Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 26, 2023 on B&B

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Liam confronted Hope and asked for a divorce. Steffy was shocked when Liam kissed her again. Taylor and Brooke clashed over Ridge.
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of June 26, 2023 on B&B

Hope told Thomas that what had happened in Rome should stay in Rome, but when Liam asked her for a divorce, Hope quickly learned that it hadn't stayed in Rome. Steffy was disconcerted when Liam kissed her again, and Taylor had plenty to say to Brooke and Ridge about their reunion.

Andrea Bocelli serenades Brooke and Ridge
Andrea Bocelli serenades Brooke and Ridge

Andrea Bocelli serenades Brooke and Ridge

Monday, June 26, 2023

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by Chanel S. Garner

In a rooftop villa in Rome, Ridge served Brooke coffee and said they "should do this more often." Agreeing, Brooke said she loved reconnecting with him, and they kissed. He was in a hurry to get to the jet, but she suggested that he relax because there might be more surprises.

Ridge and Brooke canoodled. Ridge said she was always right, and she still amazed him after all those years. He joked about how amazing it had been that she'd gotten lost in a city she knew while carrying a navigation tool. Brooke replied that she'd followed her heart, and it had led her to exactly where she'd needed to be.

Ridge heard a piano and singing, and he asked what it was. Brooke said they should find out. He let her lead the way but suspected that she was up to something.

On the garden-like deck, Andrea Bocelli played the piano and sang "A Te." Ridge's mouth gaped in amazement. He took Brooke into his arms as they stood by the piano, allowing Andrea to serenade them. Brooke led Ridge into a dance, and a flashback of them kissing at the Vatican the previous day played on the screen. The couple swayed together as the song ended.

Later, Brooke introduced Ridge to Andrea's wife, Veronica, and his daughter, Virginia. Virginia asked if Ridge had enjoyed his stay at the villa. Ridge said he had, but he just hadn't been aware of whose place it was. Andrea hoped Ridge had enjoyed the song, and Ridge, who was still marveling at it, said he was speechless. Veronica was glad they'd pulled off the set. To Ridge, Brooke stated that it had been "all for you."

Alone on the balcony later, Ridge was eager to know how Brooke had pulled it off. She cooed about her secrets, but he pressed her to reveal them. She explained that Veronica had been wearing Forrester for over 20 years. Brooke and Veronica had become friends, and Veronica had helped Brooke set up the surprise. Ridge didn't think he'd ever been star-struck before.

Brooke called Andrea amazing, but Ridge said Brooke was the amazing one. The couple decided to leave, and they bid "arrivederci" to Rome. Remarking upon the city of eternal love, Ridge decided that Brooke had been right, and he'd love her for all eternity. Brooke said she'd love him forever. A loud cannon boomed, and they jumped with a start before laughing and kissing.

On the jet, Hope sullenly peered out the window, and across the cabin, Steffy gave Hope the side-eye. Thomas sat beside Hope, noting that she hadn't said much since they'd boarded. Ready to get home, Hope said she was anxious to see her family. "Thomas, what happened in Rome should stay in Rome," she uttered and walked away.

Hope sat across from Carter, who said waiting for Brooke and Ridge was driving him crazy; however, their reunion made the wait worth it. Carter got up to get his laptop, and feeling that she was being watched, Hope glanced over to discover Steffy glaring at her.

Assuming Steffy was bothered by Ridge and Brooke's reunion, Hope began to say that it could be true love and commitment. Steffy tossed back her drink and quipped that Hope knew all about love and commitment. Hope stated that she'd hate to sour what had been a really good and successful trip. Hope felt that it should be a win.

"Especially for you and Thomas," Steffy said. She figured that Hope had to be on a high. Steffy figured that Rome was a magical place Hope would never forget.

Later, Hope had changed seats and was talking to Carter. He felt that the trip had gone well. He said it had been without scandal, and Ridge and Brooke had reunited. Carter concluded that one had to love fairytale endings. Hope half-smiled.

Thomas sat across from Steffy and said it had been a good trip. Steffy replied that it had been for Hope and Thomas, but he stated that they'd be nowhere without the co-CEO. He revealed that he knew why Steffy was upset. Steffy expressed surprise.

