Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 15, 2024 on B&B

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Eric was released from the hospital. Wyatt told Bill he was leaving town. Bill and Poppy
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 15, 2024 on B&B

Wyatt gave Bill some unsettling news and a new tenant. Romance attracted one too many couples to the beach house. Hope implored Brooke to accept Hope and Thomas. Eric returned home with a glorious description of what the other side of life held for them all.

Thomas implores Hope not to give up on him or them
Thomas implores Hope not to give up on him or them

Thomas implores Hope not to give up on him or them

Monday, January 15, 2024

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by Chanel S. Garner

In Hope's cabin, Hope shared that she'd "read everything" she could about Emma's accident and remembered that the police had said there had been no witnesses. "You saw Emma's car go off the road, and you said nothing?" she asked, adding, "You were following her!" Thomas said that he and Emma had been trying to get to Hope. "To this day, I am still horrified about that night," Thomas replied. Hope stated that Thomas was admitting what many had suspected: he'd been on Mulholland Drive the night Emma had died.

Thomas claimed that he'd hated keeping the truth from Hope and insisted he had wanted to tell her many times but had been terrified that it would set them back. Thomas added that nothing had changed; Emma's death was an accident. Still, he regretted not being open with Hope. He repeated that he'd seen the car go off the road, but he insisted that he wasn't a murderer.

Hope asked Thomas if the only reason he was telling her about the accident was because Xander was back. Thomas said Xander had been the catalyst. Thomas said he did not want any secrets between them if they were to have a life together. Hope asked Thomas to explain it again.

Thomas stated that he and Emma had argued because she'd demanded that he tell Hope about Beth. Thomas claimed he'd tried to reason with Emma and get her to see what it would do to Steffy, who'd loved Phoebe. "Just needed more time, but she wouldn't listen," he stated.

Thomas said Emma had been going to tell Hope, and he'd tried to stop her. Emma had hopped in her car, and Thomas had thought he'd be able to get her to pull over. He concluded that Emma had been trying to call or text Hope. He claimed he'd honked to get Emma to slow down. He said Emma's head had gone down, and he'd assumed she'd been reaching for something. He claimed that was when she'd lost control, missed the turn, and crashed through the guardrail.

Thomas claimed no one would have survived, and he'd had nightmares about it. "I hear swerving and the brakes. And then not being able to do anything. I'm haunted by it," he claimed. He swore that he'd been there, but he hadn't killed Emma.

Thomas stated that it felt as if he was talking about the actions of a stranger who'd done misguided things because he'd wanted to spend his life with Hope. Thomas claimed to have completely turned around due to Hope's understanding and support. He stated that he could clearly see the past man's selfishness. He said that man would never return.

Thomas admitted that he'd lied and handled everything all wrong back then. He said he should have told Hope about Beth, but he'd been caught up in his own fear. He didn't want more secrets between them, and he didn't want them to think of that night again. Emma was gone, and in his mind, that was the real tragedy. "But can't we just focus on our own life and own future together?" he asked.

Hope replied that she had to think about it. Thomas stated that nothing had to change. She responded that he'd chased Emma and seen her go off the road. Emma, who'd been Hope's friend, had died trying to tell Hope the truth about Beth. Hope added that she did believe that he was telling the truth. Thomas thanked her.

Thomas said he hated to bring up painful memories. He said he hadn't wanted Emma to die. He noted that Hope was disappointed in him, and he was disappointed in himself. Thomas said he'd loved her back then, but it had been messed up. His "present" love was healthier. "Thomas, we can talk about that another time," Hope decided.

Thomas said she didn't have to accept who he'd been, but he wanted her to believe in who he had become. He was committed to being the man she deserved and could truly love. He said she'd changed him from the man who'd done those terrible things into someone she was capable of loving. Thomas wanted to be a good father, husband, designer, and man for her.

