Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 25, 2023 on B&B

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Steffy confronted Hope about her feelings for Thomas. Thomas proposed to Hope. Xander Avant warned Finn about Thomas.
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 25, 2023 on B&B

Ridge and Finn bonded when Ridge expressed his fears about Eric's recovery. Steffy confronted Hope about her feelings for Thomas, and Thomas ordered Steffy to back off. Thomas proposed to Hope, and Xander revealed to Finn what Thomas had done to Emma.

The Bold and the Beautiful did not air
The Bold and the Beautiful did not air

The Bold and the Beautiful did not air

Monday, December 25, 2023

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by Dan J Kroll

Due to the Christmas holiday, The Bold and the Beautiful did not air. This was a planned pre-emption and there were no lost episodes as a result of the programming changed.

Regular programming resumed on Tuesday, December 26, and picked up where the Friday, December 22, episode concluded.

Steffy presses Hope about her feelings for Thomas
Steffy presses Hope about her feelings for Thomas

Steffy presses Hope about her feelings for Thomas

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In the doctor's break area, Steffy thanked the shirtless Finn for saving Eric, but Finn reminded her that Eric had a long road to recovery. Steffy wanted to take Finn home and show him how much his work had meant to her. "I've never wanted to make love to someone more than I do now," she added, and she kissed him.

The topic turned to Ridge's decision to remove Eric from life support. She recalled urging Ridge to reconsider and doubting herself when Eric had flatlined and been put on a ventilator. She thanked God that they hadn't let Eric go and that Finn had given Eric a second chance. Finn said it was just that, a chance, but Steffy was confident Eric would fight to live his best life.

Finn asked Steffy not to feel guilty and reminded her that these were challenging things that families went through. Steffy stated that it was why she was worried about Thomas, who normally internalized things. Steffy was glad Thomas had someone to lean on.

Finn stated his belief that Steffy wasn't happy about Thomas and Hope. Admitting that she wasn't, Steffy said it was no secret that her brother was in love with Hope, and Steffy doubted Hope would return the feelings. Finn couldn't blame Hope after the things Thomas had done. Steffy replied that Thomas had made a lot of progress since then.

Finn didn't deny it but said Beth wouldn't be with Hope if Thomas had had his way. Steffy replied that it was a long while back, and Thomas had been in a dark place. Steffy expressed worry that Hope's cavalier attitude with Thomas' feelings would trigger Thomas. Steffy said she couldn't be mad at Hope for being a lifeline through the Eric crisis, "but..."

Finn got called back to the floor, and Steffy decided to head to work.

In the design office, Thomas and Hope arrived after a visit with Eric. Thomas said he couldn't imagine being without his grandfather, but he resolved to remain positive. Thomas didn't know how he could have done it without Hope. She replied that they'd helped each other, and she was sure Eric would rise to the challenge of his recovery.

Thomas couldn't imagine the weight of the decision Ridge had held in his hands regarding Eric's life support, and Thomas was grateful the family had persuaded Ridge. Thomas hoped Eric made a full recovery. Hope reasoned that Eric was fighting, and she believed that Eric would return better than ever.

Hope guessed Steffy was proud of Finn. Hope, who'd always respected Finn, said they should be grateful that Finn was a part of their lives. Thomas said that he was grateful for the woman in his arms. He was grateful for her love and support. Hope grinned.

Steffy arrived at the door and listened in as Thomas said he was grateful to Hope for helping him and his family through the darkest hours. He stated that he loved Hope, and he could see how much Hope loved him. Steffy shook her head and pursed her lips.

Thomas told Hope that their closeness and the time they'd spent together told him all he needed to know about how she felt for him, and he believed she knew how he felt about her. He stated that he was there for Hope and only Hope.

Steffy made her presence known, and Thomas asked her about Eric. Steffy shared that Eric wasn't backsliding. She thanked Hope for her support, and Hope sensed a "but." Steffy added that she was concerned about her brother. Thomas uttered that there was no reason to be. Steffy asked if "this" was a relationship or if they were just hooking up. "You really think it's a good idea?" Steffy asked.

