Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 24, 2023 on B&B

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Liam questioned Hope
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of April 24, 2023 on B&B

Thomas finagled an admission from Taylor about Brooke and Ridge. Liam questioned Hope's feelings for Thomas. Steffy squared off with Sheila at the prison. Sheila's email solicitation resulted in a mysterious arrival at the prison. Katie and Carter expressed their feelings.

Ridge attempts to talk R.J. into designing for Forrester
Ridge attempts to talk R.J. into designing for Forrester

Ridge attempts to talk R.J. into designing for Forrester

Monday, April 24, 2023

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by Chanel S. Garner

In the CEO's office, Brooke and Ridge took a family selfie with R.J. When R.J. posted the photo, it instantly got thousands of likes. He gave his mother chocolate he'd gotten from Switzerland. Glad to see his parents happy after all they'd gone through, he asked how his siblings were. Brooke reported that Bridget was working at a hospital in New York, and Rick was at International. R.J. revealed that he'd met up with Rick in Paris.

Talk turned to Hope, and R.J. said her line was fire. R.J. asked how Steffy was. Ridge relayed that Steffy was good with her house, husband, and kids, and running the place was effortless with her. R.J. said he was glad the Sheila nightmare was behind them. Ridge noted that R.J. hadn't asked about Thomas, his big brother. R.J. inquired about Thomas, and Ridge wondered if R.J. had spoken to Thomas and if things were okay between the brothers.

R.J. admitted that he thought what Thomas had done with the CPS call had been messed up. R.J. had been hurt by his parents' separation but said he couldn't get caught up in the family drama. He said he'd seen his siblings go after each other, and the Forrester-Logan rivalry was no fun for him, especially because he was a Forrester and a Logan. Brooke and Ridge noticed how grownup R.J. was and expressed their pride in him.

R.J. was leery of getting swept up in family drama and said it was why he'd been away for so long. Brooke and Ridge said that he and Brooke didn't want their son to feel that he had to pick sides. Ridge added that family should be an inspiration, not a thing to run from. R.J. claimed that he'd been staying focused, not running, and the whole Sheila incident proved the family was stronger unified than divided. R.J. was amazed that even Bill and Ridge had gotten along.

Glad R.J. was home, Brooke didn't want to ever let him leave again. Ridge asked if R.J. would stay a while or go when the next festival cropped up. R.J. indicated that he wasn't just passing through, and he missed his family and home. Ridge suggested that R.J. become an intern at Forrester. R.J. said Ridge knew how his son felt about the fashion industry.

Ridge replied that it had been a while, and he hoped that R.J. would work with his father and grandfather, who'd love to have him. R.J. replied that he had his own thing going on, and being an influencer afforded him the chance to travel the world and collaborate with artists. Ridge pointed out that "we" were artists. Brooke tried to rein Ridge in, but he reminded R.J. of sketches he'd done in the past.

Although he appreciated the offer, R.J. pointed out how busy it already was there with Ridge, Eric, Hope, Steffy, Thomas, and Zende. Ridge insisted that there was room for R.J., but R.J. replied that he had his followers, his brand, and his own content. Ridge said R.J. could design and get even more followers. Brooke asked Ridge to stop before he scared their son away.

In the design office, Thomas asked Taylor to be patient because inspiration had suddenly struck him. As he sketched, she remembered keeping extra napkins around at dinnertime for Ridge to sketch on. Thomas said he remembered, and he asked what Taylor needed. Taylor wondered how things were with Hope. "I have to ask -- any urges or desires?" Taylor wondered.

Thomas said it was an awkward question, but Taylor insisted that it was necessary. Thomas assured her that he didn't have any urges or desires and wasn't even looking to put his parents back together. He said he just wanted to be the best designer and prove his trustworthiness. Taylor said she wouldn't have backed him if she hadn't trusted him, and his good work was paying off. She expressed that she and Ridge were proud of Thomas.

Taylor assumed it was challenging to work with Hope, but Thomas said it wasn't. He stated that he loved Hope as his friend, co-worker, and co-parent. He claimed that he didn't want to be with Hope, and Hope didn't want to be with him. Proud, Taylor hugged Thomas.

Hope arrived to go over designs with Thomas. Taylor looked on as Hope and Thomas discussed intermingling leather and lace to achieve a look for a design. Thomas remarked that it was like bringing two worlds together, and Taylor noted that it was the same way with Hope and Thomas, whom Taylor had never seen so creatively in sync.

