Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B

SC Desk
Steffy kidnapped Liam, and they danced and partied all night
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B

Brooke swapped places with Eric, and while Eric gave the final say in a meeting about the Forrester overhaul, Brooke made Stephanie as comfortable as possible in the final hours. Taylor forced Katie to see that death wasn't imminent, and Steffy took Liam's key but held on to her independence.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B

Monday, November 19, 2012

by Chanel S. Garner

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At the cliff house, Liam's request took Steffy off-guard. Liam seemed impressed with himself for having done so. Steffy agreed to move in only if she could keep her loft. She didn't want to move too fast, and she thought it was practical to have a place in town in case they needed space or in case they were too tired to drive up to the cliffs one evening. "Let's stay spontaneous and flexible," Steffy decided.

Liam and Steffy cuddled on the sofa, and Steffy said she thoroughly enjoyed living in the moment with no care to the past or future. Recalling that Steffy was into making memories, Liam led her to the bedroom, and they made out on the bed.

In Bill's bedroom, Bill stood naked beside his towel. Brooke's eyes darted around the room as she avoided staring at him, and she explained that she'd been looking for Will's blanket. It was in her hands, so Bill guessed she'd found it.

The two stared at each other, and Bill remarked that any other woman would have run from the room by then -- or at least covered her eyes. Brooke figured that in business, Bill was use to waiting until the other person blinked. "Put your towel on, Stallion," she ordered. He complied, and as she left the room, he said she was one in a million. "You, too," she replied, closing the door.

At Katie's hideout, Taylor warned Katie that Brooke was getting close to Bill and Will, and Katie could lose her family forever. Katie said she could feel her body giving out a little more each day, and she refused to let her son become attached to her. Taylor replied that everyone was dying, but Katie contended that her situation was different. Katie felt that she had a year or less to live, and she said that if God had any compassion, he'd take her at that very moment.

Taylor tried to calm Katie down, but Katie ordered Taylor to get out. Katie also threatened to bolt if she saw anyone resembling Brooke or Bill out on the nearby streets. Taylor reassured Katie that she had Taylor's confidence. Katie screamed at God that she was ready to have a heart attack and die. Taylor said it was the depression talking, but Katie begged God to take her.

At Big Bear, Eric tucked a pillow behind Stephanie's head as she sat on the sofa. Rick called Eric's phone, and Eric answered it at Stephanie's urging. Rick claimed he hated to interrupt Eric and Stephanie; however, he said Thomas intended to put his plans to a vote. Rick feared that, if Thomas got his way, it could cost the company over ten million dollars.

Eric grew grim. He didn't think Thomas' ideas were right for the business, either. Rick asked Eric to return for the vote, but Eric replied that he wasn't in town. Though Rick felt bad about the timing, he said the future of Forrester was at risk. Eric told Rick to try to stall things, and Eric would call back later.

After the call, the frail Stephanie said Eric should be there. Eric, however, refused to leave her. Stephanie knew how much the business still meant to him, even if he'd let "the boys" have charge of it, so she suggested that he call Brooke. "She wants to see me, I know. She'll come," Stephanie decided.

Eric called Brooke, who was still at Bill's house, and said he had to get to Forrester for a vote on Thomas' agenda. Eric explained that he didn't want to leave Stephanie alone, and she'd asked for Brooke. Eric swore Brooke to secrecy about their Big Bear location, and Brooke agreed to go there right away.

When Eric returned to Stephanie in the main room, he found her sleeping with a photo album on her lap. The book was open to pictures of Ridge. Stephanie awakened and hoped that Eric wasn't upset that she'd asked Ridge not to be there. She felt that Ridge was a lot like Eric. Proud to have been Ridge's father, Eric stated that Ridge had been her greatest gift to him. She uttered that she loved Eric, and her words turned into a coughing spurt. "You're okay," the pained Eric sweetly uttered.

Eric went to change into a suit, and Stephanie flashed back to being outside at the party with Brooke, who hadn't understood why Stephanie was going away to die. When Eric returned in his suit, Stephanie said he was the most handsome man in the room. Remarking that he was the only man in the room, Eric said that she was controlling and incorrigible, and he loved it.

Stephanie told Eric not to get sentimental, but Eric persisted in saying what was on his heart. He was tortured that she'd leave him, but he was grateful for "all the pain in the ass" that she had been. He felt grateful to have called her his partner, his wife, and the bane of his existence. They expressed their love for each other and stared tenderly at one another.

Brooke arrived, and on the doorstep, Eric thanked her for being there. He said that Stephanie wasn't good, and Brooke wondered if he really should be leaving at that time. Eric said that it was what Stephanie wanted. "She wants to be with you," he added and promised to return as quickly as he could.

Before he left, Eric awakened Stephanie, who'd nodded off, and he asked her to keep her Irish eyes smiling for him. She kissed him and ordered him to straighten the boys out. Eric left, and wincing in pain, Stephanie said she was glad that Brooke was there. "Me, too," Brooke replied.