Thomas asserted that everything was under control, but Steffy claimed not to be so sure of that after what she'd heard. Steffy stated that he'd been in love with Hope for a long time, and the feelings had taken him to unfortunate places. Steffy told Hope not to lead Thomas on or toy with his emotions. Steffy said he deserved the truth, and she demanded that Hope be honest with Thomas and say whether she loved him or not.

In Eric's office, Brooke was sorry that Ridge hadn't gotten to spend much time with the sleeping Eric. It was okay with Ridge, who said Felicia, Kristen, and Thorne were there, and the whole family was coming. Glad that Eric was back, Brooke stated that they should have known better than to count Eric out, even for a second. Ridge called it a real Christmas miracle.

Ridge began to worry that Eric, who'd gone to the other side when he'd flatlined, had wanted to remain there. Brooke urged Ridge to stop doing that and to be positive. She said Eric was alive, which meant anything was possible, including getting Eric back to himself. She was sure Eric would be grateful for Ridge's choice to do the treatment; however, Ridge reasoned that it might be true if Eric could resume life as usual, but Eric would hate Ridge otherwise.

Disbelieving that, Brooke said there was no one more compassionate than Eric, and once Eric fully recovered, they'd have Finn to thank. Brooke said it was remarkable what Finn had done and how he'd been there for Steffy and the family.

Ridge flashed back over the decisions he'd made at the hospital. He thought of apologizing to Eric for not fulfilling Eric's wishes but expressing how good it was that he hadn't. Brooke said it had been scary when they'd taken Eric off the ventilator, but Eric had heard Stephanie's Bible verses and awakened. Brooke said Eric was back with them.

Ridge questioned whether Eric wanted to be back with them, and he recalled the way Eric had looked at them all. Ridge noted that Eric hadn't been smiling and had seemed as if he'd been pulled back from where he'd wanted to be. Ridge wasn't sure Eric wanted to be there, but Brooke insisted that she did know because Eric had started breathing on Christmas Day. She had no doubt Eric wanted to be there with them and his adored son.

Brooke asserted that it was apparent how much Ridge and Eric loved each other, and she added that they had built memories together. She said Ridge had grown up there, playing on the floor, and Eric had made Ridge into the man Ridge was. Ridge replied that he'd do anything for Eric -- except let him go.

Brooke replied that she'd known Eric would make it. Ridge said that Eric loved Brooke because of her positivity, and Eric had always believed in Brooke and Ridge's love. Ridge thanked Brooke for being his rock, even through her own pain. She vowed to always be what Ridge needed her to be, and he said he'd be the same. He didn't think he said it enough; however, he was glad to be on the journey with her, and he loved his Logan.

Thomas warns Steffy not to ruin what he has with Hope
Thomas warns Steffy not to ruin what he has with Hope

Thomas warns Steffy not to ruin what he has with Hope

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In Finn's office, Finn put a rush on some test results. After Finn's call ended, Ridge arrived. He'd been looking for Eric, but Eric was undergoing testing. Finn said he'd ordered the tests, and Eric would be back in his room soon. Ridge seemed a little disappointed that Eric had had minimal improvement, and Finn gleaned that Ridge wanted to know when Eric would be himself again. Ridge wondered if he was asking too much to want the same Eric back again.

Finn couldn't offer Ridge a definitive answer, but Finn did know that Eric had met his markers and was recovering nicely after what he'd been through. Finn noted that Ridge had been through a lot, too, due to the decisions he'd been given to make for Eric. Agreeing, Ridge acknowledged that he'd been hard on Finn, but Finn was the man who'd saved Eric. Ridge stated that he'd always be grateful to Finn for that.

Finn divulged that he might have had a hard time if he'd been in Ridge's position. Finn said that he'd sworn an oath, but sometimes, it seemed like it would be kinder to let a patient go. Ridge remarked that Eric had been ready to go when Finn had offered life, and Ridge had had to decide if that chance had been worth it. Finn responded that Ridge had been caught between Eric's wishes and a family who didn't want to let Eric go.

Ridge acknowledged that the family had gotten him to change his mind, and Finn sensed that Ridge was still second-guessing himself and would continue to do that until he saw significant improvement from Eric. Ridge said that if Eric could come back the same, then that was good; however, Ridge would feel responsible if Eric lost speed even a little bit.

