Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 18, 2023 on B&B

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Eric survived his surgery, but Finn and Bridget were uncertain of his prognosis. Ridge rejected Zende
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of December 18, 2023 on B&B

The Forresters questioned their decision to not let Eric go after he had "crossed over" while in recovery. To stave off infection, Finn and Bridget decided to remove Eric's ventilator, and Eric struggled to breathe on his own. Ridge and Zende argued about finishing Eric's collection.

Ridge enlists R.J. to finish Eric
Ridge enlists R.J. to finish Eric's collection

Ridge enlists R.J. to finish Eric's collection

Monday, December 18, 2023

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by Chanel S. Garner

At the hospital, Finn and Bridget spoke with Steffy, Brooke, and Ridge about Eric. Finn asked them to be glad that Eric had made it through the surgery, but Ridge rasped that Eric had flatlined in recovery. Ridge asked what had gone on to make it happen.

A flashback played of Bridget and Finn trying to save Eric toward the end of his surgery. Finn said Eric had crashed after he'd gone into recovery. Bridget added that Eric had been gone, but he'd come back. Ridge was upset that it had happened -- that he'd allowed it to happen. Finn stated that Eric's condition was critical. Ridge yelled that Eric had tubes and wires coming out of him. Brooke urged Ridge to believe Eric would pull through.

Brooke got a message from Donna, who'd left to get some clothes so she could stay at the hospital with Eric. Bridget remarked that Katie was on the way. Brooke suggested that Ridge, who'd been up all night, get some sleep. Ridge said he'd do it if Eric woke up. Ridge was upset that Eric was hooked up to machines because of Ridge.

Steffy said it would be worth it if Eric returned to them. Finn got that Ridge was upset because he hadn't gone along with Eric's wishes; however, Finn reminded Ridge that Eric hadn't known all the variables, namely that treatment was available. Finn stated that Eric had a chance. Ridge countered that Eric could also die with a tube coming out of him. "You should just let him go peacefully," Ridge said. Ridge uttered that he should have let Eric go.

Brooke stated that death wasn't the only possibility, and the treatment could give Eric a shot at getting his life back. Brooke asked how Ridge could refuse it. Steffy agreed, saying Eric's wishes might have changed if he'd known about the treatment. Finn said he'd wanted to present the treatment to Eric, but Finn felt as if he'd been too late.

Bridget didn't want Finn to feel guilty and said if Eric survived, it would be due to Finn. Ridge asserted that it was about more than survival; it was also about quality of life. In Ridge's view, if Eric didn't have the quality of life he wanted, then he wouldn't want to be there. Ridge added that Finn hadn't been able to guarantee anything.

Finn said there were no guarantees in his line of work. Bridget asked Ridge to forgive her for wanting her father to stick around. Bridget was grateful for the decision Ridge had made and said she would have made it, too. Brooke asked Ridge to stop being hard on himself. Ridge stated that Eric had passed over. "Maybe he was at peace there," Ridge reasoned. Ridge said they'd done a treatment to pull Eric back in without knowing if it would even work. Ridge felt that Eric was a man trapped within his body for the rest of his days because of Ridge.

In the doctor's rest area, Finn changed and talked to his wife about her grandfather. Steffy said Finn had brought them hope. She couldn't believe he'd been working for weeks to find a way to save her grandfather. Finn wished he'd figured it out sooner, and he hoped he'd done enough to give Eric back to the family, healthy and whole.

Finn received a call that there had been no change in Eric's condition. Finn said he'd been good at waiting, but it was different with Eric. Steffy stated that Finn had been working away to save Eric. She said she couldn't thank Finn enough, but it was out of Finn's hands.

In the design office, Luna and R.J. were together, discussing Eric's condition. R.J. said they'd almost lost Eric, and Eric might not rebound from that. Luna said the bright side was that Finn had started the procedure that could bring Eric back to them.

