Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B

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Stephanie learned that Brooke was having a relationship with Deacon
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B

Brooke slapped Stephanie, and Stephanie later attacked Deacon and demanded that he quit his job, divorce Bridget, and leave town. Deacon pleaded with Brooke to tell Bridget the truth. Erica accompanied Zende to the party and later worried that her mother was on her way to Los Angeles to retrieve her. Amber remained heavily medicated, but no one seemed concerned. Deacon made his way to an indecisive Brooke moments before the wedding.

Stephanie finds out about Brooke and Deacon
Stephanie finds out about Brooke and Deacon

Stephanie finds out about Brooke and Deacon

Monday, May 13, 2002

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by Mike

Erica studied a picture of Rick and Amber in a celebrity magazine, lamenting that it was the closest Erica would get to them. Erica wondered why Zende hadn't called her.

Looking at Erica's number, Zende picked up the phone and prepared to dial. Kristen and Tony walked in and remarked that Zende hadn't changed for the party. Zende said he wanted to call his friend first. Tony felt Zende could make the call after the party, but Zende wanted to invite his friend to the party as his date.

Zende clarified that it would just be a friendship date. Kristen thought Zende's friend would feel out of place at a gathering that was limited to family. Then Zende piped up that his friend was Erica, the teacher's aide his parents had already met. Tony joked that he admired Zende's interest in an older woman, but Kristen found it unsettling that Zende's friend was that much older. Zende begged Tony and Kristen to let Erica attend the party.

Erica reasoned that she was lucky to have met Amber at all, and she marveled that Rick and Amber had to have had an amazing life. Erica then fantasized that she was married to Rick, who had given Erica her favorite flowers. Erica gushed how sweet Rick had been to gift her with the flowers; Rick said he was returning the favor, since Erica had done so much for Rick and Little Eric. Erica said she enjoyed doing things for them. Rick said he enjoyed thanking Erica and sat her down on the couch, kissing her passionately.

Erica snapped out of her reverie and berated herself for thinking she could make a man like Rick Forrester happy. Erica opined that Rick deserved someone as brilliant and creative as Amber, who was totally into him, and Erica thought it was cool how two people from such different worlds could have found each other.

Deacon emerged from behind the partition. "Your daughter's husband?" Stephanie asked, horrified. Brooke and Deacon both tried to convince Stephanie that Stephanie had misinterpreted what she had seen, but Stephanie wanted to know how Brooke could do such a thing to her daughter, not to mention the father of Brooke's unborn baby. Then it dawned on Stephanie that Brooke was not pregnant by Whip but by Deacon.

Brooke denied Deacon was the baby's father, but Stephanie revealed that she had seen how Deacon and Brooke had looked at each other. Stephanie deemed Brooke a slut for sleeping with her daughter's husband. Brooke wanted Deacon to tell Stephanie she was wrong. Deacon hedged, then spat that Stephanie was going to believe whatever she wanted. What Stephanie believed was that Brooke and Deacon had been "rutting like pigs in the mud."

When Brooke said she loved the baby, Stephanie fumed that they were talking about Brooke's daughter, who had needed protection. Brooke yelled that she was protecting Bridget, but Stephanie thought Brooke was only protecting Bridget from the fact that Deacon had fathered Brooke's child. Brooke tearfully admitted the baby was Deacon's.

Aghast, Stephanie said she had believed that Brooke's only saving grace had been Brooke's love for her children. Stephanie railed that Bridget had been too much competition for Brooke, which Brooke called sick. Deacon tried to intervene, but Stephanie yelled for him to shut up and remarked that Bridget was more than Deacon deserved in a million lifetimes. Deacon had thrown Bridget in the gutter for the whore of Beverly Hills. Brooke slapped Stephanie, who fumed that she would kill Brooke then and there if Brooke weren't pregnant.

Deacon ordered Stephanie out. Stephanie told Brooke that she would never forgive herself for not taking Bridget away from Brooke when Stephanie had had the chance. Brooke insisted that the situation had nothing to do with Bridget. Deacon and Brooke concurred that they'd both thought Deacon's marriage to Bridget had been over. Brooke said she'd never forgive herself for what she had done, but Stephanie found Brooke's words hollow.

