Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 3, 2023 on B&B

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Steffy told Liam they weren
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of July 3, 2023 on B&B

Steffy set Liam straight about their relationship but couldn't get Liam's troublesome kiss off her mind. Hope asked Liam to forgive her, but when she learned Steffy was on Liam's mind, Hope confessed her feelings to Thomas and told him that she wanted him.

Steffy makes it clear that she and Liam won
Steffy makes it clear that she and Liam won't be getting back together

Steffy makes it clear that she and Liam won't be getting back together

Monday, July 3, 2023

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by Dan J Kroll

"You can't do that," Steffy angrily told Liam. Steffy said she understood that Liam was "freaking out" about seeing Thomas and Hope kissing, but she repeated that he could not show up at her home and kiss her. "I am a married woman -- happily married. You need to respect that," she snapped. A dejected Liam said nothing and simply nodded his head.

Steffy explained that she had been willing to overlook their kiss in Rome because it had been impulsive and reactionary. Steffy added that she had hoped she and Liam would never have to talk about the first kiss. "I don't know what's wrong with me," Liam mumbled. He said that he knew that Steffy had a family that she loved.

Steffy seemed annoyed by Liam's woe-is-me vibe and told him that he needed to snap out of whatever it was that he was going through. "This can never, ever happen again," Steffy said firmly. Steffy reminded Liam that she and he had both moved on and both remarried. "I am in a relationship. One where I feel safe, loved, and respected," Steffy snapped. Liam replied that he hadn't feel that way in a long time. Liam wondered how Hope could want to touch and kiss "a maniac" like Thomas.

Steffy was optimistic that Liam and Hope would find their way back to each other. She repeated that while she and Liam would always be close because they co-parented, that was all that they would be. Steffy told Liam that he had to forgive Hope, no matter how hard that might be for him. "Looking forward, how am I supposed to exist with Thomas as a constant presence in my life and my marriage?" he asked.

Steffy suggested that Hope leave Forrester Creations and allow Thomas to take over the line. That, she said, would give Hope the ability to focus on her marriage and prove that she was committed to Liam. Liam doubted that would be possible. He apologized for upsetting Steffy. Steffy thanked Liam for the apology. She chuckled slightly as she told Liam that there was no way that she and he would be getting back together. Steffy said that they were to never again mention the kiss in Rome or the beach house. She repeated her belief that Liam needed to find Hope and work things out.

At the cabin, Hope told R.J. that she was sure that Liam was going to leave her. R.J. didn't believe that would happen, but before he could say anything more, Brooke opened the door and walked into the cabin. Brooke immediately sensed that something was wrong. "This has to come from you, not me," R.J. said as he glanced toward Hope.

Hope struggled for a moment to find her words. She eventually blurted out that Liam had walked out on her and that she believed her marriage was over. Brooke didn't understand how it was possible that Liam would leave Hope. "Rome happened," Hope replied flatly. Brooke replied that Rome had been a success, and she noted that Liam hadn't even been there.

Hope clarified that Liam had been there. R.J. urged Hope to tell Brooke everything. Hope explained that Liam had flown to Rome to surprise her, but he'd instead seen her with Thomas. "I knew Thomas would be a problem," Brooke growled as she badmouthed the supposed progress that Thomas made. "He didn't do anything, Mom. It was me," Hope replied. Hope rose from the sofa and walked across the room. "I kissed the one man that could destroy everything," Hope said with her back to R.J. and Brooke.

Brooke begged Hope to say that Thomas had somehow "coerced" the kiss. Hope replied that she couldn't do that because she'd been the one who had initiated the kiss. She thought back to the kiss. "I was the one who acted irresponsibly, recklessly, [and] inappropriately," Hope blurted out. Brooke approached Hope and asked softly if Hope wanted a life with Thomas. Hope rejected that notion and said that she loved Liam and wanted her life with Liam. Hope began to cry, and she questioned why she had kissed Thomas.

At Forrester Creations, Thomas sat at the conference table in the executive office, working on a sketch. He looked up briefly when Ridge entered the office before going back to his sketching. Ridge held up a folder and announced that he was holding the orders from Rome -- "lots of orders from Rome." Ridge praised Thomas' commitment to Hope for the Future.