Zende arrived and listened at the door as R.J. was saying he loved Luna's positivity. She stated that she had enough for them both. R.J. asked if Luna had second thoughts about the previous night. She didn't but asked if he had. He replied that he didn't, and he'd say it again. "I love you," he told her, and she replied in kind. They kissed.

Zende cleared his throat, and R.J. welcomed Zende into the office. Zende remarked that he'd just been at the hospital, and Eric was still critical. Zende hadn't wanted to interrupt Donna's time with Eric and had left. R.J. felt sorry for Donna, who'd just gotten Eric back.

Later, Zende was animated about Ridge's instantaneous decision to take Eric off life support. R.J. yelled that Ridge hadn't wanted any of it and had wanted to do right by Eric. R.J. asked why it was so hard for Zende to understand that Eric hadn't wanted heroics or to be hooked up to machines. Zende asked if R.J. could have pulled the plug on Eric. R.J. said it was about Eric trusting Ridge to make the right decision for Eric. "Eventually, lucky for us," Zende quipped.

Luna reminded the guys that their grandfather had wanted them to be kind to each other. Zende said he was just trying to figure out how Ridge would be so cold and heartless. R.J. took exception to the characterization, saying Ridge had been making the hardest decision of his life and hadn't wanted Eric to suffer. Zende said none of them did, but "to end it like that? To take him off the machines? To take away Granddad's only chance of recovery?"

R.J. said Ridge had agreed to the treatment, but if he had taken Eric off the machines, Ridge would have been honoring his father and his father's wishes. Luna reminded the men that they should be supporting each other. R.J. refused to allow judgments about Ridge to go unchallenged. Zende said he'd keep his opinions to himself.

Zende expressed worry about Eric, and so did R.J. Luna reminded them to stay positive and picture Eric strong and vital as he had been when he'd worked on his collection. Zende hated to think of the collection as unfinished and said it should be out there in the world as Eric's last masterpiece. R.J. received a text message and looked worried.

R.J. left, and Zende asked Luna what had gotten her into fashion. She said her mother's magazines had shown her lifestyles she could only dream of. Luna had taught herself about the different designers, but Forrester Creations had spoken to her the most. She was still in awe of her past in helping Eric and said his treatment had to work. Zende replied that they'd keep sending Eric love and light. Zende was amazed by how Luna cared about Eric.

Luna didn't know how one could know Eric and not care. Zende stated that Eric was always topping himself. He picked up a sketch and said it was exquisite, even unfinished. Luna said Eric had been sketching right until the party. Zende vowed to do what it took to finish Eric's collection.

In Eric's office, Ridge told Brooke that he'd just had to be there for a moment. He wondered if Eric would return as a different person. Ridge remarked that Eric had spent his best years in that office. Brooke told Ridge that when Eric returned, he'd be happy about his second chance.

R.J. arrived, saying he'd gotten Ridge's text. Brooke left for the hospital. Ridge said that the employees were worried about Eric, but Ridge suspected that they were worried about something else. Ridge said that the company meant everything to Eric, and in Eric's absence, Ridge had to keep it going. He wanted R.J. by his side.

Ridge figured that if Eric's collection was his swan song, then it should be heard. Ridge wanted to finish the collection for Eric, but Ridge didn't know Eric's vision. Stating that R.J. did know it, Ridge asked if R.J. would finish it with Ridge. R.J. was ecstatic about the idea, and the men hugged. Ridge said they'd make Eric proud.

Back at the hospital, Brooke sat with Eric. She stroked his face and his arms, and she cried.

Zende refuses to trust R.J. with Eric
Zende refuses to trust R.J. with Eric's vision

Zende refuses to trust R.J. with Eric's vision

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In the design office, Luna and Zende continued their discussion about Eric. Zende said that if he'd known about the illness, he would have worked his tail off and given Eric everything he'd needed. She hoped Zende no longer felt slighted. Zende admitted that he had at first, but he was glad that Eric had had "even R.J." to help him. Zende concluded that Eric had run out of time; however, that was where Zende, who was determined to complete Eric's vision, came in.