Thomas figured it was about Brooke and Ridge and how Taylor, who wanted a life with Ridge, would feel. Thomas decided that if Ridge and Brooke wanted to be together, then so be it, and Taylor would find her happiness. Steffy uttered that she hadn't been prepared to be so surprised in Rome. She called it a "kiss of fate." Thomas replied that it had been kismet, for sure.

Thomas left to check on the pilot, and Steffy texted Liam, asking where he was. Liam replied that he'd taken a commercial flight home.

In Brooke's cabin, Liam drank scotch. Wyatt arrived, perplexed because Liam was not in Rome with his wife. In Liam's silence, Wyatt implored his brother to talk to him. Liam explained that he'd tried to make it to Rome in time for the preview, but when he'd arrived late, he combed the city for Hope. He'd recalled that Hope had really wanted to see the Colosseum, and he'd found her there -- just not alone. She'd been with Thomas.

Wyatt stated that Thomas had wanted Liam's wife for years. Liam uttered that he'd been wrong, and he hadn't seen it. Wyatt asked what Liam hadn't seen. Liam stammered that he hadn't heeded the warnings, and Steffy had been trying to tell him that Thomas hadn't been the one to worry about. Wyatt said it wasn't so, but Liam replied that he'd seen it with his own eyes. He said Hope had grabbed Thomas and kissed him, and if anything, Thomas had been the surprised one. "She kissed him. She wanted him. She chose him," Liam concluded.

Wyatt asked if Liam was sure of what he'd seen. Liam replied that there had been no mistaking it. In Liam's eyes, Hope had betrayed him with the one person she knew would end their marriage. Wyatt asked what he could do or what Liam needed. Liam didn't know but figured he needed to be alone. Wyatt offered to just be present, but Liam looked down, trying to stop tears. Wyatt stated that he was sorry, and he quietly left.

This episode featured the song "A Te" performed by Andrea Bocelli featuring Kenny G.

Hope wonders why Liam was in Rome
Hope wonders why Liam was in Rome

Hope wonders why Liam was in Rome

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In Brooke's cabin, Liam was reticent with Hope as he smoldered in his anger. Hope hugged him and said that on her way home, she'd seen Beth at school. Liam asked how Rome had been and murmured that they didn't call it the city of eternal love for nothing. Noticing that Liam seemed off, Hope asked if something was wrong. Liam flashed back to Hope kissing Thomas.

Hope wondered if something had happened with the kids. Liam replied that the kids were fine, and nothing had happened there. He stated that she'd taken the big adventure. He asked her to tell him everything that she'd done in Rome. Hope said that the press event had been amazing, and everyone had loved the designs. Liam figured Thomas had come through for her in a big way, and Liam asked if she was still riding that high.

To Liam, it sounded as if Hope had gotten all she'd wanted from the trip. Hope said it was hubris, but the trip really had been a success. She talked about the breathtaking dresses and wished Liam had been there to see them. Liam stated that it sounded like an incredible moment for Thomas and Hope. "Almost... I don't know...romantic..." Liam added.

Liam assumed that it felt good that all the nights working with Thomas had paid off, and to have it do so in Rome had been romantic. Hope claimed it would have been romantic if Liam had been there, "but you weren't -- " Liam cut Hope off, saying she'd invited him at the last minute. He stated that he got it because it had been a "business" trip.

Hope replied that she was home where she wanted to be in her "most favorite place in the world." She claimed she'd missed Liam and all of them. "You did?" Liam asked.

Hope noticed Liam's luggage and guessed Liam was going on a business trip. She checked the tags and saw that he'd been on a return flight from Rome. She asked if he'd been in Italy. Liam affirmed it. Confused, Hope asked why he'd been in Italy.

At the cliff house, Steffy shook her head as she thought of Liam's revelation about Hope in Rome. Finn arrived home and rushed over to kiss Steffy. They said they had missed each other, and Finn asked her to never leave him like that again.

Later, Steffy and Finn snuggled on the sofa. She said that Rome had exceeded expectations, but nothing compared to being in his arms. Finn played the Monaco bells, and Steffy said she loved him very much. He was eager to know what had happened, but Steffy didn't think he was ready to hear it. She stated that it had to do with Hope and Liam.

Deciding that Hope and Liam could wait, Steffy suggested she spend time with her sexy husband. She kissed Finn, but when he asked if there had been any issues in Rome, he noted that Steffy got a look on her face. Finn revealed that he knew Liam had been in Rome to surprise Hope and said Finn and R.J. had convinced Liam to do it. Steffy replied that Liam had wound up being the one surprised.