Ridge commented that Hope had to have felt good about the choice she had made. A confused Thomas turned around and asked what his father meant. Ridge explained that the orders from Rome proved that Hope had done the right thing by rehiring Thomas. Even Liam would have to agree with that, Ridge added.

Ridge admitted it would have been hard to believe a year or a month earlier that Thomas would be in the place he was in. Thomas had gotten there, according to Ridge, by earning Hope's trust in both professional and personal arenas. "I am so glad that you've gotten over this obsession with Hope," Ridge said. Ridge turned to his own sketch, commenting that he seemed to have been motivated by seeing Brooke in the fashion preview in Rome.

Later, alone in the office, Thomas stared at a photo of Hope and thought back to the kiss.

ENCORE: Liam learns that Hope is expecting (2018)
ENCORE: Liam learns that Hope is expecting (2018)

ENCORE: Liam learns that Hope is expecting (2018)

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

by Soap Central

Due to the Fourth of July holiday, The Bold and the Beautiful rebroadcast an episode from July 4, 2018. In the episode, as fireworks exploded around them, Hope told Liam that she was pregnant. You can read a full recap of that episode here.

This was a planned preemption and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of the programming change. Regular broadcasting resumed on Wednesday, July 4, and picked up where the Monday, July 3, episode concluded.

Hope pleads for a chance to earn back Liam
Hope pleads for a chance to earn back Liam's trust

Hope pleads for a chance to earn back Liam's trust

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

by Dan J Kroll

At the cabin, Hope paced around the room, replaying in her head Liam's announcement that he wanted a divorce. She hurriedly sent off a text message. She was startled when R.J. poked his head in the front door and asked if she had some time for a visit. Hope became noticeably frazzled and apologized for the cabin being a mess.

Hope stated that she would be working from home. Hope burst into tears and said that Liam was gone, and it was all her fault. R.J. got Hope a glass of water and asked that she stop beating herself up. "I feel like maybe I have just... trapped myself with all of these expectations and standards, and it's almost like I've built this gilded cage for myself of righteousness and control, and sometimes I catch myself wondering what it might feel like to just break free and just stop caring about what other people think and how other people feel," Hope blurted out.

Hope repeated her belief that Liam would never forgive her. R.J. noted that Hope had made just one mistake and that everything would be okay.

At Spencer Publications, Liam was unable to shake the vision of Hope and Thomas kissing from his head. Somewhat surprisingly, he also thought about kissing Steffy. Liam looked at his phone and noticed nearly a dozen text messages from Hope. The messages ranged from "Liam where r u?" to "We really need to talk," "I'm so sorry...," and "I love you."

Wyatt showed up at work a short time later and asked if Liam had decided if he'd be returning home to Hope. Wyatt said that Hope loved Liam, but Liam flippantly replied that Hope hadn't seemed very much in love with him when she'd been "making out with Thomas at the Colosseum." Wyatt agreed that Liam had a right to be angry, but he pointed out that Liam needed to fight for his marriage and "try to find some kind of forgiveness."

Wyatt urged Liam to talk to Hope and to let Hope explain things.

Steffy sat on her sofa and thought back to Liam kissing her and the problem he was having in his marriage. She was so deep in thought that she did not hear Finn enter the room. Steffy claimed that she'd been thinking about how lucky she was to have Finn and the kids. Though touched by the sentiment, Finn suspected that Steffy had actually been thinking about Hope kissing Thomas.

Steffy admitted that she had, and she asked how Hope could have done something like that. Steffy told Finn that she planned to talk to Thomas. Finn offered to stick around, but Steffy told him that she and Thomas needed to speak one on one. On his way out the door, Finn congratulated Thomas on the show.

Thomas sat down across from Steffy and asked what she wanted to speak about. Steffy said that she wanted to talk about what had happened between Thomas and Hope after the fashion preview. "I guess all the normal stuff... you know, when in Rome," Thomas replied with a smile. Steffy asked if Thomas had stopped by the Colosseum. He said that he had, because no trip to Rome would be complete without a visit to the Colosseum.