Taylor admitted she was sad Liam wasn't okay with it, but Hope hoped Liam would get used to it. Taylor didn't think Liam had a reason to be skeptical. Thomas did think so, given the past, and Thomas hoped to win Liam over. Hope had an anxious, far-off look on her face, and Thomas asked if she was okay. Hope remarked that it was all coming together, and even their mothers were besties.

Taylor said she and Brooke had families with Ridge, but it was nice to be done with all the drama. Thomas added that Ridge wanted the best and respected Brooke and Taylor's relationship. Thomas believed that Ridge wanted the big, weird, complicated family to be great.

Scrolling through a tablet, Hope showed Taylor some of the collection. Thomas said he wanted vintage HFTF to inspire the collection, not be a reboot. Hope and Thomas agreed that revisiting the past showed the line's development in just the way that they'd all grown and developed over the years. Thomas pointed out a design that was Zende's.

Taylor loved everything and praised Hope and Thomas as a good team that collaborated well. Taylor guessed their bond had strengthened more from parenting Douglas together. Thomas and Hope exchanged glances.

Charlie entered and was eager to share information that he believed some would call news and others would call gossip. Charlie described the mystery of Ridge Forrester attempting to get into the building while Ridge Forrester was actually already in the building. Hope assumed someone had been impersonating Ridge, but Charlie said the tale of the two Ridges was more complex because they were both real Ridges. "How can that be?" Charlie asked.

Hope guessed Charlie was talking about R.J. Thomas asked why Charlie hadn't said that in the first place, and Hope beamed that her little brother was home. Charlie informed them that R.J. was in the building and was a chip off the old block. "Tell Ridge I said that," Charlie said, and he left.

Hope took off to see her brother, and Thomas said he'd catch up later. Once alone with Thomas, Taylor asked why Thomas hadn't gone to see his brother. Thomas claimed he had stuff to do. Taylor asked if Thomas had talked to R.J. in a while. Thomas admitted he hadn't because he'd been at odds with R.J.'s mother. Taylor urged Thomas to reconnect with his brother, and she asked how he felt about his brother being back. Thomas countered by asking how Taylor felt about Brooke and Ridge's only child being back.

Back in the design office, Brooke told R.J. that he had plenty of time to decide what to do while home. R.J. said he'd work on his brand. Ridge said that he didn't want his son to forget that he had designing in his veins.

Hope arrived and gave R.J. a big hug. She said he hadn't told her that he'd be home when they'd talked the other day. Hope hoped R.J. would be staying, and he said his plans were open. Hope remarked that it seemed like yesterday that she and R.J. had roamed the halls and had dance parties in the showroom at the end of the day. She told him that it was good to have him home, and he replied that it was good to be home. The foursome had a group, family hug.

Liam makes a stunning admission to Steffy
Liam makes a stunning admission to Steffy

Liam makes a stunning admission to Steffy

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

At the cliff house, Finn and Steffy kissed, and he suspected he was the luckiest man alive to wake up to her snoring. Steffy hit him, saying she didn't snore, but Finn joked that he'd thought it had been the sea lions on the beach. Steffy told him that he knew he loved it, and they kissed.

Liam arrived, sorry to be interrupting. Finn said they were talking about Steffy's snoring, and Steffy warned Liam not to weigh in. Liam pleaded the fifth. Steffy gave Kelly's homework to Liam. Liam wanted to talk because he was still grappling with Thomas' return to Forrester. Steffy admitted that she'd had a hard time forgiving Thomas, and Finn added that after he'd seen what it had meant to Taylor, he'd sucked it up to forgive Thomas, too. Finn and Steffy were glad they'd done it and said they truly believed Thomas had changed.

Finn took off for work. Alone with Steffy, Liam said he trusted her judgment; however, he wondered to what degree Thomas had changed and if he'd changed enough to alleviate Liam's worries about Thomas being around Liam's wife. Liam said that Steffy was close to Thomas but could at least be objective. She repeated that she would not have rehired Thomas or given him another chance if she'd had doubts. She reminded Liam that she and Thomas hadn't been in a good place, and she hadn't thought she could trust him again.

Liam asked if Steffy was just doing the sisterly thing. Steffy asserted that she truly believed Thomas was a different person. Liam asked what made her feel it. Steffy claimed to know her brother and to be able to sense when there was something wrong. She insisted that Thomas wasn't hung up on Hope but was instead focused on designing and being a father. Steffy stated that it was a wonderful time for her family.