Steffy explained that Liam had missed the preview, but he'd gone to look for Hope at the arena. Finn figured Hope had been blown away to see Liam. Steffy explained that Hope hadn't seen Liam because he'd returned to Los Angeles. Finn asked why Liam would do that.

It didn't make sense to Finn, but he began to put the puzzle pieces together about Steffy's concerns about Hope's feelings for Thomas. Finn asked if something had happened between Thomas and Hope. Steffy affirmed it, saying Liam had seen it with his own eyes.

In Eric's office, Eric, Donna, R.J., and Brooke discussed the successful showing in Rome. Donna said Brooke had been hot, and Brooke replied that it had been fun to model again. The topic changed when Donna asked what else had happened. R.J. figured that only his father could make his mother grin as Brooke was. Donna asked if Rome had worked its magic on Brooke and Ridge. Bubbling with giggles, Brooke announced that she and Ridge were back together.

Later, Brooke was regaling Eric, Donna, and R.J. with the story of Ridge and the Aventine Keyhole revelation. Brooke flashed back to Ridge asking her to be his Logan forever. Brooke said she was having a hard time believing it had happened, but she and Ridge had reunited at last.

Eric figured that if any people besides himself and Donna were meant to be, then it was Ridge and Brooke. R.J. expressed happiness for his parents, but he was worried about how Thomas and Steffy would take it. R.J. said it left Taylor on the outside looking in. Brooke reported that Thomas and Steffy had taken the news well and wanted Ridge to be happy. Eric wondered how Taylor would take it, and Brooke said Ridge was with Taylor right then.

In Taylor's office, Taylor hugged Ridge, glad for the unexpected visit. Taylor asked about the trip, and Ridge replied that it hadn't been what he'd expected. Taylor was happy that Thomas had been a success. She said he deserved a win, and it was a good time for their family. Ridge replied that he'd always cherish their family, and she knew that. "What is it, Ridge?" she asked.

Ridge shared that something had happened in Rome that Taylor needed to know about. Taylor figured that he was about to say he'd lost his passport -- or he was back with Brooke. Ridge claimed that he'd had no idea that he and Brooke would reconnect, but he'd seen his future in Rome. "With Brooke..." Taylor added. Ridge asserted that he had to give it one more chance. "I have to," he insisted.

Taylor repeated that Ridge would give it "one last chance," and Ridge said it was different that time. Taylor asked how. Not knowing how, Ridge replied that he and Brooke were older and wiser, and nothing would get between them again. Taylor told him not to jinx himself, and she stated that reuniting with Brooke was setting himself up for heartache.

Ridge stated that Taylor had a right to be cynical about it. Taylor insisted that her happiness wasn't dependent upon any man, not even Ridge. He said he knew it, and she replied that she knew he did. Taylor stated that she'd love Ridge always and forever, and she missed him. "But I'll be okay," she decided.

Taylor asked if Ridge was setting himself up for heartache again. Ridge insisted that he wasn't, not that time. He said he'd seen his future very clearly. She quipped that he saw things clearly until he didn't. Taylor figured Brooke and Ridge would be happy until Brooke betrayed his trust because Brooke Logan would always be Brooke Logan.

Liam forces Hope to admit she kissed Thomas
Liam forces Hope to admit she kissed Thomas

Liam forces Hope to admit she kissed Thomas

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

In Taylor's office, Taylor asked Ridge if he was "a thousand percent sure" he wanted the reunion with Brooke. Ridge replied that what he wanted was to not hurt Taylor. She admitted that a part of her hurt for herself but added that a part of her was hurting for him, too.

Ridge asked if Taylor knew how much he loved her, their family, and the memories. She said they'd always want the best for each other, but that was why it was so hard. She claimed she knew what always happened -- more heartache for him because of Brooke. Taylor said she could only speak to what she'd seen time and time again; Ridge would get pulled back into a relationship with Brooke, and there would be chaos.

"Is there anything I can say to make this easier? Anything that I can do?" Ridge asked. Affirming it, Taylor told him to be happy and keep his eyes open. She said she'd told him how she felt before he'd gone to Rome. She'd shared her concerns about Brooke and her manipulations. "And I was right. So much for our pact," Taylor uttered.