Thomas swore that there were no more secrets. He said that if she couldn't forgive him, she could tell him that she believed he was a different and better man than before. He asked her to say she knew he'd changed. He felt that he'd found maturity, confidence, and true love because of her. He swore that it wasn't an obsession. He just loved her. He wanted the world to recognize who they were, and he wanted to prove how good he could be. He said she was wearing the ring on her neck, and it represented who he was that day as well as the life he wanted to share with her forever. He asked her not to give up on him or them.

In Finn's office, Steffy insisted that Emma's death had been a terrible accident. She was certain her brother had changed and learned from his mistakes. Finn rolled his eyes as Steffy assured him that Thomas wasn't "a danger to anyone."

Finn noted that Thomas was Steffy's big brother, and she'd spent her life looking up to him. Steffy replied that, in a way, Thomas' mistakes had hurt her more than anyone. Finn quipped that Thomas had hurt someone else a lot more. Finn recalled how unsettling it had all been for Xander, who had a natural aversion to even Thomas' name. Steffy urged her husband not to listen to Xander, but instead, to listen to her. Finn said he didn't want to believe it.

Steffy asserted her belief that Xander, who'd been close to Emma, needed to blame someone. Finn replied that Thomas had threatened Xander. She stated that Finn knew Thomas had done dark things in the past, but Thomas wouldn't hide something as gruesome as a crime. In Steffy's mind, Xander had based everything on the man Thomas had been without knowing how Thomas had changed. She insisted that even at Thomas' worst, he hadn't been homicidal.

Finn reasoned that Thomas had been desperate, and Finn knew how Thomas was if he felt that someone would get between him and Hope. Finn recalled how Thomas had reacted when Finn had said Thomas and Hope should never be together.

Steffy asked if Thomas had ever been violent or made Finn feel as if he'd been in danger. Finn said it had never happened. Steffy didn't know why Finn wanted to dig up the past instead of listening to his instincts or his wife. She insisted that she wasn't giving Thomas the benefit of the doubt just because he was family, and she insisted that Finn put his faith in her.

Finn hugged Steffy. He told her that if she needed him to let it go, he would. She asked if he'd let it go. Finn replied that if it was causing her that much stress, he would let it go. Steffy said it was okay if she and Finn disagreed. Wanting to remain unified, Finn said he respected that Thomas and Steffy were siblings, and he'd promised not to let anything get between them again. Steffy was happy to hear that, and she and Finn agreed that they didn't need to look for more turmoil. Finn said he just wanted a peaceful family -- Thomas included.

Steffy noted that Finn would do anything for her. She wondered how she'd gotten so lucky. Finn replied that it wasn't luck; it was "loyalty, commitment, and trust." She added, "Passion." Steffy uttered that she'd keep him in bed until the sun rose. She said she felt grateful for him. They kissed.

Hope explodes when Brooke suggests ending it with Thomas
Hope explodes when Brooke suggests ending it with Thomas

Hope explodes when Brooke suggests ending it with Thomas

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

by Chanel S. Garner

In Brooke's cabin, Thomas insisted that he'd been completely open and honest, and Hope knew it all. He asked her to say they could "still" have a future together. Hope appreciated that he'd been honest, "but..." Thomas stated that he loved her and wanted to marry her. He didn't want the past to affect where they were.

Hope stated that she needed time, but she wanted to make sure Thomas knew that she knew the man whom he'd become. Thomas replied that he still had "hope" as long as the ring was on her chain. Hope stated that she couldn't give him promises about the future, and she just needed time to make sense of everything he'd told her.

At Forrester, Brooke walked in on R.J. and Luna kissing in the design office. Brooke quickly left, and R.J. told Luna that kind of thing was the reason he needed to get his own place ASAP.

Brooke went across the hall to Eric's office and found Ridge and Carter, whom Ridge had just hailed as family, in an embrace. "You, too? I keep interrupting everybody tonight," she decided. Brooke felt terrible for walking in on R.J. and Luna and didn't want the couple to feel embarrassed. Carter said the couple wasn't being shy about their relationship, and Ridge quipped that all they needed was another office romance involving one of his kids.