Later, Luna was alone, ending a call with Monsieur Auclair, one of their most influential buyers and Eric's friend who'd sent well wishes to Eric. Carter arrived, and Luna told him about all the sympathy calls. Carter said it was hard to imagine Forrester without Eric. Luna asked who would lead the company going forward if Eric was gone.

Carter assumed things would be crazy at first, but Ridge and Steffy would run the company as Eric would want it run, with Eric's priorities becoming theirs. Carter said it would be sad that no one would see Eric's latest designs. Luna theorized that people might see them and revealed that Zende was adamant about completing Eric's collection.

Carter was impressed and said Zende really loved Eric. Believing there was more to it, Luna said Zende had felt slighted and overlooked during the challenge, but Zende had seemed to come around when he'd learned about Eric's condition. She hoped Ridge agreed with Zende's idea.

In Eric's office, Ridge ended a call with Brooke, who'd gone to Eric's house to pick up things Donna had forgotten to take to the hospital. R.J. arrived, and he and his father discussed how hard things were on Donna and the family. Ridge said the family needed good news, and Brooke already approved of him and R.J. finishing Eric's collection. Ridge hoped Eric would, too.

The topic turned to Ridge's tough decision about Eric, whether to go through with risky treatment or turn off the machines. R.J. said Ridge had made the right choice. Ridge replied that R.J. had made the right decision, and they'd finish the collection. Noting that Ridge had been going nonstop, R.J. suggested that his father rest. Ridge claimed to be okay and said he needed to make sure things ran smoothly while Eric was fighting for his life.

Zende arrived and asked for an update on Eric. Ridge said Eric was hanging in there. Zende couldn't believe the outpouring of support from the fashion community. Zende felt that they had an obligation to Eric to finish his line. Zende said he wouldn't be the man or designer he was if it hadn't been for Eric, and Zende, who'd been studying Eric's unfinished collection, believed that Eric's vision and direction were clear and just needed to be executed.

Zende asked if there was a better way to honor Eric than to make sure that Eric's collection was seen, loved, and worn. Ridge readily agreed that "we" had to finish it. Stoked, Zende asked when he and Ridge could get started. "R.J., I was thinking you could help out, too," Zende threw in, noting that R.J. had spent time with Eric and had learned Eric's process. "Plus, you'll get to see me and your dad in action. You'll learn from us."

Ridge asked R.J. to leave the room, and R.J. readily complied. Zende expressed his full commitment to the project and said he already had ideas to run by Ridge. Ridge asked Zende to slow down. Ridge appreciated Zende's enthusiasm and love for Eric and agreed that Zende should work on the line. "I'll find a way where you can help R.J. and me."

Ridge said it was nothing against Zende; however, R.J. needed to finish what he'd started. Zende was sure R.J. had learned a lot working with Eric, but Zende felt that it paled in comparison to Zende, who'd worked for years with Eric and had studied at the best design schools and collaborated on collections.

Ridge said he was aware, and Zende assumed Ridge had to be aware of what Zende could bring to the table. Zende said that, his experience aside, he wanted to do it for Eric, to whom Zende felt he owed everything. Zende insisted that Eric's final collection be perfect, just the way Eric had envisioned it. Zende said R.J. could help and grow, but the stakes were too high to let Eric down. "R.J. will have his time. You will do collections with your son, but not this one. Not this time. Not with my Granddad's final collection," Zende determined.

Back in the design office, R.J. was alone with Luna, telling her about the newest development with him and Ridge working on Eric's line. R.J. beamed that he and Ridge had always wanted to work together. Luna hugged R.J. and recalled Zende's determination to work on Eric's line.

At Eric's house, Brooke filled Hope in on Eric's near-death experience after the operation. "He made it through surgery -- barely. And then, we lost him," Brooke said, stating that for a few moments, Eric had crossed over to the other side. Hope said, "when Eric wakes up..." Brooke gasped, saying she kept telling herself the same thing -- "when," not "if." It was hard for Brooke because Eric was on a ventilator with a feeding tube.

