Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B

SC Desk
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B

Comprehensive daily recaps for The Bold and the Beautiful, dating back to 1997.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B

Monday, January 1, 2001

by Soap Central

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Due to the New Year's holiday, The Bold and the Beautiful did not air. On behalfof everyone at Soap Opera Central, I would like to thank all of the visitorswho have come to our site in 2000. You have made 2000 our most successfulyear --- and we're hoping to repeat that accomplishment in 2001 with yourhelp. We've got a lot of special things planned for the year ahead andwe hope that you will join us.

Dan KrollFounder, Soap Central

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B

Tuesday, January 2, 2001

by Kimberly G. Brest

Darla came to the Forrester guesthouse to visit Rick. She informed himthat Amber was with C.J. and that Rick needed to back off and leave themalone. Then Darla saw that Rick had the place decked out for an eveningof romance. When Darla questioned what was going on, Rick admitted hehad a date. Darla mistakenly believed that Rick had already moved on andhad finally given up on Amber. When she asked who his date was, Rickhad no choice to admit that it was with Amber. Darla began to getupset, telling Rick that Amber and C.J. were in love and would soon begetting married. She told Rick that he needed to let Amber go. Ricktold Darla that she was wrong. Amber had made her choice to be withRick. He then told her that if she wanted to do something productive,then she should be there for C.J., as he would be in need of asupportive friend.

Morgan asked the nurse to see her baby. The nurse said that she didn'tknow anything about her baby but would get the doctor for Morgan, whowould answer all of Morgan's questions. After the nurse left, Morganapologized again to Taylor for hurting her. She urged Taylor not to beupset with her and to put her feelings of animosity aside for the sakeof Morgan and Ridge's child. Ridge said that they needed to figure outwhere to go from here. Taylor agreed that decisions would have to bemade. Morgan said that she had the child she always wanted and shecouldn't be happier. She expressed to them that this child would bringthem all closer together. Just then the doctor came in and asked Morganhow she was feeling. Morgan said she was fine but that she was anxiousto see her baby. The doctor put Morgan off by saying that they firsthad to discuss her.

Over at the Insomnia in a private dining room, C.J. toasted Amber andthe family that they would soon be. Amber said she needed to talk tohim about Rick. C.J. got upset, saying that this was their night and hedidn't even want to think about Rick. Amber pressed on saying that shehad to tell him how she felt. At first, C.J thought that Amber wasgoing to give him the speech again to cut Rick some slack. C.J.promised he would lay off Rick. When Amber said that after she leftC.J. tonight, she was going over to Rick's, C.J. was confused. Amberadmitted that she had made the decision to move back in with Rick. C.J.was stunned. He told Amber that she didn't have to make this decisionbecause of the baby, because Rick was not going to get custody. Amberassured him that it wasn't about the baby, it was about her and how shefelt. She admitted that she was in love with Rick and had never stoppedloving him. C.J. didn't want to believe it. He reminded Amber thatonly a month ago, she was all set to marry him. Amber replied that shehad reservations even then and wasn't being honest with herself aboutit. She told C.J. that she cared for him and would always appreciatethe way that he was there for her and Little Eric after Becky died, butthat her life was with Rick. She took off the engagement ring that C.J.had given her and returned it to him. She said she was sorry and triedto reach out to him but C.J. asked her to go. After Amber left, C.J.sadly looked down at the ring and shed a few tears.

Amber arrived back at the Forrester guest house and announced to Rickthat she was "home." After asking her how she was doing, Rick gentlytook Amber in his arms and the two walked towards the bedroom. Amberand Rick lied down on the bed and began to kiss as rose petals fellaround them.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B

Wednesday, January 3, 2001

by Kimberly G. Brest

Megan phoned Stephanie to inform her of Morgan's fall at Ridge andTaylor's house. She told Stephanie that Taylor took Morgan to thehospital and that Ridge followed.

Morgan demanded that the doctor tell her what was wrong. The doctorexplained that Morgan had some hemorrhaging caused by her fall. Morganworried that there was something wrong with her or that she might not beable to have any more children. The doctor assured her that she wasfine and would be able to have more kids. Then Morgan asked to see herbaby. The doctor said it wouldn't be possible because her baby didn'tmake it. Morgan, Ridge and Taylor were all stunned to hear this news.The doctor went on to explain that the baby didn't survive the fall andthere was nothing the doctors could do to save him. Morgan wentballistic. She didn't want to accept the news about her baby beinggone. The doctor went to get a sedative. Taylor attempted to comfortMorgan, which only made matters worse. Morgan blamed Taylor for herfall, claiming that Taylor couldn't handle the fact that she waspregnant with Ridge's child and that's why she pushed her. Taylor triedto defend herself, saying that Morgan fell and it was an accident, whichTaylor was not responsible for. Ridge attempted to step in and calmMorgan down. When that didn't work, he went to find the doctor with thesedative. Morgan cried to Taylor that her baby was gone and she nevergot a chance to hold him. She said that Stephanie took her first childaway from her and now Taylor had taken this baby from her. Morgan toldTaylor that this baby was her entire life and that a part of herself haddied with her baby. Ridge came back in with the doctor, whoadministered the sedative to Morgan and suggested that Ridge and Taylorleave.