Later, Taylor was saying she felt she knew Brooke and wasn't surprised that Brooke hadn't been honest about what had been building between Brooke and Ridge. Taylor asked when Brooke had ever volunteered honesty. "Come on, Taylor," Ridge replied.

Taylor told Ridge not to start defending Brooke. Ridge said he wasn't trying to defend anyone; he was trying to help Taylor understand. Taylor responded that it wasn't his job to help her understand; she knew who Brooke was and how it would play out. She concluded that it wasn't her job to help Ridge understand that.

Taylor said Brooke had children with his father and had slept with his brother. "Okay, I did, too," Taylor conceded, but she said she hadn't gotten pregnant with her daughter's husband and had a child with him. Figuring Brooke couldn't have more children, Taylor said he didn't have to worry about that, but he should worry about who Brooke was at her core, which would never change.

Taylor said she'd say it once more and never bring it up again. Taylor stated that Brooke would betray Ridge, admit it once caught, and make herself the victim, and Ridge would forgive her. Taylor claimed to be done but then said it was heartbreaking that he kept going in the cycle, because she loved him. "Okay. I'm done," Taylor decided.

In Eric's office, Brooke was with R.J., who was happy that his parents were back together. He loved seeing the smile on his mother's face, and he loved the fact that, for once, it was because of his father. Brooke cooed that it had been a happy ending, but R.J. was sure that it wasn't a happy time for Ridge while he was telling Taylor the news. R.J. noted that it had to mark the end of any hope Taylor had of getting back with Ridge.

Later, R.J. noted that his mother loved telling the story of the Aventine Keyhole. Brooke giggled, and as she told her son what Ridge had said about the keyhole, the scene of Ridge peering into it played on the screen. The scene played of Ridge finally finding Brooke and asking her to be his Logan forever. To R.J., that sounded like a marriage proposal. Brooke asked how R.J. would feel if his parents remarried. R.J. said he and all those who loved them would be ecstatic, but it would be a different story for Taylor, Steffy, and Thomas.

Brooke shared that Taylor had expressed her love for Ridge and had broken their pact, trying to get him back. Brooke didn't think Taylor would ever get over Ridge. R.J. said that Taylor was a strong person, but she'd be heartbroken at the prospect of losing Ridge forever.

At the cliff house, Finn was anxious to know what had happened between Thomas and Hope. Steffy flashed back on Liam revealing that Hope had kissed Thomas. Stunned, Finn figured Thomas' obsession had overtaken Thomas. Steffy quickly corrected Finn, saying Hope had initiated the kiss. "She wanted my brother," Steffy said.

Finn said Steffy had been right. "Of course, I was right," Steffy responded, adding that she'd wanted to be wrong. She'd never thought Hope would do something like that. Steffy hoped Liam could find forgiveness and that the marriage could survive what Hope had done.

Finn guessed that Hope had feelings for Thomas. Steffy figured it had to be true, or Hope wouldn't have kissed Thomas that way. Finn wondered what Liam would do. Steffy flashed back to Liam kissing her in Rome, and she shuddered, shaking her head.

In Brooke's cabin, Hope asked if Liam had been in Italy. "Yeah...yeah, I was there..." the hollow Liam replied. She stated that he'd waited until then to tell her. Liam, in a semi-cynical tone, said he'd wanted to surprise her at the preview and show her how much he loved her. He'd wanted to support her and say how sorry he'd been for doubting her. He glared at her. Smiling, he said he hadn't made it in time, and he'd missed the whole thing.

Liam said that he'd wondered how differently things would have turned out if he'd made it. Confused, Hope questioned him being there but not wanting to see her. "I didn't say I didn't see you," he responded. Hope asked when he'd seen her if he'd missed the event.

Liam recalled the plans he'd had to take Hope on the yacht. Hope said she would have loved that, and she wished they'd gone. "Do you?" he asked. He tried to turn the topic back to her, but she said he still hadn't explained. Yelling, he said he was done for the moment, and it was time for her to do some explaining. Hope asked what he wanted her to explain.

Liam desired to hear everything. He wanted to hear about Hope's trip and what she'd done. Hope started talking about the preview and press event being a hit. Liam snapped that she and Thomas had been a hit. She replied that their hard work had paid off. "Clearly," Liam bit out. "And then what?" he asked. She asked, "After that?"

In a rush of words, Liam asked what Hope had done after the event -- if she'd stuck around, signed autographs, and taken photos. Hope tried to respond, but he kept throwing out ideas of what she'd done and then wondered if she'd gone sightseeing. She affirmed it. "Alone? Or were you with someone?" Liam pointedly asked, his voice cracking.

