Torn between two brothers

Torn between two brothers

It was a whirlwind of a week in Los Angeles. Ultimatums were made. Jealousy reared its ugly head, and a forbidden affair was exposed. Get your dishes ready. It's time for another hearty helping of Two Scoops!

I cannot stand the person that Maya has become. When she first came on the scene, she was very humble and sweet. She wasn't looking for handouts. All she was trying to do was to make a fresh start with her life and to reconnect with the daughter she gave up. Unfortunately, her daughter died. I think the decent side of Maya died along with her.

I can recall a time when Rick and Caroline were first dating. Rick didn't really care for Caroline's uptight, snotty attitude. He was drawn to Maya's sincerity and integrity. Their five-minute romance was good while it lasted. Maya's feelings were hurt when Rick didn't make it to her big Room 8 (online show) screening. She found solace and comfort in the arms of a very willing, able, and handsome Carter -- so much so that she decided to accept Carter's marriage proposal while still involved with Rick.

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Let's fast-forward a couple of days. Rick and Caroline rekindled their romance, and Maya started to rethink her engagement to Carter. Maya got used to having a taste of the Forrester life -- fancy parties, extravagant gifts, and a cozy job as lead HFTF model. Maya had it all. Carter was too much of a commoner for her. He's just a regular guy who works hard for a living. Maya wasn't having it. She wanted to have the Forrester name and the bank account to go along with it.

While engaged to Carter, Maya decided to seduce a very married Rick in the steam room. Rick let her know that he was very much devoted to and in love with his wife, Caroline. Instead of firing Maya on the spot, Rick told her that she could never approach him in that manner, ever again. Rick even went as far as telling both Carter and Caroline what had happened. Carter ended the relationship, which was exactly what Maya wanted. Now, she's even more determined to become Mrs. Eric Forrester Jr. This woman is so thirsty, it's really pathetic.

Maya is running her mouth about how Rick gave Caroline this amazing lifestyle and fabulous job. She's hating because Caroline is part of a prominent family. This girl is so simple-minded. First of all, Caroline's name is Caroline Spencer Forrester. She is already from a prominent family. She already had a great job in New York. It was Brooke would coaxed her out to Los Angeles to work at Forrester and to distract Rick from getting back together with Amber.

Now we're dealing with a possible Ridge and Caroline affair. At first, this unlikely pairing started off as a rising young designer being mentored by the talented designer. Soon, the designing pair starting stealing kisses. This whole setup makes me mad.

Ridge knew that Caroline idolized him. Sometimes, I think that he was manipulating her feelings to get what he wanted -- a completed couture line and the CEO position. Other times, I really feel that he might have actual feelings for the girl. This is not a good thing. Caroline is his sister-in-law, and Ridge is supposedly happily engaged to Katie. If Ridge is happy with Katie, why is he kissing Caroline?

Luckily, Maya never witnessed any of the stolen kisses. She did, however, witness a hug between the design team. Of course, witnessing this hug gave Maya enough ammunition to start running her mouth and spreading all sorts of gossip. She even planted a few seeds in Katie and Rick's heads.

Jealous, insecure Katie appeared and asked Ridge to end his collaboration. I can understand why Katie would be jealous. She's been hurt too many times with Bill alone. Ridge told her to relax and that there was nothing romantic between Caroline and him. Really, Ridge? What are you fantasizing about the blonde beauty? The same can be said for Caroline fantasizing about Ridge.

Eric decided that he wanted to take a little break from the daily grind at Forrester Creations. He took a couple of days to decide whether Ridge or Rick would become his successor. Eventually, Eric wound up choosing Ridge, because of his designing ability and sense of business. He asked Rick to stay on as President. Junior wasn't happy about daddy's decision.

I think both men are very capable of doing the job. Both have made incredible accomplishments and blunders for the company. Ridge attempted to kick Eric out of the company he and the queen started. Rick stole designs and gave them to the competition, Jackie M.

Yes, Ridge left the company to regroup after his latest breakup with Brooke. The company struggled. Rick and Caroline did a great job bringing everything back on track. I still think that Ridge is better-suited for the job. He's a designer and a businessman. Forrester is a fashion house. I believe a designer should lead it.

