B&B's 10 Most Quinn-tessential Moments

B&B's 10 Most Quinn-tessential Moments

As Rena Sofer exits her role as Quinn Fuller Sharpe Forrester, Soap Central decided to take a look back at some of the Quinn-iest moments from her nearly decade-long time on the show. From fakeouts to splashdowns, these are our choices for the top ten most memorable Quinn moments.

It may have given you quinsy to hear that Rena Sofer is leaving her iconic role of Quinn Fuller Sharpe Forrester on August 29 after nearly two quinquennials! So, to soften the blow, it's Mike here with a special column making note of some of the quintillion things that made Quinn quintessential. What ranked at the top? What ranked at the bottom? What ranked as quinary? Enjoy this quincentennial's worth of memories that will make you wish it was Quinquagesima Sunday! (Okay, I'm out of Quinn puns. Let's get to it!)

10. DAD BOD (7/24/13)

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When Quinn was first introduced as Wyatt's mother in 2013, she not only sported much shorter hair, but also a much mousier demeanor. That didn't mean she didn't have the beginnings of badassery welling within her. Throughout Wyatt's entire childhood, and into his adulthood, Quinn had told her son that his father was dead. Wyatt fumed when he learned that Bill had sired him, but Quinn stuck to her rationale that Wyatt had been better off because deadbeat Bill's version of child support was money for an abortion. Bygones are bygones now, but keeping up lying to your own kid for decades was stone cold.


Quinn ran into trouble the second she got involved with Eric -- his entire family was against her. Quinn weathered protest after protest, which included the Forresters shunning Queric's wedding, a disappointment that put Eric in the hospital. But Quinn got some of her own back when Eric made her interim CEO of Forrester Creations. Along with a healthier infusion of her signature jewelry into the latest fashion show, Quinn outfoxed Ridge's attempt to sabotage the presentation of its showstopper by modeling the gown herself, to rave reviews. The only thing the Forresters ended up wearing that season was egg on their faces.

8. GIVE IT UP, DO AS I SAY (2/21/14, 3/28/14)

It figured that a woman as wild as Quinn wouldn't just be kinky in her jewelry creation. After Bill broke up with Brooke, Quinn decided she wanted her one-time lover in the sack again and availed herself of his sudden singleness to go beyond the vanilla. Quinn took the idiom "sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me" literally, bringing out Bill's inner freak in the process. Maybe Quinn toned it down for Liam, Eric, and Carter later, but Bill being a willing S&M recipient rather broke soap conventions. That Liam got an eyeful and nearly barfed as a result was the perfect safe word.


Something about Eric's gentle ways inspired Quinn to tame her darker impulses. But that didn't mean that she didn't indulge herself occasionally -- in her mind, anyway. Coworker Katie had begun hanging around her beloved Eric, which caused Quinn's ordinarily blue eyes to turn fifty shades of green. Having spied Katie giving her hubby a peck on the cheek, we watched in horror as Quinn grabbed a gigantic candlestick and bludgeoned Katie with it, spilling the youngest Logan sister's blood in a pool on the marble floor! But surprise! It was only Quinn blowing off some mental steam, Alfred Hitchcock style, taking visualization to a whole new level.

6. BE MY, BE MY BABY (11/11/14)

Did we say Quinn has the best fantasies? The prospect of gaining her first grandchild had Quinn's brain running overtime, and prospective parents Wyatt and Hope burned out on Quinn's smothering grandmothering super quick. Every time Hope turned around, Quinn was in her face with prenatal suggestions, clingier than Saran Wrap. Good thing Hope never knew how unwrapped Quinn became when Quinn daydreamed about being present as the child was born -- with Quinn's face! Freud would have had a field day with that, but even Sigmund would have to admit that no one has a dream life like Quinn's.

5. IN-SEINE-DI-ARY (8/8/14)

Quinn had already pulled a long list of tricks to free up Hope for Wyatt, but she wasn't done. Learning that Liam was about to marry Hope next to the Eiffel Tower, Quinn jumped on a plane and embarked on a plan based on Liam's tendencies to rescue damsels in distress. While Liam's emotional support Australian, Ivy, chilled on the banks of the Seine, Quinn knocked Ivy into the famous river, predictably derailing Liam's wedding plans and succeeding in getting Hope to switch grooms. All concerned were French fried when they found out what Quinn had done, but by then, it was c'est la vie.


Quinn had pulled in her claws by the time naughty nurse Sheila came back with her own face (instead of Y&R's Phyllis'), but it quickly turned out that Quinn could hold her own against Sheila. Unafraid to get in Sheila's face and call her a bitch, a heretofore unknown street savvy arose in Quinn, who got as down and dirty brawling as Sheila did. Anything went as Quinn and Sheila faced off not once, not twice, but three times in quick succession. Not since Lauren Fenmore had Sheila faced such a feisty foe, and we all discovered what really happens if you f*** around with Quinn.


Ridge was Quinn's most outspoken enemy the moment Quinn got romantic with Ridge's pop. Ridge led the parade of wedding deserters and talked smack about Quinn every chance he got. But when Quinn and Ridge were forced to become roomies at a fashion symposium, Ridge started looking pretty good to Quinn after a bottle of tequila. This led to one of B&B's hottest explorations of forbidden fruit as the stolen kisses between Quidge threatened to set off a California wildfire. Their encounters gave Katie and Sheila ammunition and Eric great heartache, but Quinn's meetings with Ridge got most of us hot under the collar.

2. GET THE POINT? (7/7/16)

Liam's vegan Boy Scout ways annoyed Quinn, more so because he was the main obstacle to Wyatt's future with Hope. But hacked emails, imprisonments in elevators and steam rooms, and Stephen King scare tactics weren't enough for Quinn. The skilled jeweler put her vast experience and equipment to use and crafted a life-sized sword modeled after the necklaces she had made for Bill and Wyatt. As Independence Day fireworks boomed, Quinn nearly made sure Liam lost his by making ready to run Liam through with the weapon, only being stopped by Wyatt's sudden arrival. Quinn's Medieval Times-on-acid swordplay was her most dangerous outing by far.

1. OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS (2/8/16, 2/22/16)

Two years later, Quinn was still trying to manage Wyatt's love life, this time working to keep Liam away from Wyatt's new squeeze, Steffy. Liam fainting in a parking lot provided Quinn the perfect opportunity to spirit him away and hide him in a cabin. What Quinn never expected was to develop feelings for the amnesiac hunk, telling him their names were "Adam" and "Eve" and revealing secrets of a long-ago miscarriage and neglectful mother. Quinn was even ready to take "Adam" on the run and leave Wyatt to fend for himself. Quinn's weeks loving Liam's heart instead of impaling it were amazingly tender, and the boldest of her time on the soap.

Those are my picks for Quinn's peak peccadillos! Forgot some of 'em, didn't ya! We'll miss Rena Sofer and what she's brought to B&B these past nine years -- as of this writing, we don't know how she'll exit or how Quinn's absence will affect Carter (and Wyatt!), but hopefully Quinn's departure will be as memorable as at least some of the instances mentioned here.

Thank you, Rena, for your boldness and beautifulness, and best of luck to you in every future endeavor! As for us, we're about to do without one of this show's most notorious characters -- maybe Eric will let Quinn take her portrait with her when she goes. What will B&B be like, going forward with no Quinn? Keep watching, be alert, and most of all, be bold!

What are your favorite Quinn moments? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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Edited by SC Desk