Finn tried to encourage Ridge by detailing positive things about Eric's recovery. Finn saw potential in Eric and joked that Eric was already in the holiday spirit. Ridge said it had been a gift to hear Eric wish them a merry Christmas. Ridge stated that none of it had been possible without Finn, and the family was extremely grateful. Finn reasoned that it was his job to do it, but being related to Eric had made it mean even more. Ridge and Finn hugged.

In the design office, Steffy told Hope that it was a simple question: "Do you love my brother or not?" Thomas informed Hope that she didn't have to answer. Steffy noted that Thomas had been completely open about his feelings, and she asked if Hope thought he deserved that from her. Thomas tried to silence Steffy, but she said she was just being protective.

Thomas quipped that Steffy didn't have to be protective because he was a "grown-ass man." Steffy remarked that he was a "grown-ass man" who'd been in love with Hope for a long time, but Hope had never reciprocated the feelings. Steffy asked if Hope loved Thomas or would ever love Thomas. He asserted that Hope wasn't on trial, and Steffy didn't get to put Hope on the spot. Steffy asked if she couldn't ask if Hope had genuine feelings for him.

"Of course, I have feelings for Thomas," Hope uttered. Steffy wondered how deep they were. Steffy got that Hope and Thomas were lovers, but Steffy asked if Hope had ever said she was in love with him. Figuring that Steffy didn't want the relationship to succeed, Thomas stated that it was okay because he knew what he was doing. Steffy asked if Hope knew what she was doing.

Hope claimed not to know what Steffy wanted Hope to say. Steffy replied that Hope hadn't answered the question or been honest with Thomas. Steffy doubted Hope loved Thomas or that Hope would ever love Thomas, and Steffy told Hope to stop leading him on. Steffy refused to let Hope undermine the progress Thomas had made.

Thomas said Hope had been honest with him. Steffy asked Hope if she really had and if she'd asked herself where the relationship was headed and if she wanted a future with Thomas. Steffy questioned whether Hope had thought of the message it was sending Douglas, who wanted his parents together when it seemed as if Hope was stringing Thomas along.

Hope decided to stop Steffy. Hope said it was none of Steffy's business; it was a private matter between Hope and Thomas, and Hope wouldn't share the information with Steffy. Rolling her eyes, Steffy turned her attention to Thomas, saying he'd had obsessive feelings for Hope. Thomas replied that Steffy had said that people changed.

Steffy told Hope that she was fanning the flames and would hurt Thomas by not loving him the way he deserved to be loved. Steffy said it was unfair. Thomas asked to have a moment alone with his sister, and Hope quietly walked out. Thomas asked Steffy if she was actively trying to ruin his relationship with Hope.

Steffy apologized. Thomas said he loved Hope. Steffy replied that it had been that way for as long as she could remember, but she asked if Hope loved him. Thomas said Hope had been married, so they hadn't had it before, but "this" was their chance. Steffy asked if he thought there was a future there, and he said he knew it was possible.

Steffy asked if Hope had given any indication that she wanted to marry Thomas or spend her life with Thomas. Thomas admitted that Hope hadn't said it directly, but he was willing to wait. Steffy noted that he'd been waiting a very long time, and she asked if it should tell him something.

Thomas asserted that Steffy didn't know how intimate he and Hope had become. Steffy groaned. Thomas said Steffy wanted him to be happy and should let Hope and him be happy. He couldn't explain how amazing the last months with Hope had been and how amazing they'd made each other feel. He talked about loving and touching Hope, and Steffy got grossed out.

Steffy said that she got it and was trying to believe Thomas wasn't obsessed with Hope again. Thomas asked why she'd even insinuate it when she'd told him that he'd changed. He promised that he wasn't obsessed. He knew Hope hadn't directly said she loved him, but he stated that Steffy hadn't been there for the intimate conversations. He asserted that Hope had told him, "I do love you for that." Steffy scoffed.

Thomas claimed to know that it wasn't the same, but he said Steffy hadn't been there. He insisted that there had been love there. "It's not the same!" Steffy yelled. She said it wasn't the same as Hope looking at him and saying she was in love with him. Steffy sensed that he knew it but didn't want to accept it, and that worried her.