Not everyone agrees with my opinion as to who should be in charge of the company, especially Maya and her insignificant self. First of all, why is Maya even sitting in on an executive meeting? She's a model. Since when do models sit in on meetings? Should she be trying on clothes or posing for cameras?

While Eric was singing Ridge's praises, Maya looked like she was going to throw up her lunch. She got so heated she decided to call Ridge out on his trickery. Poor Carter, for some strange reason, was trying to cover up for this girl. Why Carter? Let her make herself look like a bigger fool than she already is. If I were Ridge, my first move as CEO would be to fire Maya for being rude, thirsty, and annoying. I would make Aly the new face of HFTF. She's young, gorgeous, and family -- and she's a fan of the line. I digress.

Who is Maya to voice any opinion on this matter? She can't seem to get it through her head that she's not an executive, nor is she a part of the family.

Why didn't Caroline shut Maya down when she started running her mouth? She never had any problem putting her in her place before. If I were Caroline, I would've reminded Maya that she has no business to open her mouth, and if she kept on running her mouth, she'd shut it for her. Honestly, that would've been a perfect moment for Caroline to serve Maya with a Queen Stephanie-style slap.

Mind you, I don't agree with the budding relationship between Caroline and Ridge. It's inappropriate. However, they didn't do the nasty. They kissed. Yes, it's completely wrong, but there was no hanky-panky. For Eric to get all loud about someone being inappropriate after he cheated on the Queen was laughable. Rick was kissing on Maya while involved with Caroline. Yes, I understand that Rick and Caroline weren't married then, but they were in a committed relationship. Is it fair for Rick to end his marriage to his wife over a mistake that she seemed to enjoy?

I really think that Katie needs to cut the string. She knows deep down that this farce of a relationship will not work. I mean, really? How long is she going to wear that string on her finger? It's not like Ridge can't afford to buy her a proper engagement ring.

This week, we got to see Donna and Katie do some sisterly bonding. Of course, Donna was trying to ease Katie's insecurities about Ridge. Then Donna started crying about Eric leaving and not paying attention to her. Yes, Donna. I know that you love your Honey Bear, but you had a fine man in Justin Barber. And you're crying over Eric? I guess the heart doesn't lie.

I must say I enjoyed watching The Bold and the Beautiful this week. For the first time in a long time, the show wasn't centered on Hope and her issues. What a relief.

I love the fact that Hope is actually sounding like a wife and a soon-to-be mother who will do anything she can to protect her husband and child from crazy Quinn. If only she can behave that way when it comes to Liam.

Hope asking Deacon how he could have anything to do with Quinn after all she's done to her is laughable. She should ask Brooke the same question in regard to Bill. And Bill has done worse.

Quinn is right. All she did was help out. She got Hope to be with a man who completely adores her, even though that totally wasn't her place. Now she's got a baby on the way. How is her life so miserable? And if she's so unhappy, why not leave Wyatt and run off with Liam?

I love Quinn, but she's starting to get on my nerves a bit with her obsession. Give the little brat some time. She should realize that Quinn is Wyatt's mom and her child's grandmother. She's not going anywhere.

Deacon needs to be really careful about whom he's sleeping with, especially if the woman is his daughter's nemesis. Hope gave her long-lost father an ultimatum. He has to choose between his new girlfriend Quinn and her.

Poor Deacon looked a little heartbroken. He's finally got a companion that he really seems to like. He's got a decent relationship with the daughter he loves more than anything. Well, I guess not more than anything. Quinn helped Deacon with his decision with a little S&M. I think that's funny and sad at the same time. If Wyatt were to give Quinn an ultimatum like that, Deacon would be out on the streets, out of her life. It's painfully obvious that Quinn is using Deacon to weasel her way into Hope's life.

I'm not on board with the Liam and Ivy pairing. Something just seems off to me. I know that Steffy is gone, but is she out of the picture? A casting call was put out earlier last week for a female between 24 and 28. The character is worldly and rich and has a lot of spunk. That sounds like Steffy to me. I wonder what would happen if Steffy returned and wanted to reunite with her ex-husband.

