasn't okay that Li felt that Poppy had to justify herself to Li.

Luna empathized with her mother, saying Poppy seemed carefree but had had it hard. Luna insisted that Li had known about it, but instead of being supportive, she was judgmental. Luna was upset that Li had called Poppy a gold digger, but Luna insisted that Poppy had never relied on anyone else for anything. R.J. asked why Li wouldn't acknowledge it. Luna didn't know, but she reveled in Li learning just how close Bill and Poppy had been.

R.J. suspects that Luna might be a Spencer
R.J. suspects that Luna might be a Spencer

R.J. suspects that Luna might be a Spencer

Thursday, January 25, 2024

by Chanel S. Garner

In the design office, Li said that Poppy should be ashamed about all the men she'd chased and all the one-night stands. Poppy asked if she should be ashamed of being human and wanting passion. Poppy saw nothing wrong with two consenting adults, but Li corrected that it was two consenting strangers who'd never see each other again.

"This is not how we were raised, Penelope!" Li asserted. Poppy said Li made it sound as if Poppy had a different man every night. Poppy denied it was like that and added that she did see some of the men again. "Bill Spencer, for example," Poppy stated. Li replied that he had the one quality Poppy loved -- money -- but nothing would come of it. "Well, I don't know. The way he's talking to me...the guy's into me, Li," Poppy replied, grinning.

Li exclaimed that Bill was Kelly's grandfather. Grinning, Poppy was flattered that Li thought Poppy was too young to date a grandfather. Li replied that Bill was off-limits and out of Poppy's league, and nothing good could result from the relationship. Poppy wished Li would be less judgmental, and Li wished Poppy would give Li less to be judgmental about.

Li claimed that being Poppy's sister was exhausting. Poppy quipped that growing up in Li's shadow hadn't been a daily thrill. Recalling that Li had been angry with Poppy since she'd been a child, Poppy said Li would get upset over the smallest things. Li yelled that it hadn't been anger, and she'd wanted the best for Poppy. Li had wanted Poppy to take her studies seriously and have goals, but all Poppy had cared about had been boys, concerts, and partying.

Poppy replied that she'd had goals, but Li stated that gold-digging didn't count. Li refused to let Poppy sleep her way into the life of Kelly's grandfather. Claiming that her next words were meant with love and respect, Poppy told Li to butt out. Li posited that it was her life Poppy was messing with. Poppy corrected that it was her life, and she'd sleep with whomever she wanted. Li wouldn't let it happen and said it was bad enough that Luna was dating Steffy's brother.

Li assumed that Poppy was trying to show Luna up by finding a richer man. "Like mother, like daughter," Li seethed, figuring Luna had turned out just like Poppy. Li shuddered to think of the damage Poppy would cause if Bill started bringing her around the family. Poppy teased that they could be step-grandmothers together. Li asserted that Poppy wouldn't go near Kelly or Hayes, and Li stated that there was no reason for Poppy to see Bill again.

At the beach house, Liam and Bill packed up some of Wyatt's personal items. Liam wondered when he'd meet Poppy. Bill swore he wasn't rushing to the altar, but he did want his son to meet her. Liam noted that Bill was glowing. Bill admitted that he wanted to get closer to Poppy and for them to learn about each other's families. The topic turned to how well Luna was doing at Forrester, and Bill concluded that Luna was an impressive woman.

Bill wondered what the chances had been that he and Poppy would have met again at Il Giardino. Liam said it had been an amazing fluke that Bill's blast from the past had wound up right in front of him decades later. Bill warned Liam not to put Bill in a romcom. Liam laughed but concluded that it hadn't been an accident that Bill and Poppy had reconnected.

Liam was glad it had happened for Bill. Bill noted that Poppy seemed to have a good life, and she had a great daughter. Bill sensed that Luna and Poppy hadn't always had it easy, and something like that could make one driven to succeed. Liam asked if Bill recognized that in Luna. Bill replied that Luna was smart and tenacious. Liam asked about her father, but Bill said Luna didn't know who her father was.

Later, Bill was alone, smiling at pictures on one of Poppy's social media accounts. He called Poppy and said he'd been thinking about her and talking about her to his son. Bill expressed what a great time he'd had with her, and he said he wanted to do it again. Poppy was silent, and he asked what was wrong. She replied that it was her sister, who'd called her a gold digger.

Bill laughed. Poppy didn't think it was funny. He replied that he was pursuing her, not the other way around. Bill admitted that he couldn't stop thinking about her, and he felt that forces had brought them back together for a reason.

Poppy was unsure about forces, but she said things happened for a reason. Bill hoped she wouldn't let her sister's rudeness get in the way because he wanted to get to know Luna and let her know his sons. Bill remarked that Liam had reiterated that Bill and Poppy had been reunited for a reason, and Poppy said it might be true.

In Eric's office, Luna was furious that Li was bullying Poppy about who Poppy could date. R.J. asked how long it had been since Bill and Poppy had first met. Luna replied that it went back 20 years, even before she'd been born. A thought seemed to occur to R.J.