Carter, Brooke, and Ridge joked about how they'd all dabbled in office romances, but Carter crowned Brooke and Ridge the king and queen of it. Brooke stated that she and Ridge weren't like Thomas and Hope. "It had been a very different situation. We're different people," Brooke said. Carter sensed a debate mounting, which he felt was his cue to leave. Alone with Brooke, Ridge suggested that they make out and show the room how it was done.

Later, Ridge was alone, ending a call with Domenico, who'd called to check on Eric. Thomas asked if that had been "the" Domenico, and Ridge affirmed it. Ridge noticed that Thomas looked weary, and Thomas revealed that he felt as if he'd just screwed things up with Hope.

Ridge asked how Hope was. Thomas called her amazing and said she'd always been forgiving of him. Ridge replied that she'd left the past in the past. Thomas hoped it continued to be that way. Thomas was falling more and more in love and didn't want to mess it up, and he was trying to give her space. Believing that was a healthy perspective, Ridge stated that it was all Thomas could do, and if it happened, then it was meant to be.

Thomas said Ridge always gave good advice, and he admitted that his relationship with Hope was a shock. Ridge reasoned that, shock or not, if Thomas was happy, then Ridge was. Thomas noted that Ridge had to be the only one who felt that way; it seemed to Thomas that everyone had a problem with the relationship, especially Brooke.

Ridge replied that Brooke was just being a protective mother. Thomas said Ridge always said that, and Ridge insisted that it was because it was true. To demonstrate that Brooke was harmless, Ridge asked if Brooke was trying to sabotage the relationship. Thomas said everyone was entitled to their opinions, and he only cared about Hope's opinion. Thomas wanted Hope to know how much she could trust him. Ridge replied that Hope had forgiven Thomas.

Thomas admitted that Hope was trying, but it was impossible to forget the past. Thomas said he'd do anything for Hope. Ridge stated that he felt that way about Brooke, and it sounded like it was real. Thomas felt that he'd been honest about every mistake he'd ever made, and he'd put his cards on the table. He said she was the only woman for him, and he could give her the life she deserved.

Back at the cabin, Hope was in thought, twisting the ring between her fingers. Brooke arrived to see the kids, and Hope hid her necklace. Brooke admitted she had wanted to see the kids, but seeing the romantic setup, she wondered if she was interrupting something. Hope explained that the kids were with Katie, and Thomas had already left. Brooke, who knew her daughter very well, asked what was weighing on Hope and what had happened between Hope and Thomas.

Hope said nothing had happened, and Thomas loved her. Brooke asked why Thomas wasn't there for the romantic evening. Hope explained that they'd had a difficult conversation about the past. Familiar with that time, Brooke said it had traumatized Hope. Brooke reasoned that Thomas had said he'd been improving himself, and everyone would love to believe it. "I do. I believe him," Hope readily said. Brooke replied that Hope couldn't feel that comfortable with the past, and it would be difficult for Hope to commit herself to him.

Brooke suspected that Hope had developed feelings for Thomas. Deciding not to fight Hope on that, Brooke still insisted it would be hard to move on from the past and that bad chapter in Hope's life that Thomas had been a big part of. Brooke thought it was best that Hope end it at that moment. Hope replied that she didn't intend to do that.

Brooke asked Hope to consider what was best for herself and the children. Hope yelled that she had. She said Thomas had acknowledged the regrettable things he'd done. She asked if they all hadn't messed up, and she announced that she wasn't perfect. Hope stated that she was the queen of giving out chances, but Thomas had done the work. Hope claimed that she wasn't hoping Thomas had transformed; she knew he had, and he'd backed it up with action.

Frowning, Brooke determined that Hope was acting strange, not like herself, and very uneasy. Brooke stated that she didn't have to know what was going on; she just wanted Hope to trust her instincts. Hope replied that she didn't doubt Thomas. She called him an exceptional designer and said he'd proven himself as a father. "And, Mom, he loves me unconditionally, which is all I have ever hoped for," Hope said.