In the CEO's office, Pam was surprised to hear that Eric would be there for the meeting. Rick replied that he'd had to take some kind of action to stop Thomas from steamrolling his agenda through. Pam thought it was good that Eric would be there, but she wondered about Stephanie. Rick explained that Brooke would tend to Stephanie. Pam began to cry. "So you know where she is?" Pam asked. Sympathetically, Rick responded that he didn't have any idea.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

by Pam

At Katie's, Katie wanted Taylor to leave so that Katie could die alone. Taylor refused, and Taylor insisted that Katie was not dying. Katie disagreed.

Katie reiterated that she was dying because she felt like her heart was going to explode. Taylor called the hospital and told Katie they were leaving for the hospital. Katie continued to argue. She said that she wanted to die alone. Taylor refused to listen and took Katie to the hospital.

At the hospital, Katie said she wanted to leave, but Dr. Caspary, Dr. Meade, and Taylor got Katie into a hospital bed in a room for evaluation. The medical staff checked Katie's vital signs, and Taylor noted that some of Katie's symptoms were indicative of anxiety. Dr. Caspary and Dr. Meade agreed but said that blood work would quickly indicate if anything was wrong with Katie's heart. The doctors left Katie alone with Taylor.

Katie started freaking out that she wanted to return home. Taylor reminded Katie that home was not the apartment that Katie had rented. Taylor said that home was where Bill and the baby were waiting for Katie. Taylor continually tried to calm Katie, but it didn't work.

Katie clutched her chest and screamed that she had to leave. Dr. Caspary and Dr. Meade returned. Katie pulled off all the monitoring equipment, jumped out of the bed, and said she was leaving. The doctors tried to restrain Katie, but Katie fought and screamed at everyone to leave her alone and stop touching her.

At Forrester, Thomas and Steffy met privately, and Thomas said that he needed Steffy's support to move the company forward. Thomas knew that he would get objections from most of the family. Steffy agreed to support him.

Steffy and Thomas discussed that Steffy had returned to live with Liam. Thomas hoped that she was happy. Steffy said that she and Liam were moving slowly, and Steffy wanted her independence. Steffy wanted to retain her own condo in the city, and Liam would keep the beach house.

Outside the office, Rick, Caroline, and Thorne discussed that Thomas was moving too fast. Rick regretted that he had begged Eric to return to Forrester for the meeting. Thorne and Caroline supported Rick and told him that they needed Eric to talk some sense into Thomas. Thorne entered the office for the meeting, and Caroline told Rick that he had done the right thing when he contacted Eric. They kissed, and Rick thanked her for her support.

Eric showed up outside the office, and he talked to Pam. Eric said that Stephanie was not doing well. Pam tearfully begged Eric to let her go to Stephanie. Eric said that Stephanie had asked for Brooke to stay with her while Eric was gone. Eric said the company needed Pam to stay at the office.

Pam tearfully acknowledged that she would not be much help to Stephanie. Pam said that she wanted to hold Stephanie's hand in her dying moments, but she understood Stephanie's wishes. Eric hugged her.

Eric entered the office where Marcus, Thomas, Thorne, Caroline, and Rick argued about Thomas' plans for the future. Thomas said that the company needed a total overhaul, and Steffy and Marcus agreed that the company had been stuck in the 90s.

Rick reminded Thomas that Thomas was the interim CEO, and it was not his decision to spend millions to go in another direction. Eric interrupted and said that he wanted to make the meeting quick so he could return to Stephanie. Eric added that Thomas had been appointed interim CEO and was to maintain the status quo until Ridge had determined the next move the company would make. Eric reminded Thomas that Eric had been CEO for many years. Eric said it was never a good idea to make impulsive decisions.

Thomas agreed. He told the group that he had researched his ideas and had a business plan that required upfront costs but would pay off in a few years. Thomas noted that Caroline's designs could be the new ideas the company needed.

Eric wondered if Thomas was suggesting some type of voting agenda immediately, and Thomas said that he was prepared to vote his dad's stock and Taylor's stock. Everyone was surprised that Thomas wanted to push his ideas through so quickly without Ridge present.

At Big Bear, Stephanie was in pain. She coughed and used the oxygen. Brooke comforted Stephanie.

Stephanie wanted Brooke to assure her that the family would take care of Eric and keep him involved in decision-making at Forrester. Brooke agreed. Stephanie said that Eric needed to put his energy into the company once Stephanie was gone.

Brooke and Stephanie joked about old times. Brooke said the cabin held many memories. "Quite a journey we've taken," Brooke said. Stephanie asked if she looked as bad as she felt. Brooke told her she looked wonderful. Brooke rubbed some ointment on Stephanie's lips. Stephanie thanked her.