Steffy asked Liam not to feel bad about having reservations. Liam said that was an understatement because Hope and Thomas were working well into the night together. Steffy said it was what designers did. Liam replied that he wanted Hope to succeed, and he didn't want to talk it to death. Steffy asked if Liam's opinion had changed. Liam revealed that he'd started to think there was something with Hope that kept bringing her back to Thomas.

In the design office, Thomas wondered how Taylor felt about R.J., Brooke and Ridge's only child, being in town. Taylor claimed to be happy about Thomas' brother being there. Calling R.J. his half-brother, Thomas noted that Brooke and Ridge had made R.J. together. "Is that how conception works?" Taylor quipped. Thomas warned that it could change all the dynamics.

Taylor claimed to be happy Ridge and Brooke had their son back. "Are you, though?" Thomas questioned. Taylor affirmed it, saying she knew what it was like to be away from one's kid. Taylor said R.J. had left home when he'd been "so young." Putting her hand four feet above the ground, she said R.J. had left home when he'd been "this big."

Thomas replied that R.J. was big, almost out of school, but Taylor said babies would always be babies. She joked that she couldn't believe how old Thomas was. Taylor hoped Steffy and Thomas would spend a lot of time with their younger brother. Thomas claimed that Taylor was dodging his question. Taylor assumed Thomas wanted to know if she thought R.J.'s presence would reunite Ridge and Brooke. "Probably so..." Taylor sadly concluded.

Taylor decided that there was no doubt in her mind that it would. Thomas asked if she was okay with it. Taylor said she was indifferent. She stated that Ridge and Brooke shared a child together, but Thomas countered that Ridge had multiple children with Taylor. Taylor responded that it wasn't about just that. Taylor assumed that there would be family dinners, and Steffy and Thomas would attend them. Taylor said she was open to attending a blended family dinner.

Thomas eyed Taylor skeptically, but she urged him to put the "fun" in dysfunctional. Thomas said that, as fun as it could be, it could still cause Taylor pain. Taylor replied that she trusted her friendship with Brooke and only cared about honesty and transparency. Taylor stated that it was what their pact was about, putting their friendship first.

Taylor questioned how Thomas felt about his half-brother being in town. "Good, I guess," Thomas murmured. He said it wasn't as if he and his brother hung out all the time, and Thomas was much older than R.J. Thomas was sure he and his brother would bury the hatchet. Taylor said that there was no time like the present. "Age before beauty," she said, gesturing to the door. "Ancient before old," he quipped, gesturing, also.

In the CEO's office, Hope, Ridge, and Brooke expressed their gratefulness to have R.J. back. Hope wished to convince R.J. to stay forever, and Ridge suspected that one more group hug would do it. The foursome hugged again, and Ridge declared that it had worked.

R.J. told Hope that she'd been killing it with her line, and she thanked him for letting her run ideas by him. "Aha!" Ridge exclaimed, noting that R.J. had paid attention to the business, after all. Hope guessed Ridge wanted R.J. to work at the company. Ridge joked that they could station R.J. at a table beside Donna and Pam.

When Ridge decided to give R.J. his own office and parking space, R.J. intervened, saying that he was proud of the family business but wanted to do his own thing and establish his identity. "By being an influencer?" Ridge questioned. R.J. asked Hope to back him up. She attested to his many followers and said he was doing well. Brooke lauded R.J.'s accomplishments and asked Ridge not to drive their son away before his first night was over.

Ridge mentioned that Forrester had a 24-hour gym. Flexing, Ridge said his son could photograph himself in the mirror doing what guys do. Ridge even offered to work out once a month with R.J. Hope worried that R.J. was feeling cornered, but R.J. said he wasn't. Ridge stated that R.J. was talented and could help the business. R.J. was flattered by Ridge's high praise but wanted to do his own thing.

Ridge hoped that "doing your thing" would bring R.J. back to the office, working with Ridge. Hope and Brooke said R.J. got Ridge's view. Ridge didn't think R.J got that he'd been given talent. It was the same one that Eric, Thomas, Zende, "and sometimes me" had. It was a gift to create things, but R.J. had something more that could make him the best of them all: he'd inherited his mother's brain.

Hope agreed that R.J. had the best of both his parents within him, and she added that working there had its perks. R.J. said the work they did there had been amazing, and it had opened doors for him. However, R.J. wanted to pave his own way.