Still conflicted and emotional, Hope asserted that, at some point, Brooke had to stop fighting it. She asked if any part of Brooke could accept Thomas and Hope, "because who knows what our future might be."

Back in the design office, R.J. explained that he'd enjoyed living with his parents, but he'd only meant to be there temporarily. It had felt right to him to live there because Ridge had just moved back in. It had been healing for their family, but R.J. felt the time had come for him to have privacy.

R.J. and Luna figured that he'd see his parents all the time at work, but R.J. said his new priority was getting closer to Luna. They kissed just as the door opened. Carter laughed as he arrived and said he knew Brooke had just interrupted them. Luna was embarrassed. As Carter dropped off Eric's numbers, Carter advised them to lock the door. R.J. readily locked the door behind Carter then kissed Luna again.

Luna said she loved the way she felt in R.J.'s arms. She said her feelings grew stronger for him every day, and he possessed all the qualities she wanted in a guy. She added that he was "pretty hot," too, and she'd never felt that way about a guy before. R.J. stated that it was the same for him. They kissed, and Luna asked R.J. to get his own place because they needed to be alone together.

Wyatt offers Bill some sage dating advice
Wyatt offers Bill some sage dating advice

Wyatt offers Bill some sage dating advice

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

by Dan J Kroll

"It feels so good being safe in your arms," Steffy sighed as Finn held her tightly. Finn told Steffy that the rest of the night would be focused on all the good things because he was married to the "most beautiful, amazing woman on the planet."

Steffy returned the compliment as she thanked Finn for giving her and her family "the most profound gift" -- saving Eric's life. Finn told Steffy that he had some news about Eric's health: Eric would be sent home the following day.

R.J. and Luna visited Eric and remarked that he looked much better. Luna smiled and commented that Eric had "that twinkle" back in his eye. Eric grumbled that he wanted to be at home in his own bed. R.J. assured Eric that he'd be released as soon as the doctors felt it was the right course of treatment.

Luna got a text that required her to head back to the office, but she told R.J. to stay and continue visiting with his grandfather. Later, Eric jokingly told R.J., "If I never see [Finn] again in a hospital setting, it'll be too soon."

A short time later, Finn and Steffy entered the room, with Finn delivering the news that Eric could soon be headed home. Eric thanked Finn for saving his life. Eric looked forward to feeling the sun on his face and the breeze coming off the ocean.

Poppy dropped by the design studio at Forrester to see Luna. As she entered the room, Bill called Poppy on her mobile phone, and her face lit up. Bill told Poppy that he missed her, but Poppy replied that it wasn't possible to miss her because she and Bill had had only one date. "That's the problem! We need to rectify that," Bill responded.

As Poppy ended the call by agreeing to meet Bill for dinner the following day, Li entered the design office and closed the door behind her. An angry Li didn't believe that Poppy had stopped by Forrester to look for Luna. Li also seized the opportunity to object to Luna's involvement with R.J. "Like mother, like daughter," Li snarled.

Li asked about the man Poppy had been talking to on the phone and wondered if it was "another lonely, wealthy suitor, or... sugar daddy." Poppy made it clear that she did not appreciate Li's characterization. Li didn't back down and accused Poppy of wanting to "hook up with some poor, unsuspecting sucker." Poppy snapped that Li could not tell her where to live or what to do. Li repeated that she did not want "Penelope" or Luna living in Los Angeles.

Li turned and stormed out of the design office, leaving the door open behind her. Seconds later, Luna entered and sensed that Li and Poppy had gotten into another argument. Poppy confirmed she and Li had gotten into it. Poppy began to chuckle and asked Luna if she could imagine how Li might have reacted to Poppy and Bill connecting 20 years earlier. "Her head would explode," Luna replied with a smile.