Steffy praised Thomas' designs but said that Hope needed Thomas to make her ideas come to life. Thomas was confused by what his sister was saying. Steffy said that she knew Hope had kissed him.

At Forrester, Brooke apologized for having to wake up early. She explained that she needed to help Hope with the kids. Ridge questioned why Liam hadn't been able to help. Ridge became enraged when he learned about Hope and Thomas kissing in Rome. Ridge grumbled about how he'd believed that Thomas had changed. Brooke stopped him midsentence and shared that it was been Hope that had initiated the kiss.

Ridge and Brooke both claimed to understand how things could happen when one was caught up in the moment. They both remarked that Liam probably wasn't as understanding of the situation. Still, they noted that love had a way of making people find their way back to each other. They embraced.

Later, Hope sat alone in the cabin. She jumped to her feet when the door opened, and Liam walked inside. She told Liam that she hadn't known if he would be coming home. Hope stated that she had had a lot of time to think about why she could have acted so recklessly. Hope pleaded for a chance to earn back Liam's trust and repair the damage that she had done.

She said that a part of Liam had to want things to get better, or else he wouldn't be there. Hope reached out and gently touched Liam's cheek. Tears welled in his eyes as he looked torn between pulling away and allowing Hope to continue touching him. "I love you," Hope said softly.

Hope runs to Thomas with news about Liam
Hope runs to Thomas with news about Liam

Hope runs to Thomas with news about Liam

Thursday, July 6, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

At the office, Ridge consoled Brooke about Liam and Hope's marriage, saying the pair would fix it because, when something was worth fighting for, one fought. R.J. arrived with pastries, and as they all sat down to eat, Brooke wondered why Hope would kiss Thomas and throw away everything she had with Liam. Ridge replied that they might never know.

Brooke admitted that she'd been concerned about Hope's feelings for quite some time and guessed Hope had gotten caught up in the energy and intensity of accomplishing something amazing in romantic Rome. Ridge replied that there was no excuse. Brooke agreed but said Hope, mortified by what she'd done, would fight for her marriage.

Brooke said she had never thought Hope would risk all she believed in and her marriage for a moment with Thomas. Brooke shared her fear that her past had influenced Hope, but R.J. said Hope was her own person and would fix her relationship with Liam. Brooke expressed concern about Hope saying she didn't want to be anything like her mother or to live her life like Brooke had. Brooke believed Hope had said it due to her burgeoning feelings for the wrong man, and it might have cost Hope her relationship with Liam.

In Brooke's cabin, Liam seemed despondent in the face of Hope's pleas to fix things between them. He said he didn't think it was the kind of thing one fixed. He said he'd had to force her to admit to kissing Thomas. Claiming she was ashamed of what she'd done, she stated that their family was worth fighting for. She asked him if he could forgive her and if he believed in them.

Liam replied that they'd been through "so much." Though he wanted their family to thrive, Liam couldn't give Hope what she needed. He said he couldn't forgive it, not her and Thomas. Liam declared that their marriage was over, and she'd known it would be if she'd chosen "this." He affirmed that he wanted a divorce. Hope asked him not to talk that way.

Liam asked what would happen the next time Hope worked with Thomas. Liam felt that between work and Douglas, there would be chances for it to happen again. Liam believed he'd be haunted by it every time he saw Hope and Thomas together or whenever she left the house. Hope insisted that they could move beyond it, and she knew they could because she'd forgiven him for much more. She said she was sorry and that she loved him.

Liam informed Hope that he'd be staying at Bill's house until Bill returned. Liam desired to co-parent Beth and make it easy on the kids. Liam stated that he loved her more than anything, and he didn't want it; however, she'd chosen the one thing she knew he couldn't survive. "And let's be honest, Hope. You're still not gonna stop working with him. You're always gonna find new ways to keep him in your life, in our lives," Liam said.

Hope uttered that Thomas was Douglas' father. Liam told her to stop saying that because it was more than that, and she had feelings for Thomas. "You are attracted to him. You want him," Liam said. "And what's worse than that is that you have spent months accusing me of being jealous, of being controlling, of being unsupportive of your career," Liam said. He admitted that she'd made him feel crazy when she'd known all along that what he'd seen had been real.