Thomas and Taylor entered. Taylor readily hugged R.J., and R.J. and Thomas shook hands. R.J. complimented Thomas on becoming a world-class designer -- but only because he'd taken after their dad. Ridge admired the moment of having his two boys, all grown up. He said he'd helped raise both of them with two amazing women, Brooke and Taylor. Ridge stated that he loved his sons and was glad R.J. was home.

Ridge revels in his
Ridge revels in his ''beautiful blended family'' being together in one place

Ridge revels in his ''beautiful blended family'' being together in one place

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

by Dan J Kroll

At Steffy's beach house, Liam continued to discuss his uneasiness with Thomas being back in Hope's orbit. "If it's not work or parenting, why do you think Hope and Thomas want to spend all this time together?" Steffy asked. Liam insisted that he had "made peace" with knowing that Douglas would always be a thread that tied Hope and Thomas together. Liam explained that he had "a feeling" something was amiss, but he worried about coming off as an "overbearing, overprotective, controlling husband." Steffy assured Liam that no one thought that. She repeated her belief that Liam had no reason to fear that Thomas had feelings for Hope.

Liam admitted that he had trouble rationalizing how Thomas was back in Hope's life after having done so many terrible things to her. Liam said that he hated being "on high alert all the time." Steffy cocked her head to the side and asked Liam if he needed her to tell him that he was crazy. Liam thought for a moment before realizing that Hope had put up with a lot of his own issues. He wondered if Hope was just a very generous person. He paused for a moment before commenting that he might not be able to understand Hope because he was not a generous person.

Before leaving for work, Steffy told Liam that Thomas was in a much better place and understood "how lucky" he was to have another chance.

Liam showed up late for a meeting at Il Giardino with Wyatt and a client. By the time he arrived, the meeting was over, and the client was gone. Liam confessed that he'd made an unexpected stop to talk to Steffy. Annoyed, Wyatt pressed for details of what was more important than a meeting that had been on the books for weeks. Liam looked around the restaurant for their server. "No foodsie 'til you explainsie," Wyatt replied. Liam shared that Steffy had once again assured him that he had no reason to be worried about Thomas. Liam hoped that with the entire Forrester family seemingly happy, it would mean that Thomas would "keep his damn head on straight."

In the executive office at Forrester Creations, an overjoyed Ridge put one arm around Thomas and one around R.J. before announcing, "The Forrester men back together -- in this building!" Ridge believed the possibilities were endless. Hope and Brooke told Thomas that Ridge had been pressuring R.J. to work at Forrester. "Too bad for him that I inherited all of his stubbornness," R.J. mused. Ridge noted that R.J. had also inherited his ambition and Brooke's ingenuity. Thomas and Taylor exchanged uncomfortable glances.

Ridge explained that Eric had built Forrester Creations to share with his kids. Ridge said that he planned to do that with his kids. Ridge asked Thomas to convince R.J. to join the company. Thomas replied that he wasn't sure that R.J. wanted -- or even needed -- to join Forrester. Thomas said he was impressed by the content that R.J. had been posting online. Taylor interjected that Ridge should just be happy that R.J. was home. Thomas told R.J. that his name was "Ridge, Jr." and that he'd always have a place at Forrester Creations should he want it.

R.J. asked if Ridge wanted all of his kids working at the company. Brooke, who had been a silent, albeit uneasy, observer, assured R.J. that neither she nor Ridge would force him into something that he did not want. "Follow your own path," Brooke said. Ridge hoped that the path would lead to the executive suite.

R.J. and Thomas spoke quietly in a corner of the office. Thomas apologized to R.J. for the things that he had done to hurt both of their families. R.J. nodded understandingly. R.J. stated that he did not want to become involved in any family drama. Thomas and R.J. looked to the other side of the office and smiled as they watched Brooke, Hope, Ridge, and Taylor sharing a laugh.

R.J. admitted that one of the reasons he had returned to Los Angeles was to see Taylor and Brooke's friendship in person. Thomas apologized for Ridge pressuring R.J. to return to Forrester. "It's hard to make a name for yourself when you share yours with someone as legendary as Ridge Forrester," R.J. replied with a chuckle.

Steffy walked into the room and commented that Charlie had been chattering on about some big surprise. Steffy's eyes moved around the office and eventually landed on R.J. She raced over to her brother and gave him a big hug. Steffy wondered why no one had told her that R.J. was returning home. R.J. replied that he hadn't told anyone. "Look at dad's face!" Steffy said with a laugh.