Deacon told Stephanie to put a sock in it so Stephanie could help them find a way out of the mess. Deacon begged Stephanie to understand that he and Brooke had tried to end the affair, to the point that Brooke had taken off to Paris and gotten engaged to Whip. Stephanie was shocked to learn that Whip had known that Brooke's baby was Deacon's. Deacon reported that Whip had used that information to blackmail Brooke into an engagement.

Brooke didn't think she could marry Whip. Deacon implored Brooke not to, as it wouldn't change the situation -- or their feelings for each other. Deacon worried that, the next time, it might be Bridget who walked through the door. Stephanie thought maybe that was what Brooke and Deacon wanted. Brooke was adamant that Bridget not find out about the affair, but Deacon disagreed and felt they should break it to Bridget as gently as they could.

Stephanie became sincerely calm and asked Deacon to leave so she could talk to Brooke alone. Deacon kissed Brooke's forehead and told her he wouldn't be far. Once Deacon left, Stephanie observed that Deacon had made a convincing argument...especially if it was one Brooke had wanted to hear. Brooke reiterated that she was willing to marry Whip if it meant Bridget wouldn't learn about Brooke and Deacon. Stephanie was glad to hear that, because, Stephanie maintained, Brooke was going to marry Whip.

Deacon paced in the office he shared with Whip. Megan arrived and wondered why Deacon hadn't left for the party. Deacon informed Megan that he didn't think there was going to be a party, because Stephanie had found out about him and Brooke.

Stephanie couldn't believe that Brooke had to be told to do the right thing and wondered if Brooke had thought about how much the truth would hurt Bridget. Brooke disclosed that she'd had nightmares about it. Brooke didn't want to lose Bridget, but Stephanie asserted that the whole family could, as Bridget had ended up in the hospital the last time Deacon had lied to her. Stephanie was distraught that Brooke was willing to throw Bridget away for a roll in the hay.

Brooke insisted that she and Deacon were in love. Stephanie snarked that Brooke was always in love. To Stephanie, the only person whose feelings counted was Bridget. Stephanie wanted Brooke to give Deacon up. If Brooke didn't, Stephanie assumed, Deacon would just leave Brooke, anyway, and then Brooke would truly be alone because everyone in the family would reject Brooke for what she had done to Bridget.

Stephanie announced that, out of her love for Bridget, she would help Brooke, who wondered if Stephanie meant to help Brooke or punish her. Brooke cried that she had tried everything she'd known to stop the affair with Deacon and that it hadn't been easy making the sacrifice for Bridget. Stephanie was appalled that Brooke thought of herself as the victim in the situation.

Stephanie dragged Brooke over to the mirror, forcing Brooke to look at herself. Brooke had no halo, Stephanie seethed, and Brooke was no heroine. Stephanie called Brooke sleeping with her daughter's husband vile and filthy. She screamed that not only was Brooke going to marry Whip, but Brooke was going to go to the party.

When Megan worried that Stephanie had caught Brooke and Deacon in bed, Deacon relayed that he and Brooke had only been kissing. Deacon didn't know if Stephanie was going to tell Bridget and said that Brooke and Stephanie were hashing that out at that very moment. Megan panicked that Deacon had left Stephanie and Brooke alone together, because Deacon had no idea what Stephanie was capable of in regard to Brooke. Megan exhorted Deacon to go back and protect Brooke from Stephanie.

Brooke demanded to know who had given Stephanie the right to dictate Brooke's life. Stephanie retorted that Caroline, Taylor, and Macy had -- and that Macy was dead because of Brooke. Stephanie declared that she would save Brooke from herself. Brooke wept that she couldn't marry Whip. Heartfelt, Stephanie warned that any decision Brooke made for herself would affect Bridget and the baby, as well. Stephanie stood firm that Brooke needed her and Whip to get things right.

Brooke surmised that she could just keep the baby's paternity a secret and forgo marrying Whip. Stephanie yelped that Brooke just didn't want to give Deacon up. If Brooke chose Deacon, Stephanie cautioned, Brooke would be giving up Bridget's love. Brooke said she had tried to let Deacon go, but Stephanie countered that all Brooke had done was try to get away with everything. Stephanie ordered Brooke to get ready for the party, adding that Brooke needed to give the performance of her life there. When Brooke hesitated, Stephanie asked "Mrs. Whip Jones" if she had understood. Brooke stared at Stephanie intently.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

by Sugarloafer

At Forrester Creations, Stephanie condemned Brooke for her relationship with Deacon and her betrayal of her daughter. Stephanie told Brooke that she has no choice but to marry Deacon, otherwise she would destroy Bridget. Stephanie told Brooke that she would attend Bridget's party and pretend that she was happy to be marrying Whip. Stephanie told Brooke that she was not going to allow Brooke to destroy Bridget.