Poppy shared that she and Bill had made plans for another date. Luna assured her mom that she approved. Luna said that she'd liked Bill from the moment she'd first met him. "I like having him around," Luna beamed.

Wyatt returned to the beach house that he had once owned with a concerned look on his face. He thanked Bill for allowing him to stay there once Taylor had moved out, but he told his dad that he felt as though he needed a change. Bill listened as Wyatt shared that he wanted to leave town. Wyatt added that he had found someone to rent the beach house while he was away.

Wyatt didn't want to talk only about himself. He asked for all the details about the new woman in Bill's life. Bill smiled broadly as he mentioned Poppy's name. "Well, look at you all smitten," Wyatt teased. Wyatt said that Liam and told him that Bill had met Poppy at some sort of music festival. "I just can't picture Bill Spencer slumming it for three days in a tent while eating mystery meat out of a commune truck," Wyatt quipped.

Bill recounted how he and Poppy had locked eyes before making "beautiful music together." Wyatt asked if Poppy had recognized Bill when she'd seen him at Il Giardino. Bill boasted that everyone recognized him, but he suggested that Poppy might have been trying to play it cool by initially pretending not to remember him. Wyatt hypothesized that things between Bill and Katie might not have worked out because Poppy was the woman meant to be in Bill's life.

Bill dares Poppy to captivate him all over again
Bill dares Poppy to captivate him all over again

Bill dares Poppy to captivate him all over again

Thursday, January 18, 2024

by Chanel S. Garner

At the hospital, Eric held hands with the excited Donna and thanked his nurse for taking good care of him. He especially thanked Finn, his doctor. Eric said he hadn't thought he'd ever get out of there, let alone on his own two feet. Finn congratulated Eric for his hard work and determination to get better. Eric said it had been the hardest thing he'd ever had to.

Eric divulged that he'd been gone for a while, and he'd never forget what had happened in that time. He expressed his gratefulness to Finn and said he'd never forget what Finn had done.

At Eric's house, Ridge and Brooke awaited Eric, and Brooke wondered where they'd be if Ridge hadn't agreed to the procedure. Ridge hoped Eric understood Ridge's choices. Ridge still believed that Eric had wanted to go, but Ridge had taken the option away. Brooke insisted that Eric was happy to be alive. "Trust me. If he wanted to go, he would have," she concluded.

Carter arrived to welcome Eric home, and shortly afterward, Donna helped Eric into the house. Brooke went to hug him, but he touched his chest, saying he couldn't do that yet. Eric told them all that he was glad to be there. Carter and Ridge welcomed him home.

Brooke said she'd wanted to invite everyone over, but Donna stated that they hadn't wanted to overwhelm Eric. Eric gazed at all of his family photos, saying he hadn't been sure he'd ever set foot in that house again. Brooke stated that they'd all been unsure.

Carter replied that one couldn't count Eric out. Becoming emotional, Carter said Eric had believed in him and helped him reach goals. Eric had opened his family and shown Carter forgiveness. Carter was grateful and admitted that he hadn't been ready to lose Eric.

After Carter had gone, the others talked about the huge impact Eric had had on all their lives. Brooke said none of them had been ready to lose Eric. Ridge remarked that Eric had gone to the other side, but he hadn't spoken about it. Ridge asked if Eric had wanted to remain there.

Eric stated that he'd been afraid to die just like everyone else, but then he'd gone to a place, a crossing-over place. He'd seen the light some always talked about, but hearing and seeing were the same thing in that place. Eric could hear the light and see the music. It had been within him. He'd seen Stephanie waiting for him.

Eric said he'd shed his feelings of pain. His body had felt fine. In that place, he'd been free of pain, and it would have been the perfect exit. He told them that it was nothing to fear, and it had been a beautiful place. "Just you wait," he said, talking about the love and light. Eric said he had been ready to go there, and "now I'm back here."

Ridge assumed he'd let Eric down. Ridge asked if he'd made the wrong decision. "Did you want to go?" Ridge questioned.