Ridge raised his eyebrows. "What about my face?" he quipped. Steffy was happy, though a bit surprised, that R.J. and Thomas seemed to be getting along. Steffy asked R.J. what brought him back to Los Angeles. R.J. cryptically replied that he had "some opportunities" but also wanted to spend time with his family.

Ridge asked if it would be possible for all of them to get together for a big family photo, something he didn't think would have been possible before Brooke and Taylor's dtente. Hope offered to take the photo, but Ridge told Hope she needed to be part of the photo. "You're not my daughter, but you're part of my family," Ridge explained. "We got half-brother and half-sisters and mothers and dads, and we're all here," Ridge beamed. Ridge said that people always told him that he had two families, but he didn't believe that. "I have one beautiful blended family, and I wouldn't change a thing," he said.

Steffy motioned that it was time for Ridge to stop talking and take the family selfie. After getting a few pointers on how to take the perfect group selfie, Ridge snapped the photo he had wanted for so long.

Steffy pays Sheila a visit in jail
Steffy pays Sheila a visit in jail

Steffy pays Sheila a visit in jail

Thursday, April 27, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

At the cliff house, Finn and Steffy contemplated going back to bed to pick up where they'd left off, but Finn's mother was on the way over. Steffy said it was okay because she had some unfinished business to take care of with someone.

Finn was surprised to hear that Steffy planned to visit Sheila. Steffy stated that she wanted to see Sheila caged like the animal she was. Uncomfortable with the visit, Finn offered to accompany Steffy, but she preferred for him to enjoy his visit with his mom. She assured him that she'd be fine.

Later, Li and Finn were together, talking about Finn and Steffy's busy schedules. Li guessed that Steffy was at work, but Finn said Steffy had gone to see Sheila. "Why on earth?" Li asked. Finn explained that Steffy wanted to confront Sheila about "the hell" she'd put them through, including Li.

Finn noted that Sheila had messed with Li's life before Li had even known by having an affair and child with Jack. Li, who wished she'd never found out, said ignorance really was bliss. Li stated that her marriage hadn't survived Sheila, but Li, Finn, and Steffy had. All that mattered to Li was that Finn, Steffy, and the grandchildren were safe from Sheila.

At the prison, Sheila shook her bars, determined to find a way out of there. She asked O.C. Keller, a passing guard, if she could return to the prison computer to check for a response to an email she'd sent out, but Keller said she had a visitor. Sheila asked who it was, but he told her to wait and see.

In the visitation area later, Sheila tilted her head with interest as Steffy arrived, claiming she'd had to see Sheila in her "natural habitat." Sheila assumed Steffy was there to berate Sheila or kick Sheila when she was down. Steffy asked why she had to choose.

Sheila suggested Steffy show compassion for what Sheila had been through, being tricked by Bill Spencer. She asked what it would be like if Steffy learned that Finn had never loved her and her whole life had been a scam. Steffy said it would never happen, and there was no reason to scam her because she wasn't a psychopathic killer. Steffy refused to feel sorry for Sheila, who was getting everything she deserved.

Sheila reminded Steffy that Finn, Hayes, and Sheila all shared the same blood, but Steffy had shut Sheila out at every turn. Asserting that she always would, Steffy stated that Sheila had no one to blame but herself, and Sheila didn't exist for Steffy's family. Sheila said Finn wouldn't let Steffy do that to Hayes.

Steffy called Sheila delusional, but Sheila was steadfast in her belief that Finn loved her deep down. Sheila asked what more proof Steffy needed than when Finn had saved Sheila. Steffy replied that it was what Finn did as a doctor. Steffy said Finn tried to see the best in even worthless people like Sheila, but Steffy would remind him of what a monster Sheila was and wipe Sheila from his mind. Steffy said Sheila would be erased.

As Steffy called for a guard, Sheila asserted that she'd be back. She said she wouldn't be locked up there forever, and Steffy hadn't seen the last of her.

At Bill's house, Bill ordered his sons to explain why, without consulting him, they'd bought a streaming channel that no one was watching. Wyatt and Liam pitched rebranding it and transforming it into a fashion channel featuring designers and influencers. "You hate it," Liam concluded.