Whip's mother was very reluctant to attend the engagement party for Whip and Brooke. She pointed out that Whip was marrying a woman who was carrying another man's baby, and worse, a woman who did not love him. Whip managed to convince his mother to attend the party, anyway.

Deacon reentered Brooke's office and interceded. He told Brooke to go home. Stephanie advised him that Brooke was going to Bridget's party and that she was going to marry Whip. She berated Deacon for his relationship with Brooke. She told him that he did not have a clue about what love was. She reminded Deacon that Bridget had defended him to the Forrester family when they'd gotten married. Yet, Deacon saw fit to betray Bridget.

Stephanie demanded that Deacon quit his job at Forrester Creations, divorce Bridget, and leave town. Deacon defended his relationship with Brooke. He told Stephanie that he loved Bridget, despite his relationship with Brooke. Stephanie's anger escalated into violence. She slapped Deacon several times. She demanded that Deacon end his marriage to Bridget that night. Deacon refused to do so. Deacon warned Stephanie about just how evil Whip really was. Stephanie had nothing but praise for Whip's antics.

At Bridget's party, Mrs. Jones was convinced that Brooke would not show at the party. She noticed that neither Brooke nor her lover had arrived yet. Mrs. Jones began to leave. Thorne arrived at the party. He told Bridget that he was hoping that Brooke was not making another marital mistake.

Rick arrived with Amber, who appeared to not be well. Rick explained that Amber's doctor would not give her any more of the pain medication. Bridget advised Amber to take a nap in her bedroom. Rick was nervous when he saw Erica at the party. He knew that neither he nor Bridget had invited her to the party. Rick was relieved when he realized that Zende had invited Erica to the party.

Bridget kept wondering why Deacon had not arrived yet. Megan covered for Deacon. She told Bridget that Deacon was still in a meeting at Forrester Creations.

Brooke arrived at the party just as Whip and Mrs. Jones were leaving. Whip introduced his mother to Brooke. Brooke told Whip that there was stuff going on that she would inform him about later. Stephanie arrived at the party. She was there to show her support of Whip and Brooke. Bridget was happy that Stephanie was in full support of Brooke. Brooke hid her true feelings from Bridget. Brooke glared at Stephanie when Bridget was not looking.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B

Wednesday, May 15, 2002


At the engagement party, Erica explained to a surprised Amber that Zende had invited her as his guest because she knew him from working at his school. Erica offered to babysit Little Eric at the wedding, but Rick told her that wouldn't be necessary. Erica received a phone call from her friend from home, informing her that her mother knew of her whereabouts. Erica's mother then got on the phone and told her to return home immediately. Erica refused, so her mother promised that she would go to Los Angeles.

Bridget thanked all the Forrester family for attending her party. She noted that the Forresters joined together to celebrate the family's strength and unity. Talking to Stephanie, Bridget sensed that something was bothering her mother. She wondered if her mother was getting "cold feet" about the wedding. Stephanie told her not to worry.

Deacon asked Brooke for a few minutes alone so they could talk. Away from the others, Deacon told her that they had to stop the wedding right then and tell Bridget the truth. Whip interrupted them and escorted Brooke back to the party. Whip reminded Brooke that she just had to get through one more night, and then, Deacon would be out of her life for good.

Whip's mother told Brooke that she wished she could know Brooke better. She reaffirmed Whip's good qualities and told Brooke how important she believed the sanctity of marriage to be. Joy hoped that it would be Brooke's last marriage. Whip assured his mother that he and Brooke would be very happy together.