Liam figured that after the press conference, Hope had walked around Rome. "By yourself?" he asked. She said, "No." He asked if someone had been with her. She answered in the affirmative. When he named people who could be with her, she tried to divert to his Rome trip. Liam said he didn't understand why she wasn't just answering his question.

Liam asked again who Hope had gone sightseeing with. Hope said she didn't want to talk about Rome anymore because she was home, and her focus was on him and their family. Liam wished he could focus on that, but he said it was hard when she wasn't answering him. Liam repeated that she'd walked around, and he named the tourist sights to see. Finally, he said he knew where she'd gone, and it had been to the Colosseum. He asked if she'd gone there.

Hope's eyes grew red, and Hope admitted going there. Liam asked who she'd gone with. Tears rolled down her face. He figured that she couldn't say it, even though they both knew who she'd gone with. "I know because I saw you two together," Liam revealed.

Revelation washed over Hope. Liam stated that she'd been out in the open, not even trying to hide it. It had been for everyone to see, "for me to see." He admitted that she hadn't known he'd been there and had thought he'd been miles away, watching the kids. "The family, you know, that you claim matters more to you than anything?" he asked.

Liam assumed Hope had thought she'd been safe, and he'd never find out. Liam asked her not to make him say it. "You say it. Just tell me what you did," he instructed. Hope wouldn't speak, so he asked her to do it together and repeat after him. "I...come on, come on, say it...I...kissed..." Hope wouldn't speak, but furious, Liam ordered her to do it with him. Finally, she sobbed that she'd kissed Thomas. "I kissed Thomas..." she uttered and shed tears in Liam's boiling silence.

Taylor and Brooke go rounds, and Hope asks for forgiveness
Taylor and Brooke go rounds, and Hope asks for forgiveness

Taylor and Brooke go rounds, and Hope asks for forgiveness

Thursday, June 29, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

At the cliff house, Finn empathized with Liam, saying if it had been Finn, Finn would have freaked out. Steffy replied that Liam was devastated, and she hadn't seen him that brokenhearted and disillusioned in a long time. Finn could only imagine what Liam had been feeling to find his wife kissing another man. Steffy flashed back to Liam kissing her.

Steffy stated that Hope and Liam had to work it out. Finn said it had to be the worst thing for Liam because it had been Thomas. Steffy said nothing else had happened, and it had been just a kiss. "Which is bad enough," Finn replied. Steffy was praying that Liam would see that it had been a fleeting moment, and Hope had gotten caught up in the fairytale. Finn hoped Hope and Liam's marriage could survive what had happened in Rome.

As Finn was on the phone with the hospital, Steffy recalled Liam's kiss in Rome and looked worried.

In Eric's office, Ridge told R.J. he'd have to help move all his dad's stuff out of his grandfather's house, so Ridge could move in with R.J. and Brooke. When Thomas joined the conversation, he said he wouldn't give Ridge a hard time for returning to Brooke, but Thomas did feel bad for his mother. Ridge replied that he'd always care about Taylor. R.J. wondered if the women's friendship could return, but Ridge felt the rivalry was alive and well.

Later, R.J. raved about Hope and Thomas' work trending all week. Thomas thanked R.J. for posting about the preview and said the whole experience had been awesome. R.J. assumed it was a trip Thomas would never forget. Thomas remembered Hope kissing him.

In the design office, Brooke was grinning about her memories of Rome when Taylor stood in the doorway, welcoming Brooke home, saying Rome had been everything Brooke had hoped for. Brooke asked if she was supposed to say she was sorry. Taylor claimed to know Brooke wasn't sorry for how it had all gone down, from undermining Thomas and Taylor's family to not being honest about what had been going down with Ridge.

Taylor said she'd trusted Brooke and believed the friendship had been real. "It was -- to me, anyway," Brooke quipped. Taylor didn't know how it could have been when Brooke had been using Thomas' past against him. Upset, Brooke replied that she'd been supportive and forgiving of Thomas. "Maybe for a minute," Taylor contended, adding that once Hope had had feelings for Thomas, Brooke had been right back to manipulating. Taylor claimed that all Brooke did was manipulate, and it had all been about getting back with Ridge.