Hope knew it wasn't easy for Brooke, who had spent so much of her life with Eric in it. Hope asked how Brooke was really doing. Brooke admitted that she had been so focused on the rest of the family that she hadn't had a chance to focus on her own feelings. Brooke agreed that she had spent a lot of her life with Eric, and it had been incredible. She didn't know what she'd do if...

Later, Brooke spoke briefly with Donna and said she was at Donna's house, getting her things for her. When the call ended, Brooke told Hope there was no change with Eric, but his recovery was expected to take some time. Hope noted that Katie was with Donna for support. Brooke said Eric had survived, but they didn't know what was next.

Donna text-messaged Brooke a list of things to bring, and Hope offered to help Brooke tag-team it. Hope believed the family needed to come together, and Brooke said if ever there was a time for that, it was right then.

Later, Hope and Brooke finished packing clothes and snacks for the hospital. Brooke wanted to be at the hospital for Donna and at Forrester for Ridge. Hope said Brooke couldn't be in two places at once. They talked about how dedicated Ridge was to Forrester, and Brooke revealed that Ridge was insisting on finishing Eric's line with R.J.

Brooke added that it had meant a lot to Ridge that R.J. had agreed. Hope replied that it had meant a lot to Ridge to work with Thomas, "and now to be working with R.J., too..." Brooke decided that it was one beautiful and positive thing to develop from Eric's situation; it was bringing R.J. and Ridge together.

Ridge and Steffy believe they should have let Eric go
Ridge and Steffy believe they should have let Eric go

Ridge and Steffy believe they should have let Eric go

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

by Dan J Kroll

"Dad would be so touched by your offer," Ridge said as he sat down next to Zende at the conference table in the Forrester Creations executive suite. Zende said that he needed to work to keep himself from thinking about the possibility that Eric might never return to Forrester.

Zende argued that R.J. was "too young [and] too inexperienced" to finish Eric's final collection. "His time will come," Zende said of R.J., but he insisted that that time was "not now." Ridge acknowledged Zende's talent but said that since R.J. had started the collection with Eric, R.J. needed to finish the collection.

Steffy entered the office and apologized for running late. She told Ridge that she was ready to go to the hospital. As he walked toward the door, Ridge patted Zende on the shoulder and said, "To be continued."

R.J. returned to the design studio to tell Luna that he and Ridge would be working to finish Eric's final collection. A Forrester employee named James entered the room to tell R.J. and Luna that the news about Eric's health had hit the media.

Later, R.J. lamented that he felt "guilty" for wanting more time with Eric. Luna assured R.J. that he was not being greedy, and wanting more time with Eric was "normal." Steffy and Ridge popped into the office to tell R.J. that they were headed to the hospital. R.J. said that he wanted to go with them.

Later, Zende showed up in the design studio, looking for R.J. Luna informed him that that R.J. had gone to the hospital with Ridge and Steffy. Zende shared his disappointment that Ridge never invited him to go to the hospital with him. "Sometimes, I feel like I'm not fully a part of this family," Zende grumbled.

Luna was certain that Zende's family didn't want him to feel shut out. She told Zende that she was sorry that he would not be getting the chance to work on Eric's final designs. Zende didn't want to "trash talk" R.J. However, Zende felt that R.J. did not have the skill set to be able to do Eric's final collection justice. For Zende, finishing the line was a way of paying respect to Eric. "I'm not the chosen one. I'm not Ridge Jr.," Zende huffed.

Luna put her hand on Zende's shoulder and told him that she understood.

At the hospital, Finn, Bridget, and Dr. Martin check on Eric's condition. With no sign of improvement, Bridget wondered if they should have listened to Ridge and let Eric go. Finn urged Bridget to give Eric time to heal. "I just want him back," Bridget replied softly as she leaned over Eric's bed.