R.J. inquired about Bill and Poppy's first encounter, and Luna asked what he was getting at. R.J. was intrigued by the idea that two people could recognize each other after one night together at a dark and loud festival. He wondered if there had been more going on. Luna was puzzled. R.J. hinted that something might have happened between Bill and Poppy back then.

Luna asked what R.J. was getting at. R.J. hinted that there might have been more than dancing going on that night. "You think that my mom and Bill Spencer?" Luna asked. R.J. shrugged. Luna was mortified to think of it and asked what R.J. was getting at. R.J. said she didn't know who her father was. Luna claimed it wasn't that big of a deal, and she'd never felt as if she'd been missing out. She had felt bad for her mother, who'd get distant and shut down at the mention of Luna's father.

R.J. gleaned that Poppy hadn't told Luna anything about her father. Luna replied that she only knew that she'd been made from love. R.J. assumed that meant her father had been special and had made a big impact on Poppy. Comparing Luna's age to the time of Bill and Poppy's first encounter, R.J. wondered about their connection. Luna asked if R.J. was saying what she thought he was saying. R.J. asked if Bill could be her father.

Luna asks if Bill Spencer is her father
Luna asks if Bill Spencer is her father

Luna asks if Bill Spencer is her father

Friday, January 26, 2024

by Dan J Kroll

At the beach house, Bill looked over a lease agreement that Diana had put together. Diana was surprised that Bill had decided to lease the property. Bill explained that he no longer needed to use the property as a way to woo the ladies because he was only interested in one lady.

"Y-you can't be serious," Luna replied in disbelief to R.J.'s suggestion. Luna agreed that it was a foregone conclusion that Bill and Poppy had "hooked up" in the past, but the idea that Bill could be her father seemed "crazy." R.J. laid out the evidence that led him to his conclusion: Bill and Poppy hadn't forgotten each other even after 20 years, they both vividly remembered their one night together, and "the math" checked out, based on Luna's age.

James knocked on the office door and told R.J. that Bill Spencer was on the line for him. R.J. took the call and chuckled that he had just been talking about Bill. Bill invited R.J. to meet him at the beach house to sign the leasing agreement. R.J. told Bill that he'd be right over and hung up the phone. Before leaving, R.J. assured Luna that he was not trying to upset her with his theory. However, he suggested that it might be time for Luna to have a talk with Poppy.

While Bill waited for R.J. to arrive, he texted a message to Poppy, telling her that he wanted to see her. When R.J. arrived, he jokingly told Bill that Ridge wasn't thrilled to find out that his son was renting a house from Bill Spencer. Bill smiled and said that he hoped R.J. and Luna enjoyed the beach house.

R.J. apologized for the potentially awkward situation when both he and Luna and Bill and Poppy had shown up at the beach house at the same time. R.J then gently probed for details about Bill and Poppy's past. When Bill shared that it had been more than 20 years since he and Poppy had met at the Golden Gate Music Festival, R.J. remarked that Bill had to have made "quite an impression" on Poppy for her to remember Bill so many years later. "All I'll say is that it was a very special night," Bill replied.

Bill admitted that he wasn't one "to really believe in things being fated," but he had to believe that he and Poppy had been drawn back together for a reason. R.J. called Poppy "a really cool mom." Bill stated that he also wanted to get to know Luna better. R.J. promised Bill that the more he got to know Luna, the more impressed he'd be.

Luna returned to the design office and thought about talks she'd had with both R.J. and Poppy about Bill. Luna placed a call to Poppy, who had been sipping coffee at a local coffeeshop called Coffee Bell and thinking back to her dinner date with Bill. Luna asked her mom to meet her at Forrester Creations because there was something Luna needed to talk to her about.

Poppy rushed over to Forrester, worried that Li might have said or done something else to upset Luna or that something bad had happened between R.J. and Luna. After being assured that neither of those was the case, Poppy praised her daughter for following her dreams and venturing out into the world. Luna humbly said that any courage she exhibited was solely because she had Poppy as a role model -- someone who lived life by her own terms.

It was that way of living, Luna continued, that had led Poppy to raise a daughter by herself. Luna gently eased into sharing that something R.J. had said had gotten her thinking about her father. Poppy took a deep breath and nervously looked up at the ceiling. "Why? What about him?" Poppy snapped. Luna explained that R.J. had been helping her sort through things and put the pieces together about her dad. "Pieces? What kind of pieces?" Poppy asked.

Luna reminded her mom how Bill had first approached them at Il Giardino. Luna said that Poppy and Bill being able to remember each other after just a single night together twentysomething years earlier had to have meant that they'd had a "crazy intense" connection. Luna said that R.J. had done the math. Poppy asked Luna what she was saying. Luna swore that she didn't want to offend Poppy, but Luna shared that she'd always felt that a piece of her story was missing. Luna then asked if Bill Spencer was her father. Poppy's eyes welled with tears.

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