Brooke retorted that she could say the same thing about Taylor, but Taylor replied that Brooke couldn't. Taylor stated that she'd repeatedly asked Brooke if anything had been going on with Ridge. Brooke yelled that nothing had been going on, and she hadn't lied to Taylor. "You broke our pact, and that is the reason we are where we are. You have nobody to blame but yourself!" Brooke asserted. Taylor asked how it was her fault.

Brooke explained that Taylor had worked behind the scenes to push Brooke toward other men. Taylor claimed it wasn't true. Brooke added that Taylor had told Ridge to have nothing to do with Brooke, while at the same time, Taylor had been throwing herself at Ridge. Taylor said it had been after she'd put the pieces together, and she insisted Brooke had lied about what had been building between Brooke and Ridge. Brooke said Taylor was just trying to justify her actions, but Taylor persisted in her claim that she hadn't had a scheme to set Brooke up with men.

Brooke didn't believe it. Taylor didn't care what Brooke believed and said Brooke had played her dusty destiny card to get what she'd wanted. Brooke insisted that Taylor had been the one throwing herself at Ridge and inviting herself to Italy when she'd had no reason to be there. Taylor said it had been a huge moment for her kids, and she'd wanted to be there.

Brooke asked about the time she and Taylor had spent together and the movie nights in their PJs. She asked if they'd become enemies. Taylor said she didn't want to be enemies. Brooke replied that Taylor had been the bestie involved in Brooke's love life as a way to get to Ridge. Taylor claimed to be tired of the back-and-forth and fighting over Ridge. She asked if Brooke was tired of doing it. Brooke said she didn't want to do it, either.

Taylor told Brooke to be happy with Ridge. Taylor claimed she had a happy life with her kids and grandkids, and she'd continue to be happy.

In Brooke's cabin, Liam revealed that he'd been there at the Colosseum. "And you made me see it!" he screamed over Hope as she asked if she could explain. He asked if she'd forgotten all the things Thomas had done, and he said Steffy had warned him about Hope and her feelings; however, Liam hadn't believed there would be any way Hope would betray him and their marriage. "That's exactly what you did, isn't it? How could you do that?" he asked.

Hope offered to explain, but Liam didn't know how she could. He yelled that after all the times Thomas had targeted her, Liam had had to watch Hope kiss him. Liam had had to watch Hope take Thomas' face into her hands and lean in. Liam was certain Hope had chosen that moment and had made it happen, not Thomas. "You wanted it, and I have to live with it! I don't get to purge that from my head!" Liam yelled. Suddenly, he said he felt a little sick.

Hope uttered that she was sorry. Liam replied that she had no idea. He stated that he'd been excited to surprise her and take her on the yacht for the weekend. She claimed that they could still do it. Liam yelled that she didn't understand. He said she'd known for months how he'd felt and how much it would hurt her.

"And you blew me off, and you blew me off, and you blew me off. Over and over again, you told me there was nothing to worry about. I don't know what to do now that I know that I can't trust you anymore," Liam concluded, adding that all he'd believed in and all he'd thought she'd stood for... "I don't know who you are. But it's not that. It's not that," he said.

Hope asked Liam not to give up on her. She said it had just been one kiss. "That I know of," he replied. Liam asked how it could have happened with Thomas. Sobbing, Hope cried that she didn't know. She claimed that she'd felt so much pressure, but when she'd gotten to Rome, she had finally been able to breathe. Liam replied that Steffy might have been right all along, and Hope had feelings for Thomas.

Laughing, Hope said the kiss had been illogical, and she shouldn't have feelings for Thomas. She claimed she didn't want to have feelings for Thomas. She cried that Liam had asked her who she was, and she didn't know the answer to that; however, she knew that she loved Liam. She claimed that it had always been Liam. Crying himself, he asked how it could be true.

Hope replied that she was Liam's wife, standing in their home, and she was asking him not to lose sight of it because they could still have a future, laughter, and love. They didn't need to let one kiss derail it. She begged him. She said she'd hurt him, but he'd also hurt her, and she'd forgiven him. She claimed she'd risen above it and was asking for the same chance to try to hold them together as a family. She asked if he could forgive her.

Liam tells Hope that their marriage is over
Liam tells Hope that their marriage is over

Liam tells Hope that their marriage is over

Friday, June 30, 2023

by Dan J Kroll

Hope pleaded with Liam to listen to her and to not let her kiss ruin their marriage. "I love you!" Hope shouted through tears as she begged for forgiveness. Liam growled that he could not "unsee" Hope kissing Thomas. Hope asked that Liam stop thinking about the kiss and instead think about the future -- and the future of their family.