Stepping outside, Stephanie saw Whip and asked him why he wasn't with Brooke. She told him that she knew what was going on and scolded him for playing games with her family. She questioned Whip about Bridget finding out their secret and asked Whip if he was going through with the wedding. Stephanie told Whip that Bridget loved her mother, so the wedding had to happen and had to last. She begged him to keep Brooke away from Deacon. Back inside, Stephanie told Brooke to stop sneaking around with Deacon. Stephanie then told Deacon, "Stay away from her -- she's going to marry him, and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Arriving late at the party, Ridge and Taylor sensed the tension among the family. They thought it was strange that Deacon and Whip didn't acknowledge their presence. Thorne congratulated Ridge on his new job. Distant with his brother, Ridge assured him that the payoff would be enormous after he finished building the business from the ground up. Ridge reminded Tony not to tell anyone that he was running Spectra Fashions. Ridge gloated to him by saying that they would make a fortune and put Forrester permanently out of business.

In a toast to the wedding couple, Bridget told everyone how dedicated Whip was to her mother and how loyal he would be to her. She saw the wedding as something positive for the family in light of the recent turmoil. Teary-eyed, Bridget stressed how important it was to have relationships with "those that we love." She mentioned all of the joy that Deacon had brought to her life. Bridget announced that she was thrilled and very happy for her mother and Whip. Stephanie then leaned over to Brooke and whispered to her, "You're going to marry Whip and raise that baby and forget all about Deacon Sharpe!"

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B

Thursday, May 16, 2002

by Sugarloafer

Outside at Bridget's party, Erica panicked that her mother would find her in L.A. Kristen and Tony were concerned about Erica's state of mind. Erica denied anything was wrong.

At Spectra Fashions, Sally predicted to Massimo that Amber's designs would be very hard for Spectra to compete with. Massimo reminded her that Ridge was a legend and was talented -- and that Forrester Creations would not know what hit them.

Outside at Bridget's party, Amber grieved and blamed herself for the deaths of her two babies. She swallowed some pills to numb her emotional pain. Inside, Deacon advised Whip that if he married Brooke, Deacon would be part of the package. Deacon tried to persuade Brooke that Bridget needed to know the truth. Brooke vowed that Bridget should never discover that Deacon was the father of Brooke's baby. Whip and Deacon pretended to support one another in front of Kristen.

Mrs. Jones told Stephanie that Brooke did not seem to be excited about her marriage to Whip. She was surprised to learn that Stephanie was in favor of Brooke marrying Whip. Bridget congratulated Ridge on his new job at Marone Industries. Bridget told Ridge that she was worried about Brooke because something seemed off. Ridge explained that Taylor had made the same observation about Brooke.

A very intoxicated Amber went back inside. Everyone noticed that Amber was intoxicated. Rick ushered Amber to the bedroom to sleep it off. Bridget approached Brooke and demanded to know exactly what was going on with her -- immediately. Brooke denied anything was wrong.

Before Bridget could press Brooke for an answer, Whip gathered everyone at the party then asked Deacon to be the best man at his and Brooke's wedding. Outside, Rick asked Erica to assist him and Amber at Brooke's wedding. After the party, Stephanie advised Brooke not to mess things up.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of May 13, 2002 on B&B

Friday, May 17, 2002

by Banavas

It was the day of Brooke's wedding. Amber was lethargic, hung over from overdoing her prescription medications. Rick struggled to get her to dress Little Eric, but Amber just wanted to go take a nap. Bridget was running around, tying together loose ends of her mom's wedding. The house was buzzing with caterers, floral arrangers, and other workers.

The only thing Deacon had on his mind was getting to Brooke and trying to talk her out of walking down the aisle. He tried to call to talk to her, but Rick answered the phone. Brooke told Rick to tell him that she was too busy and couldn't talk. Deacon went to the house, and Rick waylaid him and told him that he needed to get dressed. He was just about to leave to go to Brooke when Bridget showed up, and Whip teasingly told her to "get your husband out of his clothes" and into his wedding attire.

Erica showed up just in the nick of time and offered to help get Little Eric dressed. Brooke was in her bedroom, having flashbacks of all the romantic times she and Deacon had spent together. She was getting nervous and starting to think Deacon might be right. All she could think of was that a marriage to Whip couldn't work because she didn't love him, then she went back to the side of thinking that it was the right thing to do for her daughter and her unborn baby.

Stephanie showed up in Brooke's bedroom and recognized that Brooke was struggling with doing the right thing. She told Brooke she wanted her to choose her daughter's welfare over her own desires. Whip also entered the room, and he told Brooke she was doing the right thing and that everything would be all right. Stephanie and Whip left so Brooke could get dressed, and, finally, Deacon was able to get in to see her. No words were exchanged; they just flung themselves into each other's arms.

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