Thorne and Brooke continued to bask in the glow of their rekindledromance. Thorne suggested that they take a trip but Brooke wanted toget married first. Thorne suggested a Justice of the Peace but Brookeexplained that she wanted a big wedding. Thorne wasn't sure who wouldcome, which prompted Brooke to say that they needed to talk to hisfamily and gain their acceptance. Brooke and Thorne walked into Eric'soffice, hand in hand. Eric didn't want to hear what they had to say,stating that they needed to let go of their obsession with one another.Thorne told his father that he and Brooke were going ahead with theirplans to marry. Eric refused to give his blessing. Thorne told hisfather that they didn't need his blessing but hoped that he would atleast attend the ceremony.

Stephanie found a distraught Ridge and Taylor in the hospital waitingroom. She guessed that Morgan lost the baby. Stephanie expressed herconcern for Morgan and her loss but mentioned that for the sake of Ridgeand Taylor's marriage, it was for the best. Taylor was furious when shefigured out that Stephanie knew about the paternity of Morgan's child,when she herself was kept in the dark. Stephanie assured Taylor thatshe was the one who encouraged Ridge to keep it from his wife to see howthe situation played out. Just then the doctor came out and told themthat Morgan was resting but that she continued to blame Taylor for herfall and subsequent loss of her child. Taylor and Ridge offered to goback in and sit with Morgan but the doctor advised against it,considering the circumstances. Stephanie offered to go in and sit withMorgan. She then told Ridge and Taylor to go home and try to workthings out in their marriage.

Stephanie went to sit at the bedside of a groggy Morgan. Stephanieleaned over Morgan and told her that everything was going to be fine andthis was for the best. She the told Morgan that she would see herthrough this ordeal. Morgan saw a fuzzy Stephanie and began to haveflashbacks of the day when Stephanie took her to the clinic to abort herand Ridge's first child. Morgan started to panic, saying that thiscouldn't be happening to her again.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B

Thursday, January 4, 2001

by Diane

When Ridge and Taylor arrived home from the hospital, Taylor told Ridge he better leave. Ridge wanted to talk to Taylor about the situation. Taylor refused to discuss the situation. She told Ridge I can't talk to you because I can't even look at you. After saying goodbye to the children, Ridge left his house at Taylor's demand.

Eric told Brooke and Thorne that he won't stand in the way of their wedding. Eric said he was impressed that their relationship hadn't crumbled because they had been through so much. Eric felt this makes him believe that perhaps Brooke and Thorne really do have something special.

Stephanie took Morgan home from the hospital. A traumatized and emotionally distressed Morgan told Stephanie that her baby's death is the abortion that Stephanie wanted her to have initially. Morgan said that her baby's death was a sick "De JA Vue" of when Stephanie forced her to have an abortion years ago when she was pregnant with Ridge's child the first time. Stephanie taunted Morgan by saying its hard to feel sympathy for you now because you tricked Ridge, the baby's father, and betrayed your best friend, Taylor in order to get pregnant. Stephanie warned Morgan that she has burned her bridges with Taylor, Ridge and herself and to stay away from them. Stephanie was happy to make it clear to Morgan, that Ridge has no interest in her. After Stephanie left her house, Morgan was totally distraught. Morgan swallowed some pills, then fell to the floor.

Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B
Bold and Beautiful Recaps: The week of January 1, 2001 on B&B

Friday, January 5, 2001

by Kimberly G. Brest

Taylor sat alone in her bedroom crying over Ridge's betrayal while Ridgelamented about how he screwed up with Morgan, putting his marriage injeopardy. Ridge sat by the pool recalling Morgan's trickery and Taylor'sreaction when he told her the truth. Then Ridge began to recall hislast days with his first wife, Caroline, before she died. Carolineappeared in a vision and began talking to Ridge. She told him that hehad a wonderful family. Ridge told her how he really blew it andbecause of his mistake, his marriage and family were at risk. Carolineassured him that his relationship with Taylor would heal in time and notto lose faith. Before disappearing, she told Ridge that she wouldalways be with him.

Thomas came into his mother's bedroom because he couldn't sleep. Tayloroffered to tell him a bed time story. She told him about Humpty Dumptyfalling and how no one could put him back together again. She thenhugged her son and said that she understood how he must miss his daddy.

Ridge called just to hear Taylor's voice and once again apologized forfor what he did. He told a sobbing Taylor how sorry he was for hurtingher and that he would do whatever it took to repair their marriage. Hethen told her how much he loved her and their family.

Rick told Amber how happy he was to have her back with him. Amber saidthings would be perfect if only they had Little Eric back with themagain. The couple decided to go visit Little Eric at the Deacon's. Whenthey came into Deacon's bar, they found Deacon flirting with a woman anddrinking shots. The baby was sitting on the bar as people were smokingall around him. Amber flipped out and grabbed the baby away from Deacon,chastising him for bringing the baby into a smoke filled bar. WhenLittle Eric saw Amber, he called out "Mommy." Rick and Deacon began toargue until Deacon had him thrown out of the bar. Rick didn't want toleave without Amber, but she told him that she wanted to stay with thebaby. Amber told Deacon that she was taking the baby out of the bar andback up to his apartment. As she walked away with the baby, Deaconwatched her with a smile on his face.

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Edited by SC Desk