Outside the door, Finn heard raised voices. Thomas was saying Steffy could be supportive. Then he decided that she didn't even have to do that as long as she didn't intentionally get in the middle of his relationship with Hope. He refused to allow it.

Finn rushed in and broke up the conversation. He said Thomas was out of line and couldn't speak to Steffy that way. "Do you hear me?" Finn asked.

In Eric's office, Hope was there when Ridge arrived. He shared that he'd been to see Eric but had wound up talking to Finn because Eric had been undergoing testing. Ridge remarked upon how great Finn was, and Hope murmured her wish that Steffy could concentrate on that. Ridge rendered Hope a look, and Hope stammered, wishing Steffy wouldn't give Thomas and Hope such a hard time. Ridge asked what Hope was talking about.

Hope revealed that Steffy had put Thomas and Hope on the spot again. Ridge asked if Steffy was asking how Hope felt about Thomas. "How do you feel about him?" Ridge asked. Hope looked panicked, but Ridge told her to relax because he didn't intend to pry. He decided that his son's love life was his son's business, as long as his son made healthy choices.

Hope wished everyone got that memo. She didn't know what to tell everyone because, for once, she was trying to live in the moment and follow her heart. She hinted that it had worked out pretty well for her mother. She wished people would give them space to figure it out for themselves. She said she and Thomas were happy, and the kids were doing well. Hope didn't think it was anyone else's business. She feared that if people kept pushing Thomas and violating their boundaries, it could lead to trouble.

Xander drops a bombshell on Finn about Thomas
Xander drops a bombshell on Finn about Thomas

Xander drops a bombshell on Finn about Thomas

Thursday, December 28, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In Eric's office, Hope tried to assure Ridge that no one had anything to worry about with her and Thomas; however, Ridge asserted that he did worry, and he wanted to ask her a simple question: "Do you see a future with my son?" Hope murmured that it was like father, like daughter, and she'd fallen into the hot seat with Ridge.

Ridge said it was a simple question. He asked if she was serious about his son. "Because he's serious about you. And the last time he was serious about you, it caused a lot of problems for my family and yours," Ridge concluded, hating for history to repeat itself.

Hope insisted that everything was fine, and she didn't know why people didn't believe her. Ridge asked what would happen once she was done living in the moment. She wondered why it wasn't enough that she and Thomas loved being together. Ridge gleaned that she was saying it wouldn't last. She said she hadn't said that. Ridge then gleaned that she thought it would.

Hope replied that she couldn't give a guarantee. She'd thought she'd be with Liam, and it hadn't turned out that way. She had no crystal ball and couldn't say what the future held. Ridge conveyed that Thomas knew what he thought the future would be, and Ridge asked if being with her was a possibility for Thomas. She claimed to get that Ridge was a concerned parent, but she said it was between her and Thomas only.

In the design office, Thomas explained to Finn that Steffy was forcing an issue and needed to back off. Thomas advised Steffy to keep her opinions to herself. "Or what are you gonna do?" Finn asked. Thomas said it didn't involve Finn, but Finn said it did when Thomas spoke to Finn's wife that way. Finn received a message about a new patient, and Finn asked Steffy was okay. Steffy said she could handle things, and Finn took off.

Later, Steffy ended a call with a silk supplier who'd desired an update about Eric. Steffy told her brother that Eric's recovery was being celebrated around the world. Thomas advised Steffy to take her concern for him and focus it on Eric, and he added that Finn should do the same. Thomas reasoned that as an only child, Finn didn't understand sibling energy.

Steffy said Finn was protecting her the way she was protecting Thomas. Thomas wanted her to support his happiness. He wondered why they had to focus on the past. He wanted to move beyond the remorse and regret from the past. Steffy replied that she didn't want Thomas to jeopardize the changes he'd made, and the way he spoke of Hope made Steffy worry.

Thomas stated that things were going well for the family and the company, and he was in love. He said she didn't have to support his relationship, but he asked her not to undermine it.

Later, Steffy had gone and Hope and Thomas were alone, talking about the tension over their relationship. She revealed that she'd talked to Ridge about it, hoping Ridge would get Steffy to get off their case. Hope said his family's concern was from a good place because they loved him and worried. Thomas and Hope joked about how confusing their relationship was to others.