Bill said he loved it, and his sons deserved a new toy after holding down the fort while he'd been with Sheila. Bill expressed pride in his sons. Wyatt and Liam said they were happy to have Bill back, but Bill doubted anyone was happier than he. Bill wanted to redeem the time he'd lost, especially time with his Katie.

Liam and Wyatt exchanged troubled looks. "What?" Bill asked. Wyatt asked if Bill really thought he had another shot with Katie. "Absolutely," Bill responded.

Wyatt reminded Bill that Katie and Bill had been through a lot. Bill replied that it was true of any couple. Liam interjected that not every husband fell for his wife's sister. Bill was adamant that he could win back her trust if he had time and access. Wyatt guessed Katie hadn't given Bill either. Bill said Katie would do it in time. Liam asked about Carter, and Bill stated that Carter would move on.

Wyatt remarked that Bill had been known to pull off the impossible. Liam agreed, citing the recent events with Sheila Carter.

Bill shared his intentions to whisk Katie off on the Stella Maris for a month or however long it took for them to reconnect after she returned to him. After the trip, he intended to do some house hunting with Katie. Wyatt and Liam noted that Bill was really planning ahead -- perhaps too far ahead.

"Oh, here it comes," Bill said. Liam insisted that all he was trying to say was that Bill might be underestimating Katie's connection to Carter. Bill said Carter was a fine guy, but not for Katie. Bill revealed that he'd already told Katie and Carter that Bill would fight for her and win.

At Carter's place, Katie woke up in Carter's bed. Carter had been watching her sleep. The two began passionately kissing. He figured he'd done something right if he could wake up beside the beautiful Katie.

Katie wished they could stay in bed all day. Carter replied that for him, duty called, and for her, she had a date with Bill. Katie asserted that it wasn't a date; Bill just wanted to talk. "You know that's not true," Carter replied. Katie said she was sorry if it bothered Carter. Carter said he wasn't bothered; he just didn't trust Bill. She didn't know why they were even talking about Bill, and the two kissed again.

Later, Katie sighed joyfully after having sex with Carter and decided that she'd found the answer to world peace -- it was waking up with Carter. She quipped that no one could be upset after what she and Carter had just done. Carter became intrigued when Katie decided to ask what she deemed an inappropriate question. "What was it like with Quinn?" Katie asked.

Carter chose to pass on that question, but Katie claimed to be a modern woman, able to talk to him about anything. She thought it had been out of character for him to be with Quinn, so she wondered what it had been for him and if it had been just sex.

Carter replied that, looking back, it had been a bad time in his and Quinn's lives. They'd felt unseen except when together. He said it had been the guiltiest he'd felt in his life. There had been a powerful attraction and incredible sex, but in the end, that had been all it had been because she'd left.

Carter claimed that what he had with Katie was real, and they'd just made love. "That's so much better," he said, calling it the best thing ever. Katie agreed that it had been love, and that it had been the best.

Sheila receives a mysterious visitor
Sheila receives a mysterious visitor

Sheila receives a mysterious visitor

Friday, April 28, 2023

by Chanel S. Garner

At Forrester, Katie and Carter sneaked bashful looks at each other. They talked about how big the moment at his place earlier that day had been when they'd said the "three words" without saying them. Katie said it was what they'd been feeling. "Are feeling," he said and kissed her.

Carter wondered if Katie really needed to go see Bill, who had an agenda to get Katie back. Katie said Bill didn't always get what he wanted. As Carter and Katie kissed again, Brooke arrived. Brooke was sorry she'd interrupted, but Katie replied that she was leaving, on her way to a "date" with Bill.

After Katie left, Brooke and Carter discussed the situation with Bill and Katie. Brooke said Bill had to see that Carter and Katie's relationship was progressing. Certain that Bill did see, Carter asserted that it was why Katie was at Bill's house that day. Carter was sure Bill would try to remind Katie of all they'd been together and apologize over and over. Carter asked Brooke not to get him started on all the jewelry. "All the jewelry," Brooke echoed, chuckling.

Carter confided in Brooke that he and Katie had basically professed love for each other earlier that day. Brooke giggled with happiness and excitement. He added that it was why he was so worked up. He just didn't trust Bill around Katie.

"Let's face it, Brooke. We all know that Bill loves you," Carter said. Surprised to hear the statement, Brooke replied that Bill was her past, and it was a past she didn't plan on revisiting. Carter said that Katie still didn't deserve to be anyone's second choice.