Donna and Brooke entered the room and were immediately panicked upon seeing Bridget's emotional state. Bridget told Donna and Brooke that she could not tell them what they wanted to hear. Finn said that he had ordered "more labs." Donna asked if the procedure had made any difference.

Later, Donna and Brooke were seated in a waiting area when Ridge, R.J., and Steffy arrived. After getting an update, Ridge expressed regret over his decision to allow Eric to have an experimental procedure. "It's not what he wanted. We wanted this," Ridge sighed.

Finn and Bridget joined their family members in the waiting area. The doctors shared that Eric's condition had not changed. R.J. left to sit with Eric. Once R.J. was gone, Finn told Ridge that Eric was unable to breathe on his own and could not be removed from the ventilator until his pulmonary function improved.

R.J. sat by Eric's bedside and took Eric's hand in his. "These hands, they've made some great art, some truly timeless designs," R.J. said as he fought back tears. It turned out to be a losing battle. R.J. sobbed as he pleaded with Eric to fight. "I'm not ready to let go of you yet," R.J. cried.

R.J. returned to the waiting area, and Steffy headed to Eric's room. Ridge praised R.J. for showing a lot of maturity.

Steffy was overcome with emotion as she sat by Eric's bedside. Finn told Steffy that Eric could hear her. Steffy nodded. "You made this family. You made it great. You made it resilient. You made it strong," Steffy sobbed. Steffy said that she knew Eric could be at peace with Stephanie, Phoebe, and so many other people that loved him. "I hate to say it -- you look trapped. And I don't want you to suffer," Steffy said as she burst into tears.

Steffy gave Eric a kiss on his forehead and fell into Finn's arms.

Eric makes his presence known
Eric makes his presence known

Eric makes his presence known

Thursday, December 21, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In Eric's hospital room with Finn, it was hard for Bridget to see her father on a ventilator. She thanked Finn for involving her in the case and expressed her concern about pneumonia. Worried about it, too, Finn replied that he'd scheduled a meeting with the pulmonologist because the sooner they got Eric off the ventilator, the better. Bridget wondered if Eric could breathe on his own.

After the meeting with the pulmonologist, Finn and Bridget discussed Eric's risk of infection and other complications like blood clots, pulmonary edema, and RADS. Eric's chances of survival lessened the longer he was on the ventilator. Finn said they were at a critical part of the recovery. Bridget replied that "they" had said Eric should be able to breathe on his own. She worried about the risks of Eric's condition and feared that if they didn't do it that day, it would be too late. Finn said it was then or never; they needed to remove Eric from the ventilator.

Bridget and Finn continued to weigh the risks of removing Eric from the ventilator. Bridget wished Eric would wake up and tell her what to do. Finn replied that if they did it that day, she might hear Eric's voice again. Bridget was sure Eric didn't want to live trapped in his body. "Let's do this," she decided and left to inform the family. Finn told Eric that Eric could do it, and Finn needed Eric to breathe on his own.

At Eric's house, Brooke, Steffy, and Ridge continued to second-guess their choices regarding Eric. Worried that they'd made a mistake and that she'd pressured Ridge into his decision, Steffy wondered if it had been wrong not to let Eric go peacefully. Ridge said he'd made the decision, and Brooke added that they'd all known the risks.

It killed Steffy to think that Eric might be suffering, and she worried that Eric's life might be ventilators and feeding tubes. Brooke and Ridge tried to get Steffy to stop second-guessing the decision and to maintain hope that Eric would make it through. Brooke found Stephanie's Bible and read from the last marked verses, Psalms 107:6-8, about God's deliverance from the grave.

Ridge received a call from Bridget, who informed Ridge about the reasons she and Finn wanted to remove Eric from the ventilator. Ridge wondered if it was too soon or if Eric could handle it. She couldn't offer any definitive answers and asked Ridge to meet at the hospital.