Thomas said that the others should see that Hope's love, commitment, and support had helped him become a better man. He was a better designer and father. He thanked Hope for making him happier than he'd ever been. He uttered that no one would take it from them.

Hope didn't think anyone was trying to do that, but she didn't want to cause tension during Eric's recovery. She wanted them to be grateful. Thomas said he was grateful to be with her, holding her, and kissing her. The two kissed. He loved how close they were. He said he could look at her and know what she was thinking without her saying it.

Thomas stated that Hope had been by his side during good times and hard times, and she'd put her faith in him. He asserted that he was a one-woman man, and she was that woman. Hope grinned, and he said Douglas felt the same way and loved them together, always and forever.

Thomas got down on one knee, pulled a ring box from his pocket, opened it, and revealed an engagement ring. He asked Hope to marry him.

In Eric's office, Ridge told Steffy that Hope had been there and had an attitude about Thomas and Hope's relationship. Noting that Hope had dragged Ridge into it, Steffy said her attitude wasn't the problem, and Hope was being cavalier with Thomas' feelings. Steffy added that Ridge knew Hope didn't want a future with Thomas. Ridge replied that he'd asked Hope, and she said it was none of his business. Steffy suspected that it could end badly for Thomas.

Steffy believed that Thomas had come too far to slip up, and she didn't want him tempting fate by getting mixed up with Hope. "He put that dark chapter behind him," Steffy added.

In Finn's office, Finn's new patient, Xander Avant arrived. Finn set Xander up as a new patient. Finn wanted to get Xander's records from London, but Xander said they could get them from his last doctor in Los Angeles. Finn asked what had taken Xander out of the country.

Xander flashed back to Ridge firing Xander and Zoe for their part in the baby Beth secret. He said he'd gotten to the end of the road and had needed time to regroup. Xander noticed Finn's wedding photo on his desk and asked if he was married to Steffy Forrester.

Finn asked if Xander knew Steffy, and Xander revealed that he'd interned at Forrester. Finn assumed Xander had worked with all the Forresters. "Even Thomas," Xander murmured. By the way Xander had said it, Finn wondered if Xander had a history with Thomas. Xander was surprised that Finn hadn't heard anything.

Xander flashed back to Thomas pressuring Xander to keep quiet. Zoe had been sobbing, and Xander had raged that Emma was dead because of Thomas and the evil secret. Thomas had called Emma wreckless. Xander had asked what kind of marriage Thomas would have with Hope, based on a lie. Xander had asked Zoe how they could have a life with all that hanging over their heads. Suddenly, Xander decided he needed another doctor.

Finn stopped Xander from going and asked him what was going on regarding Thomas. Xander replied that Thomas wasn't who Finn thought Thomas was. Xander wasn't sure what to call someone who was without remorse or a conscience. Xander revealed that Thomas had done something evil to an innocent, young girl.

Flashbacks of Emma's romance with Xander played on the screen along with clips of Emma's car crash. Xander flashed back to telling Zoe that it hadn't been an accident. He silently remembered Thomas trying to warn him, and he had asked if Thomas would kill him and Zoe like Thomas had killed Emma.

Xander asked if Finn had ever heard of Emma Barber. Finn hadn't but wondered if something had happened to her. Xander said they'd interned together, working on HFTF. Finn asked if Emma had left because Thomas had made things difficult. "Much worse than difficult. I'm talking about murder," Xander replied.

REBROADCAST: More than one surprise kiss takes place in Rome
REBROADCAST: More than one surprise kiss takes place in Rome

REBROADCAST: More than one surprise kiss takes place in Rome

Friday, December 29, 2023

by Soap Central

Due to the extended New Year's holiday, The Bold and the Beautiful opted to rebroadcast a recent episode instead of a new episode.

The episode, which originally aired June 23, 2023, was part of a series of episodes B&B shot on location in Rome. The episode featured Liam getting an eyeful of Hope kissing Thomas. You can read a full recap of the episode here.

Regular B&B programming resumed on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, and picked up where the Thursday, December 28, 2023, episode concluded.

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Edited by SC Desk