At Il Giardino, the busy crowd made Deacon regret giving Hollis the day off. Sheila said the crowd was there for the best pizza in town. Deacon crossed the room to greet Bill and Poppy, who asked for a table for two. Deacon said they were in luck, but when Deacon announced that Sheila was their server, Bill guessed Deacon had been bad luck.

When Deacon returned to the bar, Sheila griped about him seating Bill in her section on purpose. Deacon figured she could have fun with it, and they might seat a toddler nearby.

Once alone with Poppy, Bill admitted that he hadn't stopped thinking of her, the night they'd shared in the past, and the new memories he hoped to make. Sheila arrived, greeted Bill, and introduced herself to Poppy. When Sheila asked for drink orders, Bill said that she was a worse waitress than he'd thought if she didn't know his drink by then.

After Sheila had gone, Bill explained that he wasn't normally rude like that, but their server was the very Sheila who'd tried to kill Li. Sheila brought their drinks and left. Poppy had the urge to toss her drink in Sheila's face for what she'd done to Li. Liking Poppy's feisty side, Bill said it wasn't worth it because Sheila was dangerous. Bill was sure Sheila would snap and joked that he and Poppy could visit Sheila in prison on their next date.

Back at the bar, Deacon and Sheila sized up Bill's date. Deacon remarked that Poppy was letting Bill hold her hand. Sheila figured Poppy thought she'd hit the jackpot but didn't know that Bill wasn't what he seemed. "Poor Poppy. She has no idea what she's in for," Deacon said.

At the table, Bill observed Poppy taking another of her "special mints." He asked if that meant she was nervous. She asked if she should be. He denied it, saying that he had high hopes for them. He recalled the way Poppy had made things carefree and magical in the past. In his view, she hadn't changed a bit.

Watching from the bar, Sheila suspected that Poppy was falling for Bill's lies. Deacon laughed, and Sheila admitted that the lies were easy to fall for. "Cut some more limes," Deacon decided.

Back at the table, Poppy informed Bill that she'd aged, but he said her essence, style, and smile hadn't changed. He could still see her in the moonlight, dancing and smiling. "As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure you were dancing to this," Bill said, playing a song from his phone.

"You have it?" A wide-eyed Poppy asked. As the song played, other customers looked around. Bill said he planned on turning it up, and he dared her. "Let's see you, girl," Defiantly, Poppy rose from her chair and began gyrating and swaying to the upbeat song.

Sheila elbowed the enthralled Deacon. Back at the table, Bill was captivated. He stood up and told Poppy that she was really something. Watching her move effortlessly and gracefully, he said he found her to be a magical surprise when he'd needed it most.

Bill kissed Poppy. The other diners clapped, and Sheila scowled. Bill twirled Poppy around and held her from behind.

One couple too many shows up at the beach house
One couple too many shows up at the beach house

One couple too many shows up at the beach house

Friday, January 19, 2024

by Chanel S. Garner

Outside the design office, Luna popped a piece of gum when she saw R.J. changing clothes in the office. She went inside, caressed his neck, and asked about his workout. She murmured that he needed to get his own place. R.J. announced that Eric was at home, settling in, and R.J. would be settling into his new beach house that very day. Luna was surprised it had happened so quickly. R.J. replied that he'd been motivated.

Wyatt arrived as Luna and R.J. kissed. Wyatt apologized for his timing, but R.J. joked that he and Luna were experts at being interrupted. R.J. remarked that Wyatt owned the beach house. Wyatt handed over the key to the place and suggested R.J. make a key for his guest.

Wyatt admitted that it wasn't easy to move out of the house. He had a lot of special memories there. R.J. said Wyatt was welcome to stop by, and Wyatt joked that he should call ahead first. Luna asked where Wyatt would go. "I don't know. Maybe hang around L.A., spread my wings and see what's out there in this big, bad world for yours truly," Wyatt responded.