"That, I can't forgive," Liam decided. He said he'd made mistakes; they both had, and they'd both forgiven. However, she'd always known "not Thomas, never Thomas."

As Liam packed, Hope said she and Liam had always found their way back, and their life was worth fighting for. She stated that they'd always managed to find forgiveness. "With Thomas, I can't. I just -- I can't," Liam replied. Hope asked if there was no way forward and if Liam was closing that door. Liam sighed, and Hope sobbed.

Hope figured that she had to ask if Liam had seen Steffy since it had all happened. In his silence, Hope figured that he had. "So, maybe it's not just me that's the problem here," Hope decided. She said Steffy had always had a seat at the table in their marriage. Hope asked if he wanted Steffy back. "Yeah, Liam. That's pretty predictable," Hope concluded.

"I haven't had a single thought about Steffy...but I'm thinking about her now," Liam admitted. He figured that there had to be something broken within Hope for her to want "him, to want that." Hope replied that Liam might be right. "Goodbye, Hope," Liam replied, and he left the house.

At Spencer later, Liam thought of when Hope had agreed with him about not rehiring Thomas but then had rehired him, anyway. He recalled walking in on them after Hope had fallen. Liam thought of Hope saying she couldn't imagine being in Rome without Thomas, and then Liam recalled Hope kissing Thomas in Rome. Liam remembered telling Hope that she'd always known that Thomas was dangerous for their marriage, and he wanted a divorce.

At the cliff house, Steffy urged Thomas to admit to the Rome kiss. Although Thomas admitted it, he insisted that he hadn't planned it and that the last thing he wanted was for Hope's marriage to be ruined. Steffy replied that the kiss had changed everything, but it wasn't Thomas' fault. Thomas concluded that it was complicated and none of Steffy's business.

Disagreeing, Steffy said it was her business if it affected the company and the line. Thomas asked Steffy not to do anything to upset Hope and Liam's marriage. Thomas didn't want one kiss to ruin Hope's life. Steffy asserted that the truth was already out, and Liam, who'd seen Hope kissing Thomas in Rome, knew everything.

Steffy explained that Liam had decided to surprise Hope in Rome, and Steffy had run into him after he'd seen his wife kiss Thomas. Steffy admitted that she'd never seen Liam so heartbroken and disillusioned. Steffy flashed back to Liam kissing her in Rome and shuddered.

Thomas assumed he needed to talk to Liam. Disagreeing, Steffy said Liam knew Hope had initiated the kiss, "and you already know how Liam feels about you." Steffy wasn't sure Liam could find any forgiveness. Upset, Thomas said he didn't want to be responsible for causing any more pain in Hope's life than he already had in the past. He felt that Rome should have been a highlight for Hope, but instead, it could be a dark cloud and the end of her marriage.

Later, at Thomas' place, Hope rushed in after he opened the door. She told him that Liam knew about the kiss. Thomas replied that he'd heard from Steffy, but he hadn't wanted to make things worse by calling. Thomas asked what Liam had said. Hope replied that after all she and Liam had been through, he didn't see a way forward for them and wanted a divorce. Hope rushed into Thomas' arms, and he hugged her.

Hope tells Thomas that she wants him
Hope tells Thomas that she wants him

Hope tells Thomas that she wants him

Friday, July 7, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

At the cliff house, Steffy thought of the kisses Liam had laid on her and the way she'd set him straight. Finn arrived from work, curious about how Thomas had taken the news that the Rome kiss wasn't a secret. Steffy said Thomas had been surprised that she'd heard it from Liam and had expressed concern about Hope and her marriage.

Steffy continued, explaining that Thomas hadn't known Liam had been in Rome, and Thomas hadn't made excuses. Thomas had felt terrible, in Steffy's view, and hadn't wanted Hope to get hurt. Finn seemed surprised that Hope had had no intention of telling her husband. Guessing not, Steffy said Hope had put her brother in a terrible position. Finn reasoned that Thomas had been a grown man and could have stopped the kiss or refused to be alone with Hope in Rome.