At Bill's house, Bill straightened his family photos and flashed back to memorable moments with Katie. When Katie arrived, he informed her that lunch would be out by the pool -- since she'd refused dinner with him the other night. Katie claimed that she hadn't refused; she'd just had other plans. He guessed it had been yoga, and she murmured, "Sort of." Bill said having Katie in the house where they'd raised their son felt right, and it was like she was finally home.

Later, Bill and Katie sat on the sofa, recalling the time Will had spelled out "Happy Birthday" on the wall with five-dollar bills. Bill wondered if Katie missed Will as much as Bill did. "I miss his mom, too," Bill added. Katie said she knew what Bill was doing, and she hadn't forgotten their family or the memories. Bill replied that there were more to make as a family and a couple. Bill leaned in to give her a kiss, but she waved it away, saying she couldn't.

"Because of Carter?" Bill asked. Katie told Bill that she and Carter hadn't expected it to go anywhere, but they'd realized they liked spending time together. She admired and respected Carter. Bill noted that Carter had baggage of his own, namely that mess with Quinn, which had hurt a lot of people. Katie claimed that Carter regretted that it had gone as far as it had.

Bill noted that he had his own regrets, like not cherishing Katie and like losing her faith and trust. Bill reasoned that if Carter could learn from his mistakes, so could Bill. He asked if she could give him that much. Readily, Katie said she wasn't holding him to a different standard, and she'd always care about him. "But you care about Carter more?" Bill asked. Katie licked her lips, averted eye contact, adjusted her weight to another foot, and shifted her jaw. Bill asked Katie to be straight about what was going on between her and Carter.

Katie didn't want to talk about Carter and her; she preferred to talk about Bill and her. She told Bill that she appreciated him and all they'd meant to each other. She said he was the man she'd always known he was -- the man who'd put Sheila away for good.

At the prison, Sheila was ushered into a different type of visitation room. The guard informed her that her visitor was an inmate. "Hello, Doll Face," Mike said behind her. Sheila grinned, and they hugged each other. Mike noted that they were in the same "high-class joint," and he'd been worried about her. He asked how her ticker was, and she told him that it was still ticking.

Mike remarked that Sheila looked wonderful, and she guessed it was the fine food they were served. He liked that she hadn't lost her sense of humor. She said she'd never expected to be locked up again, and he guessed she hadn't expected Bill, her savior, to cross her, either.

Sheila was afraid she'd have to spend the rest of her life in prison, but Mike told her not to go there and to take it one day at a time. Sheila said she spent every waking moment trying to figure out a way to break out of there. Mike didn't think that was going to happen. He said he'd pulled a lot of strings to get to visit her and show her a familiar face. Mike figured he couldn't compete with those chiseled faces at Forrester, but around the prison, he was a real catch.

Sheila grinned, which pleased Mike. She told him that she appreciated him. He figured she was also missing her son. Sheila affirmed it but said she had a plan to see her son again very soon. Sheila explained that she'd requested to be seen for her heart attack by her attending physician.

"Your son," Mike concluded. Sheila said it spoke volumes that Finn hadn't let her die. Mike quipped that she was hoping it did. Sheila stated that she'd given him life, and somewhere within him, he still loved her and would forgive and accept her. She said she couldn't afford to wait for it to happen. She had to make it happen. Though Mike admired her persistence, he reminded her that she had some big obstacles with her confession. "Where there's a will, there's a way. And make no mistake, Mike, I have the will," Sheila responded.

Mike indicated that he'd heard that before. Sheila asked if he doubted her. Mike replied that he'd learned not to do that, but the situation was different due to her confession of killing two people. Sheila asserted that one had been an accident, and she believed she'd have help from the outside. Mike wondered who'd touch her, and he told her to face facts about her situation.

The guards returned to get Sheila for another visitor. It was a person she'd emailed. "He got my email," she uttered under her breath. Sheila hurriedly rubbed on some lipstick from a mostly empty tube and sprayed a sample of perfume on herself. As she readily put her hands behind her back to be led away, Mike kept asking who she'd be seeing. "Sheila, I love you!" he yelled as she was escorted out of there.

The guards took Sheila into another room she'd never seen before, uncuffed her, and told her to make herself comfortable. The guards left, and moments later, the door opened. Sheila thanked the man for coming and said he wouldn't be disappointed. The camera zoomed in on a silhouette of a man in the doorway of room 512.

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Edited by SC Desk