In the design office, Luna was thinking of Eric when Zende, who'd just returned from a visit with Eric that morning, arrived. Zende said that the longer it went on, the more worried he was about Eric. Zende said he'd talked to Eric and held Eric's hand. Zende wished he'd said more to Eric when Eric had been awake. Desiring to do more for Eric, Zende remarked that he'd wanted to finish the collection, but Ridge had already asked R.J. Zende didn't want to get in the middle of those two, adding, "It isn't the same." Luna empathized with Zende.

Zende remarked that he'd learned everything he loved about designing from Eric, and Zende was flattered when Luna said he'd inherited Eric's swag. Zende stated that he couldn't heal Eric, but he wished he could put "this fire" on paper. Luna remarked that he wasn't getting the opportunity. He insisted that he didn't need it for the status; he just wanted to do it for Eric, and he didn't want to butt heads with Ridge at a stressful time for the family. Luna replied that Zende felt passed over for R.J. The only thing that mattered to Zende was Eric returning to them.

Later, Zende ended a call from Ridge, who had informed Zende about the developments with Eric. Zende told Luna why Eric would go off the ventilator. Zende hoped Eric could breathe on his own. Luna believed that Eric was in great hands, and Zende agreed.

Luna asked if there was anything she could do, but he said her just being there was enough. He observed that she had a chill and genuine way about her. Luna said her head was getting big. Zende told her that he could see why R.J. was crazy about her. Zende stated that everyone adored her around there, and she replied that the feeling was mutual.

Luna said she had expected to work hard and make a good impression, but the internship had been more meaningful than she'd ever imagined. She'd made real friendships, and she felt everyone had gone out of their way for a mere intern. Zende disagreed that she was merely an intern and called her an amazing addition to the company, and he said that Eric was a big fan of hers. Zende remarked that R.J. was a smart guy to see something in her, and he said R.J. was lucky to have her.

Back at the hospital, Ridge, Steffy, and Brooke arrived, and Brooke said Donna was in the chapel. Ridge wondered if removing Eric from the ventilator was the right thing, and Steffy asked if it would just cause more suffering. She wondered if Eric had wanted to remain crossed over. Ridge replied that they couldn't think of it. Steffy continued to think the worst, and Brooke and Ridge did their best to reassure her and help her be positive. Brooke said Eric was strong; he'd survived thus far, and he'd survive the next step.

Finn and Bridget met with the group and expressed their desire to remove Eric from the ventilator. Ridge asked if it was the right move, and Bridget said it was the only move they had.

Everyone went to see Eric, and the nurse informed Finn that Eric's blood pressure was down. Brooke informed Eric that they were all there for him, and he'd be proud of their daughter. Sobbing, Bridget said they'd tried all they could. Steffy sobbed, praying Eric wasn't upset with them for not being ready to let him go. Crying, she told Finn that she couldn't take it.

Ridge sat with Eric and said Steffy was right about them exhausting all the possibilities. Ridge pondered that there might be a miracle that could give Eric back the life he wanted. Ridge wanted to talk to Eric about it because the doctors wanted to remove the ventilator. Ridge was sure Eric would want it because it would take him one step closer to living the kind of life he wanted to live. Ridge told Eric that people around the world were pulling for him, but he had to fight and show them a sign that he wanted it.

Eric moved his eyes beneath his eyelids, and everyone jumped with a start, wondering if Eric could hear them. Ridge asserted that he knew Eric could hear, and he asked if Eric was ready to remove the ventilator. Eric's eyes continued to flutter beneath his lids.

Eric struggles to breathe after his ventilator is removed
Eric struggles to breathe after his ventilator is removed

Eric struggles to breathe after his ventilator is removed

Friday, December 22, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In Eric's room, Donna arrived as Eric's family beamed about Eric's eyes fluttering. Brooke felt that Eric was listening and ready. Finn and Bridget told Eric that they had to act to prevent infection. Finn said Eric was capable of breathing on his own. "But will he?" Bridget asked.