Liam accused Hope of "gaslighting" him for months. "I never thought it would be you pursuing him," Liam snarled. Hope insisted that it was not like that. "I don't even understand it. I didn't want this. I don't know why I am feeling this way," Hope struggled to say as she sobbed openly. Hope denied that her explanation was an excuse.

Hope apologized profusely to Liam, but her apology fell on deaf ears. "I don't believe you," Liam replied coldly. Liam told Hope that he was tired. He reached for his jacket and told Hope that he'd be back later for some of his things. Then, with little buildup, he told Hope that he wanted a divorce. A devastated Hope stood silent as she tried to process what was happening. It wasn't until Liam walked out of the cabin that a still-silent Hope turned and looked toward the door.

Later, a knock sounded on the door. Hope jumped to her feet and called out Liam's name. She was unable to hide her disappointment when R.J. entered the cabin. R.J. crowed that he was there to celebrate Hope's success, but he immediately sensed that something was wrong. R.J. knelt beside Hope and told her that she could talk to him about whatever she was going through.

Hope recounted her conversation with Liam when she'd returned home. R.J. beamed happily when he learned that Liam had, in fact, gone to Rome. "He missed the entire event, and I didn't even see him," Hope said somberly. R.J. was bummed that Liam had gone all that way and had been unable to see Hope. "No, he saw me," Hope replied. Hope told R.J. that she had wanted to go sightseeing after the fashion preview, but instead, "got caught up in the moment." She looked upward as she sought the words to explain what had happened.

Hope explained that when Liam had seen her, she hadn't been alone. R.J. correctly guessed that Hope had been with Thomas, but he didn't understand why Liam would be upset about seeing Hope and Thomas celebrating a successful event. Hope abruptly stopped and said that she didn't want to burden her little brother with her problems. R.J. offered to get Brooke, but Hope quickly shot down that idea.

Still unaware why Liam had made a hasty retreat from Rome, R.J. extolled Liam as a man who was obviously in love with Hope. "He absolutely loves you," R.J. insisted. "Yeah, he did," Hope replied. R.J. questioned his sister's use of the past tense. R.J. rose to his feet and thought for a few moments before asking Hope what Liam had seen when he'd arrived in Rome. "I wasn't just with Thomas. I kissed him," Hope said.

Liam asked Wyatt to meet him in the executive office at Spencer Publications. Liam said that he would be moving in with Bill for the foreseeable future. Wyatt seemed unsure what to say or do to help his brother. Wyatt said that he hoped some cooling-off time might help Liam. "Time is not going to fix this, nor is any excuse about the magic of Rome or getting caught up in the moment," Liam said icily. Wyatt was stunned when Liam shared that he wanted a divorce from Hope.

Wyatt vowed to be there for Liam and help him with anything he needed. When Wyatt asked Liam what was next, Liam expressed that he had "so many regrets." Wyatt asked what that meant, but Liam simply turned around and walked out of the office.

Before Finn headed off to work, he and Steffy talked about the challenges facing Hope and Liam. Finn struggled to comprehend what it had to have been like for Liam to "travel halfway across the world to find his wife kissing another man." Nothing that Liam had always called Hope the most forgiving person he knew, Steffy hoped that Liam could find that same forgiveness for his wife. Finn doubted that Liam would be able to do that because Thomas was involved.

Steffy told Finn that she'd instructed Hope to get her emotions in check and even tried to warn Liam what had been going on. Steffy and Finn both worried what impact Hope and Thomas' kiss might have.

Later, after Finn had headed to work, Liam knocked on the door to the beach house. A concerned Steffy let Liam into the house and asked him why he was there. Steffy wanted to know what had happened between Hope and Liam. Liam shared that Hope hadn't told him about kissing Thomas and that he'd had to bring it up to her. "I left her. I'm done with this," Liam said. Steffy tried to convince Liam that he needed some time. Liam said that he didn't need time and had asked Hope for a divorce.

Liam said several times that he needed to move on with his life. He looked reflective for a moment before walking over to Steffy and kissing her passionately. After a few seconds, Steffy pushed Liam away. A look of horror swept over Steffy's face.

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Edited by SC Desk