After Wyatt had gone, Luna found it surreal to be talking about R.J. renting a Malibu beach house. She said things had been more "down to earth" during her childhood, though she'd never felt poor. Luna stated that her mother was also a ballerina and a singer. Luna had always been in awe of her mother and the open and free way she'd lived with no apologies. "But when it comes to relationships, I'm glad I waited for the right guy," she said.

At Il Giardino, Poppy wondered if Bill had been embarrassed after she'd taken him up on that dare. Claiming to have enjoyed it, Bill said he loved that side of her. "Then you should try it," she tempted. Bill reasoned that his disco days were behind him. "Dare you," she replied.

Bill stated that they'd have to clear the whole place out, which, to him, wouldn't be a bad thing. Bill decided he wanted to be alone with Poppy, and he said they could dance or whatever all night long. Bill's phone vibrated, but it didn't distract him from Poppy. He said he hadn't stopped thinking about her since he'd seen her at the restaurant. He stated that he hadn't forgotten, and he knew she hadn't, either. He felt they needed to do something about it. She asked what he had in mind. Paying the check, he said it was a surprise.

Later, Bill and Poppy arrived at the beach house. Poppy was amazed by it. Bill shared that his son had been living there but had moved out because he was "going through something." Bill said that he wasn't sure what he was going to do with the place. Bill offered her a drink, but popping a pill, Poppy replied that she wasn't a drinker. Bill called them her special mints. She said they weren't just mints, but he quipped that he'd stick to scotch.

Poppy didn't think she could sell such a magical place. Bill replied that Wyatt had found a renter, but Bill had to figure out what to do long-term. He contemplated keeping it to romance a beautiful woman. Bill and Poppy kissed. He stated that when he closed his eyes, he could still see her dancing in front of the bonfire at Golden Gate Park, and she'd been like no woman he'd ever known before or since.

Poppy shared her feeling that it was leading to something. Taking her hand, he hoped it would lead to the bedroom. Poppy seemed hesitant, and he asked what was wrong. Poppy revealed that her sister was judgmental of her and had said she was always coming on to wealth men. Poppy asserted that her sister was wrong, and she didn't need a man.

Bill replied that he knew Poppy didn't need a man, but he sensed that she wanted him, just like he wanted her. He kissed her again, and gesturing toward the bedroom, she asked, "This way?"

Just after Bill and Poppy went into the bedroom and closed the door, Luna and R.J. arrived. Giggling, Luna said the place was awesome, and R.J. predicted that they'd be spending a lot of time there.

At Eric's house, Eric held his chest, saying he needed Ridge to understand. Eric said that he'd been content, he'd found peace, and he'd seen Stephanie. Again, Ridge asked if he'd let Eric down and if Eric had really wanted to stay. Ridge explained that he'd been torn by everyone's feelings, and he hadn't been ready to let Eric go. Quietly, Eric said he understood.

Eric didn't want to hear more about Ridge letting him down. Eric felt blessed to have seen the other side, but he was happy to be back there with all of them. He asked them to never doubt it.

Zende rushed into the house, yelling that it was true. Everyone stopped Zende from hugging Eric, but beaming, Zende said Eric's homecoming was what they'd prayed for. Zende said he had never stopped believing, and he said Eric looked great. Eric said he was ready to go back to work, but everyone said he had to rest. "Until I'm ready," Eric conceded.

Calling Zende talented, Eric thanked Zende for visiting him and lifting his spirits at the hospital. Zende replied that besides his father, he admired Eric the most, and he asked Eric to never leave them again. Eric agreed not to.

Later, Ridge announced that Steffy and her family would be there if it was okay with Eric. Eric was fine with it. He remembered when he'd been keeping his illness a secret, and he apologized for the way he'd handed it. Zende said they all understood. Eric replied that he would have handled it differently if he'd known what awaited them. He said there was nothing to fear, but they had to make the most of the time they had there. Everyone agreed. Ridge called Eric an inspiration. They said they loved him, and he replied that he loved them all.

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