Brooke brushed Stephanie's hair, and Stephanie asked if Brooke had brushed Hope's hair the same way. Stephanie asked if Hope had loved to have her hair combed. Brooke said that Hope had loved it. Brooke left for a moment and returned with a brooch for Stephanie. They both laughed, and Brooke pinned the jewelry on Stephanie's pajamas. Stephanie teased Brooke to be careful because she didn't want Brooke to nick a major artery.

Stephanie had a scary coughing spell where she couldn't catch her breath. Brooke administered some additional medicine under Stephanie's tongue. Stephanie struggled to catch her breath, and Brooke and Stephanie noticed that Stephanie was coughing up blood. Stephanie looked frightened, and Brooke hugged her and told her not to worry.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

by Pam

At the hospital, Katie had been restrained in a bed, and she claimed it was unnecessary. Katie said that her body was nothing but scars, and Bill wouldn't be able to stand looking at her. Katie called attention to her scar from heart surgery and the scar from her C-section.

Taylor took the opportunity to remind Katie that Katie cared very much what Bill thought -- a far cry from what Katie had said. Taylor noted that Katie cared about Bill and Will, and Taylor forced Katie to remember her family. Katie said she had failed at everything she had done, including working with Taylor. Katie ordered that she no longer wanted Taylor involved in her care.

Taylor stepped outside the hospital room and called Bill's home. Donna answered. Donna asked if there was anything she could do to help Katie. Taylor looked thoughtful and later returned to Katie's room. Taylor told Katie that she had once given up a baby and lost her mind.

Taylor reminded Katie that Katie's body had suffered trauma, and in her mind, Katie was caught in a repetitive cycle. Katie cried and said that she had ruined her life. Taylor disagreed. Taylor noted that Katie's family was waiting for her. Katie looked up and saw Donna, who stood outside, carrying the baby.

At Big Bear, Stephanie's health was clearly deteriorating. Brooke read to Stephanie, and Stephanie interrupted to ask where her mother was. As Brooke read a book about a son who had not returned to his home, the book became too real for Brooke, and Brooke became uncomfortable. Brooke said she wanted to choose another book, and Stephanie grabbed her hand. Brooke asked what Stephanie needed, and Stephanie said, "Forgiveness."

Stephanie admitted that she had told Ridge not to return for the party, Stephanie said that she did not want Ridge to see her so sick. Stephanie added that she was the shallow and vain one after accusing Brooke of the same thing for many years. Stephanie said that she had sent the one person whom she had loved most in the world away, and she would never see him again.

Brooke said that it might be for the best because if Ridge had been there, he would have been inconsolable. Instead, Brooke added that Brooke was there for both of them, and there was nothing to forgive on Stephanie's part.

Brooke and Stephanie looked outside and watched a deer grazing on the nearby landscape. Stephanie said that it was time, and Brooke asked if it was time for more medicine, but Stephanie said it was time to go outside.

Brooke argued, but Stephanie insisted that she wanted to feel the sun on her face one more time. Brooke said, "I'm afraid."

"I'll take care of you," Stephanie said.

They ventured outside and sat mesmerized by the beautiful scenery.

At Forrester, Eric said he was losing his way of life and way of living along with his wife. "It's all slipping away," he said.

Eric and Thorne argued that Thomas was moving too fast at changing the company. Eric said that Thomas should put his plan in place at the Rodeo Drive location as a test. If it worked there, they could roll it out elsewhere. The family agreed.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B

Thursday, November 22, 2012

by Soap Central

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, did not air today. The pre-emption was planned, and there will be no "lost" episodes as a result of this programmng change.

Regular programming will resume on Monday, November 26, and pick up where the Wednesday, November 21 show concluded.

On behalf of the entire Soap Central team, we are so thankful for your continued support. You've made the last 17 years an incredibly amazing -- and soapy -- time. We appreciate your loyalty, and look forward to continuing our coverage of your favorite soaps for many more years.

If you're bummed out by the lack of new episodes, take some time to check out some of our features that you may not get to visit on a regular basis: our Daily Recaps Archives has recaps dating back to 1996, our Two Scoops columns feature commentaries from 2004 to the present, and our Who's Who in Los Angeles section offers detailed character profiles for past and present B&B characters.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of November 19, 2012 on B&B

Friday, November 23, 2012

by Soap Central

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, did not air today. The pre-emption was planned, and there will be no "lost" episodes as a result of this programmng change.

Regular programming will resume on Monday, November 26, and pick up where the Wednesday, November 21 show concluded.

On behalf of the entire Soap Central team, we are so thankful for your continued support. You've made the last 17 years an incredibly amazing -- and soapy -- time. We appreciate your loyalty, and look forward to continuing our coverage of your favorite soaps for many more years.

If you're bummed out by the lack of new episodes, take some time to check out some of our features that you may not get to visit on a regular basis: our Daily Recaps Archives has recaps dating back to 1996, our Two Scoops columns feature commentaries from 2004 to the present, and our Who's Who in Los Angeles section offers detailed character profiles for past and present B&B characters.

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Edited by SC Desk