Steffy didn't see it ending well. She said Liam hadn't trusted Thomas or his change, and Liam no longer trusted Hope, whom he'd seen as an innocent woman. Steffy said Liam finally realized that Hope was the issue and couldn't get the image of the kiss out of his head.

Later, Finn was surprised that Thomas had tried to take the heat for the kiss. Steffy said it showed that Thomas had changed, wanting to protect Hope at all costs. Steffy stated that Thomas had grown and wasn't a little boy anymore. Finn reasoned that it could signify how deeply Thomas felt for Hope. Steffy replied that the feelings were mutual.

Finn thought Steffy's concern about the situation was admirable. Steffy replied that she didn't want to see her brother or Liam hurt. Finn told her that she had a good heart; she stood up for people and had "such principles." Steffy flashed back to Liam kissing her in Rome.

Finn stated that he'd been thinking about how grateful he was to go home to Steffy each day. They hugged, and Steffy looked worried.

At Spencer, Wyatt was surprised to find Liam and noted by Liam's expression that it hadn't gone well with Hope. Wyatt still couldn't believe what Hope had done, but he wondered if Liam had gotten to a place of forgiveness to save the marriage. Liam replied that he'd have to understand what was going on with Hope first, but Hope couldn't explain why she'd done the thing she wanted forgiveness for. He felt like a fool for flying to Rome and seeing that his wife had fallen for another man. Wyatt said Liam and Hope had forgiven each other for mistakes in the past.

Liam asked what he should do if he couldn't trust Hope anymore. Liam didn't want to be unconfident in his marriage, wondering constantly if his wife was cheating on him. It wasn't who he wanted to be. To Wyatt, Liam sounded resolved. Liam said he still wanted a divorce. Wyatt was sure Hope didn't want that. Liam said Hope had been fighting for another chance at first.

Wyatt asked if it was really it, if Liam wanted a divorce, and if Liam had really thought it through. Wyatt didn't think it was like Liam to throw his life away on a whim. Liam replied that he didn't want a divorce; he hadn't wanted any of it, but it had happened. Wyatt said he'd thought Hope and Liam's love could overcome anything.

"Anything but this. Anything but Thomas," Liam said. He stated that he'd been clear about it for years, but Hope had pursued Thomas, anyway. Liam concluded that whether Hope would admit it or not, she had feelings for Thomas.

At Thomas' house, Thomas held Hope and said everything would be okay. Hope replied that it wouldn't be because Liam had seen her kiss Thomas in Rome. Hope said everyone had warned her, and even though Liam had noted that Thomas was Liam's biggest fear, Hope had kissed Thomas, anyway. She claimed she'd ruined her marriage, and her world was upside down.

Thomas assumed Liam would get over it because it had just been a kiss. Hope said Liam would never see it that way. Thomas recalled that Hope had always forgiven Liam, but Hope said it was the ultimate betrayal because it had been Thomas. Hope claimed she'd fought for her marriage, but Liam wanted a divorce. Thomas was sorry for causing Hope more pain. Hope replied that it was on her, not Thomas. "I kissed you," she said.

Thomas insisted that Hope had been caught up in Rome and the line's success. He wished he'd kept his distance. Hope admitted that she'd wanted to be close to Thomas. She said she'd been fighting it for a while. She claimed not to be proud of it and didn't understand it. She concluded that something was wrong with her, but Thomas dismissed that idea. She insisted that she might have destroyed her marriage and family. "And for what?" she asked.

Thomas tried to get Hope to see that one mistake didn't take away from the years of her being a wonderful wife and mother. Thomas figured that Liam needed time to deal with his hurt and anger. Hope quipped that Liam was so angry that he'd gone to Steffy. Hope stated that Liam wanted Steffy again, and it was the same story of Liam's divided feelings; however, when she was with Thomas, Hope felt like the only woman in the world. She said that was why she'd always remember the moments at the Colosseum.

Thomas asked what Hope was saying. Hope stated that Liam wanted Steffy, and Hope wanted the man who only wanted her. "I want you, Thomas," Hope uttered, and they began kissing.

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Edited by SC Desk