Honestly, I think I would rather see Liam with Steffy than Ivy. I don't think Liam and Ivy have much chemistry. Their courtship seems forced, where it was an instant attraction between Liam and Steffy. I wonder how Ivy and Aly would react if Steffy returned and made a play for Liam. Ivy wouldn't be able to say her favorite line "you Logans," would she?

I heard a few rumors that Liam and Ivy's relationship is supposed to get hot and heavy within the next few weeks. Recently, Scott Clifton (Liam), Kim Matula (Hope), Darrin Brooks (Wyatt), and Ashleigh Brewer (Ivy) shot scenes in Amsterdam. The fab four were on location, shooting a business trip/fashion shoot for HFTF. While in Amsterdam, Liam and Ivy are rumored to take their relationship to the next level, whereas Hope and Wyatt's marriage, right on time, will take a turn for the worse. Which only means that Hope will finally realize that even though she loves Wyatt, she's not in love with him. Please keep in mind, Scoopers, this is all a rumor, embellished with my own opinions.

What will be Ridge's first act as CEO of Forrester Creations? Did Eric choose the wrong son? Will Rick forgive Caroline for her indiscretions? Will Katie have another heart attack when she finds out about Ridge's betrayal? Will Maya become Rick's new bestie? Share your thoughts below this column in the Comments section, post a message on the Soap Central message boards, or simply click here to submit Feedback. Your comments could wind up in a future column, like these! Check it out!

• It is time for Steffy and Thomas to come to FC LA and throw Rick and Maya out on the bottoms. Recast the kids, I don't care but it is time. Maya just needs to disappear from the face of the earth. She acts like she has shares in this company. It's time for everyone in that company to show her the streets again. I thought when new Ridge came that this show would be better but have to say the writing just sucks these day. I don't think Stephanie would not have allowed for Maya to be in closed door meetings. Where are all the other models? Maya isn't the face of anything but a GOLD DIGGER and not one (man) Carter, Rick, Ridge or Eric will stand up to this girl and tell her to take a hike. -- VegasGal

• Caroline has a conscience, she knew she was doing wrong and felt horrible about it. I knew that she would be the one to fess up. Ridge knew what he was doing was wrong but felt justified in doing it all for what HE wanted and didn't feel bad at all for using Caroline. I love me some TK but I can't stand this arrogant Ridge. Even when he was talking to Katie he whitewashed it all into a business transaction. SMH -- SoapFanz2

•I thought Caroline was an IDIOT to confess in the first place! They did NOT have an affair -- and she did NOT 'use her back,' like Maya announced so bold and clear! Second, Caroline should have talked to Rick IN PRIVATE -- not in front of the entire board meeting!! Ridge was shocked, because he probably couldn't believe she was spilling her guts in front of everybody -- over a few hot kisses!! IF Caroline is really that fragile, maybe she should work somewhere else!!And PLEASE fire Maya ASAP!! Wish Carter had bodily DRAGGED HER OUT of there! -- Zenstella

Thanks for flooding the message boards with your comments, scoopers! It's really cool to see everyone's opinion on the various storylines. Keep them coming. I love reading them.

I agree with the fact that Steffy and Thomas need to return to the show. I don't think Rick should be fired because it is a family business, and he's doing a pretty good job. Maya, on the other hand, needs to get back to skid row. I wish Caroline would tell her Uncle Bill to deal with her once and for all. It's such a shame. I think Maya's character had a lot of potential at first. Now, she's just a joke.

I see that I'm not the only one who thinks that Ridge was using Caroline to gain the CEO position. I can't wait to see Katie's reaction when this news spreads around town.

Did anyone else notice how Hope seemed a little aggravated when Eric and Ivy shared a moment? If looks could kill, Ivy would be swimming with the fishes in the Seine. Am I sensing a bit of jealousy? First, Ivy is hooking up with the love her life, now she's gaining a more prominent place in the family.

There will be more commentary on the latest trials and tribulations of the Forrester, Spencer, and Logan families next week. Until then, Keep Watching, Keep Reading, but most of all Keep Calm and stay Bold and Beautiful.

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Edited by SC Desk