Bridget informed the family that the respiratory specialist was on her way up. Finn and Bridget assured Donna that Eric was ready, and it was time to minimize Eric's risk of infection. Finn said machines had been needed, but Eric would be glad that he'd had them. Finn asked the family not to give up. Ridge said no one had given up, and they'd pray for a Christmas miracle.

Later, the specialists had met with the family, but Donna said there was no guarantee Eric would breathe on his own. Brooke was certain Eric wanted to stay around and would fight and breathe. Finn explained to Eric that Finn and Bridget would remove the ventilator, but Eric had to do his part and breathe. Eric's eyes moved beneath his eyelids, and Bridget said Eric had heard them.

Ridge thought it was too important to guess at. "You want this tube out of your mouth or not?" Ridge asked his father. Eric stirred a bit, but his eyes were still closed. The family took that as his affirmation. Finn and Bridget slowly removed the tube. Monitors began beeping.

Bridget and Finn panicked and began CPR. Brooke pulled out Stephanie's Bible and read the marked passage again about the Lord's deliverance from the grave. A white light enveloped Eric. After a few moments of silence, Eric gasped as if emerging from water.

Eric struggled to breathe, and Donna cried out that he needed help. Finn and Bridget explained that it was normal, and Eric's body knew what to do. Eric continued to fight to breathe, and then slowly, his eyes opened. Finn asked Eric to focus and give them a sign. Eric squeezed Donna's hand, and the family laughed, cried, and hugged each other. Brooke welcomed Eric home.

At Eric's house, Katie, Zende, Luna, and R.J. worked on Donna's request to fill the mansion with holiday spirit. As they decorated the tree, Zende said they were doing their best without Eric. R.J. carried in Eric's carousel and wondered if Eric would ever see decorations again. Luna remarked that it was the season for miracles, and Katie said it might be the boost Eric needed to return to them. Zende hoped Katie was right because it didn't feel like the holiday without Eric.

R.J. and Katie talked about Eric playing piano and making his "lethal eggnog." They joked about taking it to the hospital to wake Eric up with a whiff. Zende hoped Christmas didn't turn into a painful anniversary of the family losing the man who'd held the family together.

Katie suggested that they use the power of positive thinking and send Eric positive thoughts. Up for the idea, Zende said they could do it by sharing memories about how awesome Eric was. Zende stated that he'd won the adoption lottery when it came to families with heart. He said Eric had to have thought Kristen and Tony had been crazy to adopt straight off their honeymoon, but Eric had always made Zende feel loved and as much of a Forrester as anyone else in the family.

Zende recalled that Eric had been welcoming, allowing Zende to live at the mansion when he'd returned from Europe. Zende stated that Eric always knew what to say and how to lift one's spirits. Katie said Eric would continue to do it because he wasn't going anywhere yet.

Later, R.J. broke out the family photos, and Luna hoped to see embarrassing childhood pictures of him. Katie found a picture of Eric with the Logan girls in bikinis. She couldn't believe Stephanie had allowed him to keep it, and she recalled how much Eric had meant to her family. Katie said Eric was a miracle to others and deserved one of his own.

R.J. began to play the piano. Luna sat with him as he played "O Holy Night." Brooke called Katie and asked to be put on speakerphone. Brooke announced to the group that the doctors had removed the ventilator, and Eric was breathing on his own. She said it was their miracle, and they'd have a merry Christmas, after all.

After the call, Katie, R.J., Zende, and Luna cried out with glee and tears and hugged each other. They wanted to celebrate, and they sang as R.J. played "Joy to the World."

Back at the hospital, the family gathered around Eric. Brooke told Ridge that she'd called Thorne, Hope, and Katie with the news. Brooke said they could really celebrate the holidays. Donna told Eric that Finn and Bridget had saved him, and Steffy said Finn had found a way to heal Eric. Ridge stated that he'd wanted to honor Eric's promise, but Ridge was happy that they'd taken Finn up on his option. Ridge asked Eric to say something.

Eric gazed at them all. "Mer...Merry..." he mumbled. Crying, the family wished Eric a merry Christmas.

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Edited by SC Desk